>>399432 I've never watched SU because I'm 80% sure it won't appeal to my taste, but that gem seems like a qt. My guess it that she is an annoying voice-of-reason character tho.
>>399437 You couldn't be more wrong, if anything she's the voice of irrationality.
ALSO WELCOME TO WINDOWS 10 FUCKERS, IT'S...a smooth transition with many satisfied customers enjoying a product infinitely superior to the previous version.
Anyone a content creator/poster on youtube? Are there any good ways to discourage people reposting your stuff on their channel in addition to reporting it, or should I not care, considering how commonplace it is?
>>399442 Yeah, the privacy shit is a little worrisome, the updates are good though and I'd rank it a solid letter grade ahead of all the every other OS, so much easier to multi-task.
I'm leaving for Canada on Friday, my first time out of the states, hooray! I really don't want to work this week because of it though... I just want to get there. I'm off all next week but damn why can't I just be off all this week too?
God bless the furries. The information network they have established is truly astonishing. Just scroll for a bit through a furry's Twitter feed, and find out about 5 cool things you never knew about.
>>399445 >Are there any good ways to discourage people reposting your stuff on their channel in addition to reporting it, or should I not care, considering how commonplace it is? I took it as a compliment when some kid stole my clip. However, I posted a comment on the video telling him that I didn't want him to steal my video. Got the reply "Sorry i like this video" and he switched the comments to 'approved only' so that I couldn't post again or answer people's questions like the song name (which he answered incorrectly).
>any good ways to discourage people reposting your stuff on their channel? if a comment won't get you anywhere: 1) call their bullshit in a video 2) add a watermark or something
>>399456 Not all of it. You still have to go to settings and turn off quite a bit once it's been installed. I'm glad I put it on an unimportant laptop before doing my desktop since I can't seem to get Rocksmith working with it.
>>399462 Ah, yes, they'll be sending a full ghost image of all your harddrives and the current contents of your optical drives, created and uploaded in five minutes.
>>399467 I was referring to the quality of individual components getting worse and worse. Newer computers tend to break faster. And "intuitive" can easily become "primitive" (and giving the user less control over technology).
It pisses me off so much how the word "retarded" is considered inappropriate and offensive now. People lump both it and "faggot" as if they're on the same level as nigger, when in reality it took that word over a century to become socially unacceptable. This happened in just 5 years.
Image:143872172900.jpg(18kB, 230x301)Warren bloody Ellis, you bollocks.jpg
>put an ad on CraigsList, because I am that desperate >get one reply that seems at least 95% on my wavelength >still haven't met up, and she's going to be out of the city for the next week or so >tell her that I've got Asperger's Syndrome, because the sooner she knows the better >mfw that was a few hours ago, and she still hasn't replied
I want to believe she's just processing the information, I really do.
>>399470 I feel that words like faggot and retarded should only be avoided when talking to a stranger that legitimately fits that description (like, an actual homosexual). Political correctness is stupid and contradictory. There is nothing wrong with being polite or appropriate to your setting, but to demonise the use of certain words is just retarded.
Then again, taboo just makes it more rewarding to say.
>>399473 You're not really saying anything that's wrong here, you can just thank the retards that can't even make the distinction of when to use it and when not to for it becoming generally unsavoury regadless of the situation.
>>399473 >I feel that words like faggot and retarded should only be avoided when talking to a stranger that legitimately fits that description (like, an actual homosexual). Which if homosexuality was an inherently visible trait like skin color, would be entirely practical, but I'm not about to expect people to trade demographic profile cards before communicating.
I still use the word retarded but only within my circles. It doesn't bother me that it bothers some people. I don't feel the need to take a stand on something.
>>399476 It's for this reason that so many words the internet throws around today have no fucking meaning. If you want a recent 4chan example, what the fuck does cuck even mean anymore? Nothing (on 4chan, that is--I imagine the word still has use on more intelligent parts of the internet), because it gets used to describe literally everything. And that use of "literally" in my previous sentence isn't even hyperbole.
Don’t forget “autistic” and “meme”; those words have lost meaning on 4chan as well. The former is even used to describe things like fictional narratives (e.g. “this show is fucking autistic”) instead of people with actual autism.
4chan is where meaning and context go to die in a gutter.
>>399479 I don't think it's wise to blame a website for anything. It's the people who do things, be it right or wrong. 4chan is merely a gathering place, where some of the brightest and the dimmest individuals come to post stuff.
>>399484 Then do the opposite. Take your pictures from below so it looks like you have a double chin. Wear baggy clothes to make yourself look bigger. Eat food with lots of salt and then drink lots of water before you take your picture.
I’m not blaming the website for “destroying” those words in general. I’m saying that on 4chan, those words no longer have any real meaning because 4channers “destroyed” their context and meaning by overusing them and using them in nonsensical ways.
>>399486 Well, that's what you get when thousands of people simultaneously try to prove that they "can say whatever they want". They end up saying everything at the same time, devaluing words at the speed of light. I actually wrote an "article" on this issue (not identical but similar): http://theinternetisforopinions.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-condensed-evolution-of-language.html
>>399471 >mfw she was just busy getting ready for a trip she's going in, and does actually have some experience of what autistic people are like, even acknowledging that it's about 50% awesome times, 50% being stuck with a douchebag
Wow, I'm going to have to do something really stupid to fuck things up with this lady!
