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I What country (state for U.S.) does /baw/ live in ?
North Carolina.
Your fortune: Good LuckCosta Rica
Your fortune: Bad Luck日本
Your fortune: Good LuckIllinois.
CaliforniaIt still pisses me off that we're known for being the hippie state yet recreational marijuana is illegal.
New Brunswick Canada.
Modest Mouse - OhioI frequently hear people trashing Ohio but it's pretty nice here unless you live in Cleveland.
Your fortune: Good LuckMississippi.It ain't that great.
California.It's fucking dry and on fire right now, goddamn.
Never land
Your fortune: Godly LuckPennsylvania, specifically the rural part in the middle.
New York. The upper and some would say only good portion of the state.
>>392204I'm from the future to tell you nothing has changed.
Nice try, FBI.
>>421421Nice try.We all know Mister Twister was born in inner-city Toronto and has lived there ever since.
>>421421presumably the FBI or whatever relevant government spook group would know your location through so many other electronic signatures that actually announcing your country/state would be superfluous?