>>397649 >but at the same time modders should be payed. I should be payed to post there too. People should be paid for everything. Clearly the ones that want to do free stuff are wrong.
>>397653 All I'm saying is if you are making a product people want to pay for then you should be compensated, treat it like the good kind of dlc, like a couple of cents to 2.99 or so but if it's good enough that everyone buys in and a good revenue crops up.
Now, this comes with some stuff to hammer out, some people are compulsive buyers like those preyed on by MOBAs and need to be protected, quality assurance and responsibilities if mods break the game or become outdated as having been paid for should ensure they always work, etc.
So, apparently you cannot make a Jungledyret Hugo thread on /co/ anymore, because the main characters fugged off-screen. Which is not halal in christian animation.
Unless you deny that they fugged; then you can have a thread. But once you bring the "fugged" part up, it's instant delete.
>>397727 I would care if I didn't already know that /co/ janitors are shit and most posters on /co/ care more about getting porn of whatever cartoon the thread is about than talking about the cartoon.
>>397749 It goes back to the idea that the average poster on an anonymous board has this thought of "Everyone here is Like Me."
Say an individual has a differing opinion. They're mentally separating them from the group as an outlier. In this case, Redwood. Now, its highly unlikely there's only one person on the entire board who appreciates the lead actor from the brand new Legendary Hollywood Movie Series enough to make their own thread. "Its that outlier, Because its certainly not somebody who is Like Me." And I don't even want to begin on the subject of seeing the new Star Wars lead being diverse as "negative" and worthy of being "outed" as an SJW. Whatever that means.
>>397749 >I was banned. It couldn't possibly be because of anyone else but this guy. Honestly though, I couldn't care less because I stopped visiting /co/ (not because of the quality, just needed to spend time doing productive shit)
>>397753 I disapprove of the era wherein Redwood was consistently posting the same few pictures of himself, requesting drawings of himself in drawthreads in various superhero outfits with various superhero girls, and followed constantly by the Defense Force who gave him the memetic status he desired until fuckwit mods were somehow bought into the popularity contest method and gave him power to further entrench his self importance.
/co/ was love before that. That's probably the burgeoning age of the shitty state it's still in today.
>/co/ is love Man, I am so sick of that phrase. It should be on a list of 4chan terms and phrases that newfags took out of context along with "waifu" and "containment board"
>>397777 I thought cuck was the new projection? I remember Projection being tossed a bunch in the homestuck gens before they were more or less b&/heavily regulated.
I only put up with recaptcha for the books, I'm just dropping anything that expects me to help Google make its vision recognition system more able to run around spying on people.
>>397790 captcha are becoming retarded, there's no way they are recognizing anything, I can't even succeed any of the ones that aren't arrows. The one that give you a word to type, then a code to copy paste is bugged too.
"your fetish is problematic" idiots need to be removed from /d/, it's fucking stupid how you just can't have certain threads anymore without tumblrites and the obligatory /pol/tards derailing them into 20% image 80% shitpost garbage dumps
also I'm not talking about the usual "is futa gay" easymoders
people offhandedly mentioning how some words or concepts are "offensive" while otherwise being on topic is too subtle for the sort of trolling usually encountered on 4chan
>>397826 >people offhandedly mentioning how some words or concepts are "offensive" while otherwise being on topic is too subtle for the sort of trolling usually encountered on 4chan It is the exact opposite of subtle. And the fact that it has you so pissed about it you're complaining about it in here is proof enough that there's plenty of payoff in using it as a trolling tactic.
