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Replying to /coc/51329
Wakfu Comics Thread 3: Karmas Through TimeAnonymous
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It took two years and a board change, but here it is, the third Wakfu Comics thread!

I thought I would have something special to say now, but sadly I don't.

Comics translated so far, http://brotherhoodoftofuv2.tumblr.com/comics
Need a new poll to see where current interest is.
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Finally! I hope you all enjoy.
PDF: https://www.mediafire.com/?dhyg7eudabrel6h
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Maskemane 8!

The next project is Remington 8

PDF: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9mmjnmb4fzr6wdz/Maskemane+08+%28Eng%29.pdf
Why are Maskemane 7 and 8 in PDF format?
Anything on issues 8 - 12 of Remington?
They're already translated, it's just a question of Editor's freetime.
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Maskemane 9!

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Remington 8!

When are d other comics gonna be translated?
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Chapter 11: https://www.mediafire.com/?rn954kp5tn4n6p1
Chapter 12: https://www.mediafire.com/?hjwh2r52pdyt5vq
Chapter 13: https://www.mediafire.com/?oed725befax0964
Chapter 14: https://www.mediafire.com/?e6rfokz2qofm3n4

More in: http://sebaanacho.tumblr.com/
Just curious, are there any groups planning on translating the Dofus manga?
Hi. Firstly, I want to thank you for scannnig and translating wakfu manga.
I also want to ask, if its possible to publish tome 3 as images (in zip/rar/sbr etc.), not only in pdf.
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And to anyone else curious about the status of the translation group.

Part of the old translation group here.

This is an image of the latest activity on the group's page. No word on if or when it'll be active anytime soon.
Hello there sorry for disturbing but I need your help. I'm a fan of cartoons, animated series and animated film. I need to find these Wakfu comics in english. If you have translated any of these comics and novels then please send me the link so I can download them right away. Thank you.
Here are the comics I need to find and download when they're translated in english.

1. The Wakfu comic Le Théâtre maudit in English because I've already had the other 4 Wakfu comics.

Next is the Wakfu Novels.

2. L'attaque surprise

3. Le repaire des roublards

4. L’affaire est dans le sac !

5. L'eau et la glace

6. Danger dans la jungle

7. Réunion de famille

8. Les Naufrageurs

PS: When you're naming the file after you're finished translating the comics and the novels then please add (E) after the file so that I can know they are translated. Thank you very much.
And by the way. I have some problems when I'm looking for Wakfu episode 10 english dubbed of season 2. When I was watching at the nearly end that is when the two MC of the stadium about to walk through the door for a starting of the boufbowl thing in the episode, turns out it was cut or maybe broken, I've searched in dozen of websites but none of the above are have a full and uncut at the end of the video. So I need your help to find a website that have a full english dubbed video without cut then please send me the link too. Thank you.
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
I can confirm that none of these have been translated so far.

As for the dub, as far as I know it is only in three places at the moment (Netflix, the Kickstarter Blu-ray and the Australian DVD - plus the OVAs on Steam) and all three use the same source. At the very least, the end of season 1 credits are cut on both the Blu-ray and the Netflix copies, and I don't imagine the Australian network that aired it made any changes.
Hello, thank you for answering my messages. If the novels so far haven't been translated then have the comics been translated including Le Théâtre maudit?
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
No, nothing in your list above is translated.
Oh ok. When they are translated then please contact me through this address:
And about the season 2 episode 10, I assure that I did comapare to both subbed and dubbed videos and turns out the subbed video is full (which means that I can know what happen after the two MCs of the boufbowl about to walk through the gate and start the boufbowl game in Brakmar and it turns out I got to noticed that they cheated in the game by gender swap Amalia and Evageline) while the dubbed video I download on http://www.watchcartoononline.com/anime/wakfu is different, I don't know how to call it but it kind of like broken or something (like the above, the two MCs of the boufbowl about to walk through the gate and start the boufbowl game in Brakmar but in this video when the gate is opening then suddenly the end). So can you help me find an english dubbed video of episode 10 season 2 without missing the last part? If you know then just send me the link and I'll be very thankful.
The Bluray, Netflix has the full sequence. Crappy streaming sites don't care about quality or even correctness of the episodes. So your fault for looking at bad places.
Could anyone re-upload Shak Shaka tome 1?, OP's link dead sadly and can't seem to find it anywhere else.
Nevermind this, I actually found it along some other comics, leaving the link here too http://sebaanacho.tumblr.com/Comics
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Tome 4 is out, what's the status of the whole wakfu comics translation thing?
Tome 4: https://mega.nz/#!kJZAgQyL!ez8HoC-LS4lObmiPlxx74DZahYFX6dGGG34lSK8bf1s

Now if someone wants to translate it, I'd be thankful.
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
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Working on it. Thanks for the rip, B.
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
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And here it is:

As always, please try to buy some of the official comics so we keep getting more. It's been awfully quiet on that front this past couple years.

