I've updated the board frontend to the latest work in progress version. This is a total rewrite that purges nearly all old code, which is why it took so long to make. It does not yet have everything I want to add, but it is already five times more powerful than the old site and makes the place so much easier to use. With this update, we are closer to parity with other imageboards out there, both in features, and in site layout, but we are not there yet.
Some highlights are: - entire front-end rewritten from scratch, with nearly all of the old code base purged from this side (the backend has not been touched to avoid compatibility issues). - new responsive layout, with a more old school imageboard mode. The layout is based on the browser window size. On desktop PCs, it looks like a traditional imageboard, but on tablet or collapsed windows, it looks like the previous plus4chan layout. I may make a switch later to force either style, should you guys have a preference.
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i feel like anonex will just have his plus4 board specific icons in the reskin instead of traditional banners, but i will accept banner submissions to put in rotation on /z/
>>430606 >>430947 I have the impression that Sonic has become a kind of plus4chan mascot, plus is omnipresent in /co/.By the way I think this would make a nice banner.
>>431348 The sonic threads are limited to the fan comics on /co/ and not even half as active as /tnt/. And there's already a Sonic banner. It is even animated.
>>432197 I'm not sure about Russians, but IIRC PRC chinese use Taiwanese vpns to access blocked content so they could be detected as chinese regardless
Someone dismissed the idea of such a thread but it actually seems worthwhile. A place where you can post links to videos you encounter and feel worth sharing or talk about particular channels you like.
https://www.youtube.com/user/jastownsendandson/videos To get it rolling would bring up the Townsends channel. Its about American colonial-era history and re-enactment and is ran by an extremely charming little man named Jon Townsend.
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>>432171 I love how Morrigan is all pixelated, in a reference to the fact that Capcom used her 1994 sprites decades later, even in crossover games where it looked hilariously bad compared to the rest of the cast.
No.421721 General Computers/Technology ThreadAnonymous
Image:160562758692.jpg(112kB, 992x604)so cool it has a tribal tattoo.jpg
Starting one because I have a question but let's have it be general purpose for anyone that comes along.
I was messing around and broke one of the fans on the laptop cooling pad/stand I have it sitting on. Need to replace it, does anyone have advice on what model I should buy this time?
The old one just had two fans, one of my friends sent me it.
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>>428707 >What is the best operating system for the computationals? If by that you mean people interested in IT and computer science then Linux. It's a little clunkly (depending on the distro) but you learn a lot of stuff. >Are system wars cooled down in comparison now much like console wars are vs the heyday of it all? They are distro wars nowadays, Windows shat the bed really hard after W11 so you rarely see anyone actually defending it online, and Apple's faux cultural movement lost all its traction nowadays so you rarely see anyone online who use apple products as part of their personality, the few people I've seen talking about it online doesn't say much besides "this thing works well but it's expensive and you can't customize it". You only see people fighting over which distro is the best one and complaining about the lastest dumb shit canonical did with Ubuntu. The good thing is, since they are all Linux, so in the end we can say no matter who wins, we all win in the end because we are all Loonix :)
>>429694 I use Linux Mint and upgrades have worked perfectly so far. Every time a new update is out people gather on their matrix server reporting issues and fixing each other's bugs but I haven't encountered any issues so far. >>429998 >>430001 Kek. That reminds me two weeks ago my Cups server (printing software for Linux) bugged out and created an infinitely growing log file. The software for whatever reason doesn't check for logs size, so it grew until occupying over half of my 256GB drive. Uninstalling cups solved my issue.
Good morning plus4chan, with major events going down seems like a fitting time to start a new instalment.
Civil War is brewing in Russia, military group Wagner has moved against the heads of the Russian military and has marched his mercenary company into Rostov calling for other armed groups to join him.
Its being reported on by the normal worldwide media and discussed across the internet, you can verify by checking your online news outlets of choice.
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>>432176 Social media has an effect, all-consuming and always at hand, it lets all the political crazies stew together in electronic reverb chambers getting more and more crazy together (and being fueled directly by outside parties in an even more direct and subversve fashion than traditional means)
>>432176 On top of that, he was driving a stolen SUV and had a history of aggressive behavior, previous arrests, and has already written a political book of his own.
>>432176 To be honest, some friend told me about it and it sounded believable, I didn't researched further so that was a mistake from my part. >This is what you get when you dumb down education and media for decades; the citizens will become dumber and dumber and more prone to become politically radicalized, or flat earthers, or vaccine deniers, or to microwave their cats. It doesn't stop to amaze me how americans defend tooth and nail misinformation media and yellow press with the "freedom of speech". >>432178 I think the real issue isn't echo chambers, but the fact that internet sets aside real life features, allowing people to regard their enemies and simpatizers as exagerated caricatures, grooming themselves into believing they are like that IRL and acting acordingly. You see this on all politics circlejerks, they all have their image of the big bad guy and if you think in differently then you are him.
>>432169 Are you implying I did not get the filename? Rest assured, I did. But if there is a real game where an optional boss is buried like that, obviously I never played it. And if YOU know such a game, well it never hurts to ask. Or, it generally does not hurt. In this case it did, since I simply asked, and got insulted in return.