And I know what you're talking about. "Hurr durr sjws complaining about buzzwords imma go be a sjw on /d/" REALLY doesn't seem like trolling to you? Seriously?
oh no I see it now. your problem's an mra one. Like, I'm not even being hyperbolic that is straight up men's rights stuff and its so earnest it reeks of aspie all the way here. Sorry. You're just gonna have to skip the words and wank.
past examples: scriptkiddies wiping /a/ repeatedly whenever they disliked the flavor of the month, /d/'s futa spammer who made the board almost unusable for well over a year, moot banning a videogame from /v/ because scriptkiddies flooded the board for hours in a row
>"Hurr durr sjws complaining about buzzwords imma go be a sjw on /d/" REALLY doesn't seem like trolling to you? Seriously?
maybe I'm just in denial then because the /d/ I remember didn't have that type of persistent shitposter
yes, considering you tried to bait me into "revealing my true colors" once you convinced yourself that I am an enemy agent who needs to be silenced/removed
>>397848 Did you SEE the /d/ thread? It's not hurr durr mra its literally "Men Get Raped More than Women, who In Fact Fake Their Rape Claims Just To Get Money Out of Poor Men's Pockets Therefore We Need Men's Rights". That's not hyperbole. That was literally someone advocating for men's rights in a thread.
MRA is not "SJW." It actually means something for one.
>>397851 Okay I thought Anon was just an idiot who couldn't spot trolls, but if people disagreeing with that is his problem then he's not an idiot, he's a full-on asshole.
I'll chose to think that letting trolls post just because you think they are tolls only lead to non troll thinking they are in good company. Just look how much good it did to /v/.
>>397859 If they're trolls, then report them and don't engage them. Copycats exist because some dumb kid sees he can just spout off some dumb line and get everybody into a frenzy. Arguing with them doesn't make them realize their mistake when they never really believed what they were saying anyway.
>>397785 I don't even know that meme, I actually bailed from /co/ probably right at the cusp of his moderation. Don't remember why, think my net was out or I had just fallen off comics and cartoons cause the tv was out and this was early cable cutter era.
Went over to /tg/ to talk about TTRPGs until it became Quests, but I'm sure its sorry state needs no explaining here.
Wow... not only is 4chan's server timing out on me, but I also have "Sky Broadband Shield" telling me I can't go on any grown-up websites, even though I'm the youngest person in the house.
>>397909 it was random pics with "find a flaw", not sure what board think this is even funny or anything. Might just be a retard who discovered resetting your phone allowed to avoid bans as long as the IP you get is fresh.
>>397912 I wanted to reply, but chose not to. It's clearly a "for sexual" female cartoon horse, and it is clear OP wanted cartoon horse porn. Mod was wrong, but OP was wrong as well.
>splatoon demo : dozens of threads all day >witcher 3 reviews : dozens of threads all day >literally one post about another yealy instance of Ubisoft shitty cash cow : STICKY
Holy shit, looks like 4chan is open to paid stickies now.
>>397990 I'd be surprised. I talked with moot years back when they were having more financial trouble than usual, and one of the ideas I brought up was paid stickies. He says he thought about that, but there was no interest when he put out feelers. 4chan was just too toxic to use like that.
I doubt its image has improved since this, so this likely just a mod who gets an Ubirection.
>>397998 Not safe for work does not mean porn. It means "Would a boss in a *normal* working environment say anything negative if he walked passed my desk and saw this."
>>398004 The rules page has NSFW in quotes. It's not a literal NSFW board, but that rule exists to stop the board from being a porn/ecchi dump.
And there's no reason for it to be as 4chan has like 5 different boards for you to post your video game fap material, if that image of generic anime girls posted was even from video games.
>>398004 Your post got you banned, for the kind of imagery used in that picture, and you don't consider that maybe the picture that's flawed for ignoring that mods do try to remove that kind of stuff but can't be everywhere? Of course not, it's 4chan that's wrong for not being exactly what you imagine it is.
>>398026 I still don't get why people who literally can't tolerate anime go on 4chan. It's like going on xvideos and complaining there's too much porn.
Well, it was only a matter of time... At least they learned from the previous summer hiatus.
My only gripe is that all SU-related threads are getting deleted now despite the mod mentioning that only the Generals would go on hiatus until the show starts up again.
