Have less than pure reasons for reviving SYM, have a friend in hospital.
She's a homeless beggar who recently has been plying her trade in my area outside a local supermarket, with her dog (staffie-mix) who is adorable and incredibly friendly. Got talking and befriended them after passing multiple times on my daily walk and playing with the dog.
She's got serious problems with her lungs and she's been in-and-out of hospital. Kept discharging herself due to a fear of being in hospitals and some other reasons. Recent weather has been really wet and colder which has been detrimental, got a wakeup call and now is more serious about staying in this time (with my insistent nagging to be honest). Also trying to get her to give up the ciggies, since its obviously not ideal when you have a serious health issue concerning your lungs, but addiction to a 'legal' drug is hard to break (honestly just lucky she isn't hooked on anything harder).
Dog's staying with an old friend of hers at the moment (getting flea treated).
Feel like I've been tossing away too much money recently. Most recently in that I forgot a big block of cheese in one of my shopping bags left in the house instead of putting it in the refrigerator and only found it again after it got majorly funky.
Image:169616893634.gif(576kB, 480x360)I’m not from here! I have my own customs! Look at my crazy passport!.gif
The only part of the website that could really be described as active is /tnt/, being a refuge of people who were persecuted in the homeland of 4chan and fled to new lands.
But said immigrants don't really mix with the place they have moved to and keep to their own community, with their own strange smelling memes and cuhrazy vernacular.
Google seems to have done away with page numbers on my end, it just shows the mobile-like "infinite load" where it extends the page as you scroll down.
Also on every search it says it got several hundreds of thousands / millions of results, then after ~50 or so it just says no more results.
My new speakers arrived today. Time to annoy the neighbors! Unfortunately I can still tell apart whether I'm listening to stuff with or without the (old, toy tier) subwoofer. However now it's exclusively on extremely low frequencies. And the new speakers still need a few weeks to be tuned in, and I haven't even tried playing with the equalizer yet.
It seems the hard limit now is not so much the speakers but my rooms acoustics. I'm seriously considering moving some furniture around.
>>430532 My neighbors are busy shouting about each others whore of a mother, and that's just when they are not slapping each other basically from 4 AM to 20 PM non stop, for 10+ years now. Why do you think I got those new speakers to begin with? I admit I want to listen to C64 chiptunes at 100W power, but after so many years, this is fast becoming SECONDARY.
If this still doesn't work, I'm gonna have to buy a 15 and 3/4 inch subwoofer and nail it to the ceiling with the speaker pointing up, so it makes their parquet wave around like piano keys do during Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2.
Something that I've noticed about myself is that the more I browse imageboard the more aware I'm of my own hobbies or the thing I like, but at the same time the more aware I'm of how uniform everything it is; most imageboards are goddawfully slow and most of its content is just reposted from other places. The worst part is that the imageboard space hasn't really changed, it's ME the one who changed during the last couple of years. Maybe I just need a hobby outside internet circles, Idk, November trend to be a depressing month for me. >>430404 Not exactly. With Facebook, Google and Microsoft bleeding money and users a lot of people are waiting for them to collapse. I seriously fucking want 4chan to close already so all the other imageboards I browse would get the refugees and with some luck only the decent people would stay. >>430417 Yeah, it's weird. I mean, I often see that on 8chan but here is basically /co/'s bunker, someone would expect they would browse the rest of the page and post since we all come from the same place but they stay on their little board having fun. Not complaining tho, at least I'm glad they have a place outside 4chan's staff hand. Something similar happens with the sonic storytime thread, that's pretty much the only active thread on our /co/
>>430691 I know, originally I thought It was a generational issue, that old internet used to be more honest and original but over the years I've come to the realization that it always has been like that and the recent AI generated spam is just a logical continuation of an already constant internet issue; something that I find quite depressing, honestly.
>>430695 Idk dude, soyjak spammers are so braindead they could be a bot at this point. They aren't not really differeny from someone with a chat gpt bootleg api and a python script.
Another thing that I've noticed is that the more I browse imageboards the more repetitive I feel the discussion. I trend to think way more frequently "yes we've had this same discussion two months ago, now you are going to whim about the jews for the next three hours" and I just stop replying to the thread instead of following it.
Yesterday, the unix timestamp reached 1.7 billion. The filenames on 4chan will now start with 17000~. The next change to 1.8 billion will happen in 2027 January 15.
>>430777 also, reminder that the unix timestamp will reach the maximum 32bit unsigned value by 2038 January 19, and will roll over to 1901 on old servers. This will be a problem similar in magnitude to Y2K, but since it is more technical and therefore harder to explain to laymen, it will undoubtedly create more issues.
Why do some people seem to just be punching bags for Life? Like if they were fictional characters people would say the random chance misery constantly being inflicted on them even outside of their own poor decisions was ridiculously contrived and over the top in how mean spirted it was.
