>>392791 Still doesn't hold a candle to the day that Sonic was revealed for Brawl. The level of apeshittery and rustled jimmies that /v/ achieved will never again be repeated.
>>394087 Calling bullshit. It doesn't make sense. Why would that send girl A into girl B's arms if girl B was the one who orchestrated the whole thing...especially in a not-subtle way.
>>394331 Nearly all of them would just be green text and a reaction image, variants of "my sides", people calling the post stupid, people calling the anon stupid, and >reddit/tumblr.
>>394461 If it seems fake because no one posted in-between the jokes, it's a fair assumption that any combo breakers were just edited out by whoever made the screencap.
There is another, less edited version of the thread, actually. In between the last Phoebe and the last Frizzle, there was a picture of each kid with their eyes enlarged, as if in horror of what they're seeing. Fuck me if I can find it, though.
That and in one of the older screencap threads, Moe commented that he's still pissed he forgot his image.
>>394568 Was this part of that Little Lost Magnus thing, where someone avatarfagged as Ultra Magnus on other boards before returning to /co/? I always liked how that was so far back in the board's lifespan that most people didn't even know it existed.
>>394566 If he expected /v/ to actually talk about video games after that greentext, he had no idea how /v/ works. At all.
Also, while tile patterns is certainly an odd, odd fetish, it's not a bad one. He shouldn't be ashamed, but he shouldn't be surprised at people's surprise.
You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.
>>394654 It's even worse because it's not complete gibberish, there's clearly an idea there, which makes my brain keep trying to understand it even though it's nonsense
>"Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"
>Worded to:
>"Has anyone really decided as to even go that far in wanting to do to look more like so?"
>Subject - Anyone Verb - decided (modified by "really" adverb) Direct object to "decided" - "that" (pronoun modified by "far") Noun clause that clarifies "that" - "wanting to do" (gerund phrase) Do what? - "to look more like so"
>"Has any video game company really taken such measure to make a game so realistic?"
4chan is the place that made funny macros the day of 9/11 of the planes crashing into the WTC, I think you're barking up the wrong tree with any appeals for decency.
>>397199 True, but the guy has a point. Sensitivity toward strangers isn't to be expected on 4chan. But then again I've met more nice Anons than assholes.
>>398014 >>398014 vikipaedia >Bill Trinen is the Senior Product Marketing Manager of Nintendo of America. Trinen is also a professional Japanese-to-English translator.
It’s actually about ethics in booktubing. (No, but really, it’s about 4chan proving why it deserves that “Internet Hate Machine” moniker and why sites like it can just as easily turn into just another cog in the Machine.)
>>398511 I'm not talking about the work itself, I'm talking about the fact that a dude paid a grand for some shitty OC with a glowing penis and radiation symbol on it.
Wolfy-Nail is a popular artist within the furry community. I think he knows what he's worth and charges accordingly (or at least sets his baseline price for YCH spots at a reasonable price given his popularity and skill). You may whine about the content and how much someone paid for it, but I don't see how that decision concerns you in any way. So someone paid $1,325 for gay furry porn; why the hell do you care so much?
>>398521 Honestly as a very much non-fan of furry shit I think his art is nevertheless well-drawn. Not necessarily worth $1000 dollars, but then again few commissioned pictures are.
>>398545 His starting price was very low (~$100 IIRC) and three people ended up bidding over $1000. I just find it amazing that someone was willing to spend that much money on YCH art. Nothing against the artist; yes he is skilled. But $1000 is a lot of money to spend on porn, and while the bidder has his freedom to do so, I still find it intriguing that someone made that choice. I realise it doesn't affect me personally but that is just crazy money for a YCH furry auction to include your donut steel.
>>398549 There appears to be this unexpectedly large overlap of people who have a lot of disposable funds (or act like they do) and people who have fetishes that are far removed from even "normal" fetishes. People with "normal" interests have a hard time coming up with $50 for a commission, but somehow there are individuals who can and will pay $2,000 for a four page comic involving inflation, bondage, and seaweed between two futanari lizard anthromorphs.