>>398037 Most if not all of those threads are "Where is the general?" shitpost threads. I only seen one actual SU thread about the upcoming book. Maybe you should try storytiming the comics for a good thread
Image:143192363600.jpg(93kB, 677x650)co recommends comic to cousin, oil on canvas, 1567.jpg
Sometimes I see 4chan as a battleground. A ground for the never-ending war between edgy shitposting teenagers who "can do whatever I want", and the tyrannical mods who want to establish a fascist dictatorship. Not a war between good and evil, but rather two different kinds of evil.
Today some anon actually posted pictures of the Habbo Hotel raid to prove to me that 4chan has always been a neonazi haven and that I should get out. You know the Habbo Hotel raid where everyone dressed up as a black guy to annoy a racist mod. That one.
>>398060 I think that >>398057 was saying the person who posted the images as evidence completely misunderstands both 4chan and the Habbo raids, not that anon him/herself was previously unaware of the raids.
>>398057 >New people trying to rewrite 4chan's history.
Color me surprised.
It's both hilarious and sad how people keep thinking that Fox news report was anything close to being accurate. 4chan wasn't a hate machine, it was just a place with lax moderation and lulzy happenings here and there.
4chan was always rougher than most sites around, but it wasn't a forced roughness. Now it just feels everyone is going out of their way to be shitty because it's the way 4chan "should" be.
Not that guy, but I would storytime the comics if every SU-related thread didn't devolve into a stealth /sug/ thread (not that I have a problem with 'em, but I understand why they're banned for now).
And now that I think about it, that seems to be what's getting genuine threads deleted by the janitors/mods. A thread that had some new stuff from the Steven Crewniverse blog was deleted when it reached that point.
>>398083 >>398088 3 threads and 2 posts? That's like nothing. Stop having such a victim complex and grow a backbone. It's 4chan, you should know that haet is par for the coarse.
>>398095 The copy+paste thing usually happens because of NoScript. The normal CAPTCHA uses Javascript to send details back and forth; without that ability, it defaults to the non-Javascript friendly system that you see.
Your NoScript and/or Adblock has likely blocked something that reCAPTCHA uses.
>>398097 I deleted all the 4chan cookies, cache, closed the browser, and turned off the Internet. After waiting a few minutes, I turned the connection back on, and restarted the browser. IT WAS FINE AGAIN.
Sometimes the cracks start to show and you realize that a bunch of anons with genuine severe mental health issues are posting on 4chan. It's always pretty raw shit that takes you aback for a second.
>>398145 They've already been banned/kicked from everywhere else; 4chan is probably the only place they don't have to fear such a response, which is unfortunate because a lot of the stuff on 4chan probably makes them worse.
>>398145 I'm schizophrenic and the averange "channer" seems crazy to me. They are too concerned with fiction and with fictional characters, they get angry for no reason, blame everyone for their problems and refuse to change.
That's way unhealthier that having the desilution of your body being rotten.
That, sadly, is true. And it only gets worse when a single shitposter tries to get SU-related discussion banned from 4chan AS A WHOLE.
But if it's any consolation, the janitors seems to be leaving individual SU threads alone even if they devolve into psudeo-/sug/ threads (Hell, a thread dedicated to a questionable OC-related aspect of the managed to get archived).
>>398173 It's funny 'cause there are the Primaries that read the LNs and knew everything going in and then the Secondaries went in with MAXIMUM OVER Y/u/RI goggles. I knew better to expect more than yuri undertones from KyoAni.
>>398174 >It's funny 'cause there are the Primaries that read the LNs and knew everything going in and then the Secondaries went in with MAXIMUM OVER Y/u/RI goggles. I knew better to expect more than yuri undertones from KyoAni.
Well--and I admit to not following Hibike Euphonium very well--is that the anime version has apparently omitted a bunch of scenes indicating a future heterosexual romance. All the while adding more yuri undertones. From a writer's perspective, it makes no sense to exclude those important scenes from the LNs, if you're going down that route in the anime.
