Good morning plus4chan, with major events going down seems like a fitting time to start a new instalment.
Civil War is brewing in Russia, military group Wagner has moved against the heads of the Russian military and has marched his mercenary company into Rostov calling for other armed groups to join him.
Its being reported on by the normal worldwide media and discussed across the internet, you can verify by checking your online news outlets of choice.
In less important news which was popular online before this broke, a handful of rich idiots in a shitty submarine died for their arrogance and cost-cutting ways as they tried to sail down to gawk at the wreck of the Titanic. The name of said submarine was the 'Titan'.
Prigozhin made demands to basically have the heads of the Russian MoD handed over to him for fucking him and fucking Russia, while moving his forces in. Putin Put out a speech video calling them traitors, is presumably hiding in a bunker somewhere. Putin accuses Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin of treason Now Wagner is moving further into occupying major cities and towards Moscow itself, no one has seemingly really opposed him except for a couple of helicopters that got shot down for trying to attack his convoy and rare unsubstantiated reports of gunshots. Other home-defence troops they've ran into have surrendered.
Some impressive spin by Prigozhin. I mean its pretty much true in regards to the corruption and the head of the state alongside his cronies being liars, but he's really going all-in playing at the part of the "noble patriotic soldier" finally standing up to strike down the evil choking the country.
Can he win? If he wins will he be able to use this to ride a wave of support all the way up to the top seat? And upon his winning will Russia even remain in a big enough single piece for him to take over?
As a side-note to recent ongoing events, Alexander Lukashenko (president of Belarus) has fled to Turkey. Being that he was kept in power by Putin and Russia's armed forces he saw the writing on the wall and was the first out of there.
So government forces are setting up defences around Moscow to face off against their approaching enemies, makes sense. But alongside sandbags and machineguns there's also the sight of many bright orange dump trucks filled with sand being used to physically block roads?
There's been reports of riots in Russian prisons after the coup began, and it seems upon claiming said prisons Wagner reuses its classic tactics to increase their manpower. Apart from that there's also mention of RF units in Russia throwing in their lot with Wagner rather than the government.
>>429349 Wonder what it'll be like when the two sides actually clash.
Now excavators are being used to dig a pit across the main road to slow down Wagner's advance, that might be somewhat more effective in buying time. It's an important road for moving supplies to the war front but I suppose that's not as important if you get overthrown in the short-term.
There's a tidal wave of strange information and events happening now.
So Prig's side was saying the war is built on lies, the country is corrupt and the boys on the ground are being massacred by the higher-ups for their own benefit. Putin comes out with the official statement that the ones turning against Russia are traitors stabbing the nation in the back and must be crushed.
Wagner takes over multiple cities on the way to Moscow, shoots down some Russian aircraft that attacked, are on the cusp of reaching Moscow which is readying itself for a siege.
But then >>429345 the potato peeler gets in contact with both sides and is able to "work out a deal"? Head of Wagner says he wants to stop things before they shed a drop of Russian blood (ignore anything that happened up till this point) and is going to walk back to base like a good soldier.
What exactly is going on? The mercenaries openly marched on the capital and took land with no one able to stop them, both sides were throwing out the harshest words possible decrying each other. Russia is good at making its people forget embarrassing events but this is a big black eye for national pride that achieved nothing, its at best back to business as normal (with a few russian losses) and the war against Ukraine continues.
Did this insurrectionist just lose his nerve at the final hurdle? What could they have possibly offered him as a bribe? And wouldn't Russia likely move to assassinate him now as they've done to people multiple times in the past? Otherwise they are leaving someone who made the government look feeble alive and free. Maybe he'll run off to have Wagner operate somewhere else in the world and leave the conflict entirely, no idea.
>>429363 American crime and police brutality cases are funny, because (as one might expect) only the craziest and shittiest stories get mainstream attention.
>>429329 >>429376 Is it wrong to see someones death as a good thing when it was caused entirely by their own actions and their own refusal to take reasonable precautions driven entirely by ego?
>>429439 >Blaming VIDEO GAMES, in this day and age >Retreating to that tired old chestnut as an excuse why the country you are in charge of running is shit
>>429439 From what I've heard, it's basically BLM French Edition, with riots and mass looting taking place; among the ones who get caught by the police, the average age is only 17.
>>429444 At least he mentioned bad parenting. That's something that would never fly in the USA.
The Somalian conflict from before is still ongoing. And Somalia (in comparison to SomaliLAND) is still desperate for artillery to the point forces in a region tried to get crowdfunding going to buy a piece.
There's something grimly interesting about the reduced scale and limited degree of weapons technology involved in an African war. As in the comparison between Somalia and Somaliland seems pretty stark but both are stuck with handfuls of obsolete wargear from bygone eras compared to that sitting around in warehouses of advanced nations who aren't fighting anyone resulting in mobs of warriors with rifles backed up by weaponised civilian trucks launching raids and some old artillery guns being like the wrath of god unleashed in comparison.
>>429606 Funny enough an Iranian tanker managed to get itself detained yesterday for doing something illegal. Those who live by the naval interception die by the naval interception.
>>429546 China sent another warship into Somaliland waters >>429227 and like before it was escorted away. They seem really into threatening Somaliland at the moment, if because said country voiced support of Taiwan or because if Somaliland defeats Somalia/Puntland and strengthens its position that will curtail Chinese plans in the region who can say.
