Image:174207965130.png(728kB, 1280x1218)Idol✩Amy! love triangle of suffering.png
Sonic's depressed and secretly crushing on Shadow, Shadow's an Amy fanboy, and Amy's still not over Sonic. How will these three resolve the pointiest of love triangles? Let's hope we find out in Idol✩Amy!
>>16221 It's been 7 years since Eggman has "renounced" his evil ways and opened up a college, where Sonic and Shadow are students. Amy's gone on to become a famous idol but everything changes when new student "Ameila Rosenthal" enrolls.
>>16221 >Transformers >Jem >GI Joe >MASK >My Little Pony Hasbro, when you think about really think about it, was really pumping out the IPs & toys in the 80s. Still surprised we never hkt an animated shared universe.
>>16227 This comic may focus on Amy, but I think we can all agree Rouge is best girl >>16228 Yeah, and most of them were pretty good too. It really is a shame they never did crossovers
>>16231 Looks like Amy's not the only one that can't tell hedgehogs apart >>16230 It's so messed up. Things like TMZ and weirdo super-stalkers should be shot into the Sun
>>16229 >Yeah, and most of them were pretty good too. It really is a shame they never did crossovers There's the current Energon Universe that's GI Joe &;Transformers and the previous Hasbro Comic Universe that was TF, GIJoe, MASK & Inhumanoids. But animated wise, no crossovers even between TF & The Joes. >>16230 Idol culture is pretty brutal.
>>16234 Sonic's pretty much mastered the art of being a closet case >>16233 She could do what Sonic does, and just wear a jacket. Technically her Archie outfit meets the dress code!
>>16236 😍Knuckles😍 >>16235 I get that they wouldn't do a MLP/TF crossover animation but surely they'd have had a shared boy show universe and a girl show universe
>>16255 lmao, Shadow uses girly body wash. I mean, who doesn't? Guys just stop using that 7-in-1 combination soap, shampoo, conditioner, engine de-greaser, etc. It's no good!
>>16259 I will say this is a stylish dress, nice choice Amy! >>16256 They really did. Even the magical girl outfits were better. Sailor Moon is peak and I will not be convinced otherwise! >>16257 He's fine (well he's fine physically, none of the characters are fine emotionally) >>16258 It's so much easier! Now if only my own Internet and typing wasn't so slow I'd be able to get these pages out faster
>>16285 And on that depressing note, I think I'll end the storytime for now. I've been merging pages together but we've still got several more storytimes until we're caught up. I'm planning on doing these every Saturday, but I'll be posting reminders in the main thread >>16284 It's so frustrating
>>16286 It's time for round two of Idol✩Amy! Looking at that baby bump Doomguy must be back from slaughtering legions of demons! >>16307 I hate it when fancomics write out Omega, if you're going to do that at least have him die in the heat of battle protecting the people he loves or be too tall to fit through regular doors
>>16587 Thread theme. For context, Synergy is the AI that makes the holograms Jem and the Holograms use to disguise themselves. She's basically Nicole, if Nicole was friends with Mina instead of Sally
>>16642 And we'll end today's storytime with Tails puking and Eggman creepily smiling. That's also the end of volume 2, so we'll start volume three next week
>>16646 Eggman's been his closest friend and colleague for the last two years, and he's only just now realizing Sonic was 100% right about him. I'd be a little queasy too ;_;
>>16752 That's the spirit Shadow, violence solves everything! >>16751 Their songs genuinely are better (and more fun), and their petty psycho antics are the best part of the show. Their first appearance is them riding guitar-shaped motorcycles in an office building and by the end of the episode they're trying commit vehicular homicide!
>>16765 I kinda like when Ivo has fiends in his own fucked up way. Like when Wily at the end of the first crossover when despite the eventual betrayal, he was going to name a continent after him because he genuinely liked Albert.
>>16773 They're sitting next to each other, that means they're married! >>16770 Yeah, Eggman having friends (or at least his own twisted version of friendship) is a great way to explore his character >>16771 We've gotten some really interesting ones, and in most cases they really do feel like something he'd do. Even this one, where he seemingly gives up villainy to open a school, seems in character >>16772 It's making me hungry!
>>16778 Origin of the Simpdow! >>16777 That's 100% how I see things happening behind the scenes in Archie. Sally and Julie-Su know and are fine with it, since they probably have their own special ladies to bother as well
>>16779 So is his muzzle bare skin, or just trimmed? >>16780 Yeah, that's exactly how I picture her, and why she's the actual leader of Team Dark (but lets Shadow and Omega each think they're the leader)