>>398229 >>398230 Speaking of /r/, one thing that annoys me is that I don't know how to fufil most requests on it. Further, this seems to be because nearly request is for something from /s/, and consists of one of very few request types with a single image per thread. I don't know who models are, and I'm not about to go making xrays and "bubbles" out of what are probably random pictures of people on the street, so that's a lot of 0-2 post threads I have nothing to contribute to. I'm pretty sure if any board would be better off with generals it'd be /r/, since keeping similar requests to one thread would make room for other kinds of requests.
is anyone else having problems with captcha ? i have tried to post on /co/ four a couple of minutes but it keeps giving my incorrect results regardless if i answer right, and it cycles between the dumb identify images to the classic input the number and it always gives me incorrect result, even when i open the reply box its automatically gives me incorrect answer even if didn't even press anything.
>>398284 /co/ hates tumblr when it's convenient (usually because it affected their porn), but as long as they agree with it, it's just "a bogeyman" kind of stuff.
>>398281 I miss the pre-Reddit 4chan. You know the 4chan that was here before we became just a place to get upvotes. moot should have never that place mobile friendly.
>>398293 This sounds like a stupid thing to be concerned about because I don't see most people giving enough of a shit about it to go through that much trouble. But I guess people need boogeymen and clouds to shout at.
>>398303 I don't see the point in posting from a phone anyways, just wait until you get home. Do you really need to be doing something every second of every day? Fuck mobile phones.
>>398343 >>398349 It's true. But like burgers being sandwiches, arguments for and against have valid claims. I'm just waiting for "click all vegetables" and tomatoes is a valid answer.
>>398361 I think that technically you are right. Didn't someone here already talk about the Earl of Sandwich? It's the bread.
However, I would say that if something is sandwiched between another thing, you could call it a something sandwich (eg. Ice-cream sandwich, cookie sandwich, knuckle sandwich)
>>398368 Imagine what happens when E3 hits, and one of the following: - Beyong Good & Evil 2 - Half Life 3 - The Last Guardian is finally announced for real.
I don't know how I should take this. Does [s4s], /vp/ and /pol/ have rules that override Global Rule 3? Or does this just mean that mods/janitors have full reign on how hard they enforce Global Rule 3 and/or what memes are b&-able on their respective boards? Which is more reasonable. I'm not mad. I just happen to find the resurgence of the Pepe memes, and it's ilk, funny. And this is not the first time I've been b& for frogposting on /a/, I just forget that /a/ doesn't like it. Or does this confirm the /a/ vs. /u/ war that is legitimately happening and is being enforced by crazed hetshiter nazi mods/janitors of /a/ enforcing their het agenda?????
>those occasional (more than likely teenaged) edgelords posting gore and scat in /ck/ food porn threads It's kinda adorable that they think they're somehow rattling anyone. On fucking 4chan.
>>398383 >/d/ has been a lot more lenient about that. has to be, modern 4chan can only use tumblr and pahel to get "fresh" content, with a few pixiv accounts from time to time. the ear of lurking in badly made japanese blogs to find content is dead.
>>398383 There are many fetishes that are popular in the west but unexisten in japan. in my case that'll be diapers/ageplay, the little japanese content that we see never has the diapers as focus and its always a small scene is some scat or watersports doujinshi.
It should be mentioned that /y/, /cm/, and even /u/ allowed western content to an extent. /u/ even had humanized MLP threads.
>>398377 >Does [s4s], /vp/ and /pol/ have rules that override Global Rule 3? Not /vp/ but [s4s] and pol does on certain things like shitposting/dubs and and racism respectively. /vp/ (like most of 4chan boards) has shitty moderation.
>>398398 I was talking about the "no furry" rule as mention/stated in >>398377 Shitty moderation can always be a factor though. I forgot about /mlp/, which would have more heavily carried my statement that certain boards don't have to follow Global Rule 3.
>>398377 >Or does this just mean that mods/janitors have full reign on how hard they enforce Global Rule 3 and/or what memes are b&-able on their respective boards? It's that one. Mods have always been able to ban for basically whatever they feel like.