China is a scumbag government. All large powers will to some greater or lesser extent seek to advance their interests in the areas of smaller nations but something that personally pisses me off is China's tendency to sail fishing fleets into other country's waters and just overfish the area to death. Its bad enough when the ecological destruction waged by China in its desire for economic power is confined to their own borders.
Is something that notably happened in Somalia and was an influence on the widespread instances of piracy in the region, fishermen no longer having a livelihood.
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Over in the Russia-Ukrainian conflict Kerch Bridge has been hit again in an attempt to hinder supplies to Crimea.
For some reason despite the war going on alot of Russia tourists had decided now was a great time to holiday in Crimea (must be super cheap?). With the bridge closed the Russian government has told them to drive back to Russia via the border territories where active high-explosive conflict is ongoing. That does not seem like a smart idea.
Trees are serious business. You might be a big company treating your employees like slaves and trying every dirty trick to prevent them fighting for better conditions, but don't think you can fuck with the trees.
A coup went down in Niger deposing the elected president, ECOWAS (Economic Community Of West African States) forces seem like they might well be moving troops in to deal with it.
>>430038 Its all probably been done with the backing and prodding of other foreign nations, Africa will just be trading one outside influence for another who will use conflict as a cover to mine out more resources or what-have-you.
>>429328 Prigozhin has died in a 'plane crash'
Video:169333976769.webm(2.62MB / 0:00:11 / V_VP9, 1168x656)Like an animal in a cage at the zoo.webm
>>429833 Jesus. Taking him out back and shooting him would be more dignified. Then again he is an old war criminal. What a strange world that he's been incarcerated by Russia instead of everyone else.
Image:169547125847.jpg(152kB, 899x686)Pacific Kaiju Unleashed By America.jpg
Now I THINK this is meant to be a political cartoon portraying America as a dangerous warmongering monster threatening 'Asian country' but honestly just looks ridiculously goofy as a piece of art.
At least that's a step up from making America look incredibly badass like alot of such images usually do.
There's the conflict between Israel and Hamas going on at the moment that's capturing all the headlines. Though that sort of stuff just seems like business as usual for the region frankly.
Does anyone have a happy news story to share? Like something along the lines of a puppy or kitten born with a funny pattern on its fur that looks like a smiley face that's capturing the heart of people across the internet?
>>430467 The conflict over Russia's invasion of Ukraine is still ongoing and people do talk about it. Most notable as of the moment would be Ukraine recently got ATACMS from the west and used them to blow up a bunch of Russian airfields.
>>430462 Seems to be going well for Israel, which I guess is to be expected, Hamas is just a terrorist group who are only really good at slaughtering civilians at a festival in a sneak attack then flexing over it and not so skilled in a direct conflict. It doesn't seem particularly newsworthy because its such an expected outcome between the two, and the fact conflict is the status quo of the middle-east
>>430755 The war is going well but not so much everything else. There are anti-israel pro-palestine demonstrations in a lot of places in the western world, despite the politicians attempting to shut them down everywhere. The gaza strip is also suffering as much losses in civilians and infrastructure in the last few months than Ukraine did in the last few years - this isn't a war, it's genocide.
>Hamas is just a terrorist group who are only really good at slaughtering civilians at a festival in a sneak attack And yet the israeli Iron Dome is one of the most sophisticated defense systems in the world, and Hamas managed to bypass it, resulting in the current war that left Gaza a rubble. Ask who profits from that.
>>430634 Saw Billy Connolly trending on twitter, thought another celebrity I've known for decades had died. Luckily turned out just to be people celebreating his birthday.
People are talking about Epstein's Island again. Apparently there's going to be some sort of list of names released?
Mostly seems to be people of the American political divide using it as an opportunity to crow over social media about whoever they don't like on the othert team at the moment.
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>>431068 The 3-day SMO to take Kiev has stalled slightly. Despite being the invading force Russia is now on the defensive and uses a wall of meat and mines to try and not lose any more of their gains.
So yeah pretty static at the moment, only small bits of interesting news.
Right as of this moment for instance russia got an AWACS plane shredded, which is unfortunate since they only have a handful of the things left. Funniest bits are the falsehoods thrown out to deny the ukrainian enemy the 'achievement' of shooting the thing, from it being friendly fire by Russian forces to it being THOSE FUCKING BRITS who are of course behind everything bad that happens to Russia.
>>431068 There haven't been any news since HAMAS attacked Israel. The world focuses on that now. Some allies say that it's time that Ukraine sues for peace and gives up the russian controlled territories. Germany still wants to increase support and send them more tanks (like that worked the last time they fought Russian in this territory).
>>431070 >Despite being the invading force Russia is now on the defensive and uses a wall of meat and mines to try and not lose any more of their gains. Yes but that also means that the counter attack only advances a few kilometers per day at tremendous cost of materials and manpower. Russia is slowly grinding them up.
>>431074 Wheeling out that same old bullshit are you. There has been news about events in the war, its still getting support from the west. There's no point whatsoever for making peace with Russia since any agreement made with them isn't worth the paper its printed on, they'll just ignore it in the future and try again as has been shown repeatedly.
>at tremendous cost of materials and manpower. Russia is slowly grinding them up The russian will always project his own failings onto others, see >>431049
Image:170555028519.jpg(179kB, 1080x708)China get out of there you're useless.jpg
Israel is kicking the piss out of Hamas after the latter got a suckerpunch in. Houthis is attacking international shipping and getting world policed for their bullshit. Now it seems as if Iran vs Pakistan might kick off?