Manga 1 & 2 official translation:

Shak Shaka:
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
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Wakfu novel 1 - L'Attaque surprise

Here is the first Wakfu novel in English. Formatting could have been better, but since I'm working with different fonts and character counts, not every illustration would simply fit in its intended place. Enjoy!

Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
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Wakfu Manga 5 - L’Arène des neiges

Here is the final book of the Wakfu Manga series in English. I’d say I did a much better job with the editing this time around. Thanks anon for the rip.

question to translators:
- if raws were supplied, would you guys consider translating Tangomango?
- did the Kabrok book ever get a HQ release? The only translation I've ever read used very, very poor quality scans. If not, would you guys consider re-releasing that using HQ raws?
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
Speaking for myself only of course:

- The team had raws of Tangomango 1 and 2 already but never got around to it. I personally didn’t want to translate it because I was hoping to convince Ankama to make an official English release like they did for Shak Shaka for example, and I didn’t want our scanlation of my favorite comics to hinder sales if it came to pass. Unsurprisingly, my e-mails fell into deaf ears and since I ended up not going to France I didn’t get to pitch my ideas to Tot directly.

Now the point is pretty much moot since the Spanish scanlation has been out for a number of years (I’m really bummed that Ankama never published the original after all) and Wakfu/Dofus comics have all but dried up. I started thinking about translating it last summer, but I just lack the time. And I’m not sure how many people are still around who care anyway; Wakfu Manga 5 hasn’t even reached 100 downloads yet and that’s kind of the flagship.

- Not as far as I know; that was the first or second comic that was scanlated, before most of the team(s) had even joined the fandom. The comic itself would be trivial to put back together using HQ scans since there’s nothing crazy with the typesetting except the photo album’s textured background. The most time-consuming part would be to re-type everything into new files, but someone could slash that time in half by providing a text file of the old translation’s transcript along with the scans. The Gazette would take a good deal more image editing work, but I’m not sure that’s included in the Comixology version anyway if that’s where you’re thinking of getting better-quality files.
>I’m not sure how many people are still around who care anyway;

People on /aco/ are talking about translating it, using the Spanish scanlation as a base. There's definitely interest there! It would be nice if the scanlation team could handle it directly, instead of getting some amateur 2nd hand translation from low quality sources.

For the Wakfu manga, your download counter might not be the best direct source since once it gets into public shares, it can rank up infinitely more downloads without you being able to track it.
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
>For the Wakfu manga, your download counter might not be the best direct source since once it gets into public shares, it can rank up infinitely more downloads without you being able to track it.

Certainly, but it’s still doing poorly relative to every other upload I’ve been in charge of. I doubt it’s because there are more reuploads than ever.

Anyway, I can’t commit to anything for now. I’m already forced to take time off work because of RSI, so I can’t add another side project to the strain when I already have so many that are actually useful to me. Maybe in several months.
x hunter
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i translated the first tangomango book "the first pirates"

i'd be willing to trade it for a completed picture
x hunter
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of this one

need some fixes to the thighs
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One thing for sure, i need proofreaders for my translation. i know its awkward in places

Page 3
[on the map] : Three washerwoman archipelago
[1st panel] : In the vast white sea
More south than the most southern of the islands of the World of Twelves, there is a snippet of shallow ocean.
The waters are clear and warm.
The sand, white like the snow and the reefs, vast and ancient.
[2nd panel] This paradise as for name.
[On map] Mild Waters

[3rd square] Rare are those that have heard about it. It is very far away from the great cities, several months of seafaring away. The technology of Zaap portals never reached there, for better or worse.
[Map] Nao the great
[4th square] At Mild Waters, we find hundreds of islands and atolls, some smaller than a house and others big enough to shelter jungles, mountains and swamps.
[bubble] The perfect place of a pirate tale...
[5th panel]
Isn't it?
[6th panel]
Thats right! Pirates always roamed these waters, as far as we could go back.
From the Three Washerwoman Archipelago to the Dishwater Jetty, they have assailed the ships of rich merchants...
Or those filled with gold and jewels of the governor...
and they took shelter of far away islands to bury their treasures and party under the moon...
Dancing and drinking Greedo rum until they faint...
[note : in french there was a perfect rhyme between "rhum" and "poms" but "falling into the apples" is a french only expression that i cannot translate. if only there could be a word meaning "fainting" that could rhyme...]
And find themselves the next morning, cooked under the sun, with a giant headache..
but I digress again!
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just so you know, i already translated the whole book. i used a physical french version to that. especially since the only images available online are in spanish