>>399495 That crap seeps into the art every time the artists is crazy like that. And since comics are impossible without characters, the comic's characters will exhibit the things the author believes in. I never seen a single exception to that.
>>399496 >I never seen a single exception to that. And as long as you keep boycotting works created by people with different lifestyles than you, by god you never will!
If your goal in life is achieving some sort of future reward, might as well give up. The only way to be happy is doing something you like, and enjoying the process. Happiness is not in the future, happiness is now.
>>399502 Although to continue that thought, I am often happy in general anyway, despite being prone to frustration. Also, if it's not in the future then how is it a goal?
>>399504 I didn't make a claim that unhealthy life practices can make you happy. Booze can take away your worries, but they will return, more worrisome than ever.
Examples of happy activities: >having a picnic with friends >skiing >drawing stuff (if you're an artist) >listening to music you like >putting your talents to use (having a dream job) >watching a cartoon >reading a comic
Image:143890298300.png(519kB, 690x406)bear advises you to follow his advice.png
>>399506 I never said that. Happiness is finite, and exists in short moments, which end. You cannot be happy all the time, nor you should be. Besides, one can find happiness in being busy, find happiness in work.
This thread is starting to have too many replies. This should not be a discussion thread, and the purpose of posts should not be to change people's minds. Just come here, make a post, and more on. Or, read somebody else's post, do not reply, and make your own unrelated post instead.
>>399499 These are some nice videos. Makes me think I ought to write down my ideas on the classical elements and write some fiction already. Or use aether theory to design a video game physics engine, when I've been meaning to do one based on relativity for a while but then whoops no interest in graphics drivers. Just got to the superstitions in science video, and as always I find it annoying when someone acts like they know what I'm thinking when they don't even if what they say makes sense and applies to most people. TFW cold reading is used on me even though I'm a freak, basically.
In any case, I thusly feel as though I should record my guess before going onto the next video to show my lack of superstition in the matter. In a spoiler, since he says to make your own guess before looking up an answer: Wormholes, if they existed, wouldn't allow for time travel, even if put in a Roman ring configuration, but also might not exist if it means spacetime doesn't bend. He specifically pointed out how time travel in the relativistic sense isn't allowed by ether physics to allowance of a preferred frame in an earlier video. I don't know if a rocket could, it aether theory, travel fast enough to create Cherenkov radiation from traveling faster than light in the medium between solar systems, as I didn't get a chance to learn the math in school and haven't taken to online courses. They're all video and I prefer being able to read.
>>399532 Oh right, of course! I'll write a story about a a blind underwater race of the abyssal planes from the perspective of one of its members, who discovers that there are things traveling faster than sound despite their society having a belief in physics where the speed of sound is treated like the speed of light in relativity.
>>399492 >>399493 >she asks me how many women I've been with >I know damn well lying will not go well in the long run >I tell her straight out that I've not gotten that far before >she stops e-mailing me NEVER MIND.
12 year olds who do not know what "correct aspect ratio" is need to be banned from the Internets and forced to take a crash course on basic media technology.
I don't know why people take Dragon Ball seriously when it has two villains named Freezer and Cooler, a character named after the word vegetable, a boy named after the word food, and a girl named after underwear.
>>399556 The goofy theme naming goes even further than that--everyone in underwear girl's family is named after underwear--Bulma (Buruma/Bloomers) Dr. Briefs, her son Trunks and her daughter Bra. All the pureblood Saiyans are named after vegetables--Vegeta, Kakkarot(carrot), Brolly (Broccoli), Bardock (Burdock), Raditz (Radish), Nappa (Nappa Cabbage). The new villains are Beers and Whis (short for Whiskey). One of the major early villains was Emperor Pilaf. There were a trio of magic-related creatures who are called Bibidi and Babidi, and both were trying to claim as their servant a magical monster named Buu (Bippity, Boppity, Boo)
Dragonball started off as a gag series. And in my opinion, being a gag series made Dragonball far more likeable than Dragonball Z.
>dog taken to be put down today >was not informed >not offered to see him one last time
I seriously fucking hate my dad. This is all his fault. He doesn't care about animals except for how "useful" they are so doesn't understand why anyone would be attached to one.
>>399551 She just got back to me;. Nothing to tell; "Thanks for being honest, but you're not what I'm looking for", which is fair enough. >>399570 I'm sorry your dad is such a shit.
>>399585 Welcome to the club. I have the same problem, only with art. I have like a hundred ideas, but too many doubtful thoughts preventing me from finishing them.
Thankfully, this is solvable. Now, if I had my hands cut off by a chainsaw, then it would be a permanent problem.
Somewhat related, but your drawing is not forgotten. Just cannot bring myself to finish the lineart. After that, add some simple colour, and it's done.
>>399585 >>399595 Talk to your doctors about anxiety and depression. It sounds like failure anxiety is preventing you from enjoying things that you allegedly like doing. You don't necessarily need to get on prozac for it (though that's helped me, personally--everyone's brain chemistry is different so the fact that it's helped me in so many areas of my life doesn't mean it'll do the same for you) but talking to a therapist or getting involved in a group or something might very well be exactly what you need.