The sandlands are being particularly spicy at the moment.
>>431370 Seems as if there's a "terrorist attack" happening in Moscow following the Election and announcement of another mobilization. >1999 russian apartment bombings 2
>>431400 Apparently it was a bunch of brown people wandering about the mall shooting and starting fires, while russian law enforcement and secuirty forces took hours to show up. The 4+ attackers then managed to escape from the mall into the night instead of being killed or captured.
ISIS >took credit for the attack, but they take credit for alot of stuff that happens. Putin of course took the opportunity to blame Ukraine of being involved with a random terrorist shooting spree in Moscow and preparing their escape across the border.
>>431405 Russians are an entire nations of serfs, they have been bred/broken over generations to accept the will of the strongman in charge and not cause a fuss, actively drag down and dismiss any of their peers that threaten to become 'politicial' and actually do something about the state of the nation.
Even as the government openly lies to them in the practice of 'Vranyo' they create a fiction in their own minds to glorify the perfect untouchable 'Tsar' and blame all the constant shit handling of the nation and its actions that leave them in agony as the fault of the bad corrupt 'Boyars'. Thats why you can find so many videos of groups of russians infront of a camera, be it say pleb soldiers or civillians, reciting their woes all begging Tsar Putin to save them (and reassuring him they know its not his fault he just doesn't know the truth because his bad bad underlings are keeping it from him). While the actual truth is Putin is a selfish incompetent dictator who is happy to keep a bubble between himself and the plebs through long tables and countless body doubles that would sacrifice all the people of his nation if it meant one more minute in power/alive.
Its all useless performative theatre rather than taking real action.
Image:171121972842.png(741kB, 852x1280)how about an auction for earcutter knife)).png
>>431403 Russian forces have snatched some seemingly random tsukiji, cut off his ear and made him eat it while having him confess to being a terrorist, and bragged about it over Telegram.
>>431408 >Russians are an entire nations of serfs, they have been bred/broken over generations to accept the will of the strongman in charge and not cause a fuss, actively drag down and dismiss any of their peers that threaten to become 'politicial' and actually do something about the state of the nation. That makes sense. This song popped up on my youtube recs some time ago Lubeh - Davai Za / Любэ - Давай за When I listened to it for the first time I though it was an anti-military song because the lyrics talks about young soldiers having to endure a lot of atrocities, missing their families and losing their friends, so in similar veins to Don't Tell Mom I'm in Afghanistan (and its different iterations). However then I realized // It's not. It's not an anti-military song, totally the opposite, it's pro-war. So with that context in mind the lyrics actually shows the Russian people giving up, accepting jumping from war to war is part of their normal life instead of the will of an autocratic government, also passively accepting having to endure missing their families, facing the horrors of war and losing their friends is something necessary to protect their country. Which is frankly something very horrible and depressing.
>>431413 Blindly suffering (at the hands of an incompetent and uncaring state) is held up as an incredible Russian culturual virtue, and in terms of warfare uselessly throwing away entire hordes of their population for every mile is held up as a great Strength going all the way back to the so-called "Great Patriotic War".
Which is all just a way to get the population to accept and even defend absolute surrender to the mobsters in charge. They violently hate the idea of any of their slavic neighbours actually getting their act together and working to improve their country/lot in life because it destroys the myth russians live their existance by. That everywhere else is inherently as bad as it is for them but everyone else is just lying about it.
>>431410 There's a group of "suspects" in custody and getting presented in a show trial, with more... details of events regarding them appearing in russian social media. If these individuals are guilty or not the authorities have as you migt expect certainly made every effort to ensure they admit to their guilt.
>>431414 Suffering being a virtue is a recent thing, but dying (bravely, attempting to kill the EVIL enemy) was always a virtue. You will get to best Afterlife that way.
Appears that Israel have responded to the Iranian munitions spam. But instead of just throwing out a horde of munitions in the general direction of the other side they actually targeted and blew up an airfield or such.
>>431566 An airfield in the same sector as Iran's nuclear research program. I hope this shit escalates until the middle east is a radioactive wasteland.
>>431571 Well hey they've been threatening for decades over basically every little thing that hasn't gone their way, let them actually put up or shut up.
>>431573 >every little thing that hasn't gone their way You mean how the west basically carved out a piece of arab owned land for the jews, who have been genociding the neighboring islamic countries for several decades ever since? Is that what you call a little thing?
to post some happy news for once: >A retired man has broken the record for most pubs visited in 24 hours (individual) with 120. >69-year-old David Clarkson (UK) who has called Australia home for over 40 years, smashed the previous record of 99 held by Harry Kooros and Jake Loiterton (Australia). >With the record secured, David ordered himself, a well-deserved full pint of a beer.
>>431678 Ah yes, there was a massive solar flare eruption last night, and you could see the northern lights all over Europe during the night. I made sure to unplug my computers, just in case.
It seems like if anything the crash might even have been his own fault, ordering the crew to fly him back at night despite the intense wind and rain.
The leaders of the religious dictatorship that is Iran are a blight upon its people, would be a boon if all of them died. Feel particularly bad for its population because they've actually tried to stand up for themselves in major well-documented riots against the crimes of the dictators for the state of the country, but there's only so much they can do against the hit squads.