Page 4
I was saying that at Mild Waters, there as always been pirates...
[1st square]
That is, until around the year 972 of the Wakfu era, when the governor died of Myxomawose and had for successor Poupo Mogrovejo.
This new governor was worse than the worst scourge and more terrible than the terriblest of hurricanes.
[couldn't come up with a "terrible" word that was too repetitive. on the other hand, this one has some very wakfuesque flavor]
[3rd] As a man concerned with order and discipline, Poupo took a decision once he ascended the throne of Nao the Great, capital of the Mild Waters : get rid of all piracy. The pirates could not rivalise against his powerful fleet and where annihilated one by one.
They resisted painfully until the ultimate battle where Auralis, the last great pirate, was killed.
Tus begun a new age at Mild Waters.
An age of repression and tyranny.
[6th square]
However, the sun has always shun high in the sky and its reflection in the clear water has always made the seafarer dream. Piracy runs trough the veins of this old place because piracy, it is freedom, and freedom is anchored deep in the reaches of the Mild Waters.
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its new year and so why not give a new page?

Page 5
[1st square]
Those first pirates, the ancient indigenous people called them...

[2nd square]
Tome 1 - The First Pirates
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if i get a new drawn image of this xelor girl, im posting the whole thing

as an option, this one could be fixed >>417876
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Page 6
Year 982, somewhere in the Mild Waters...
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Huys, Wakfu season 4 trailer is gonna drop soon, hope you are ready to do some translating!
Nice! Here's hoping they'll be able to get season 4 done properly, not rushed and cheap like season 3 was.
given that the Tumble is long since gone is ther any one place to find all the translated comics? or do i just scour the links here?
actually since this thread is a continuation of an old one and the Tumblr aggregate is dead it makes it slightly impossible to read full sereis/older comics
if anyone is willing to make a MEGA or something id be super grateful
Do you have a list of the comics? I can look them up and post links, but I know exactly which ones to look for. I didn't pay close attention to the project, so I don't know how many of the comics were translated and at what state. Most of the ones I have are probably still the earliest releases, which used those very poor quality scans (I don't even know if they made new edits for those with the digital rips).
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
This pastebin has most of them I think, and some French scans/rips:

If any of the links are dead, I probably still have everything, so I could reupload.

There was also this that isn’t Wakfu-related but made by Ankama:

>I don't even know if they made new edits for those with the digital rips
Not that I can think of. Maybe one for the Black Crow?
>Not that I can think of. Maybe one for the Black Crow?

That's specifically the one I'd wish to be re-edited, since the original scan for it was really bad. The one in your pastebin is that poor one. If anyone is willing to re-edit it, I'll buy the digital and see if I can rip it.
Also looking at that pastebin, it seems to be missing the Remington comics. How of those were released? 8, or even more?
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
I managed to get the Tumblr links from the Wayback Machine. Checked a few and they still seem to work.

01: http://www.mediafire.com/?gpbn3huzgg2wx5o
02: http://www.mediafire.com/?jfzd3v2uau4i8o0
03: http://www.mediafire.com/?k114a94rnu11nkt
04: http://www.mediafire.com/?58nv4mfbmo8mnuq
05: http://www.mediafire.com/?j5vewonv9jcet88
06: http://www.mediafire.com/?ajc0b38kuh6u59b
07: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1o63921rrr9lt2r
08: https://www.mediafire.com/?dtq43qx1utmzrus

The Black Raven

Goultard Bazaar

Tears of Blood
Tome 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?sqs983lvskvg9at
Tome 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?3rwnm21icbkab4m

The Wakfu Manga
Tome 1 Chapter 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?3ld3yk85oj0x5l3
Tome 1 Chapter 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?2b085ab256l8n29
Tome 1 Chapter 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?r916dsd7ezobg1f
Tome 1 Chapter 4: http://www.mediafire.com/?cb6fxcqau8jelbw
Tome 1 Chapter 5: http://www.mediafire.com/?x5i9j12f6ny21ra
Tome 1 in full: http://www.mediafire.com/?nqc84b3rec81i2u
Tome 1 Extras: http://www.mediafire.com/?ymokgodmkrzm1wj
Tome 2: https://mega.co.nz/#!HVx0kajZ!B7LfWmL3HtSU667dSoRgDhFUMRtZ- Ohb6QZECAOITZk
Tome 3 Chapter 11: https://www.mediafire.com/?rn954kp5tn4n6p1
Tome 3 Chapter 12: https://www.mediafire.com/?hjwh2r52pdyt5vq
Tome 3 Chapter 13: https://www.mediafire.com/?oed725befax0964
Tome 3 Chapter 14: https://www.mediafire.com/?e6rfokz2qofm3n4
Tome 3 Chapter 15: https://www.mediafire.com/?er859sentxx7uec