Anyway, there is a bit of reason behind it. The further removed your fetish is, the harder it is to find porn for free (especially if you dont count shitty-MSpaint stuff).
Normal, vanilla IRL human porn: billions of stuff freely available or cheap. R34 and/or furry: hundreds of thousands freely available, but lots of cheap commissions (especially for obscure fandoms) Piranha plant TF R34: like ten pictures, and I'm pretty sure all were commissioned
Also, the more obscure, the higher the chance the artist will want more payment. Most artists don't want to draw certain fetishes (eg necro, pedo, scat, guro) so those would probably be more expensive to commission)
>>402120 Especially the part where it's a screencap of a single post that's just an image plus some text when the image being capped could just be saved with the text as a filename.
Holy shit I just discovered MAD THAD. What a fucking retard, I havent finished reading and I'm laughing my ass off.
TL;DR Guy v& for discussing cheeze pizza on Facebook. Skip to 12 for his comments (middle row) and 13 onward for his folder names. TL;DR^2 >MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke.
>>405437 No, I saved it from a screencap thread at some point.
If I were to assume then I guess someone saw the image to the side and was inspired by it to write the little story 'explaining' the circumstances of it.
>>405555 >start reading >"Oh, well I know some girls get shit for working out in gyms for bulking purposes and--" >keep reading >"...haul?" >mfw i realized
Image:145919717300.jpg(59kB, 1280x720)[denpa] Space Dandy 2 - 09 [CNHD 720p 5.1][FD671301].mkv_snapshot_05.30_[2014.08.31_12.18.01].jpg
>>405555 Geez. I know the reddit post in >>405406 is an elaborate ruse, but this seems a little bit too.. organic to be faked. If this is a Honey Pot, I give mad props.
>>405561 Shadowrun is a wiz setting, chummer. I've only played 1st and 2nd edition, so I can't say much about the new stuff.
So the story is as follows, dude found a safe at one of those storage box auction things and got the keys for it. Opened her up and found a couple 400 round boxes of match-grade 7N14 ammo and two SVDs as well as a PSO-1 scope. Idiots wife who lives in CA thought he was being illegal, which he wouldn't have been if he didn't cut the barrel down, making it an SBR.
He essentially destroyed a historically relevant artifact and burned $20,000 just so he could have the privilege of being railroaded in jail by Bubba.
didnt even need to view full image, the thumbnail is enough to bring back the PTSD
/k/ produces surprisingly funny shit, here's a rehash of a Toyota commercial based on the fact that Toyota is pretty much the main vehicle used by insurgents everywhere.
What does one mean to "become a furry" anyway? For instance I am a general deviant who jacks off to all sorts of pornography including drawn porn of cartoon characters, but thats not the same as being a furry.
Would this screencap anon actually mean going all out and turning into some fursuiter brony who attends furry-conventions just because they saw a childrens cartoon or animated movie featuring animal-people?
And for a random guess would assume the movie he's referring to is Zootopia? Not seen it either.
>Would this screencap anon actually mean going all out and turning into some fursuiter brony who attends furry-conventions just because they saw a childrens cartoon or animated movie featuring animal-people?
How the fuck do you think a lot of us furries became furries?
>>406149 Furry refers to the sexual fetish for anthropomorphic animals as well as the whole deviant lifestyle.
I don't have any desire to own a fursuit and I believe fursonas are a sign of psychotic delusion. I still fap to blue cat butt. Hence, you could call me a furfag, and I call myself a furry (anonymously on the internet). You could spend years with me and not notice. Doesn't change shit.
>And for a random guess would assume the movie he's referring to is Zootopia? Not seen it either. Yes (filename). Its a good movie but you'll begin fucking your neighbours pets and start getting gassed at conventions shortly afterwards. Worth it tho.
Life cycle of furry: Watch cartoons as kid > see pseudo-adult bullshit artists put into cartoons for giggles because they think kids will never get it > never get over images until adulthood > makes kringy psycho suits > has gang sex at convent ion > ends up with chlamydia > ignores it until it eats brain and death.