>>399601 And to explain my weird response, unless you are a nihilist like many kids these days, telling "a pill will take away your fears" has a high chance of provoking anger.
You don't get to play this game when you really have a poor understanding of mental health. That's not how this works. If we were talking about something like your favorite video game, yeah, you can play the "different points of view" angle, but we're talking about mental health here.
>spent the day shopping with christian-conservative grandmother since I don't see her very often >tell her the plot behind this video as a funny story //youtube.com/watch?v=4lPsNyXiLNk >doesn't find it funny >spends 10 minutes trying to convince me why it wasn't racist
Addressing this to that one poster I was rude towards. While I apologize for that, I won't take back what I said. I have deep contempt for the modern nihilistic approach to psychology.
Nope. I eventually have figured out most of it. My limbic system is misfiring in response to chemical trauma. I'm trying to treat it now with a combination of fitness, diet management, and congitive based therapy stolen from PTSD treatment (which effects a similar portion of the brain, but is caused by psychic trauma).
I'm not at a point where I can work a regular job yet, but I'm getting in crazy good shape, which is a huge relief from not being able to walk. I still have days with chronic pain.
The thing that pisses me off about medical professionals isn't that they couldn't diagnose me, it's that once they realized they couldn't diagnose me, they hated me. Once they didn't have a category for me, they just did not want to deal with it or hear about it in any way.
They refused to talk about how my illness would effect my life. At one time my doctor thought I had a tumor, and that that tumor was causing damage to my body the longer it went on. And he didn't tell me.
I've had multiple doctors tell me I don't need disability, based on their assessment of my financial status (spoiler warning: Not good, cannot afford to eat sometimes). I've had doctors dismiss my complaint that I can't receive over the counter medicine as again, something I don't need. And when I've raised concerns about how if I end up in a hospital, and there's this massive list of foods that will hurt me, and how do I deal with that, especially if I'm not conscious or they think I'm being troublesome, I'm told I'll deal with that when the time comes.
Incidentally, my brother was in medschool. He had pretty much the same assesment of these people's characters and dropped out over it. In his opinion these were "stupid" people, who "weren't interested in any of this" and only cared about securing a good income.
I looked back on the dozens of doctors I've seen and tried to figure out who the best one was, and I thought I had a clear answer until I realized that wasn't a doctor I was remembering, that was a secretary, who sat and talked to me for an hour because the doctor had a late lunch. And that person who had an associates stuck in my mind as the best doctor.
Out of all of them, one Gastro-interologist struck me as basically decent and willing to treat me as a person. It's not just freewheeling spite here. I think the entire system we have of teaching, accrediting, and employing "medical professionals" today is fundamentally unsound, and basically sucks in terrible people, and drives off the good ones, mostly.
Now the best 'doctor' I've found is my kickboxing coach. He's done more to work with me and help me on this than any 'medical professional' I met.
>>399629 >I prefer to not call it "mental illness", since I do not believe in the concept of mental illness. So then what do you call potentially fatal physiological peculiarities that, even when they don't kill those afflicted, lower the quality of life of those who suffer from them, and which can be treated with chemicals and exercises with more reliability than sugar pills?
>>399627 Word. Glad you're at least doing better my dude, I was worried you died for a while. Can confirm that 99% of doctors are awful, though. >>399629 You are authentically stupid, Mister Twister. You're not just a bad poster, you are just plain and pure idiotic, and it really frustrates me. I want you to know that--both of those, actually. I want you to understand, accept, and internalize that you are very far from any possible definition of smart, and that that fact causes me mental anguish.
>>399631 The problem with the concept of "mental illness" is the inability to point where it starts or ends. Are we all ill, are none of us? Is greed a mental illness? Is jealousy? Is stubbornness? Is fear of the dark a mental illness? Is artist's block an illness? Has anyone ever been "cured" of his or her mental illness?
Those are the questions you can ponder on your own when there is nothing to do. I guess I better leave this thread before I am accused of "ruining it" with my madness.
>>399633 >The problem with the concept of "mental illness" is the inability to point where it starts or ends. Are we all ill, are none of us? Is greed a mental illness? Is jealousy? Is stubbornness? Is fear of the dark a mental illness? Is artist's block an illness? Has anyone ever been "cured" of his or her mental illness?
There is literally an entire branch of medicine devoted to answering those questions scientifically.
>>399641 I'm not MT, who incidentally didn't say he was leaving. I wasn't even making a rebuttal, just saying actually name the specific branch instead of just sayingl it's out there.
>>399646 Somehow I thought you meant there was some kind of sub-discipline of psychiatry devoted specifically to questions of when intervention should or shouldn't be required, as opposed to methods of how that intervention is performed.
>youtube dancing video >short intro credits on video end with an irrelevant "i hate you jenny / you broke my heart" >comments filled with "fuck you jenny", "who is jenny", "i hate you too jenny"
Having animals live with you allows you to have a daily reminder that it is possible to simply enjoy life as it happens, to enjoy the moment. That thought alone relaxes you quite a bit. I spent a few minutes playing with our new kitten, and already it feels like this day will be not shit.
I have a big pregnancy fetish. My mom's work is primarily concerning pregnant women and new moms. I wonder if she would blame her work, if she found out I had this fetish... (which may have come from overexposure, I dunno.)
