>>419991 That's what I put on the page when I realized that wikia (at the time) actually had hosting rules against massive image galleries and I saw GG was going to be the next huge thing with loads of art. No idea if fandom carried those rules over, but I assume so. It's better to have the comics here anyway because "fandom" converted all images to an unusable format for a long time.
I did realize sub-pages were something that could be done when I moved the scripts over to the wiki though.
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A thread for anything and everything concerning the anthropomorphic (or otherwise in some cases) personifications of boards on 4chan and possibly other chan based websites.
The /tg/ wiki article: http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Board-tans
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School for vampires/Die Schule der kleinen Vampire fansubs Thanks to the Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft, retal4 and and a germanAnon a ansubbing project for this show has start. We have one tv rip episode with subs but we are wating for DVD rips.
Wouldn't it be funny if all of the negative, contrarian, and mean-spiritedness of the /co/ board was encapsulated in a single person. How about if this person was a goth girl with big boobs? Thus the creation of /Co/die miraculously occurred one day in a /coc/ thread.
Initial sketches from the thread she was created in (Called /Co/rrine until the /Co/die name was settled upon): https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/127163782/#q127196032
A thread for discussing /Co/die and collecting images featuring the character
Anyone have any new information on where one can read or download the Ogrest Manga online in English ? even if its just in french for the sake of pictures and rough translation by phone app ?
The only one i can find really is Tome 1, and of that only chapter 1 in English.
Let's make a hero. Add some faithful allies, And a cunning villain that swears he will win another day!
A thread to collect the art for the Stargaze and the Sentinels of Starlight (SatSoS) /co/llaboration project, which aims to make an 80s cartoon made to sell toys. The goal is to make the 80s show, but there are no limits to creativity in the journey to reach said goal: there are many proposed sequels and spinoffs set in different decades (like 90's Stargaze), and even a side project about the animation studios that made the 80s show (Tetraleaf Studios).
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>>419949 Don't worry. Idk when the next thread will be, but I'm too invested into this thing to let it be forgotten, so eventually there will be one. Thank you for checking the thread when you can.
>>419578 >https://mega.nz/#F!2hcn2SIA!y4zBkPPBauzt2F8AqqForw >>51890 >https://mega.nz/#F!t7gXUYyA!eT9aXixSIeAkrtBJs4BGgQ links are down anyone with the the subs?
A football jock with the superpower to manipulate the mass of any object he touches (functionally he can make things lighter or heavier for a short while). The idea came from an anon who felt inspired by a Lovely Ladybug storytime thread to share his own long time character ideas and it snowballed from there.
We'll need a long term thread for this guy since there's a comic in the works now.
There's no wiki page for him yet, but if you are far enough in the future then scroll down and there will be a link eventually.
>>419561 Hi SLA. I'm that anon, also the anon who wrote the Corn Maze Monster script and others.
Both of my parents are dead now. I'll have to move and find a new job in the coming year. I don't know if I'll be around enough to continue making the threads on a weekly basis anymore come some point next year.
>>419564 I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you're doing fine and best of luck with your endeavors. Sorry if I'm not really good with words. Just, take care and hoping for the best for you.
Are there any raws around for Abraca? It seems it's the only ankama series with no available sources outside france where I also can't locate a mega link for.
>>419671 Here's also a blast from the past, this was one of the first fred comics, techincally not canon doe. I think i got a few moar misc comics with freddy, and a few with other ocs i won't post
Hey Im new to 4chan and idk if this is supposed to be here but I wanna work on a webcomic to help improve my skills in drawing fight scenes and I kinda need help I will credit whenever I release a chapter of the webcomic dm my discord beelzebandz if u wanna help me with the comic ty heres one of the charatcers I wanted to add in the comic btw its gonna be drawn in a ms paint style
>>419449 >>419450 This may have happened because posting "good morning (sir)" has become a meme where people flood the thread with the phrase. Apparently, /g/ and Indians are to blame: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-internet-is-filling-up-because-indians-are-sending-millions-of-good-morning-texts-1516640068