>>431715 >Important addition: the Foreign Minister was in the helicopter with him
>>431722 Calm down Benjamin. They don't have their streets filled with fentanyl addicts, they aren't producing an infinite number of plastic junk and dumping them in the ocean, or greenhouse gases that cause global warming, and they aren't one of the multiple countries committing genocide as you are reading this. Hell the last time they attacked another country, it was in retaliation and with several days of advance warning.
When it comes to the global picture, Iran is not doing much.
>>431728 Most western politicians are a blight upon their people too, and have equally dictatorial laws. Say something politically incorrect on twitter and you can lose your job, say something racist in the UK or deny the holocaust in the EU and you get fined, etc. So again, Iran isn't doing anything worse, they are just not pretending that you are "free".
>>431729 >they are just not pretending that you are "free". Stop pretending you aren't free just because you can't say stupid shit on Facebook. That's completely different to actually getting killed for not following whatever religious text the state says is moral.
>>431727 Where is this all coming from? Not even wrong, just non-seq.
>>431722 >The leaders of the religious dictatorship that is Iran are a blight upon its people, would be a boon if all of them died. Alas, as the anarchists of the late 1800s learned, you can't kill the hydra by chopping off the heads.
>>431729 >Say something politically incorrect on twitter and you can lose your job You just conflated best interest under capitalism with law. The mandatory quest for profit forces companies to try and please everyone they can, so they are pressured by economic interests to defuse media flak, spinelessly firing people who give the company a bad association. News companies in particular globally have had employees dismissed over pro-Palestinian remarks, which pro-Zionism interests (be it think tanks, media outlets, politicians) have tried to make a politically incorrect position.
You're right that the 'free world' isn't (and never was) free, but it's also silly to equivocate fines and social ostracism with execution. Secular liberalism, as flimsy, fragile and shallow as it is, has benefits. One of my internet friends will literally be killed if they come out as non-Muslim, it's a less common issue in the West. Those are harder conditions to work with compared to being able to march down a street without their thugs using their batons. Neither place is free, both suck, but I know which I'd rather be in.
(That all said, Iran is overall better off under theocratic oppression than under a 'democratic' puppet of the US - just ask their neighbours)
>>431802 Its a British politician, Nigel Farage. Right wing leader of 'nationalist/independence' politicals, generally shit at actually amassing power. Making another bid for relevancy, in a jolly old tradition for politicians got milkshaked by a member of the public.
>>431898 There's nothing wrong with the rainbow pride flag, its fine and logical in design in its purpose.
The actual abomination is the new pride flag(s) that are multiple derivative flags slammed together, leaving it an ugly clashing mess. The rainbow is already a symbol of unity, throwing your own personal colors over top of that just muddles the matter.
>>431899 >There's nothing wrong with the rainbow pride flag It's not good flag design and the fact some retards misstook it as "the colors mean sexualities" it was what made the other flag with ever worse designs to appear. The lack of cohesive design was what lead to the flag you are posting.
>>431899 This. The "Progress flag" is garbage, not only visually but like you said it symbolically sucks. A rainbow represents the entire spectrum, everything. Adding stuff on top comes off like saying "I welcome all people, and black people". Just fly a second flag to emphasize a focus.
>Iranians try to recover frigate (IRIS Sahand) that capsized in port >While being lifted and moved to another area cables holding ship broke and it capsized again, now fully submerged in deeper water Fail Sound Effect
This sort of explains why AI is being pushed so hard now.
>>431957 >shocking details of corporate collusion to silence conservative viewpoints through targeting Breitbart News, Joe Rogan, and Twitter (now X) among others. >Joe Rogan Lol. It does have a point, a "text categorization" model could be trained to target specific groups, but for the way it's described in that article is the same conservatist whine "they banned us for spreading misinformation/lies that means we are getting censored!", don't take it too seriously; it's basically more culture war fear mongering bullshit that doesn't acknowledge the true potential of what an AI model could do on the hands of a undemocratic government.
>>431964 >the way it's described in that article is the same conservatist whine "they banned us for spreading misinformation/lies that means we are getting censored!", don't take it too seriously;
It's a house of representatives judiciary committee report, not whining about crazy conspiracy theory. I'd say that's reason enough to take it seriously, because it gives us definite proof that there is a group who is actively manipulating social media towards their own goals. Here's the full pdf of the report:
Image:172091941771.png(98kB, 813x367)Screenshot from 2024-07-13 19-42-36.png
>>431972 It's amazing how little I care and how irrelevant USA has become in the last decade on my country. I welcome my new Chinese overlords I guess. >>431973 I can't take seriously a government report that describes Joe Rogan as "target of corporate collusion to silence conservative viewpoints", that's the culture war and conspiracy part. >Here's the full pdf of the report: This is even worse than the summary. The writing is so bad, it's not even justified and in some parts looks like they put an screenshot of the document instead of the document itself. It's very unprofessional. But letting that aside, I want to bring your attention to this part: >GARM went beyond brand safety to silence disfavored voices like Joe Rogan >The alleged misinformation offered by Mr. Rogan was twofold It's not "alleged misinformation", it WAS misinformation. There are already hundreds of people online who dismantled all the misinformation on Rogan's Covid episode so I won't get into details, but the point is the fact that they put it like "it's up to the air, it could be, but it's not sure", when it clearly isn't shows they are trying to deceive the reader into believing there's an organized attempt to censor their "opinions", when in reality an anti-misinformation organization banned a guy from spreading misinformation. For the record I think GARM and every company aligned to be against "spreading misinformation" and other stuff is bullshitting. They are magnets and the main source of that, but they don't get proper punishment because they are way too big trees to take down, and these organizations are just washing up their reputation. For instance, there's CP spam campaign going on YouTube right now, and they are still spammed with malware all day, and they are channels with thousands of subscribers that share misinformation constantly, both left and right wing aligned and of course YouTube doesn't move a finger because they are big channels that generate viewers and revenue. Last year there was a big scandal of some "breadtubber" who made a little fortune out of uploading videos with basically a lot of made up stuff and lies, the guy's channel got deleted but not because YouTube did something, but because another youtuber called him out and he deleted everything on a panic attack.