>>398450 or splatoon. That said this never worked, though. People know it's false flagging. The best you get is the actual fans invading each shitposting thread and validating their own presence on the board while the show hype could actually have died instead.
holy shit, you can smell the new janitors have started their "work" on 4 chan, now discussing disgaea dlc is against the rules because etna is too sexy for them. I already noticed suspicious deletion with Rune factory threads a day before but it seems they hired a social justice rat by mistake.
>>398281 Letting /tv/ on /co/ combined with casual "I love latest blockbuster capeshit I'm such a nerd lol" MCUnts moving in killed /co/ deader'n fuck to me. It was even fine post MLP because at least something was happening. Contentious as it was, it was fun and Cartoons. Now it's just "GOD I CANT WAIT FOR MORE MARVEL MOVIES AND TELEVISION UP MY ASS DAE GOTG VS AVENGERS FT. DAREDEVIL", "NEW EPISODE OF DC TV SHOW ACTOR BATMAN SUPERMAN PRODUCTION SHOTS", and Capeshit Big Two storytimes.
Even Tumblr used to be kosher, considering it was a repository for cool enough dudes doin' cool enough shit. But the changes have made everyone with sense angry and Tumblr was roped into the enemies because it was also used for the shit that kilt /co/.
Remember when Stokoe used to come in before Orc Stain release day and upload the new issue and answer questions and shit? When drawthreads were creative waifu of the month requests instead of "X wearing Y clothes yus" and Flapjack reaction images were king?
>>398515 shit went banana when mods decided to have a PERMANENT facebook game general. That marvel game is a gateway for all the shitheads that now haut /co/ and feel at home. You get sniped so fast when you question that current pseudo rule it's just sad.
>>398515 You forgot about how /co/ would make memorable OCs like Chaptor instead forgettable shit like whatever characters gets made in the /coc/ general.
You know, while I won't deny that /co/ has degraded over the years, the way you people are talking really sounds EXACTLY like a bunch of senior citizens complaining about youth culture.
>>398538 So what? You think I should complain in niggertalk just to sound young and hip to your tween ears? Let's face it, half of 4chan could me my kids and I'm only 34.
Image:143429442600.gif(503kB, 335x203)Clank skates on ground.gif
/v/ had a good, long, and positive Ratchet & Clank thread yesterday, with only mild shitposting sprinkled throughout https://archive.moe/v/thread/298137339/
Telling you you're a creepy fuck for openly describing your fucking rape fantasies in a public space is not some fucking SJW agenda to silence "traditional gamers" and eliminate free speech, you braindead fucking cheetos-crusted basement dweller. Just, fuck!
>>398635 Most nerdy peoples who are the target audience of most anime nowadays think lesbians are breddy hawt me included, but I do not want sudden lesbians outside porn.
>>398633 Korra's problem was less about the lesbianism and more about the fact that Asami was a terrible character. Everything interesting about her was given to Varrick instead but better so she ended up with no personality outside "stock love interest".
>>398648 This, I would have loved if Asami and Varric kept one-upping each other through the whole series. Also, if she kept being the team's source of gottagofast instead of big, lumbering equipment.
>>398604 Public Space, yes. Safe Space? No. You're not SJWwhateveryaddayadda (or you may be) but you are in the wrong fucking place for telling someone they're "creepy" and not expecting to be told to shut the fuck up.
>>398655 The describing rape fantasies didn't happen on /v/. It happened on some other forum. The outrage over the screenshot compilation of posts telling the creepy manchild to fuck off was happening on /v/.
>>398619 it had to happen, after /co/ and /v/, /a/ is getting this share of casual millennial raised on facebook and tumblr. I blame kill la kill and Snk on toonami.
>>398662 You are the perfect specimen of what people will call "newfag". It's weird that someone so unaware of where he's posting still managed to find this very place, though.
Damn it, I keep getting "Upload failed" - I've tried Firefox and Chrome, and it's the same damn shit. This would have to happen when I'm about to post some Don Rosa...
