Someone dismissed the idea of such a thread but it actually seems worthwhile. A place where you can post links to videos you encounter and feel worth sharing or talk about particular channels you like. To get it rolling would bring up the Townsends channel. Its about American colonial-era history and re-enactment and is ran by an extremely charming little man named Jon Townsend.
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Merry Christmas, Plus4chan. I'm an anon from 8chan, and we are organizing our inter-board Christmas event. This project aims to gather around anons from different imageboard and anonymous communities from all around internet during a weekend and celebrate Christmas together. The planned date is December 14 and 15 and it's going to be here you can make your "embassy" thread talking about your IB, its history and local memes. I hope to see you there. If you have any other questions please make me know, I'll be more than grateful to answer.
The event is starting now, it's going to take place all of Saturday and Sunday, you can go ahead and make your embassy board and send your regards in the name of Plus4chan, I'm going to stream some movies, picrel is the schedule. I'm streaming movies on Sunday too, but I haven't decided the schedule yet, so you can give some recs if you want.
Feel like I get a bit sick so much more often in winter, might be getting older or that the house we live in can never seem to reach a properly comfortable temperature during the particularly colder days, its always slightly off in one way or another.
fell in my room and busted both knees, one of my wrists, and my head. not a fun start for the weekend. put ice packs on them, but after 1 hour of not moving my legs they new feel like they are on fire. nothing seems to be broken and there's no swelling, I can move them fine, they just hurt a lot. ironically, hitting my head felt the worst, I seriously thought I split it open, but there's no pain whatsoever there now. I always had a hard head...
>>432436 The fryer works just fine, other than needing a through rinsing, but it was overdue for that anyway. I'm mostly worried about the bill. We are talking a 1800W fryer going for 50+ hours. Even assuming that it doesn't run a heating cycle nonstop due to the oil reaching its target temperature, it's still a fuck ton of electricity wasted.
>>432413 If your art is available on the internet then by definition you can't do fuck all from it being available to AI gathering purposes, copying, redistributing, curating, collecting, processing, adapting, modifying, publishing, transmitting, displaying, and all the other crap you list on that screenshot.
>>432413 I was talking to some friends who are very into AI and they told me something very funny. All AI models look the same because they pretty much use the same data, even if you go around internet scrapping data, the fact that AI generared content is out there means there's a high chance your corpus would be filled with stuff generated by previous modeld, therefore making it impossible to build something better or different compared to previous models. The harder you push to make bigger and better models, the harder it gets to progress. >>432414 Sure, everybody knows that, but by doing that they are avoiding legal issues when using their data to train AI models.
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My last one was something that could make a decent fanfiction. It was a mashup of Prometheus, Avengers, and Pacific Rim. Basically, it is the future, and anti-gravity vehicles are the norm. The dream starts somewhere far away, where an Architect was revived from deep sleep. He vows to destroy mankind, his creation, because we are not perfect. He says all that telepathically, due to his vocal chords being cut. He calls his fellow architects, and they get together a fleet of spaceships to fly to Earth and destroy it. I am one of the few humans who learn of this first (forgot how), and I learn hat while at a picnic with a larger group of people, in a forest. After seeing the ships approach and leveling the forest, I grab the nearest speeder bike (junk, but operational and defies gravity!) and ride to my home. After I get there, I tell everyone the news (they are my friends in the dream, despite being complete strangers now that I look back). So, from the windows of the apartment, we see the Architect ships (different than the ones from Prometheus) slowly destroy the city. The human race then decides to quickly go through with a defense program. To fight monsters, we will create monsters. Very quickly. But instead of giants robots, we use magical bullshit science to make superheroes out of people. Those superheroes would make a defense team strong enough to defeat all the asshole creator aliens. The plan is successful, and my dream ends with the first batch of superheroes testing their new powers before going to fight the Architects. I also remember there being one lizard girl testing her freeze powers and looking happy after seeing they worked.
Anything you seen in your sleep worthy of talking about?
Before I forget, last dream was very unusual, yet weirdly wholesome. I was apparently an assistant voice director for Helluva Boss, and Vivian took me along with a few select people (all more important than me) to some kind of industry party to celebrate the show doing well, because I was such a good boy or something (apparently despite my small contribution I did a really good job).
