Ever since I gave Tiki advice on getting a new desktop, I've been wanting to share my experience with how my own build went, and I figure I ought to do that already.
I think I got a pretty solid design here: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ZWHvRB Portability since I want to lug it between my parent's houses, decent in most areas of performance, very solid power supply, damage resistant motherboard. Unfortunately I hadn't ordered anything online before, and asked my mom for help. After some confusion with credit cards, we ended up going with a different case, this one to be exact: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/silverstone-case-sstps07b
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Why nobody told me intel had a new gayming nuc? This looks good but I don't think I'll ever buy it //youtube.com/watch?v=rOTKgvPUXN8 Still really cool to look at.
>>405822 People change and are willing to do or say things in anonymity they otherwise wouldn't. As I recall she was the most hardline "kill all men" feminist on here while WITH a name.
ah the good old "sweden changed the legal definition of rape to be much broader and therefore has 'more' than most countries but I'm not going to explain that part" move
One of the best TPS I've ever played, I've been playing this in the last 10 years and this game never gets old. It's amazing all the different things you can do and the different game modes you can play.
"EuroGunZ - GunZ The Duel" left the game (VAC banned)
Politics Thread #17: “We’re All Going to Fucking Die” Edition Previous Thread:>>413917
Between Ol’ 45’s desire to use nukes, North Korea’s launching of missiles, and the rolling back of environmental regulations, we are basically one disaster away from living in a goddamned wasteland. So…yeah.
Wallpaper thread. This is a general purpose thread for computer and phone wallpapers. I'm generally going to post 1680-1050 and 480-800 rez wallpapers, but other resolutions are fine too.
>>412851 >"what the fuck do you think the endgame for them is, politely asking everyone else to leave?" Actually our plan is to arrest criminals and deport them, instead of just freeing them on the streets or ignoring their crimes which is what Obama did.
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>>412890 >If someone punches your friend, you don't get to punch them. You call the police, who do the punching for you No, you can totally protect others on their behalf.