1: http://www.mediafire.com/?b0mzgsdqu02w775

Shak Shaka
Tome 1: https://mega.co.nz/#!XIo0AKZY!AFkRC0if2EhbrDXPfKl373rZIUhsrVTJUV96LGguDcU
Tome 2: https://mega.co.nz/#!zJVTyaqK!DXIO5_7-kUIDsM6y_wV4kiT7TRKz87Msud-PKCWICTM


Rushu’s Shushus:

Chapter 1: http://www.mediafire.com/download/gg05bs1wk3ycjwc/Ogrest+-+Chap1+%28Eng%29.rar
Nice one.
Seems like there weren't many new releases beyond what I already had, sadly. I didn't have the Ogrest one tho, so that's cool.

Also note that the Wakfu manga got official translations for the first two books. I can share those if you don't have them.
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
The Tumblr stopped updating a really long time ago. There have been a few additional scanlations since, but they were just posted here. Mainly the Wakfu manga and the first novella, it looks like, so you didn’t miss much indeed.

>Also note that the Wakfu manga got official translations for the first two books. I can share those if you don't have them.
Yeah I got them from the Kickstarter, thanks. They should still be on Comixology.
>Yeah I got them from the Kickstarter, thanks. They should still be on Comixology.

I meant, if you want to add it to the pastebin.
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
I don’t manage that, it’s some anon on 4chan.
do you have maskemane? i missing chapter 7 and 8
Wakfu Tome 2 is down
Here's what I have. Note that these are Zippy links, so they won't last long, forward them to whoever manages the master lists so they can mirror it.

Or just ask again if they go down.

Maskemane 08 (Eng).pdf
Maskemane 09 (Eng).pdf
Maskemane 6 (En).rar
Maskemane 07 (Eng).pdf
WAKFU Manga v01 - The Quest for the Six Eliatrope Dofus (2014) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr
WAKFU Manga v02 - The Legend of Jiva (2014) (Digital) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr
all of the maskmane books are here:

Is it impossible to find Maskemane 12 online? All my best efforts are turning up only a summary.
Seth !!ohti1tbFd7+
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what was promised is now owed
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Page 7
Year 982, somewhere in the Mild Waters...
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Page 8
[1st bubble]
What are you doing standing there, lassie?!

[the french word, moussaillon, is usually used as interjection in french seafarer slang. its not the case with "cabin boy" in english so i substituted "lassie". i don't know better]

[2nd half-bubble underneath it]
You think the work is going to be done by itself?!

[the phrase could use some work]

[3rd bubble at the right]
If you think you can laze around all day, you got the wrong job, my dear!

[4th bubble]
What we got for brekkie?

[supposed to be slang for breakfast but all i found in english is the australian one. is there sea slang for that?]

[5th bubble]
Some Bernardo dé la Rugg?
[6th encre noir]
I'm going to end up turning into a Bernardo...
[7th élaine]
Its better than nothing... Its pretty good grilled
[8th encre]
Its tastier, that's for sure.
And it tastes like Tofus.

[reminder that in Wakfu, Tofus are little bird critters. in other words, it taste like chicken]
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Page 9
It’s still just as impressive, captain.

You remember when we found it?

It was just a wreck…
But the structure was still intact and I can recognize a good ship when I see one.

Once finished, it’ll be a real beauty… As fast as a bird and as hardy as oak.

[5th elaine]
And we’ll finally get out of this hideout to plunder the length and breadth of the Mild Waters!

[6th encre]
And attack the fat merchants!

[7th elaine]
And take everything ‘till their last Kama.
[needs a better sentence]

[8th encre]
And live like Sultans, lounging on the beach!

[9th elaine]
The whole day doing nothing!
[need some proofread for better sentence understandability]

[10th encre]
Let’s give a toast to our ship!

To our ship!
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Page 10

Here, little one!

I’ve finished!


I’m listening, lassie.

Wait, where did you find that?
In a chest, inside the ship. It’s pretty, no?

I don’t know… You are kinda young to dress like that…
[needs better sentence]

But yes, it’s pretty!

Come on!
Let’s look at the weekly list…
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The hull is almost finished. A few breaches need more important repairs but we’ll look into that later.

It’s noted

The main sail is ready, the mizzen and fore-mast sails, really soon.
[this sentence need really needs some work]

We’ll have to make a pass at the Flies’ Passage’s laundry.
[the laundry is located at Flies’ Passage, its not called that. I don’t know how to properly convey that]

There you go, it’s noted.

The main point, is to finish the masts.

Most of it is done, including the crown and the fore-mast. I noticed a perfect palm tree for the mizzen-mast a few days ago…

There’s almost no palm tree left…

The cabin is really welcoming!
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Page 12
We even have a sexant!

