>>419449 >>419450 This may have happened because posting "good morning (sir)" has become a meme where people flood the thread with the phrase. Apparently, /g/ and Indians are to blame: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-internet-is-filling-up-because-indians-are-sending-millions-of-good-morning-texts-1516640068
BreastQuest (otherwise known as BQuest or just BQ) is a /co/-created project about a lone well-endowed supersoldier and her friends vs the evil DFC empire.
Old /coc/ thread: http://plus4chan.org/b/coc/res/50487.html Google docs page: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai3U4gANt4s_dHZndi16U0RYc2VlWDEzSXVPcE5SMFE&usp=sharing#gid=0 Issue 1 script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11oblulzZFOXiU9c88kZbDTcYU2nlkzGoGNq9K1RsIsk/edit
>>419046 I don't think it would be cliche, but you would need to decide beforehand if any of them are going to be true or not later on.
Like there are conspiracies where everyone assumes or knows are true but refuse to openly acknowledge them (stuff pertaining to Mother Queen), and then there's the outlandish ones like all the money in town is laced with listening devices to spy on the residents. But even that doesn't sound so outlandish given the setting.
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Artist Anon, if you actually keep up with this thread and not just the weekly threads, I've been reading through your big pastebin thing you posted.
I've only had time to read through the "opening story attempts" so far since I've been busy with my own writing project, but here are my thoughts so far since the Sunday thread is going to be made late due to Mother's Day.
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During January of 2014 someone only known as the /co/nrad drawfag (or the preposterous artist) started drawing comics using board-tans. Mainly /co/nrad and the happenings and going-ons of /co/.
Seeing as all of them are not collected anywhere in one place, and this board has no lack of space, I'm going to use a thread here for long term viewing if I can.
If anyone is familiar with the comic/animated TV show Cybersix, the creators made this comic beforehand. Since I own a (hard to find if you're not in Argentina) copy, I wanted to give a shot at translating it, and I wanted to know if anyone is interested and/or can give me some advice on how I should go about releasing this.
>>419268 I just mean if you don't want to cut up your album to make the best scan possible, or even just don't want to spend the time doing it, these exist, so you can just erase the text on those and pop your translation in.
>>419270 What he said: https://booksdl.org/comics0/_NON_ENG_ORIG/I/Irish%20Coffee%20%28German%29/
This will be fun! /coc/ are The Lucky Ones! Her cut is perfect and she's white as well! She'll bring us endless entertainment, Our new friend, Mega Channel
Today it became known in /coc/ that, despite pages from it being posted and attracting moderate attention, Hamster Jovial still has not been translated into English. An enterprising Anon said that they would buy the book and make an HQ scan if somebody would translate it, and I thought, why not make it a community project? Would anybody be interested?
>>419192 I'm not sure you know what you are getting into, offering to translate a book by Gotlib. But I'll bite. Here's a link, apparently it already had a digital release: https://mega.nz/file/VxcjkQhA#YRYVpkl2ep__W7cS3X3zUtqxI-wof4-qfBWBAXQiaQc
>>419193 These couple of strips aren't too bad for wordplay, the editing would be a huge bitch though, especially for the first strip. /coc/ is really dead too, isn't it? Couldn't even finish Melusine.
Putting a note here reminding me that Weekly /coc/ threads are created around 10 AM EST. Since the last thread lasted up to Sunday I guess we'll create the next thread on Monday 10 AM?
Like the others are said, this thread is not relevant now. Plus4chan is in no danger of being closed currently. The former administrator in 2017 lost interest, but passed the site over to a new developer before leaving. For more info, you can read >>>/baw/416404 >>>/baw/417543
Back in 2014 Deelette, the daughter of /d/-tan and /co/lette, was created. Up until about 2017 a monster kid school setting was a joint project between /d/ and /co/ where Deelette attended classes and had various friends. The paste where we kept the stories and world building got privatized by pastebin's new policies, so I've moved what I can to the /co/ wiki.
This thread is for the discussion of any Deelette or Monster School related stuff for anyone still around who is/was interested in the project.
>>418751 Neat. Looking forward to seeing where you go with it.
Makes me think I need to better organize the wiki page since it feels like some of the stories and ideas might not be in the right chronological order (primarily the /tg/ Christmas is probably before she was enrolled at the school and Valentine's day with Cookie is probably even earlier when she was still living with her mom).
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Ogú, Mampato y Rena translation. Old chilean comic, never been officially translated. High quality scans already exist, so everything else is fair game
>>418670 No worries, we all have IRL stuff to deal with. In the meanwhile I been watching the cartoon adaptation of the comic, while the artstyle is not particularly great and the voice acting is really uneven, I must say is surprisingly faithful to the comic. If anyone else is curious https://www.cntv.cl/las-aventuras-de-ogu-mampato-y-rena/cntv/2018-12-17/085220.html The soundtrack specially took me for surprise, dig the Johnny Quest esque vibe.
Mishalover granted us with a storytime of the first two volumes of Les Ogres-dieux by Hubert and Gatignol http://boards.4channel.org/co/thread/106466898 , not without mentioning the existence of a third one, still only available in french. Let's work on that.
Here are the links for for the originals : pdf : https://mega.nz/#!2BdUyawb!Gs4-_O4wvj9tq7nglmUq1CLdpcSt-UtzlGWFq4UWr8E cbr : https://mega.nz/#!7BI3FQSY!gC6X4GC3dzo6B6LAr1iW5ru0KeQGlvN1tBGNbWCX768
>>417778 Thanks man, that'd be really appreciated, yes that file is the higher quality one. I think all we're waiting for is peaulice to finish proofing and then the typesetting.
So has everyone actually abandoned this? Will I have to do it myself? Is there even a point as it seems that it might get an official release soonish anyway?