So, no, there's not an organized attempt to "kick out conservatists out of internet" in this very particular case. Internet safety organization are bullshit, but the way they are explaining this shows they just want to spread propaganda and deceive the reader.
>>432057 People forget that Russia also has a history of sending their men into foreign deserts for national interests, like Afghanistan for instance. They just tend to fuck up and lose far more men in the process than western nations.
>>432060 I'd love to say "they lost their touch after losing the cold war" but Russia was always shit at projecting power on foreign countries. Speaking of which: Venezuelan elections resulted in oposition winning by a land slide and yet Maduro was a assigned as winner. Everybody is calling out the fraud, Russia is naturally supporting the undemocratic government.
Christ and I thought the most embarrassing thing to happen to Tim was when he got BTFO by a porn game over the name he wanted to use for his news blog.
>>432124 >Tim Pool Who is this guy? >the most embarrassing thing to happen to Tim was when he got BTFO by a porn game over the name he wanted to use for his news blog. Would you mins to explain? that sounds pretty funny.
>>432131 Studio FOW have made a sci-fi porno video game, named Subverse. Tim Pool ('internet journalist') got in a tizzy about it because he had a thing named that and went all-in with a legal assault for them trying to "steal his brand" and ruin his "integrity". Only for his challenges to get rebuffed and everyone to laugh at him.
>>432158 At best we are getting a second cold war. Something something nukes, a direct war would end in mutual self destruction day 1 and Argentina, Chile and Australia would inherit the world and nobody wants that.
So apparently they tried to kill Trump again. It's funny how the american right has been radicalizing for the last decade and now the left is going for the same path, I can't feel sympathy for any of them.
>>432173 No they didn't. An old guy armed with an AK47 was spotted near his golf course, the secret service fired at him, the guy then dropped his guns and ran away and was arrested later on charges of murder attempt. He was also a lunatic who openly claimed that he wanted to fly to the ukrainian front to fight (in his defense, he was 58, so already lived most of his life). This is what you get when you dumb down education and media for decades; the citizens will become dumber and dumber and more prone to become politically radicalized, or flat earthers, or vaccine deniers, or to microwave their cats.
>>432176 Social media has an effect, all-consuming and always at hand, it lets all the political crazies stew together in electronic reverb chambers getting more and more crazy together (and being fueled directly by outside parties in an even more direct and subversve fashion than traditional means)
>>432176 On top of that, he was driving a stolen SUV and had a history of aggressive behavior, previous arrests, and has already written a political book of his own.
>>432176 To be honest, some friend told me about it and it sounded believable, I didn't researched further so that was a mistake from my part. >This is what you get when you dumb down education and media for decades; the citizens will become dumber and dumber and more prone to become politically radicalized, or flat earthers, or vaccine deniers, or to microwave their cats. It doesn't stop to amaze me how americans defend tooth and nail misinformation media and yellow press with the "freedom of speech". >>432178 I think the real issue isn't echo chambers, but the fact that internet sets aside real life features, allowing people to regard their enemies and simpatizers as exagerated caricatures, grooming themselves into believing they are like that IRL and acting acordingly. You see this on all politics circlejerks, they all have their image of the big bad guy and if you think in differently then you are him.
>>432228 >everything is ai Really Twister? This isn't even the first time a Russian Sarmat test has failed, its the 4th. Its clearly no implausible event by this point.
>>432230 >>432223 What this war made me realize is how mediocre Russian army really is. They basically rely on launching hordes of their poorly equiped youth and expect to win by sheer numbers and they've been doing it for several decades at tbis point.
>>432233 That's because they are still using soviet era junk mostly, and they can't produce modern systems due to the sanctions that prevent things like ICs required to make modern electronics. I don't know if they used up all their new stuff and falling back to old junk, or if they keep the modern stuff in reserve and burn up the old useless stockpiles, but either way the depletion means that they can pour more money into modernizing their army. This is also why NATO is ok with giving Ukraine aid; in fact they can double down because not only can they get those military industrial contracts going, but they'll also have Ukraine in their debt.
Also consider that Ukraine is being fueled by the entire rest of the world, they should've won the war by now and yet they aren't. So either the Russian army isn't in that bad of a state, or the Ukrainian army can't do shit with the weapons they are getting and it all goes into a meat grinder, or they are corrupt as shit and the aid gets nicked. From what I've been hearing, it's all three at the same time.
>>432234 >or if they keep the modern stuff in reserve and burn up the old useless stockpiles, but either way the depletion means that they can pour more money into modernizing their army. Fuck off mate, this script from the Kremlin is tired. No one is buying that Russia is actually holding back its super elite modern army in secret this many years into the invasion, especially not after Ukraine has counter-invaded Russian territory and its only resort was to desperatly scramble more disordered meat in their path. Instead of modern tanks rolling off construction lines what you see is older and older machines being desperatly revived from the storage yards.