A sextant, lassie. I inherited it from boatswain Seca, when I was no taller than a kralove. When we get out of here, I’ll teach you how to use it.
[Black Ink IS a kralove]

What do you think of my room?


Do you think that Dakaan would find me beautiful in this dress?

Of course!

He better be!

Ô Dakaan, my beautiful Dakaan!
[a real fangirl for… pirate hunter Dakaan!?! Guessing that the “pirate hunter” part is not known yet]

We better continue…
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The hold.

It’s empty now, but we’ll rectify that by plundering our dear governor’s storehouse at port La Quille.
[its translated to The Keel but I felt that Port La Quille just flows so well unlike The Keel.]

Sturgeon eggs, yum!

Next… the cannons.
We don’t have cannons!

And without cannons, there is no assault, no supplies, no gold, nothing!

They are pretty…

Too bad they are made of wood.

They’re fakes.

I spent week removing splinters from me after testing them.

Who could have made cannons like that?

Those who made the rest of the ship, I guess. Everything is made of wood, even the ropes and the anchor. It’s very strange…
[vovodun alert! Anyway, the book use a nautical term for the ropes. This term is “Stays” in English but im guessing this would be confusing for the readers, hence I used the generic “ropes” term.]

He’s weird, but this ship, we still love it cuz its ours!

We’ll need real weapons before we start plundering…

Next stop : the forecastle.

Cannons, there you go, it’s noted.

Captain, I think I have an idea!
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Page 14
Meanwhile, many kilokameters from Elaine and Black Ink’s refuge, dark clouds cover the sky of the Three Washerwoman archipelago.
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Page 15
[no text]
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Page 16
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Page 17
Run, miserable pirates, go find another hole. There’s not many left where you could hide…

What are the orders, governor?

Bring me the medallion.
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Page 18
[1st panel]
5th pingwin-squadron and 6th pingwin-squadron, prepare the rowboats for landing!

[pingwins are wakfu critters. I use the official translation]

[2nd panel, 1st bubble]
What is that, Chuk?
[2nd panel, 2nd bubble]
This, my friend, Is a caliber 5 cannon usable with one hand.

[3rd panel, 1st bubble]
And could we know where you found it?
[3rd panel, 2nd bubble]
5th pingwin-squadron!!!

[4th panel, 1st bubble]
You won’t need that.
[4th panel, 2nd bubble, the one below]
We never know.
[4th panel, 3rd bubble, the one on the right]
Guys, the 5th squadron, it’s us!

[5th panel, 1st bubble]
Shut up, Gus… Chuk, we are on the Shitfire, the most powerful and most equipped ship in the governor’s fleet.

[talk about a name. yes its lirerally that.]
[5th panel, the small bubble below the 1st]
Ah ok
[5th panel, 3rd bubble, the one on the upper right]
It’s a magic ship…
[5th panel, bubble below that]
Ah ok

[6th panel, 1st bubble]
And it blasted to smithereens this island no bigger than a Grawn. There is not a single pirate left at Mild Waters. So I think it’s not needed…
[6th panel, 2nd bubble, the one below]
We never know.
[6th panel, 3rd bubble, on the right]
But, it’s our squadron, and they’re leaving without u…

[7th panel]
Shut up, Gus!!

[8th panel]
5th squadron, boarding!!!
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Page 19
Spread out, search all the huts, overturn all the stones! You know what we are looking for!

What are we looking for, Don?

We are looking for a buddy for you, so you can finally leave us alone.

[needs a better sentence. My other option was “We are looking for to give you a buddy so you finally leave us alone.”]

It’s not fair, Chuk, I’m your buddy, me! Isn’t that right, Don?

Of course, Gus. And now shut up, both of you : you’re giving me a headache as big as a watermelon!

We are looking for a medallion, that’s all I know. Follow me.

This island won’t last much longer. I don’t think it was such a good idea to go so far away from the beach…
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This is worrying…
Don, Chuk, wait for me!
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[3rd panel]
A medallion…

[7th panel]

[9th panel]
Be gone!!
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Page 22
We’re all gonna die!!
This place will be hell before you have the time to say it, Don. Let’s get out!
This medallion…
It’s what the governor is looking for…
Forget it, Don! Let’s get out of here!
[not needed]

Shut up, Gus!
Run, you fools!

[lord of the ring reference! Gandalf would be proud]
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Page 23
[2nd panel]
This way!!

[9th panel]
Suck on that!
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Page 24
This darn rock deserved it!

We’re still alive?

Ha! Ha! Ha! I’ve never felt more alive!

You are a genius, Don, you saved the medallion! The governor will be pleased with us!