This last Friday, a coworker of mine non-ironically bitched about "Social Justice Warriors". He didn't go into detail, but he listed it as a source of drama in his life.
For a person who would actually use that term non-ironically and IRL, he is literally everything you would expect. He is fat, ugly, awkward (this nigga seriously almost started talking about hentai at work one time), knows nothing about the world outside of his animu and vidya, has EXTREME problems with women (I mostly try to avoid talking to him, because sooner or later, it's going to lead into him lamenting about why he doesn't have a girlfriend), and just really has no redeeming qualities as a person whatsoever.
Some months back, around March or so, we had a graphic designer in our department that was making a career change. She was gay. And engaged. This dipshit didn't know she was gay, but he DID know that she was engaged. On her last day, he decides to tell her, as she's leaving the office FOREVER that he had a crush on her. On this woman, this woman he knew was engaged. I'm not sure why this dude had to tell her.
This dude is an unbelievable train wreck. He's almost a fucking caricature of a degenerate 4channer (except I don't think he knows what 4chan is--I can't remember what, but something he said made it seem like he was totally oblivious about the site's existence). Having met this guy, I know that there are people on 4chan who 100% take the stupid shit they post seriously.
>>399673 No, I'm thinking more companionship, making one feel dependable/wanted, having entertainment, enjoying the feeling of taking care of a fellow living creature (esp. adoptions) and hunting partner.
Mainly companionship though. Some animals are total bros.
How come whenever there's a webcomic or artwork in general that tries to be progressive by depicting a shitton of minorities as its characters, it's always made by a girl?
>>399687 it's not, but I know that's not going to do anything for your confirmation bias
also, having characters of a ton of different backgrounds is not always done for the sake of "being progressive". some cities and parts of the country actually do have a number of races living together.
don't take it personally, but comments like yours piss me off, as if there isn't a single place in the world where you can find more than just white people around. i'm guessing you come from a place where there are only white people? well regardless of how common it is, areas that are racially diverse DO exist
>>399688 >>399689 I don't mean showing a black person standing next to a white person. I mean having the main character or important side characters have LGBT traits, having a mix of races that's literally unrealistic for the setting, or having a girl that's completely non-effeminate.
Also I never once even slightly implied that I was calling out SJWs or said they were pandering. That's your inability to not label me as homophobic/racist/misogynistic at the first possible sign of a conservative viewpoint. I just noticed that every time the writer makes a blatant attempt at being progressive, said writer is almost always female. And I wondered why. That's literally all it is.
>>399690 >That's your inability to not label me as homophobic/racist/misogynistic at the first possible sign of a conservative viewpoint. ROFL
dude, i was labeling you out of touch for thinking that the entire world goes by your anecdotes. it doesn't. it doesn't go by mine either, which is why i asked if you came from whitebread, USA.
>I mean having the main character or important side characters have LGBT traits, having a mix of races that's literally unrealistic for the setting, or having a girl that's completely non-effeminate.
literally all of these things have exist in real life. this is why i'm calling you out of touch. just because things are uncommon (or much more likely, just things you personally have not experienced) do not make them impossible.
>That's your inability to not label me as homophobic/racist/misogynistic at the first possible sign of a conservative viewpoint. ROFL
dude, i was labeling you out of touch for thinking that the entire world goes by your anecdotes. it doesn't. it doesn't go by mine either, which is why i asked if you came from whitebread, USA.
>I mean having the main character or important side characters have LGBT traits, having a mix of races that's literally unrealistic for the setting, or having a girl that's completely non-effeminate.
literally all of these things have exist in real life. this is why i'm calling you out of touch. just because things are uncommon (or much more likely, just things you personally have not experienced) do not make them impossible.
What the fuck are we talking about anyway. Do people really think a black-pakistani homosexual girl in Seattle is such a unicorn its only done so in the mythical genre of tumblrcomix?
I mean you have to have a specific mindset behind writing such uncommon character traits. "This has never been done before." Nobody thinks "Oh, race and sexuality, I dunno black and gay?" Whether they SHOULD have that mindset is irrelevant, it simply doesn't happen. Source: writer.
>>399710 Too bad the first time you mentioned this, you did so as a reply when you only had two responses yourself, and the conversation would have ended there if you didn't reply in the name of no replying.
>>399694 >>I mean having the main character or important side characters have LGBT traits, having a mix of races that's literally unrealistic for the setting, or having a girl that's completely non-effeminate. >>399698 >Nobody thinks "Oh, race and sexuality, I dunno black and gay?" To say writers base their decisions based on statistics would be to ignore the things writers do that only make sense because they don't base their stories on statistics. Based only on >>399687 and>>399690 I'd think you were just being vague, since "tries to be progressive by depicting a shitton of minorities" could be interpreted as "Well if it's depicting a shitton of minorities for reasons other than to appear progressive it doesn't count." Also, that you're wondering less about the comics by women themselves and more about the lack of politically-motivated comics by men, in which case: Sinfest.
How uncommon something subjectively appears depends a lot on one's personal life, and thus would obviously very from one writer to another. While in a way that might be seen as lending some weight to your argument, if we presume that women might be given more pressure to appear politically correct, it's also possible that a writer just knows a lot of gay and black people for other reasons, which obviously influences their work. It'd be nice if you actually cited specific webcomics and artworks as examples instead of trying to illustrate your point based on hypotheticals. It's not like we can't go immediately check, this is the internet we're using.
