>>395021 I started filling the one in the OP out but realized it was too much effort. Like holy shit look at all those boxes. It needs to be more focused
Terror threatens the greatest monarchy on Earth today, as the Scottish foolishly endanger British power in Europe by attempting to break up the world's 6th largest economy, perhaps hoping to follow this up by selling the entire island to the French.
>>393900 Except no one's talking about that since it happened awhile ago, whats being mentioned is about the RALLYING happening at Holyrood which are occurring recently and a week after the referendum. Its about the protesting infront of the Scottish parliament with Yes voters trying to demand a re-vote because they didn't win.
I don't know if this belongs here on in /pco/. HF is removing lolicon and shotacon from its site, people were quick to say paheal but as far as I understand paheal is removing those too.
>It is becoming more and more clear that images depicting "child sex abuse" in cartoon form are against the law and agencies are beginning to crack down on such content online. >we will also be actively trying to remove this content from paheal in the future. >there is no question that such content will lead to paheal being taken offline in the future and, from a personal standpoint, I simply dont want to host such images on paheal.
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>>393992 Opposites attract. Seriously, don't stress about it. She likes you, you like her. She might ask if you can come with her and hang out with her friends. No biggy, just learn to be social. Practice is key.
What's your take on the entire GamerGate situation? It's really gotten out of hand quickly and a lot of dissent could be quelled if moot just answered a few questions/it was contained to 1 thread on /v/ or /pol/ with a 'no dox' rule.
Seriously, /v/ has always been shit as has been /pol/, but the shitposting is reaching unreal proportions.
>>393732 It's basically the same fucking thing as the radical parts of tumblr, except on the right side of the political spectrum. Emotionally unstable and vulnerable people getting lured in by a sense of belonging and unity, who then just end up magnifying each others fears and weaknesses to drag each other in a neverending downspiral of paranoia and persecution complexes, painting anyone as malevolent enemy who doesn't share their twisted and radicalized views.
it's probably over, calling your representative and telling them you support classifying isps common carriers is the most you can really do, and who knows if they will even vote according to their constituency
>>393577 Wait, you're saying if I support net neutrality I'm fighting *against* giant skyscraper lasers? Screw that, I'm going with the side that's totally metal.
When the little annual fair near my house wasn't just a bingo hall with a dirty inflatable slide, I'd make a point of winning a knife and a bottle of soda each year in the ring toss games. Got pretty good at it, too.
Speak. Your. Mind.
For clarification: New layout is still coming (it will be done by September 2nd (next week)), but at least this isn't as thin as it was before.
>>393066 No, yeah the bullshit is obvious. They sprinkle it with spots of truth so its not that far-fetched but I do know there's stuff here (and the other image) that's actually real.
...Hint: Its the stuff that sounds less outrageous.
No.393120 Speak Your Mind: Subject fields are stupid or something
>>393091 In order to convince your mom that you're not gay you need to say >"I don't care if you think I'm gay. The only people whose opinion matter on that subject are my own and any person I'm currently fu.... leave that last part out... " That's the advice? I couldn't say that to her!
>>393030 The UK made drawn images part of their child porn laws over a decade ago. Good ol' nanny state. They tried to do that here in the states, and some states do have it on the book, but the federal attempt was struck down by the SC.
>>393031 I said this before in old /baw/ (and maybe even here) but the drawn porn thing has only come up once in Australian court (with The Simpsons again), and it was ruled that if it was or was representative of a human or a legal person it was CP. If it's of an underaged anthro animal/plant/food/sheet of paper/etc., than it is legal. At least it's simple and they allow some stuff.
I guess it would always depend on the judge and jury though (ie. you gonna get v& no matter what).
I believe it. My own mother said she heard my grandmother's voice 24 hours after she died. She was likely dreaming, but its nice to think it was a true dream, and that grandma was letting her know she made it to heaven, albeit with a slight delay (maybe heaven was short-staffed, or she somehow deserved exactly 24 hours in purgatory). Few months later I had a lovely dream of her.
That's creepy. My mom told me that when my grandpa died (at 90, I was about 3 years old) a few days later I was standing in the corridor saying "Opa come!" "Opa come!" and pointing in a direction. My mom who's semi-religious quickly prayed that she appreciated grandpa saying his goodbyes but please leaver her alone. Age 3, weird...
>>392656 I would normally bait this out and ask what you do for fun then explain that other people would likely find that boring, but I'm just going to skip all that and call you stupid.
Especially for posting it in the sports thread of all places. Is this bait? Because it's not very good bait. And I don't even watch soccer.