>Also consider that Ukraine is being fueled by the entire rest of the world Ukraine is being given cold war surplus by some western countries, just like how Putin is crawling on his hands and knees to the likes of North Korea or China for armaments.
>So either the Russian army isn't in that bad of a state The russian army, the self-professed 2nd strongest army in the world that would be rolling through Europe in a week if they so wished, has failed to even reach the capital of their much smaller border neighbour and after 2 years of invasion now resorts to throwing their mobiks to die in hordes for meters of ground. Because they are no longer capable of anything more sophisticaited, and to give up the fight would mean death both politically and literally for Putin, so the invasion continue no matter how many plebs he has to spend to keep the clock running >can't do shit with the weapons they are getting and it all goes into a meat grinder, or they are corrupt as shit Every russian insult is projection, considering they have resorted to meatwaves and the reason their armed forces and even their nation as a whole is in the state it has been is due to rampant corruption on all levels, from putin and his oligarchs buying yachts & mansions using government funds down the line to military officers each skimming off their cut from funds and materials that should have been for the armed forces. Its only advantage is being fatter and having a population who refuses to stand up to the Tzar no matter how many of their people die for his ambition, because its "not their problem" and they have been bred over generations to avoid becoming 'political'. >From what I've been hearing, it's all three at the same time. Nah, its just more of your bullshit.
If anyone is curious; current major events of the War in Ukraine is that Ukrainians are blowing up multiple major ammo storage facilities deep inside Russia with drones (the go-to response from internal russian propaganda is that all ukie drones were shot down every time but "debris fell" from them and caused "small fires"), and as mentioned before have counter-invaded territory in the Kursk region where the Russian armed forces ability to fight them off has been a general failure.
Where is the fire and fury Ivan? Where is all the NOOK threats now, when enemy soldiers are inside the borders and there's explosions rocking the interior.
Damn son. What's really funny is the supreme leader of Iran has gone into hiding because he's so scared of getting spanked next by the israeli spooks for being their backer (was equally funny when the Iranian ambassador got injured because he was using one of Hezbollahs spiked pagers to be in contact with 'em).
The middle-east is a quagmire shithole of eternal cultural conflict but some competence on display is striking.
>>432234 >consider that Ukraine is being fueled by the entire rest of the world, I don't see how that would be the case. Even with all the aid from Europe and USA it wouldn't change the fact Russia is a way bigger country which has been preparing for this war basically since the soviet union broke up, while Ukraine was armying itself for something like half a decade or so. I'm actually surprised they were able to hold the line when all this shit started. >>432238 >Ukranians are our slav brothers and we have the right to reunify with them >Ukranians are a foreign invader Which one it is, Ivan? it can't be both.
>>432273 >has been preparing for this war basically since the soviet union broke up
Russia was not preparing for anything when the soviet union broke up, they just had every possible asset sold on the black market by "private entrepreneurs" for as long as it was possible. At best it may have been preparing for it once Putin came to power, but I honestly doubt if they put any preparation into it at all. It's probably just revenge for Ukraine abusing their gas pipe transits year after year after year. Oh and funny thing, that neonazi pretext Russia used for the invasion, it's a real thing and has been reported constantly, but now that it was brought up by the Russians, it's suddenly something that never existed. Same way how the USA used to fund extremist islamic groups to cause problems to their enemy, and then stayed quiet about it once they became a problem to the USA themselves (Mujahideen, ISIS, etc).
>>432260 The main problem with the middle east is that western powers kept trying to forcefully colonize it, and the people who have been living there for 1400+ years don't want their homes taken. Also that small matter of ethnic cleansing the israeli army has been doing since the 50s.
Image:172771825089.jpg(2.02MB, 1080x5575)autoposted immediatly after the invasion of ukraine launched_quickly taken down and memoryholed after it failed_.jpg
>>432278 >Same way how the USA- >The main problem with the middle east is that western powers kept- Fuck off anon. You can't live your life trying to distract from everything by crying about The West as a nebulous all-encompassing boogieman, to be applied in any and all situations as a get-out-of-jail-free card.
>>432278 You are kidding, right? Russia has been trying to recreate the soviet sphere of influence since the soviet union ended: Chechenia, Transnistria, Abkhazia, Ossetia and more recently Crimea and Ukraine. This shit has been building up for three decades at this point and everything blew up on Russia's face after not being able to take over Ukrain in two weeks. >Oh and funny thing, that neonazi pretext Russia used for the invasion, it's a real thing and has been reported constantly, but now that it was brought up by the Russians, it's suddenly something that never existed. Same way how the USA used to fund extremist islamic groups to cause problems to their enemy, and then stayed quiet about it once they became a problem to the USA themselves Your comparison doesn't make sense. Russia supports the separatist groups on Donetks and Luhanks, when they refer to the "fascist radicals" on ukraine they refer specifically to the ukranian speakers, not the russian ones.
>>432279 This shit is very funny and I get some laughs from it every time I read it. Specially because it shows how out of date Russian politicians are, they can't fathom any way to bring back a country to their sphere of influence that isn't rolling over it with tanks, and specially considering Russia has a history of causing famines and forcefully removing ethic groups on Ukraine on soviet times, of course they would oppose with tooth and nail to Russian intervention and throw themselves into EU arms given the chance. >The West as a nebulous all-encompassing boogieman, to be applied in any and all situations as a get-out-of-jail-free card. Agree. It's not hard to say "EU and USA" instead of the nebulous West, which basically could mean anything deppending on the context.