With a little luck, we’ll be promoted… I’ll be allowed to wield heavy artillery!
Me, I’d prefer a cozy little job at the archives, far away from the cannons.
We are not going to give the medallion to the governor.
I don’t risk my skin to win a week of leave or some puny promotion.
If the governor wants it so desperately, it means its worth so much more. And I want to get everything ‘till the last kama.
And when we have the kamas, we’ll each buy a chalet at Nao the Great and we’ll finally be able to open our very own restaurant!
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Page 25
[1st the fancy one]
The buccaneer’s grill
0% Veggies,
0% Snapper,
100% meat!

[pichon is a wakfu critter type. Its official translation is Snapper. It’s a fish = no veggies, no fish, only meat]
The adventure continues on dry land, with our 3 kilopods Tofu burger!
[kilopods = kilogram. Wakfu slang]

How about it, guys?

Me, I say : we tell him Brâk!

[telling that to the governor. wakfu slang again. Brâkmar? ]
And you, Gus?

Count on me, guys!!
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Page 26
No trace of a medallion, chief…
Forward! The governor won’t be pleased at all…
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i think i'll stop it for today

Page 27
[1st the square]
Cove of the Maine Cooyne.
Region of fishermen and pearl hunters.
I knew a kralove who showed-off of all its legs, ooh kralove
Eight legs!
What a peg!

Between a tentacle and another tentacle, was one more tentacle,
Shake that tentacle,
Tenta tentacle

It was a kralove, dou dou ah! Oooh a little show-off of the beach ah dou dou ah!

Shake all that, sexy!
Shake all thaaaat!!

Shake those tentacles ooh kralove my love!

Shakeee se-xy-uh!


Hey, buddies!!
A sardine kebab for one kama only! Very, very good!
You are doing God's work, Anon! Keep it up!
ive been sitting on this translation for more than a year now
its just that wasn't willing to post it here before i get an image of this xelor

as a sort of trade.
i use my skills to translate this comic from French to english by using the real world book, and someone in exchange make an image of that xelor.
except i never gotten it till now
of course i could still translate the other books for more images

anyway, i think for now, i would need a proof reader for the whole thing cuz i reached the limits of my writing skills
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Page 28
Good… good day, gentlemen!
A tasty sardine to begin the day filled with energy?

Well, well, well …
What is that?

Would my eye trick me? Heres a merchant that enrich himself on our precious and rare resources…

If my memory is correct, our dear governor, master of Mild Waters, has not authorised the sale of sardines on HIS waters…

Am I wrong?

And would you look at that!
[7th ish]
Heres a big pile of sardines, isn’t that right, guys?

That’s a lot for a lone person, no?

Perhaps our pink friend would wish to share it with some friendly merch…

Grahan, imbecile!! By Rushu, what are you doing?
[rushu is the Wakfu king of demons (shushu)]

Im hungry, Jak, and they smell so good…

We are privateers, you fool, we don’t pay for food, we plunder it!
We plunder it!
Without paying!
You fool…
[14th ]
This smells good!
You give me some?
Grahan, give some to Jonny.

[grahan, jack and jonny…. Feels like a musical reference…]
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There’s some for everyone, if you want some, I can offer you three for the price of two.

This is a bargain, Jak! You pay two sardines and he give you three! In other words, the third one is free! You don’t pay for it, come on!

Enough buffoonery!

You snailmet! Give me your sardines and I won’t disembowel you!
[wakfu critter]

Or, instead, you could give us all the gold you stole and run away quickly.

This little beauty is pointed at your hull. At this distance, its impossible to miss it…

One false move and I sink you.

By the mother of all sturgeons and zordfishs, who are you?
[zordfish : swordfish in wakfu + a bonus zord reference that did not exist in french]

My name is Elaine Narrowsmith, to kick your humid butt…
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Page 30
And im Black Ink.


It’s pi… it’s pipi… it’s pirates!

And even the worst!

If I may, I’ll take this, and this…

I think we’ll also take the cannons, isn’t that right, lassie?

It’s a tax, you see? We have to maintain piracy and all privateer in the governor’s employ has to donate a small percentage of its weaponry.
Or all of it!

Dale, didn’t you say that there were no pirates left?

And that’s true… We can’t really consider this pink reinette and this barely weaned kid to be pirates!

That said, when Poupo hears about this, he won’t hesitate to hang them as pirates…
thats a reinette
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And we don’t deserve any less.
[intimidation time! Pirate pride!]

I hope that Poupo has prepared the gallows for our slimy neck.

Tell him for us that pirates are back!

Anyway, where were we? Ah, yes…
In the name of the Fellowship of the Crablock, we thank you for your generous donation.
You, the wreck, help me for the last one!

