info from on high: anonex says dreamhost migrated the server and lost files uploaded between may 12th around 4:30pm pacific, and this morning may 14th around 10:30am pacific
this affected all of plus4chan including the old boards, but i've cleaned up most of the mess here on the new boards
if you see a post you made with "file: deleted" and the post time is between the times above it was only deleted because the file was already gone and so that you won't get conflicts when trying to re-upload
board transition thread post bugs here
i won't do any changes to the layout or cosmetic fixes unless it is a severe bug, anonex is going to reskin it eventually
i copied over starchan's radio, you can get to it here: // it just scrapes all boards for audio, mp3s are turned on for /baw/ and /mtv/
oekaki is turned on for /baw/ and /draw/ and /pco/ and /cod/ get Marcello's JTablet for a better oekaki time
if you have trouble with oekaki, latest java update blocks a lot of stuff for increased add an exemption follow the official instructions OR
on windows go to start>programs>java>configure java click on the security tab click edit site list add ""
a lot of people probably don't know the dicerolls filter [roll 1d20] rolls 1 die with 20 sides, [roll 2d6] rolls 2 dice with 6 sides each, etc [roll 1d12+2] rolls 1 die with 12 sides and gives it +2 modifier, also works with minus [roll 1d20vs10] rolls 1 die with 20 sides and compares it to 10 and displays win/loss/tie, modifiers on rolls with vs work the same way, [roll 1d20-4vs10] dice are enabled on /baw/ and /cog/ and /z/
created bbcode wordfilters and enabled them on all boards since you guys used them before?