>>432476 You want the russian president to be a guy who actually has worldwide renown as a chess grandmaster? You want the "president is playing 4d chess" meme to become real?
>>432479 *fagette >>432480 Minna seriously planned to do the first arc, and only did the second because why the hell not. She did not have real plans to make more. Would I like more SSSS? Fuck yes, it's one of my favourite comics in the world. Basically, it's like a show not being renewed for new seasons vs a show being cancelled.
>>432482 Don't forget that the author converted to christianity and has been doing christian comics since. So it's less likely she'd continue a comic about pagan monsters.
>>432488 US election is like smoke. It is everywhere when there is a fire in the basement, and nobody wants it. Unfortunately, if you ignore the smoke, you will die from it even before the fire gets to you. So ignoring is not an option. USA kinda sorta matters. Even when its world policing can get annoying.
>>432460 >>432465 >>432469 Funny thing I just heard today: she got banned on pixiv. The copyright holders don't want porn of her, so any posts that featured her got removed. Boorus still show pixiv as the source, which is how this can be identified.
>>432509 R18 art of her was deleted en masse. There are 2-3 pics of her still up right now, but who knows for how long.
see for art sourced from pixiv, most of which return missing pages now.
I really like the fact that everywhere else on the internet people are obsessed over the USA elections but here we are talking about Luce porn getting banned from Pixiv. I really like you guys, this place is awesome.
Image:173332247940.png(958kB, 1069x1090)Rebel Advance in syria.png
There's some wacky things happening at the moment with countries- The extremely unpopular president of South Korea basically tried to pull a military coup at his last moment; only for the armed forces to respond to being ordered to appear on his call of martial law by standing around the capital for awhile realizing they weren't required then returning to base without firing a shot. So he was already in deep shit and this will have only made it worse.
As for Syria rebel forces began taking over the country, Assad's army was basically evaporating on contact and they swept major settlements (Aleppo notably) or storehouses of syrian weapon. President Assad himself ran away to Russia early on only to get sent back (Russia seems to be pulling their navy vessals out of their port in the region and not doing much to help him fight the rebels). Something to keep an eye on to see how it pans out from this point.
>>432645 Maybe. But it looks like things are about to get interesting in France. That there is always talk of the guillotine: (Assassination of a businessman. (Brian Thompson) The death sentence for Trương Mỹ La.
>>432646 > What do you call a CEO shot dead in the street? A good start
>>432652 that specific insurance company has denied or delayed payment at a twice higher rate than other insurance companies. so until this problem is solved, their CEOs should keep getting killed.
>>432652 Nah, like the other anon said this company in particular had blood on their hands in screwing people out of health insurance which is already a difficult issue in America for people whose literal lives are on the line.
Going after the specific scum that have risen to the top instead of some unrelated individual or working stiff at the extremities of the business is pretty fucking deserved.
Image:173359322391.png(1MB, 1024x1024)Dont let the door hit your assad on the way out.png
>>432634 This is what happens when you don't pay your army, and all the outside forces you were relying on to prop up your dictatorship proceed to charge into their own conflict fuckups one after another.
Video:173359641534.mp4(1.24MB / 0:00:19 / avc1, 364x640)Celebrations in Irbin Damascus.mp4
Somewhat more informative post about Syria but the rebels have taken Damascus where the presidential palace is located, along with various other cities.
Assad fucked off somewhere. A supposed address to the nation regarding the current crisis from him that was announced was instead made by a general appearing on camera.
France has a new prime minister. Meanwhile, another rich man was convicted.
Fuck talking heads on the bankroll of the rich and powerful who use culture war bullshit to try and distract the plebs from seeing that those scumsucking fatcats are actively fucking them all over.
Image:173467215380.jpg(593kB, 1068x1471)Whats he gonna do, choke out a nearby CEO in the crowd with his cuffs if all these thugs aren't on him.jpg
>>432895 >>432686 >>432647 Everything about the response from the establishment to the incident is fucking disgusting. They are treating the guy like the worlds most terrible supervillain. Law enforcement dropping their donuts putting all effort into catching him, media striving to shift public opinion against him and the courts throwing out every punishment in the book they can somehow crudely weld into the case.
People are killed in New York every day and these groups barely give a shit, but now the target is a rich scumfuck CEO its like the end of the world all-hands-on-deck. If this was a fictional story to try and represent the inequality in law for the rich and the poor it would be too hamhanded, and yet the peasants are too busy letting social media and its conspiracy/political horseshit take up their attention instead.
>>432954 That's not really true. Russia for instance mentioned in this thread had a major incident where a group of muslim terrorists mowed down a large bunch of dudes at a mall and set it on fire.
There was a seperate incident at a training field where a couple of muslim conscripts took issue with their commanding officer calling the invasion a holy war, which has a very specific meaning in their faith, and when they raised this point he called Allah a fucking pussy for not supporting Russia. He was very surprised when shortly afterwards they turned a machinegun on him and the rest of the group.
Social media is supposed to reward you for doing things people like. If people only like bad stuff, you force the million dollar social media company to pay people to do bad stuff.
Video:173649493038.webm(3.47MB / 0:00:42 / V_VP9, 480x852)russian soldier bitching about superior north korean troop lodgings.webm
>>432999 3-day special military operation, in-out no fuss. Yeah its certainly dragged on a bit hasn't it?
