What is plus4chan?

plus4chan is an imageboard started circa 2006, as a place for /co/ to post whenever 4chan was down, and to give its users additional boards and functions that 4chan did not or could not give at the time. Although these additions may not be unique anymore, plus4chan is still around thanks to its own, ever loyal community.


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►>>/honey/ No.18

by thirstposter ## VIP

>Honey gets her own board >Everything else Sonic-related has to share a single board This is a travesty!...

►>>/md/ No.68301

by Anonymous

i want N to choke on my cock but i don’t have a cock for him to choke on 😔...

►>>/md/ No.68300

by Negev Anon Secundus

>>68290 Negev would have gotten over the worst of her issues long ago by this point, after discovering she's also an abomination unto the Robo-Lord under a drone ca...

►>>/tnt/ No.160123

by Anonymous

>>160115 They can fix this by making /ai/, /fur/, and /yiff/ containment boards, and twitter screencap OPs that aren't a new game announcement be permanban offenses...

►>>/tnt/ No.160122

by Anonymous

>>160121 This, do people forget how genuinely abhorrent reddit is Anytime I check there out of curiosity, usually over half the posts in a given thread are deleted ...

►>>/md/ No.68299

by Anonymous

>>68290 Not any of the Negev Anons, but I imagine that an older Negev would probably become a detective due to her ability to see stuff. So the answer is most likel...

►>>/md/ No.68298

by Anonymous

>Tessa is holding a very beefy hand cannon >Firing it would shatter her wrist > >:3 >Some time later >Tessa is lying on a hospital bed with her arm in a...

►>>/md/ No.68297

by Anonymous

>>68249 Would you eat Switch's Hong Kong style dim sum for breakfast? They're pretty good....


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