Just not into the Christmas mood this year. My job absolutely sucks, my grandmother is on her way out health-wise, first full year without any dogs (the last one died last year), disabled without any prospect of girlfriend, all of my friends have long since left the local area...
I don't even bother to watch the news anymore. Oh, someone is bombing someone else at the moment? That's nice. Did someone make a great catch in this sport in that game? That's nice. Is there a new variant of Covid floating around? Yup, right on schedule.
>>430905 Not to make this a race, but I had sinusitis for two weeks which is now gone but left me jaw cramps on the way out. I can barely open or close my mouth without pain, and it makes it very painful to eat anything since both opening my mouth and chewing food is painful.
So at least you are in good health. As for the rest, take a long walk and enjoy the winter scenery; the foggy distance, the snow or the rain whichever you have. Best case scenario you might meet someone, worst case you at least moved those old bones.
>>430905 Same. My aunt got cancer, my gandmother got her visa rejected so she won't be able to visit her grandsons living on USA and her health is deteriorating and my dad cheated on my mom and they are divorcing soon. I'm trying to focus my mind on christmas related projects and on my own hobbies buy I'm still fucking tired. I want this shitty month to end so I can finally rest.
>>430905 I suggest doing anything in your power to move to a new town/state. You might not think where you live matters, but it does even if you don't automatically get new friends. Also if your old friends do not try to keep in touch, they are """friends""".
>>430906 Sry about the jaw problem. I take it you went to docs / dentist about it?
>>430907 One of the few nice things about this month is, traditionally, the time between Xmas and New Year's when the office empties out. Nowadays, the office is always empty thanks to remote "work" (don't even get me started on that stupid trend). I'm half-tempted to just bring in my laptop and goof off for a few hours but I know that's wrong.
>>430908 I dunno about moving. Still have a lot of family in the area and I've seen the pitfalls in other parts of the world. Wherever you go, there's always crap to deal with. As the saying goes, the grass is always greener over the septic tank.
>>430909 Sry about the cold. I know Covid is a sensitive topic but make sure it ain't that. At the very least, I've never stopped wearing a mask. People keep pretending that it's over but I get to see the hospital admissions and, I can tell you, it never ended. If anything, it's been ramping up again.
Roommate saw a fuckin mouse in the kitchen. Mum dropped off some mousetraps last time we saw one, but not quite sure how to set them. They aren't they traditional sort and are all metal, seem really sensitive.
India's caste system is incredibly fucked up and still influences the country to this day, feels like it gets utterly glossed over when people talk about the nation.
Concepts like racism or classism can be seen anywhere but this is like roiding it up hardcore for your society.
>>430918 As long as you believe you will be punished by forces 1,000,000,000,000,000 stronger than you in the next life, you will do ANYTHING to avoid divine punishment. If all you have to do is accept your lot in life, and never asked for better treatment, then that is what you'll do.
My neck has been bothering me for weeks seemingly after I slept on someones floor, is this what being old is? I'm in my 30s, is my body already giving out on me?
>>431035 I pet a big fat Bull Terrier on the way home today, it was so excited to see me since I had met it long ago. Wedged its face between my knees as I leaned down petting it.
>>430333 It's kind of sad that normalfags are using the term "normies" now that I'm seeing on social media. I think sometimes they just go with what they think sounds cool and makes them feel special for vidya games even with games now pandering to the alphabet queers who will cancel you for wrong think.
My health seems to have taken a step for the worse, on top of trigeminal neuralgia I also got a busted tooth that may need root canal treatment, and my eyes have gotten so much worse (which explains why I have to view every website with a high zoom). This year won't be cheap.
Struck by diarrhea while walking along the street tonight, its something of a real shock because its been so long since I've previously been afflicted with it.
Luckily was near a bar when it first happened so was able to use their toilets, but even after it relented enough to leave my guts were coiling on me all the way home. thankful not to have had a disaster occour, especially when got nearer home and it felt like the bombbay doors were opening.
Bought a big east egg that was on sale and after chowing down on part of it feel sick. Why am I fucking stupid, its not like they are even that good to begin with, basically just wasted money and health all in one package.
Gone through some stressful circumstances recently, has left me with urges to hurt myself or others. Of course I don't WANT to hurt anyone so I don't, but its bothering me. Also my sleep is pretty fucked because of the previously mentioned stressful times.
Youtube's new style is fucking horrible. You can use this in ublock to get rid of it mostly: youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid, false)
>>431501 >>431502 I only use freetube nowadays. The only issue is that the autoplayer often ends looping if you play music, aside from that it's pretty cool. I should look for a good YT client for phone, I used to play my music from Brave but it seems it no longer keeps playing it on the background.
