>>418603 I find it funny that all sites have been encouraging posting personal info online for almost a decade now; and ONLY NOW with the cambridge analytica fiasco, did people realize "holy shit, our personal info is online for others to see!".
People need to realize that others can see what you post on the internet.
>>418708 Yeah, it took me a second reading to fully comprehend but it does make sense and is realistic. I'm a bit distanced from a lot of this (I'm actively revolted by lots of advertising and pop media) and never really studied the social impact of targeted marketing so it too a bit of time to properly understand how reasonable those content marketing implications are. Whenever I think I am weird or crazy, I should take a step back and see how poorly the non-critical consumers are doing...
>>418710 I believe they are talking about automated trading, where computers will trade stocks. If you have machines capable of trading thousands of times a second (maybe a few orders of magnitude more), then I think it makes manual, large-scale pretty futile. These machines don't just look at stock prices, they look at media. One interesting side effect is that Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s stock rises whenever a film Anne Hathaway features in is released because naïve bots will/would mistakenly associate the positive feedback to Anne Hathaway with Berkshire Hathaway and trade accordingly. I can't say that autonomous intelligence is the right word (nor am I an expert on trading) but I believe the point is that a lot of this flow and decision making has left human control and that may not be a good thing. A similar automation would be present in implementing targeted advertising online, so I believe that is the connection anon was making between the two. Mindless algorithms are significantly affecting society and culture and they believe it is responsible for a lot of agrravated political hostility. I'm honestly not too convinced that is the main reason, but I may be wrong.
^^I am tired and re-reading this, it's a bit disjointed. I hope I got some ideas across though. There are different systems used by all kinds of companies to sell, trade and advertise, which are basically feeding each other information. They take this information and make (seemingly) profitable decisions, which other systems will use to make their decisions, etc. This would cause a lot of those feedback loops. Eh, maybe I should stop typing and think first...
Disney effectively runs the United States through their legion of lawyers. They can stop you, they can sue you if you do it. They have sued hospitals for putting up mickey mouse decorations without their say so.
>>418887 Reminds me of that screencap of the thread where anon and his sister had sex because they were hoaxed that the country was going to get nuked, and it was fucked up, the sex was not the good kind of incest.
>>419158 I didn't post it on the games board because you can never trust this knd of hearsay, but Blizzard has been ridiculously retarded lately so if any of it is true then that's more hilarity to add to the pile.
>>419261 That's actually not too surprising. To someone not acquainted to fighting games, a "Z" motion really could look like that. Those controller inputs presuppose an arcade stick, but most people playing games haven't ever been into an arcade and may not even know that arcade sticks existed. Whatever tutorial the games have, they should not presuppose this information.
My roommate is a bit of a hoarder, and his room is a shithole and if I didn't live here it would likely spread further than those confines, but I see stuff people post that gets screencapped and it makes me realize it could be so much worse
>>419300 2020 will be the year of >UK is not white >Sweden is not white >Argentina is white >India is SUPERPOWER BY 2020 FUCK YOU AUSTRALIA WE ONLY USE DESIGNATE
>>419487 It astounds me that people still want to pay while a vast world of free stuff exists. Is it their fetish? I doubt it's out of legitimate concern for workers.
>>419568 >>419569 >>419570 It's so odd when a site or an app stops updating or working due to the owner being in jail. I've seen it happen so many times.
>>419626 I understand what they are trying to say, the LGBT* flag is quite saturated compared to its immediate surroundings and it is inherently colorful and contrasting (you cannot blame the artists for the flag's design!), so it does become a local focal point. However the bright yellow sticky note has the same effect. as I'm sure you realize, the argument essentially amounts to: >if I focus on something, it becomes the focus!
>>419626 The argument is "they are putting this stuff in games to brainwash children into bring gay/trans/whatever".
Whether the argument is stupid or not is not even important; people refuse to debate this with each other, preferring to be angry in echo chambers instead.
>>419634 The original joke from the game seems closer to Corporations using topical social-justicy terms and buzzwords in a blatant attempt to try and make their goals more palatable to the public.
Same as how in the previous Doom game the Mars Corporation base was using Corp-Speak to describe activities more suited to a bunch of satanic cultists.
>>419632 >Whether the argument is stupid or not is not even important; people refuse to debate this with each other, preferring to be angry in echo chambers instead. As someone who enters conversations on both sides of the (american) political spectrum in good faith, fuck echo chambers. The media is rewarded by encouraging political/social hyperreality and it's creating a 'positive'-feedback loop of radicalism on both sides of the spectrum. Understandable banning and censorship have lead to echo chamber formation, furthering reducing extremist's exposure to normal people. (do we want to revive the politics thread for this? Y/N)
>>419745 Reminds me about that /co/ thread long ago where a guy came in with his concept about a cat with tits that gets sent to hell by god for "playfully" seducing its owner using them who has to go save her, with his knife for a hand.
>>420487 >[insert gender] says: most [insert opposite gender] go for the [x] look I laugh every time. >you're not [taste-dependent adjective] I laugh every time. I've seen better quality discourse when debating whose waifus are shit.
>>420822 src (has some follow-up questions and answers): https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/whos_the_dumbest_person_youve_ever_met/cgbhkwp/
>>421032 I would colloquially call a self-objectifying, implant-loving person a fuck-doll, but I meant an actual inanimate fake woman. inb4 debate over robots being ininanimate
>>421365 I think he ws talking about "blood clot". My guess is that "clogs your arteries" was OP asserting that having a girlfriend who cooks for you or wants to go out and have meals with you makes you more fat and unhealthy.
>Take all the billionaire's shit, seduce the pool boy, go on a random murder spree and then redecorate your house so you can show up your bitch neighbor at the Community Festival.
>>421978 :D That would have been a shitshow for anti-DRM groups (not just pirates, also people who want to play games or access saves after the service dies)
>>421978 I think Google wants to market to normies who do not give a FUCK about owning things. I am pretty sure enough people will buy it and Google will get their money.
>>422176 Ugh, reminds me that my roommate has a novelty pillow cover he got with a special video game edition, that he's never washed. His room is a fucking disgrace.