A wooden cannon?
What is this farce?!
ok real talk
a crablock is this

however, in french, the name is a mix of a crab and a reference to Albator, a VERY well known anime of old.
Captain Harlock in english was not as known.
and of course, being a space pirate is very appropriate for the story

anyway, my issue is that the english name tried but missed the mark on keeping the Albator/Harlock reference since it sound more like a crab/block mix instead of CRAB/harLOCK.

is there a better way to keep the Harlock reference with the crab name? (the crab part is very important as well for tangomango)
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Grahan, fire!
Open fire and get out of here!

But it’s wood!
Eli, fire!!
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Page 33
Reload, you darn Iop!!
[Iop as short for idiot]
And you, course to starboard!!
Lets follow them, we can stop them!!


And why not?!

Because we are sinking.
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Page 34
We have class!
How do we look?

I can use my ink to mimic tattoos that rock.
Look at these!
[needs a better sentence]


I know.
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Page 35
Good. Lassie, we can cross this “ingredient” from our list.
[it said “element” but I felt that “ingredient” just felt more understandable and interesting]

I think it’s time to drop by Nao the Great’s shipyards.
We’ll pass by the Island of Locks and see what there will be at our disposal…

We need materials…

We are out of quality wood, and I need more nails, tow and pitch to caulk the hull.
[nautical terms galore]

Not counting all the spending to refurbish all the rigging of the main mast, sand and varnish the keel, buy an anchor, change the rudder…

But don’t worry, a few hits like this one and…

gnOod night, dad.

Good night, my daughter.
I can't think of anything, but if the official English name of the creature is Crablock, then go with that. Maybe just point out the reference in translators' notes on the bottom page.
guess thats the best way to be consistent with the universe
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Royal palace, Nao the Great.
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Page 37
What spell are you preparing, faithful Grigris?

Just by the smell, it must be a potion of powerful and obscure …

It’s my diner.

I’ve heard that two terrible pirates have assaulted and sunk my agent’s ship near the cove of the Maine Cooyne.

Tell me, Grigris, what must I do to be done once and for all with those stinking impostors?

I purified these waters of these sea rats, and still I hear again and again this word everywhere…


There is almost no pirate left alive, but the population can’t forget them! These corpses continue to demoralise my troops, from the bottom of the sea… It’s unheard of.
Some soldiers even tell tales about them. Little by little, they are winning the respect of my men, even their admiration.
Admiration for pirates… what folly!

There is one thing more powerful than admiration…


Act like a true villain, bump off someone from time to time, at random, wantonly, and they’ll fear you. They won’t admire you, but it’s almost the same thing.

I already do that!
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Page 38
Excellent, excellent…

[wait a minute, its the same word in english]
You are not listening to me…


It has been years since I have vanquished Auralis, the last great pirate, at Dishwater Jetty… How much time has it been since, exactly?

Ten years, your lordship. A memorable battle.

[10 years… the last great pirate… is this a hint of Elaine actual parentage? This plot point seems to have been dropped later on]

It is unfortunate that he brought his treasure with him at the bottom of the sea. It was said that he had mountains of gold…
Ten years already, and since then there has been no assault, no plundering, no theft…

I will make the Mild Waters a decent place. Clean!
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Page 39
There is no place for pirates here!

Easy, milord… They are finished, it is only a matter of time.

I have already waited for far too long. I must assemble the six Vovodouns and get out of this foul swamp with my army, forever!

And with honors! The Mild Waters owes you so much…
How is the search for the three missing Vovodouns, by the way?

We did not find any medallion at the Dishwater Jetty. My informers – may they rest in peace - were wrong again.
I understand, but erasing this island from the map… Shouldn’t you be more prudent, your lordship?


I am sick and tired of being prudent! The time to use my best weapon has come.

Your lordship, these creatures… The Vovodouns… They have already shown themselves indomitable!
[11th linked bubble]
It would be better if they stayed here, under your control. With freedom, they will cause chaos, and chaos is an open door for piracy.

Well said!
They are under my control and they will obey me. Piracy is a germ. It has made its nest at the Mild Waters like a maggot in a hive. If we don’t eradicate its source, it will come back again and again and I have no intention to rot here for the rest of my life!
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Page 40
The pirates will come back, yes… If you foment an uprising! Wouldn’t it be better to maintain this balance, this calm…?

Ah! Ah! Ah!
Peace bores me, Grigris. I am a man of battles.


No one will be able to stop me once I have the six Vovodouns.

Darn nutcase!
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Page 41
Ah! My loyal familiars…
[linked bubble]
What a pleasure to see you gathered.

The day we have waited for has come. You will serve me again!