Yes, somebody will reply to you. I will. Because this is not your thread, your board, or your site—and I sure as fucking hell am not yours to order around. SYM means “Speak Your Mind”; it is not short for “Speak Your Mind in Certain Ways as Approved by One Person’s Vision of What ‘Speak Your Mind’ Really Means”. If/when the mods want SYM threads to be like your vision, they will get the fuck off the couch and slap an edict about it somewhere before going back to their latest Netflix binge.
The rest of us will use the thread however we wish, MT. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can either order or emotionally manipulate people into doing otherwise when you don’t have the authority required to pull either one off.
I am not The King of SYM Threads. What I am, however, is someone who doesn’t like to be ordered around or emotionally manipulated by people who hold no authority over me. Unless you have an edict from the United Nations that says you can make me do whatever you want, you can fuck off with any such attempt.
You use SYM however you want, and I’ll use SYM however I want. If you don’t like how I use it, you have every right to say so—but please don’t let yourself believe that you can make me change how I use SYM.
Is it just me or do Indian restaurants have a particularly good atmosphere for discussion? Maybe it's just nice to go places with just my brother again. Either way, everyone I ask says I should start writing fiction, so I'll try to do that tonight. Not like I don't know how to put words to keyboard in volume.
>>399743 They're probably spam/nigerian prince accounts. I got a random friend invite from an attractive female and, after seeing a profile that had been used for a bit but suddenly started posting odd things, I messaged them. After a chat of "her" saying things like "i thought you looked interesting", "u seem cute", etc. the person finally got around to saying "And I need help you see I'm on vacation and was fined in Egypt, and they won't let me leave. I only have to pay $X but don't have that, so..."
It was an amusing distraction, and then the blocked me.
I think I learned something today. When you say something on the Internet, and somebody misunderstands your intentions as """mean spirited""", that's usually where it ends. Only your friends will bother to clear things up. Only your friends will ask what you actually meant. Strangers though? They won't bother.
So online, you need to be extra careful. Read what you just wrote, and think how somebody else could misinterpret it. When communicating online, be extra careful, cause people won't bother what your intentions were. They won't listen, and just ignore you as "that jerk that said that jerk thing once".
So, for all those times you thought I was being an "annoying jerk" to you, I apologize. Still, don't ever assume the person on the other side of the screen is being a jerk. Maybe that's just what you think.
>>399790 I look inwards all the time, don't worry. I actually don't "come out as an ass" most of the time (that I obviously cannot prove nor do I want to); it mostly happens on imageboards.
It all boils down to being a namefag. When you are Anon#486728906, no one knows or remembers those terrible horrible posts you made before. You should know that, since no one remembers any bad post you did (don't try to say you didn't make bad posts). People tend to not remember any good posts you made, only the bad. I don't know why that happens.
Basically, I am no better or worse than an average poster, but you can see all my stupid posts, remember them, and rub my face in them later. Again, just because no one remembers your bad posts does not mean you didn't make them.
Yahoo may be a crappy e-mail provider, but they never lost a single message I got or received, for more then 5 years, and for that I tip my nonexistent hat to them.
>>399789 >I think I learned something today. When you say something on the Internet, and somebody misunderstands your intentions as """mean spirited""", that's usually where it ends. Yeah, they usually move on to other things and don't really care about it much since they don't need to demand an explanation.
>>399791 I don't usually mind your opinions on things, it's just the recent streak of seeming attempts at being authoritative as to the ideal method of posting. Even then I don't really apply it to your unrelated statements. Like >>399797, that is a good point since hotmail makes you log in every few months or it pay it to keep things form being deleted.
>>399794 >4chan stop existing and everyone migrates to 8chan.
This is quite possibly the dumbest thing you've said. I mean that. No 4chan knockoff will ever last as long as 4chan, especially not a shitty chan that gets shilled on 4chan all the time because 12 whole people use the entire site.
>>399817 its basically that and nigh-cp, yeah. But don't you dare utter a word against it or else you'll be considered 'intolerant of ehebegiebiephiles.'
>>399823 >tfw hollywood and cgi has ruined any sense of "awe" you'll ever have. >and you'll never imagine an original idea because its shaped by the movies you've seen before.
>>399824 No one's ever had an original idea anyway. Everyone is shaped by the culture they're brought up in, and every idea builds upon ideas that came before it.
>>399826 Debatable, but surprisingly true at times. Also, obligatory mention of 'The Seven Basic Plots' (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/TheSevenBasicPlots)
No, it really isn't. Every idea is built upon something that someone else experienced, heard, or read. It's more about unique ideas—those one-in-a-million ideas that no one else puts together—than it is about “original” ideas, anyway. As an example: Pokémon is a combination of rock-paper-scissors, RPGs, and elements of virtual pets such as Tamagotchi. Yeah, the idea seems obvious now, but back when it first came out, there was little (if anything) on the market like Pokémon.
>>399823 I blame the practice of presuming that anyone not exaggerating is actually feeling otherwise and being polite. >Oh, you're only feeling good? Not great? You have to tell me what's wrong!