Putin paid Kim Jong-Un for a large amount of North Korean soldiers because he's been burning through his own people with human wave tactics right out of something like Enemy at the Gates, living down to all the stereotypes. There's been a bit of friction involved, notably with previous foreign enforcers of Putin's in the form of Kadyrov's Chechens (whose job it is to stand behind the russian plebs acting as blocking detachments) getting killed by NKs due to 'friendly fire'.
Most currently there's some sort of further advance in Kursk by Ukraine, ongoing and the details are being kept close to the chest due to Operational Security. It has sent pro-russian online individuals such as the likes of /pol/ into a tizzy, who spam the rest of 4chan as a response (even saw stuff on /v/ over it, shitposting about ukrainian and polish videogames being shit compared to russian ones)
>>433000 Something I've been thinking a lot is how relevant russian misinformation campaigns actually are, since Rusian army would be sucking ass with or without kremlin drones and considering the disastrous result of this attempt to rebuild the Soviet Sphere of Influence, it's safe to assume they THINK burning tons of money on making retards think they are the good ones is actually effective and not a waste of money and time. >>433028 lmao
Image:173686913745.png(267kB, 1024x893)Swiftness measured in years.png
>>432060 >like Afghanistan for instance >>433029 >Something I've been thinking a lot is how relevant russian misinformation campaigns actually are To be honest its a real trip seeing some of the comments from their paid talking heads at the onset of the invasion praising the prowess of the russian forces and how quickly it will all be over.
Old comic but relevant for this thread showing people were making fun of Russian's international politics back then. Also apparently Trump wants to launch a "special operation" over Mexico which is pretty hilarious, considering USA lost all latinoamerica but Mexico during the last 20 years to the Chinese and he thinks threatening with a military invasion to their last ally in the Spanish speaking world is a good idea.
>>433088 That's the same shit Putin said >We aren't invading Ukraine, we are fighting ukranian nazis >>433089 I know, but even if it's for populism sake, it still shows the severe lack of a counter measures plan on latinoamerica against the constantly growing presence of China in the region, Threatening Mexico and Panama won't make them come back to their sphere of influence, totally the opposite, worst case scenario they trigger a diplomatic incident which makes the region even closer to China.
>>433092 >That's the same shit Putin said Funny how it is fine to bring this up, but when Putin invaded Ukraine and everyone said the USA invades the middle east on the same pretext, that gets dismissed as whataboutism.
Either way, Mexico is basically ran by cartels and the police/army can't do shit about it. Cleaning up that cesspool would improve the life of millions of people in both Mexico and the southern parts of the USA. But realistically, nothing will happen because Trump is just talking shit as usual.
>>433093 >Funny how it is fine to bring this up, but when Putin invaded Ukraine The fact they are also calling it a "special operation" seems like tempting faith. >Cleaning up that cesspool would improve the life of millions Sure, but my point is they are threatening latinoamerica with a military intervension at a moment they shouldn't be doing it. Also, the mexican cartels run deep inside their culture, using raw military force would just ruin the lives of millions of innocent mexicans in the process and very likely won't change anything in the end, because the producers are not located in Mexico, but South America. But as you said, Trump is just talking shit, so no need to discuss this in deep.
>>433094 >The fact they are also calling it a "special operation" seems like tempting faith. Yeah, they should've called it "War on Terror".
>they are threatening latinoamerica with a military intervension at a moment they shouldn't be doing it Not the first time they did it and won't be the last.
>the mexican cartels run deep inside their culture, using raw military force would just ruin the lives of millions of innocent mexicans in the process and very likely won't change anything in the end You can use the same argument for Afghanistan, Kosovo, Vietnam, and probably a lot others I'm not up to date on.
So, Elons government department just released a list of where the US sends most of its aid money. Turns out that billions were spent on far left liberal groups all around the globe, while places like disaster torn american areas were told they have no fundings to allocate.
>>433146 >The thinks Musk is a trustworthy source I think he's the one who would benefit the most from misrepresenting and exagerating the situation. Not that I think he's lying, what I mean is that I can't trust the politically motivated technocrat who owns a website dominated by bots and inorganic discourse. >>433150 Mate, fuck off. >>433153 This. USA government being corrupt and not caring about humanitarian aid yada yada yada, nothing new under the sun.
>>433155 >I think he's the one who would benefit the most from misrepresenting and exagerating the situation. Every argument by every human is spoken in a way so the speaker benefits the most from it. A russian posting about how fucked america is, and an american posting about how fucked russia is, are just different sides of the same coin. If you had any intelligence you'd know this and would have learned to read between the lines.
>Not that I think he's lying, So you think he speaks the truth when uncovering massive corruptions and posting proof of it, but you just don't trust it, because...?
>what I mean is that I can't trust the politically motivated technocrat who owns a website dominated by bots and inorganic discourse. As opposed to financially and ideologically motivated serial liars who have been abusing the existing political system for their own goals for decades, and openly lying about it for so long that it became a conspiracy theory?
Musk is the lesser of two evils, but he is posting actual proof about things that were conspiracy theories for years, such as how administrations financially supported DEI causes in the past. Yes, he is overblowing a lot because he's an attention whore. But that doesn't mean that what he saying is not the truth.
>>433180 >Something that makes the current group look bad >"What about other group tho?" The two-party system is cancer, you lot treat it like rival sports teams.