>>398891 it's been a while. It used to be a spice in threads but now people really just pretend to care until the porn is made then the leave and seek for something else to pornify without even watching it.
Holy shit, /v/ is so fucking bad right now. It's nearly a work of art at this point. They are really nailing that "angry retard talking alone on facebook" feel these days.
>>398902 You can only pretend for so long, until you actually start believing your own lie. Clinical studies by scientists prove that pretending to be retarded on the Internet for prolonged periods of time eventually leads to you becoming retarded.
anyone else is having connection errors everytime you try to update a thread, and sometimes thumbnails don't load? 4chan is the only page giving me problems
>>399055 >as quickly as /asp/ That board made no sense, what is an "alternative" sport, as opposed to "mainstream"? This felt like a bunch of elitist not wanting to be associated with the others, and of course it ends badly.
>>399105 Mister Twister, you repeatedly break the rules and then complain when you get janitor'd about how unfair it is. Like What do you expect to happen when you post off-topic trash or furry? What do you honestly expect?
And I just checked /mlp/ and /co/ (two boards in the same ballpark as /vp/ when it comes to moderation), the same thing's happening over at /mlp/ but /co/'s acting like nothing's going on.
Something screwy is going on and it's rubbing me the wrong way...
Image:143737505400.jpg(275kB, 2000x1891)See ya in Hell, paisanos!.jpg
And now the mods are back clearing the threads on both boards.
>Folks are either complaining about the mods coming back, blurting out that mass bans are incoming, are thanking the mods for cleaning the porn, or are saying that /vp/ and /mlp/ should be red boards.
Now THIS is interesting, it looks like /vp/ is actually having some discussion on why the board isn't red and why should/shouldn't be and what could help the board in general...
But in regards to the porn, it's like they've forgotten the February 2012 (or was it earlier, I don't remember) sticky and what it entailed...
>>399190 >The Freehaven Challenge is nothing new to /co/. >The Freehaven Challenge
>>399235 Don't know what is happening in your personal life, but ever since we switched from hunting dinosaurs, out lifespan gradually increased to about 70. Your life has just began. Just because you haven't achieved much right now doesn't mean shit.
>>399300 Advertising streams has been banned for a really long time. /v/ was absolutely filled with threads for people shilling their shitty streams until they started the bans.
>>399301 Never have my bans been this long. Only 3 or 7 days at most. Been doing this fun stream thing for a while. Also the whole "Consider purchasing a self-serve ad instead" bit is completely new to me.
Most threads on /v/ right now are just spam. Not even intelligent trolling, more like someone just posts a random image, types out a few random words, and hits "send".
>>399366 IMO, it's not the game as much as the fact there are very young users on /vp/ and very young users tend to do stuff older users consider sad and stupid, like think they can get hypnotized into a Pokemon.
Proof: when I browsed /vp/, there was one of those survey threads and there were so many underage people. Like at least 50% were under 18, with quite a few being 13. 13 year olds are gullible and stupid.
>>399436 devil advocate : how is that different from all teh TV shows and movies taht gets forced into everybody's throat on /co/ these days? Most are filled with actors other movies, their blog, and unrelated photoshots of their next movies for clear advertising purpose.
>>399451 Because "What is the /co/ equivalent of [X]" and the similar thread "what si the [X] of /co/" are just about making a thread about [X] on /co/. At least the threads you mentions are /co/ related by being movies/TV about comic characters. Remember that /co/ is for western media and not only comics and cartoons.
I made a thread, but it doesn't exist. Except it does exist. It simultaneously is, and isn't. Can somebody delete it if it's not fixable? http://boards.plus4chan.org/co/t237833.html
>go to /sci/ >always at least one '0.999...=1' thread, one 'why do men like women' thread, etc. >found a thread in which people are debating obvious trolls over whether the earth is round or flat it's a surprisingly good board for a laugh
>>399822 >found a thread in which people are debating obvious trolls over whether the earth is round or flat I'm going to look for this right now. Sounds like a good time.