This time, all three of you, like in the olden days. I imagine this please you, especially you two, Filo and Silver. It has been a long time since you left this place…

[Silver is already in english]
Ten years since the battle, do you remember? Since then, the humid and sticky heat of this place has dulled my senses…

Meanwhile, my enemies are rising again like flames from leftover embers. I want to finish what we have started…

And gather once and for all my six captains, the Vovodouns, my army! I will present you to the civilized world, you will be my pride and fortune…

From this moment on, we shall go look for your missing brethren. Sail together, search every corner of the Mild Waters.

[8th linked bubble]
We you find them, capture them and bring them to me.

Thus is my order and whether you like it or not, you cannot disobey the orders of your master.
[linked bubble]
You already know it but I love reminding you of it.
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Page 42
It would be extraordinary, no? The entire family reunited again, it will fill you with joy…
[need better sentence]

Go now.

One day, I shall not bear it anymore. I want to hear his bones crack under my teeth.
Us, we cannot hurt him.
You, no, but I can.

Not even you, Salamander.
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Page 43
Why does he sends us now? Why not before?

Poupo detest the dark arts, our nature.
[linked bubble]
He fears us. He must be desperate.

This cannot end well…

No matter, Fil!

Poupo is your master and you will do what he says. The link that unites you to him is stronger than any oath.

We shall still bow down to him in the end, for our objectives are the same…

For now…
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Page 44
The howling monkey
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Pull a bit on the capstan, buddy
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Page 46
Ok, you got the idea, no? Things are heating up!

Who are these mysterious captains? Poupo called them Vovodouns… This evokes images of something magical… ancient… powerful…

Is there still a place In the Mild Waters where the iron fist of Poupo doesn’t reach?

Might it be true that there are still free pirates, waiting to recapture what was taken from them?

Me, I have no idea! But something tells me it’s the case… A whisper amongst the waves, I do not know…

You ramble, old man…

…Something like a warm breeze a morning of Martalo, or like a little sunray that swivel in some ruined building… Something like that!

Not again.
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Page 47
[1st square]
A southern wind, coming from some far off coasts, bringing promises of sun…
Of gold and battles!
Of freedom!

And the old pirates, beached on dry land for years, look at the sea anew…

AAAAH, the sea, the Mild Waters!

There where the sky merge with the sea, here’s the place that pirates dream of.

And no one, they think, will stop them from reaching this place and seize it!

But these old fossils won’t be the only ones to clear their rotting crafts from limpets…

[limpets = barnacles in wakfu]
New generations of seafarers, intoxicated by the smell of salt, also want their part of the loot.

The part of this world that belongs to them.

Look at them! They don’t know what they are getting into!
[12th linked bubble]
What is the best way of starting an adventure?
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Page 48
Is there even another way?

Ah Ah, old friend, let’s cast off our mooring and let the winds carry us!

I agree with you, going against it would be absurd…

And much more boring!

[the end square]
Of the first tome.
The adventure continue in tome 2

“The Pirates’ Gazette”
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Page 50
It’s not over yet!
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not translating those
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while they would be interesting, i pretty much got tired
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by the way, poupo and grigris have character sheet in subsequent tomes.

poupo has an owl theme
grigris has a cockroach theme
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AAANND thats a wrap!

i'd trade another translation for a solo Jiva image
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thats jiva
Thanks for the translation!

Now we just need someone to edit it in.
actually before that, you'd need a proofreader to make sure the sentences flows well and make sense

im not a pro writer so i am incapable of giving distinctive voices to the characters. i tried with poupo by making him not use contractions but thats all i can do
that one doesnt count : its my own
neither the next two i'll post
>that one doesnt count : its my own

It's not like I'd know how to keep track of that.
very true
Hi, I'm anon from last August. I purchased Maskemane 12, had a friend help translate it, and now it's available here. https://www.mediafire.com/file/lzfspunmj2rshsj/
It's my first time making something like this, but as a fan of Maskemane who was frustrated with it being unavailable in English, I hope this is a help to anyone else who wanted it!
I'm an idiot and forgot the pages that don't have words. https://www.mediafire.com/file/j73a3ofqf9p5kyo/ fixed.
can we get the no translated book please
we are french and we really like to get the no translated comics if is it possible thanks (:
There are plenty of places you can buy them. We have been making these available because there is no other way for people to read them in English, which is not the case in French.
i am from africa but i talk french ^^' there is not a lot of library in africa this is why i asked you
If Ankama Shop does not ship to your location, you should be able to find most of them on Amazon. If not or if the cost of shipping is prohibitive, many of them are available digitally on https://www.comixology.com/Ankama/comics-publisher/549-0
ok thanks (:
You don't have the ogrest comics ?
https://www.japscan.ws/manga/ogrest/ there is but it still in french
Anyone have any new information on where one can read or download the Ogrest Manga online in English ? even if its just in french for the sake of pictures and rough translation by phone app ?

The only one i can find really is Tome 1, and of that only chapter 1 in English.