>>399824 >>399826 I have never supported this impossibly narrow concept of originality, which ignores the entire concept of living in a world of cause and affect where every originating tings itself originates from earlier things even without the existence of ideas. "Original" does not mean "origin-less", it means "origin of", and that included origins of combinations of things. Otherwise you get only one idea because you can describe any concept as a unary number.
>>399832 I thought it existed before that as just a "Let's make a board for every topic" thing and gamergate was just the first board that really got more than a view active posters.
Pretty much, yeah. GG took over the site once they got the mootboot from 4chan. It was virtually unheard of before GG; even anonIB at its peak had better traffic (and probably as much CP spam) than 8chan pre-GG.
>>399832 >>399833 Well, GG is now OVER (it is over, game sites must now report about who is friends with whom). Now it's just about political correctness, which is gr8, but STOP CALLING IT GAMERGATE.
Looks like my asshole dad indirectly killed my mom. Remember how I thought she was being whiny and refusing to take her meds? Turns out he was lying to me the whole time and trying to pass it off as that when he was basically gaslighting her. Hiding her meds, guilt tripping her, telling her she's weak and "faking it", giving her food he knew she couldn't eat, refusing to let her see the doctor because it would "waste money", basically actively preventing her from getting the help she really needed. I don't want to go into detail but he's had a history of abusive behavior towards all of us but I never thought it would go this far.
And his whole reason for it makes me want to vomit. He always got into fights with her and called her a shitty parent because she didn't believe in being an abusive asshole to me and my siblings like he did which apparently made us too "weak" and "soft" for him (because we're not horribly hateful bigots like he wants us to be), and part of it is because he's an ultra-conservative asshole who already threatened her into surrendering all her legal rights to him then tried to extort money from her side of the family, and now that she's out of the picture he's definitely going to move onto us. Probably me first, because I'm a woman and he's already pissed at me because I'd rather focus on a career instead of settling down and making babies even though I'm barely in my twenties. For fuck's sake the first thing he did after the funeral was feed me blatant lies to guilt trip me about not having kids yet and basically try to trick me into quitting my job and moving back home so he could get more control over me.
I already suspected a lot of this shit back then but I only found out the entire story from my brother now that he's finally away from that murderous piece of shit. My youngest siblings are still too young to live on their own away from him and I am literally terrified for them because of it. I don't care if it's impious, but God I have never wanted a person to die more in my entire life than right now.
Voat is what the /pol/-esque sections of Reddit flocked to when Reddit decided overt hate speech and harassment were two things it didn't want on the site.
>>399838 It will be painful, but it sounds like you need to do everything humanly possible to end contact with your father. Get a new phone number, move, etc.
It's commendable if you want to stay in the picture in order to help the siblings as much as possible, though. While it won't be anything close to easy, if you can prove he did all of that to your mom it counts as manslaughter; at the very least, even half proof is enough for CPS to remove your siblings and you can get guardianship over them.
>>399844 People got sick of bias and corruption in the games industry, started a campaign against it. (GG)
Other people felt like they were only attacking minorities and social activists, therefore, were a thinly veiled harassment group. Started campaigning against them. (aGG)
>>399845 The fact that most of their ire was directed towards indie developers showed us all that they didn't give a shit about actual corruption in the game industry.
Anyone who actually cares about corruption dropped their flags along time ago and took to criticizing shitty company practices by other means.
>>399844 One year ago, in the span of 24 hours, most game sites published articles attacking and accusing gamers of the usual things (being racist, misogynistic, violent, etc) Gamers got mad, decided to investigate. Turned out, members of the gaming press were paying one another, and sleeping with one another. In addition to that, to no one's surprise, it also turned out SJWs infested the gaming media. Adam Baldwin (yes, that one) decided to coin the scandal "Gamer Gate", as a reference to Watergate (look it up). Gamers battled SJWs for a whole year.
Eventually, gamers won. Gaming websites are now required to have an ethics policy. GG is over. But people don't want to let go of the term GamerGate, because it sounds cool. Now it's just about fighting political correctness, and nothing to do with GG.
>>399846 People have been railing against big developers and game "journalists" for years and years. Don't try to pretend that claims of bad ethics practices were new for coverage of indie devs.
>>399849 >People have been railing against big developers and game "journalists" for years and years.
And when Gamergate came along, they didn't focus on it as strongly as they should have. Because, like I said, anyone who was smart enough to realize this early on dropped their flags and took to other means.
>>399854 I don't see how you came to that conclusion seeing as the nerds were the shitheads in this case.
And to be honestly, I suspect any of these "fratbro" gamers not to give a fuck about reviews as long as they can get back to shooting their zombies and playing Madden.
>>399850 Instead of pointing at a post and saying "That's stupid, you're stupid" you could start acting like an adult and write a reply that debunks what he says.
>>399856 >I don't see how you came to that conclusion seeing as the nerds were the shitheads in this case.
That's what I mean. The nerds were shitheads, thus they reminded us why people started picking on them in the first place. The nerds and the fratboys were the same people in this scenario. Like in Revenge of the Nerds.
