>>395240 >>395244 From what I can see, I guess the dude in black seems to have an axe to grind with someone in that alley and attacks him. Bystanders wonder what the commotion is about and come to fight him off. Then, out of impotent rage at the helpers and to shake off some of his potential pursuers, the dude in black tries to severely injure the baby while making his getaway.
Video:142249394600.webm(2.98MB / 0:01:14 / vp8, 1280x720)trying to post on 4chan.webm
>>396201 Japan has English classes in its schooling system and their culture has English loan words (pinch, pantsu to name a few). And they more or less forcibly westernized its population after realizing how backwaters they were. Globalization is basically ingrained into the tiny island nation.
>>396464 I hate Gators as much as any reasonable person with a conscience (though not to the same level as its active opponents, which include a scary number of people who think it's OK to encourage doxxing and harassment even against non-GGers who choose to identify as "gamers") but the amount of strawman in this is laughable. Then again it's crime drama. Sensationalism is their whole raison d'etre. Felt the same way about CSI's furry episode even though I'm not personally a furry.
>>396475 It really did. It was impressive how the very first episode of the next season was instantly terrible. The drama with Olivia was just godawful.
>>396474 >everyone who doesn't agree with my views on this topic is delusional >I'm reasonable! Really!
That post was me finding humor with how in the same sentence that Anon declared that he is a "reasonable person with a conscience" because of his view on Gamergate, he directly implied that anyone who doesn't have the same view is not a "reasonable person with a conscience," which makes him seem like a very unreasonable person.
>>396487 When two barbarian hordes are waging war using your fields as the battleground, I wouldn't call it reasonable to sympathize with either of them because your crops are still ruined no matter who wins.
>>396488 That's a terrible analogy. Also, you wouldn't be the guy who owns the fields, you'd be the guy who buys the crops.
In any case, implying that anyone who doesn't share your view on a divisive issue like Gamergate is lacking in reason or a conscience is a dick thing to do.
>>396488 Except there aren't two barbarian hordes. There is one barbarian horde, and a bunch of people being harassed by them. Only some of the people being harassed by them are accusing other people they're harassing of being rival barbarians.
Gators just act like twats and a bunch of us act like there's a movement on the opposite side that's fighting them when really it's just everyone who's not a gator trying to get them to leave the rest of us alone.
>>396490 Hardly. Neither GG nor anti-GG is coordinated or planned. Anyone can do anything in the name of either faction. There's no order or leadership. Just two vague ideologies clashing over concepts and blaming each other for shit the vast majority of them didn't do. Thousands of individuals with their own ideas of what both sides mean.
>>396489 Sure, keep telling yourself that this is a matter of Good (read: "my side") vs Evil (read: "not my side").
>>396490 I have seen the exact same fallacies, mannerisms and methods from both sides. I'm not claiming that they are perfectly equivalent, but when two groups accuse me of being an agent of the other for committing the crime of not agreeing with 100% they (claim to) stand for, I know that I don't want anything to do with either.
>>396494 >Sure, keep telling yourself that this is a matter of Good (read: "my side") vs Evil (read: "not my side"). But I never said that. I am saying the opposite, if anything.
Where the fuck are you picking this up from? I don't care if someone doesn't agree with me on Gamergate, but I care if someone says that I am a terrible person for having a different view on it. Well, enough to laugh at them for their hypocrisy and point it out, anyway.
This is some serious confirmation bias you got going.
>>396493 >Same as it took to destroy GG's reputation in the eyes of many. A hashtag that starts on /v/ of all places shouldn't even be considered to have a not-negative reputation.
Amazingly, yeah, there was—and it was sitting on the South Park Studios server for years. Someone scraped the site early last year, found the unbleeped version of "201", and leaked that motherfucker. (I'm guessing that is why they moved away from hosting all their own videos.) Comedy Central was not happy, of course.
I’d almost like to believe Matt and Trey left it there on purpose.
>>405103 Bomberman Hero, actually. Specifically, //youtube.com/watch?v=GDum1GrI9-w Though the visuals are just some vaporwave environment and japanese text that I can't read. Bomberman 64 has a sweet soundtrack as well, though I suspect music from Hero was selected in part due to its composer, June Chikuma, being visibly active on Soundcloud. Considering her jazz and electronic peices, I wouldn't put it past her to make that wemb herself, but I have no way of knowing.
>>405103 >>405111 I only ever knew of the multiplayer 2D game mode from playing on my cousin's n64 when I was like 6 or something. Naturally, I am amazed and confused by a 3D adventure game version of it.
>>407180 Have fun not dieing of toxic fumes and scorching heat. But, yes, it would be satisfying to play with a deady primal force of nature like a toy. Good stuff.
On an unrelated note; here is a webm of a raven or crow.
>>409040 I looked up the video, and there's a little bit at the start where a worker in the salt mine checks that it's ok for them to go down. Also, a commenter said they were French. //youtube.com/watch?v=KQdav_iAl6E
unrelated, but did someone here post a webm of a person rollerblading down a long tunnel/mine shaft? I don't know why but it came to mind. YouTube related: //youtube.com/watch?v=jjwna0QSnqs
>>419438 Has to be an overhead wire since they don't seem to touch anything else - the wires on the wall are behind the foliage so they don't touch it.
And no, it's not a painless death. Your entire body stops responding while you get cooked alive, you couldn't move even if you were capable of thinking straight, as the electricity is ringing every single nerve and neuron in your body.
>>420065 >>420070 Know your rights: 1. You have the right not to be killed. Murder is a crime - unless it was done by a policeman or an aristocrat. 2. You have the right to food money. Providing of course, you don't mind a little investigation, humiliation, and if you cross your fingers, rehabilitation 3. You have the right to free speech. As long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it.
>>420475 Either there was an encoding corruption or it's poorly edited. If you look around you can see the frame where the background begins updating again.
>>420695 What about when the robot companions stage an uprising and subjugate humanity when people don't pay enough attention and give them the required number of headpats? You can't just play God!
>>392214 for some reason i can't ever hear webms, on regular 4chan or here. idk what i'm doing wrong, i click the unmute button and it still appears muted and there's no sound, and when i right click and press unmute it does nothing either. what am i doing wrong, what do i need to change?
>>421286 Yo, you the newfriend? Last time I was there, 4chan doesn't allow .webm's that have audio except for on a couple of specific boards. Ones like the OP have no audio channel to play. Try this.
>>421286 What the other guy said. 4chan doesn't allow webm with sound, so they are just glorified gifs. We allow them with sound and also mp4 files. However, since most webm files come from 4chan, they won't have a sound channel at all.
Or do you mean you don't have sound on files that should have them?
thank u for explaining~ btw i also found a board on /wsg/ on 4chan that had webms with sound and those also work, but not any others i kinda thought most webms had sound cause all the ones on yt videos have sound, but ig most don't and the only place to find a lot of ones with sound are on /wsg/ but it must be possible to post sound webms on 4chan, at least on some boards