>>431601 I used Steam only a little, never bothered to check if there are forums. Are you called an evil hitler satan if you accidentally slightly offend someone?
>>431604 It can be crying about social injustice or it can be spamming endless threads decrying everything as woke and demanding everyone boycott the game. depends on which brand of nutter has had their feelings hurt by something inconsequential at the time. Course some are sincere while others are just shitposting, anyone who sets their profile to Private and starts them is probably doing it for that purpose.
>>431608 Unless life has lied to me, in my experience is a minority, albeit a very annoying one. The kind of people who always while and complain, and when you offer them a solution, they look at you like you just have declared a war on them.
Why does every fucking website at some point feel the need to change its layout to something that is a hundred times worse, both visually and in function?
>>431633 Because managers have taken over tech businesses, and they get their panties in a twist if you want to try something new and exciting. Refining the working formula is just not as exciting, financially speaking.
>>431639 No, it affects all software, not just websites. Windows got so many half-complete redesigns in the past 20 years that there are barely any Microsoft apps that use the same UI (the administrative templates use win98 styles even today). This is for the same reason - something brand new is easier to market and sell than "we improved the same thing".
Just found out about Nick Rekieta's complete fucking breakdown at life.
He was just this internet lawyer youtuber who commented on e-celebrity cases, saw a couple of his videos in the past about Maddox and was something my friend watched. Now he's spiraled into a alcohol/drug addict thats been arrested for drug/firearms possession (and his wife fucks around? Maybe like a swinger thing)
Its weird suddenly encountering this sort of tragedy/scandel about individuals you were previously aware of and seemed so upright.
I hate cosmic horror video games where you fight and kill monsters all the way through then the ending is suddenly "You Die/Go Insane/Go Insane and Kill Yourself". So fucking lame.
>>431639 That's the reason for so many managers in various businesses, who feel like they HAVE to make changes to any project they happen across no matter how fucking stupid and pointless. They are completly fucking unneccesery but they exist sucking up money and oxygen and feeling the need to justify their cancerous existance. Also the reason 'Consultants' exist as an industry.
>>431920 Basically, at least half of all managers are useless. They want to be in power, but not have TOO high in power (then people actually depend on you, and might rise up against you with intent to murder). Basically, those people want to be the royal consultant, but never the king.
>>431920 Lots of managers are garbage. Some actually are useful, but it's rare, especially inside big bureaucratic corporates. The main benefit of one is it means workers don't have to deal with the bullshit from above, but it also means they usually won't deal with the bullshit from above, which screws them over.
To get a concrete example about how managers can be a serious problem, look at Richard Feynman's investigation into the Challenger disaster: >management, who make decisions, claim the chance of catastrophic failure were 1 in 100,000 >workers, who do work and know it intimately, anonymously give answers mostly between 1 in 50 and 1 in 200 >NASA's high-ranking managers revealed startling misunderstandings of elementary concepts, for example, recording the O-rings having a safety factor of 3 when those tests showed they had a safety factor of literally 0; they burned a third of the way through >engineers working at Morton Thiokol expressed serious concerns about the O-rings prior to launch (spoiler: that's the component that failed) >managers ignored it >same pattern of management ignoring concerns in many other areas (except notably software, with rigorous testing procedures, which management were trying to remove since software always passed the tests) The bottom line is, unless management is designed extremely well (close to, if not impossible in capitalist reality where the profit motive dominates) then it just becomes an abstraction between people who understand their work and the people deciding how it is done. When I mention capitalism there, it's not with an implication that this problem won't happen without capitalism, because it can and will, but because an economy centred around capital will inherently disincentivize worker control over work, in place of shareholder control
I hate shaving, its such a fucking hassle. Not really interested in growing a beard or stache. Just feels so nasty when it starts growing out and its an eternal issue to keep on top of. Why do people go bald on their heads but not on their chins anyway?
Just noticed that one of the workers at the local supermarket is a goth girl. Short, skinny, pale, elaborate hairdo, red lipstick, multiple black necklaces (cross, spikes), pierced ear, tattoo. She's really cute.
Dachshund Showers In The Sink I'm struggling with dark throughts and for some reason this adorable video of a puppy might be making it worse as I watch. Sorry to drop that out of nowere, but just what the fuck brain.
I fucking hate my psychiatrist. I have adhd and have to take a 3000$ psychiatrist who doesn't fucking answer my questions, gives useless ass advice and I suppose to accept it because " She doesn't knowwwww" She is being paid 3k, she's not getting it just to diddle her thumbs and go Hurr Durr "Me not know". I want my questions to be answered and I want real advice outside of "Write it down" like that fucking worked for me.
