Image:174207965130.png(728kB, 1280x1218)Idol✩Amy! love triangle of suffering.png
Sonic's depressed and secretly crushing on Shadow, Shadow's an Amy fanboy, and Amy's still not over Sonic. How will these three resolve the pointiest of love triangles? Let's hope we find out in Idol✩Amy!
>>16642 And we'll end today's storytime with Tails puking and Eggman creepily smiling. That's also the end of volume 2, so we'll start volume three next week
>>16646 Eggman's been his closest friend and colleague for the last two years, and he's only just now realizing Sonic was 100% right about him. I'd be a little queasy too ;_;
This time I’m starting a new thread for one comic series. Because this series is already at 120+ pages and is still updating! What’s this comic about? A very simple premise explained by its equally simple title. This is Sonic vs Goku!
Pretty self explanatory. Post and talk about Sonic OCs, whether it's your own or someone else's. And as always, you don't have to post them here, you can still use the general threads but this is the best place for concentrated OC posting. Things may get a little horny. I'll start with a couple I found on No particular reason.
>>16417 >I have an "oc" that's a quasi sentient building. Think TARDIS, bigger on the inside, rooms change to adapt to the needs of the occupants, liminal spaces. It's not really a character so much as an ever present force.
I like the sound of that, is it going to be spooky or something else?
>>16419 It has some spooky moments just because of the nature of what it does, but it's not intentionally designed to be that way. It actually creates a sort of perception field or whatever jargon you want to use, where most people don't even notice, which means the few people that do notice come off as paranoid or delusional.
Image:172684356028.jpg(823kB, 1920x1080)Sonic Underground - Official Anime Ending 2022『STRAWBERRY』.jpg
Welcome to /sssr/'s very own Sonic Underground thread! This thread is for posting links to Tamers' latest videos and for discussion between the 4chan threads. The occasional NSFW image is allowed provided you tag it as NSFW. Plus4chan supports posting webm & mp4 videos (with sound!), and unicode symbols in text: 🔵🔵👏
Previous Thread: >>298 Even though the old thread hasn't reached image limit, it truly is old given the OP's number. It's waaaaay too far down for my liking. So I'll post a screencap to a Rouge titfuck video by Redmoa. We might get more from them. As you might expect, that's hard NSFW but this image isn't!
For all the lewd thoughts and posts. This thread is mainly cheesecake and "nudity" as in the kind of casual nudity you can expect from mobians. Some rules. >No NSFW! That means no nipples, no genitals, no sex. If you're unsure then at least put an NSFW spoiler on it. >First rule only applies to images. You can still post links to NSFW content. Just give a warning that it is.
... message too long. Click here to view the full post. Why yes I do love goth versions of mobian ladies. Also Rouge looks furrier than usual around the BOOBA area.
>>16681 Makes a good point about the awkward way the player gets snapped to the ground, but for me the worst aspect of the ring bomb is the sound effect. It's literally the ring loss sound effect and it's maddening!
This thread's all about discussing the most obscure facets of Sonic lore from the games, comics, cartoons and anything in-between. Just who is the real ultimate lifeform, and who were the four great civilizations? Is Metal Sonic a temporal anomaly powered by pseudoscience? Did Blaze achieve apotheosis when she mantled Ibis in Sonic 06? Is Archie Sonic's world the actual Prime Zone or is Zonic hiding something? All these and more are what this thread is for!
Answers (that are probably wrong): It's Sonic. The Owl civilization, Knuckles tribe, Nocturnus Clan, and the Babylonians. Metal Sonic is powered by an Orgone (i.e., esoteric sex energy) engine. She did, but used it up creating the Sol Dimension. The true Prime Zone is probably the games, and Zonic's using the "Prime" zone as bait for multiversal threats
>>12941 He's a Badnik squirrel from the Fleetway comics. He understandably hates Robotnik and he is indestructible.
>>12933 Glad you find those sources helpful Thirstposter, I've been thinking of the same variations of this game lore of a while now but I couldn't do the math myself and am shit at making maps so thanks for the help big time. Because this thread reminded me of this thread. >IDW sonic = post-genesis wave sonic >sonic is reduced to a pacifist who always lets eggman get away with shit no matter how evil or disruptive he is (metal virus) >sally and the rest of the freedom fighters disappear forever, replaced with a pathetic counterpart that falls apart in a few volumes (restoration) >clutch is a stand-in for mammoth mogul, allowing eggman to get "revenge" for being overpowered by him
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>>15317 Designing characters is hard, and having bland mobians for crowds is because of it. They did at least give us stocky women guards with the racing thing, which leads me to think that the girls should get more of that diversity too.