>>399857 >"you could start acting like an adult and write a reply that debunks what he says." >arguing with somebody online >somebody who intentionally misconstructs arguments and spouts non sequiturs for shits and giggles >adult
There once was an indie developer named Zoe Quinn. She made games that /v/ and /pol/ hated, like Depression Quest. And I don't mean that they thought they were bad games. They hated the very idea of them, hated their very existence. These games were, however, given a much warmer reception by the mainstream gaming press - probably because the mainstream press was engaging with them on a level that wasn't a troglodytic 'but you can't get your girly feelings in muh vidya'.
Anyway, she had a breakup, and her super bitter ex posted a huge rant accusing her of sleeping around in exchange for good reviews of her games. In reality, this is all pretty much hooey. She may or may not have actually been cheating on him, it's not super clear, but the part about doing so in exchange for good reviews doesn't hold any water: the only name on the list about which anything can be confirmed is Nathan Grayson, who never reviewed her games. But it gave a bunch of fuckers who already hated her the excuse they'd been looking for to trash her publically, so they were way too ready to believe it, and they jumped on the smear campaign train, destination Zoe Quinn. Using the banner of journalistic ethics as a paper shield, they launched a sustained campaign of public shaming and harassment against Quinn. Quinn had to leave her home multiple times because of credible threats issued against her. And while they were at it they roped in Anita Sarkeesian as a target too, because they already thought of her as a mortal enemy, so why not, right?
In response to all this noise and bother, a bunch of gaming websites put out articles talking about how 'gamers were over'. These articles were actually about how 'gamer', as an identity, only made sense in opposition to the mainstream - that is, 'most people don't play games, but we do, so we're gamers'. Since fucking everybody and his mom plays video games these days, the 'gamer' identity is now totally incoherent.
Read fairly, these articles weren't really trashing gamers, they were saying 'good job. You won. Games are mainstream now. You can stop acting like you're downtrodden.' But you can imagine how these guys took it. In the middle of THAT fracas, former Firefly actor and consistent right-wing shithead Adam Baldwin coined the term 'gamergate' on twitter, and for some reason or another it stuck. So now this 'movement' had a name.
In the meantime, right-wing puke-funnel website Breitbart started sniffing the air. Their entire business model is posting misleading or straight-up false stories to gin up outrage in the credulous, and then exploiting that outrage for all it was worth. And they smelled a new batch of credulous suckers to exploit. They took up the gamergate cause loudly and proudly, and reached into their bag of tricks and pulled out something from a few years back: get leaked copies of emails professional journalists send each other talking about how they do their jobs, spin it to look like some grand conspiracy, get tons of clicks from credulous morons. And what a lot of credulous morons they found in the gamergaters, ready to believe fucking Breitbart of all outlets. They've since been pretty much the gamergaters' only journalistic ally - 'journalistic' being used quite liberally here, we ARE talking about fucking Breitbart after all.
Beyond this point, things get murky in the way that he-said-she-said twitter slapfights always are. The gamergaters are their usual shithead selves, but from the sounds of things the people in opposition to them haven't been angels either. Some gamergaters have indicated that they've been targets for harassment and threats themselves and I can believe it - although given that Gamergate has been a complete ratfucking operation from day one, and this is pretty much their only way of invoking public sympathy at this point, I'm not sure that I should.
There are definitely people involved in gamergate who are motivated by concern about ethics in games journalism. They've picked poor allies, but they do exist. But gamergate itself isn't about them or their concerns (although they're willing to make use of them). If it was, where was gamergate when Eidos pressured Gamespot to fire Jeff Gerstmann for giving their game a bad score? Why isn't gamergate freaking out over the rampant practice of publishers spending tons of money to get good reviews out of writers - a practice which in places borders on bribery? Instead they remain fixated on indie developers and dumb indie events - you know, the people who don't have any money to corrupt with.
The whole mess started with Zoe Quinn, but it's not really about her either. She's just a convenient emblem they could rally against. What it's really about is: gaming is changing. It's no longer the province of straight while male nerds - and, well, it never REALLY was, but for a long time that was the only audience the people making games and marketing them to western audiences cared about. That's no longer the case, and there's now room in gaming for games about different kinds of experiences: women, lesbians, gay men, people (for lack of a better term) of color. This is actually a great thing, but to some people who were pretty comfortable with gaming being a straight white sausagefest, change is scary. And like most reactionaries do, rather than accept the fact that the gaming world no longer revolves around them exclusively, they'd rather marinate in a fantasy that the scary change is illusory, and everyone is being tricked by an activist media.
Maybe you should consider the possibility that the reason why winning the fight for ethics in gaming journalism hasn't been the end of gamergate is that it was never actually about ethics in gaming journalism to begin with.
>>399860 Twister may be annoying and naive, but he's still the sanest poster here next to Autonymoose and Jumpman. People who know how to think for themselves instead of shit fed to them via tumblr and the rest of the liberal media.
>gay >LDR boyfriend hasn't spoken with me in over a week >is deliberately avoiding and ignoring me, is online >been together for a year >has already broken up with me and begged me back after months once before
I left him a message and said that if he doesn't talk to me, I'm going to tell his Southern Baptist parents all about us. I'm not fucking letting him do this to me again.
>>399879 >this is just our usual MO with Twister No it isn't, I've been here for years and can spot a samefag a mile away. Give it a rest, or it will get old and forced.