Had videogames invade my dreams again. Was basically some sort of side-scrolling exploration/resource-mining game like Terraria where I was travelling through a world beentween towns gathering, but I could also build space rockets to jet to places faster and the playable characters seemed to be famous comedians.
These kind of dreams are really annoying when the game seems to be really good, then you wake up and realize it doesn't actually exist.
odd dream last night. basically me, a couple of other young kids, and a girl were watching TV during the night. possibly a school trip because it felt like we were in a bigger group but not all were there. we were all cramped on.. I don't remember what exactly, but it was large enough that I could lie on there completely. possibly two beds pushed together to form a large sofa. the girl was to my left and on the leftmost edge, so I kept trying to move around so she has enough space (so she doesn't fall off). the girl is known for having a reputation as a slut, probably already had the other guys before. also she is someone who went to the same class as me in real life (yvette, I think), though I don't even remember her face today and we were never any close. everyone was dressed very lightly. like, panties and a light shirt on the girl, guys are mostly in just boxers and some with a t-shirt. it was most likely some school trip or a sleepover during late spring or early summer, given that this is at night and we are still not cold, and we are all pretty young. after that we are in the kitchen. nobody was seen drinking but everyone was in a light, fun mood. it even goes as far as the girl pulling her unbuttoned shirt aside so i can glimpse her bare breasts. other guys notice and woo her at doing so, some even cop a feel. she just laughs at this at first. I don't remember how but it goes too far and she gets mad at one of the guys, even holding a plastic toy knife (I had one like that) to their face while they are on the ground, clearly threatening them. after that, I bring her out of the kitchen in an attempt to calm things down. she is not mad, probably just had to put some guys in place, because she's back smiling immediately. the other guys are clearly in a good mood even after this. feels like it was all just playing around. we are back in the previous TV room. her shirt is still open, loosely hiding half of each side of her breasts.
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No.421721 General Computers/Technology ThreadAnonymous
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Starting one because I have a question but let's have it be general purpose for anyone that comes along.
I was messing around and broke one of the fans on the laptop cooling pad/stand I have it sitting on. Need to replace it, does anyone have advice on what model I should buy this time?
The old one just had two fans, one of my friends sent me it.
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Here's a technology thing to try and get your head around; someone has created an app that is basically a twitter replica with endless bots to reply to you instead of other people. Like electronic crack for narcissists.
The obvious joke to make is that Twitter itself is full of bots anyway.
>>432285 I guess having Cai with a social network interface could be fun but I don't think it would get any traction besides the novelty. As basic as CAI UI is, you can easily use it for roleplaying, creative writing, translating and answer simple questions, you know, basic AI shit. I don't think you'll be able to do shit with that page besides circlejerking with 5 chat gpts
>Ukraine counter invades Kursk >/k/ makes a general to prevent spam and keep up with current happenings >They suddenly get pruned without warning >Other threads discussing Kursk happenings are pruned as well without fail >Blatant bait threads are left untouched (as long as they were pro russian) >This then extended to threads of anything bad happening to Russia
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It is a pretty clear sign that 4chan is infiltrated by the same sort of groups that have turned all social media into a net of bots, and that it extends past simply /pol/. When it suddenly extends to infighting between janitors and moderators.
Honestly the website is probably going to die in the years ahead, when Hiro stops footing the bill. This place is a pretty dead shithole, the only parts active are the most autistic ones like the tournament board. But I guess being so ignored by the world is good, the only problem it has is all the child porn bots that still creep up.
Probably /k/ moderation is just filled with kremlin drones. >What can I do about it? 4chan's structure doesn't allow users to responde to bad jannitors, if a janny is a retard then only some else superior to him can do anything about it, if the mod and supermods are also retarded, then it becomes an issue. 8chan has a system to counter this by giving users board creation tools and easy ways to ban evade, therefore you can just open your own board if you don't like how another is handled. >>432104 The older I get the more I like slow boards, I don't really mind having to read decade old threads. >the website is probably going to die in the years ahead,
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>>429788 for every 1 of these videos, you have 100 of these: >>430003 i find it hard to believe that police brutality is more common than people try to force you to believe