>>400097 it's called moreds forcing people to stay on topic. If people were actually forced to discusses shitty shows like ben10 instead of posting cropped porns and personal anecdotes they wouldn't find a place to hide and grow like they do now.
On one hand, plus4 is tumblr-liberal to the point of being embarrassing. On the other hand, /v/ is so sexist lately that it just sickens me. I mean they've always been sexist to a degree, but over the last year or so the whole #GG fiasco has only made them that much worse.
>>400266 /v/'s problem is that there's so much retards you don't know who's really retarded and who is falseflagging. Especially when people start to namedrop GG, or /lgbt/ stuff.
>>400266 They feed into each other. Both sides using the others overbearing and over passionate reactions as an excuse to make even more outlandish prejudice towards the other.
It's the same principle that breeds the craziest Republicans and Democrats.
>>400277 plus4chan used to have a pretty high occurrence of female and queer posters and that pushed us toward a fairly liberal userbase that wasn't as accepting of casual racism/sexism/homophobia/general hate as 4chan has always been. Since the last time the site went down, the userbase has fallen back down and gotten much more 4chan-y, so we're moving ever-rightward. But people who spend all their time on 4chan, like >>400268, probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between "Tumblr liberal" and "moderate" any more than a Fox News viewer could tell the difference between socialism and liberal capitalism.
>>400281 I've noticed in recent-ish times that everyone who isn't a full on Neo-Nazi is considered "SJW"
And dear lord do I wish I was exaggerating here. Also, I don't think the board is "moving right." We just have a few retarded right-wingers in the politics thread, which I assume is one person, two at the most. And he just may be acting like a retard to get people to pay attention to him.
Maybe it's because I don't read the politics thread, but I see no liberal/neo-nazi/sjw/any-wing in this site whatsoever apart from an occasional post upon which the poster is quickly called a faggot by everyone. Are we all looking at the same website?
That politics thread must be seriously shit and I'm glad we made it.
>>400295 It's just in that thread. There's a right-wing retard or two that show up and post stupid shit that anyone with even 10th grade education would be able to point out as bullshit.
>>400326 You're absolutely correct, but there comes a point at which a person is either massively retarded or willfully obtuse and your energy is better spent elsewhere.
>>400326 >It never does. It does actually, retards are thin skinned as hell. Why do you think games now ban you for posting "gg" at the end of a game? People can't take insults anymore.
'gg' CAN be insulting - or at least arrogant - but only if it's said before victory is certain AND before the opponent taps out. I've never heard of a game banning someone for a polite gg.
Saying gg makes you look like an asshole bragging about winning anyway. To the opposing team, most of the time it doesn't look like a gg at all. The only time it should be used is little league sports where gg is a way of teaching sportsmanship to kids.
>post that screencap where Kate Leth admits to "dating" a married man on twitter >I get blocked for 15 minutes for breaking Rule 10: " no spamming/reposting"
Image:144215008500.png(469kB, 800x892)Kate Leth is pretty fucking creepy.png
>>400446 Yeah, but not by me! I hate Kate Leth, but at least I have the common sense to wait a couple of weeks inbetween showing regular /co/ why I hate her.
Besides, the image had already been deleted and I was blocked for 15 minutes - banning me from the whole of 4chan for 3 days, a length of time just short enough that I am specifically told I can't appeal the ban, smacks a little of malice on the part of the mods. I don't want to get a persecution complex, but you do have to wonder...
I've been trying to make storytime threads on +/co/, but it just keeps eating up my images. I also can't repost the image, because then I get a "duplicate file" message and a link to a thread that's already 404'd
Okay, now both threads I've made are on +/co/... except that if I try to go in either thread, I get the same message I posted above, and I can't delete either of them.
>>400464 >Jesus, is this your first ban or something? I've been banned twice before, so I'm not exactly au fait with how this sort of thing normally goes down. While I see your point, banning me after blocking me and deleting the image just seems kinda weird to me.