God damn oil fryer died on me while I was making a meal. That's a lot of ingredients I may have to throw out because they are half baked. Re-frying it on the gas stove would take an hour. Now I have to wait an hour and clean up the oil and then take it apart to see if it can get fixed, or throw it the fuck out because I'm buying a new one anyway next week (it's already ordered, but it was a few days late).
>>432051 You can cook multiple times with it. Just filter out the oil if needed. The next one I'm buying is a roto fryer, which will make things simpler, and it uses less oil too.
>>432073 Not that old yet, but someday I will be. Not sure if 37 will be all that bad...... getting old was the best thing that happened to me. I am progressively becoming less stupid, and wisdom and knowledge are the best drugs. Worrying about death is pointless since not only is it inevitable (worrying accomplishes nothing), but billions died before me, and they all ended up alright......... right? :P
Last time I was here, many many years ago, I was a huge egotistical jerk who didn't appreciate the kind of genuine troubles people deal with, and I just wanted to apologize for it. I'm sorry
I'm an anti-social guy who doesn't go out and meet people, but somehow seem to keep attracting various broken people to me. There's like one guy I know who isn't seriously fucked in some way, and that's an old schoolfriend who has only just decided to appear and get in touch with me. Kind of expecting the shoe to drop and find out the family he started is actually suffering soap opera-level drama and his personal business is failing.
>>432339 All of us are social to some degree. I don't know you, so I don't know how, but if you can raise your level of self respect, and change your everyday attitude, you will start attracting better people to yourself. My source? I seen that work before (in other words "trust me bro").
Personal mortality and the inevitability of dying makes me depressed when it creeps into mind, which is reasonable and a direct fact.
But the thought of the Earth's mortality and how it will all be totally gone one day is depressing on an entirely different level. Its so distant as to be not a consideration since humanity in any sense will probably be long gone before that point, but coming across detailed explanations of the various ways it will come about just hits in a particular way.
The thumbnails for youtube videos are now webms and not links to the video, when did this happen? Multiple times today I've tried to open a yt video in a new tab and just gotten the webm by mistake.
>>432538 ooh, you mean on Youtube itself, I thought you meant here on plus4. Not sure what to say, you may have some browser extension or userscripts going crazy. I never got youtube to link to webms like that.
Speaking of youtube why the fuck does it keep recommending me brown people videos with titles made up of foreign language characters no matter how often I say not interested/don't recommend channel.
Its always just in the one box, the exact same space on the screen every time, while every other video box is showing me something I might actually want to watch or stuff I've watched before.
Videogames are basically an addiction at this point, they are the main method of keeping myself occupied for days to ward off suicidal thoughts. Alot cheaper than heroin at least, you can buy a new full-price big name game for as much as one of the junkie cunts throw away for a single days supply, and it'll last you longer. Only need to resort to robbing people and sucking cock if you're a fan of paradox games, their dlc racket on their games is fucking theft (they'd rather keep making additional dlc than fixing the base game in terms of performance etc, because they can't charge you for the fixes).
>>432568 If you actually feel bad then do something about it instead of using videogames as a coping mechanism. I know it's a meme to suggest going to a psychologist on an imageboard but there are really good ones out there, you just have to look for them and don't get discouraged when you find a bad one. Or get some fresh air and exercise regularly at the very least, man.
Just figured you guys ought to know... regular /co/ is currently being shat on by the /r9k/ mod, and the Christmas Cheer threads are suffering as a result. Morale is low, and there's been serious discussion as to how we proceed, and we might end up moving our Cheer threads here.
Like I said, figured you'd want a heads up so you're not freaking out by us all just showing up
Image:173491567277.png(198kB, 563x536)AAAAAAAAAA by SorcArts.png
I may namefag here most of the time, but Anonposting is fucking great. It lets you speak true heresy, be assaulted by a mob of true believers eager to burn you for what you just said, but nobody will remember it was (you) who stated the forbidden opinion, come next day.
Got someone trying to hit me with a scam on Steam through someones hacked account on my Friends list.
Obviously didn't click the link, was pretty obvious when someone I rarely talk to approched me asking me to vote for their friends FPS team so wasn't really gonna be convincing. More just sad that the person got their account hacked and used as a tool for this.
I just archived a 16 year old 80GB hard drive with 49000 active work hours, to a 100TB server array. I don't know how it makes me feel. Archiving a bunch of 1-2TB disks to this server? Sure, it feels natural. But archiving a 80GB drive feels so odd, it's like copying a 1.44MiB floppy disk to a Bluray disc.
>>433147 When Rescuers Down Under was made, the team bought a TWO GIGABYTE HARD DRIVE to store the digitally coloured frames. In the late 80s 2 GB was a big deal.
>>433158 Yes, but those all used different connections and protocols. This is just popping the drive in and saving it, no extras involved. I still have a bunch of 40GB drives to save but I have to spin up a separate computer for those on account of them using IDE connectors.