>Is this Kate person even /co/ related? And I mean actually /co/ related. She's a columnist at ComicsAlliance, and she's written and drawn comics for IDW, BOOM! Studios and has an upcoming Hellcat ongoing with Marvel after Secret Wars is done. So yeah, pretty /co/-related.
>>400476 >banning after blocking The 15 minute ban is a temp ban from a janitor, then a moderator saw it in the report queue and gave an actual ban. It happens. Also, it's rare to see a ban without a deletion. Otherwise it would defeat the purpose.
And yeah, that looks /co/ related enough. I don't keep up with the comics side if /co/ so I'd never heard of her.
>>400450 You were being an insufferable clod spamming the same trolling as a dozen other idiots so you got banned. Frankly you should have been banned longer.
>>400537 >I get sick of people talking about the personal lives of people and masquerading it as on-topic content Which is why e-celeb threads are cancer. Not because the people discussed are horrible or incapable of producing good content; it is because of the posters themselves.
>>400499 >>400537 See, when I see the word "spamming" in context with 4chan, I imagine somebody using the image I made and making threads solely about that every day, maybe every other day if they're feeling lenient. I don't know if anybody else who posted that image got banned, so I guess I can't complain about being singled out.
That being said, those screencaps surfaced just after she'd given another webcomic creator some serious shit for sending a solitary dickpic to two fuckbuddies. I don't condone having fuckbuddies or sending dickpics, but it's kind of hypocritical to crap on somebody for that kind of thing when you were "the other woman". Also, I was posting it in a Kate Leth thread, in response to somebody asking why Leth is such a controversial figure. I'm not excusing my actions, just explaining them.
>>400352 it's worse, it's League of legend, where little sensitive snowflake lost any nothing of spine. They also ban you if you chose your character at random ion ranked because "it's unfair for your teamate". sore losers shoulldn't be validated, though, all they'll win with that is making the good players that actually win leave.
I find it hilarious how /v/ uses the word autistic as an insult, when their posting habits exhibit red flags of both autism and psychopathy on a regular basis.
>>400557 I found a screenshot someone took in /r9k/ recently (I think it's in the top of this month in /r/4chan) of a robot talking to his therapist. She's asks if he's going to a wedding with a hat and cane, he says that would be pretty autistic, then the therapist reminds him he literally is autistic.
>>400465 Well, that's a relief, I certainly don't want to crowd the front page. >>400557 >>400558 >>400559 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
On my shitty iPod, captcha have now become checkbox recaptchad. It does five of those picture ones, before giving a long code to copypaste into a box that lets you post for two minutes. Except my iPod literally won't copy the code, so I can't post on 4chan unless at a computer.
>>400608 They started doing that a year or two ago. I don't know if the text is necessary, though, but it gives an idea of the link's content if someone just posts a link and nothing more
I fucking love it when retards on /tg/ are going "fuck digital art" and then point towards actual acrylic/oil paintings as examples of said digital art and/or digital pieces as examples of good ol' traditional painting.
>thread on /pol/ with last page of Captain Britain & The Mighty Defenders #2 as OP >mfw there are a few people on there providing knowledgeable debate among the DA JOOS and MUH POZ
I wish I could use pony reaction images on /co/ again.
But I know the reason they were banned was because of thousands of shitposters, and they will shitpost their shitposts if those particular images ever get un-banned.
People talking about how he's going to nickle and dime with passes and sell the info, you know unless its Bitcoin or Paypal. I mean who uses straight Credit and Debit Online nowadays anyway. Could be getting another influx.
>>400722 In the good (offtopic bullshit, /pol/tardation) or bad sense (banning anything with an OP image that looks remotely offtopic even if it isn't)?
/qa/ is back at the moment! Crossboarders, curses and complaining ahoy! And seeing /pol/ and [s4] in full force reminds me why I hate those boards.
Also, I kinda hope we don't get /hist/. I would prefer not another /pol/ entity. /mo/ - Movies and Film might be cool though. But a huge slew of 2ch or futaba boards would be nice as-well.