Stop pretending he's more important than other people.
holy cripes you trash nerds >pls give objective description, no bias >THE PARTY THAT OPPOSES MY VIEWS WAS FOUNDED BY LUCIFER SHORTLY AFTER HIS FALL, AND
>>399880 You are an immature shit. Break up with the dude and go find some business elsewhere. I'm not even sure as to why you think any of that is a good idea. It's unnecessary as fuck and makes you look like you're 15.
And in the future, stop holding grudges against people so hard. Aside from the fact that it's better for your health, you won't end up doing anything stupid, you won't fuck up anyone else's life, and you don't look like a dumb teenager in the process.
>>399842 Thing is my dad is such a bastard that he made sure there are no physical records of what he made my mother do re: legal stuff, and it all happened before any of us were born, so it would probably be very hard for any of us to use that against him. In a way that makes it even worse because it means he absolutely knows what he did was immoral instead of just being an extreme but misguided person. But that's one less reason for me to feel any sadness if karma bites him n the ass and anything terrible happens to him.
>>399886 It was unrealistic to expect anything else given that we're talking about a situation where no one agrees about the actual facts, and being "objective" to some people's minds means ignoring logs and hard evidence so as to appear neutral because god forbid the Golden Mean not be the answer to all life's problems.
Image:144059093500.png(186kB, 624x352)your taste in music, and a turd in a microwave.png
>soundcloud (i'm a house/dubstep guy who likes a bunch of low-level producers) >listening to remix of song I like >subjectively complete shit >comments say 'this is perfect in every way' >for real? it's actually shit >mfw i realise this is how i sound to others when commenting on my favourite artists' stuff
>>399912 If you feel someone you work with is like a daughter to you, and this is the way you respond to not sleeping with her, it sounds like another part of your body needs to be fired.
>>399922 Yeah, my understanding is that if either side sees it as even a tad more than no-strings-attached sex, office drama can really flare. Don't shit where you eat etc.
Just a reminder that if someone is considering suicide, and if you think they should kill themselves based on nothing but you not liking them or even hating them, you are a genuinely horrible person.
I think whoever bought the rights to Winamp is shooting to have a new version out sometime next year—judging by what I've read on the Winamp forums, anyway.
An old friend of mine hated watching lesbian/girl-on-girl porn if it had dildos in it. Other than "NO DICKS IN MY LESBIAN PORNS PLZ", is there a specific reason for that aversion?
>>400050 When I was younger, I hated straight porn because it had another dude's dick in it. I was fine with dildos tho. I'm guessing it's a similar thing; she's getting off to a different 'dick' and he is (for lack of a better term) total anti-cuck.
>>400050 I'm not a fan of dildos in lesbian porn myself. It's not a hatred thing or anything, like I'll watch it and all--I just like it better when it's skin on skin. Skin on skin is hotter to me than plastic/glass/silicone on skin.
The things people find sexy are hard to define, you know?
>>400074 some gals are way bigger on the "being penetrated" deal than the "being licked/grinded" thing. I don't think dildos are any more or less genuinely a part of lesbian sex than anything else, just Not All Lesbians.
>>400077 More like >i have had sex with women Some don't get off as well to being eaten out as they do being penetrated.
Some men don't dig having their prostate railed, some think it's the best thing ever. It's a little bit awkward that I'm having to explain to you that sex is different for different people--are you old enough for me to be talking about this with you?
I have recently discovered Gabriel Iglesias and holy shit I love this guy. Like maybe it's just my ADHD but his sound effects and voices are hysterical.
Then I found out he barely has any online fans compared to other comedians and he might die from diabetes in a year.
>>400114 Yyyyyeah, it is. You/anon brought up that my condescension isn't warranted a lot of the time. I said, and say again, that it was warranted in that post (but not in the one I made before that, which contained pretty much no condescension).
>>400120 Goodness, I'm glad we have a big strong anon like you with a pure and fixed moral compass to tell me when I can and can't be a smarmy douche. :^)
>>400137 Did you point and mumble/speak quietly? It's pretty loud behind the counter with all the ovens and machines going, and when customers are too quiet to hear, it's pretty standard to just grab whatever they're pointing too. Still though, they shoulda verified.
>>400138 I know right? It was the salami and pepperoni sub (i can explain) so it was already salty before the sauce. Like, it wasn't horrible, but I'm not getting BBQ again. It goes great on other stuff, but not Subway.
>>400140 I might have mumbled but I'm usually clear. Like, I've made mix-ups before, shit happens, but I don't even know how the two got confused.
It's funny how many people don't know music videos are almost never created by the musicians themselves. And therefore good songs gets dismissed for having crappy music videos.
>>400144 Haha, don't get me started on music videos, Twistie.
Occasionally they can be good, but often it is total crap unrelated to the song or meaningless dribble (but then again, lots of songs that have clips are meaningless dribble IMO). I consider songs and their videos two different entities.
LOLwut. In any case, Tumblr’s design decisions seem rooted in complete idiocy. It widened posts on the dashboard (thus stretching images that had already been designed for 500px-width posts), it made blockquotes uneditable, and now it’s made blockquotes annoying to read (and somewhat harder to tell who posted what). Each “fix” seems designed for mobile devices while leaving people using the desktop “app” in the dust, and it’s those kinds of “fixes” that make other services look more and more appealing. (Or they would look appealing if they didn’t all suck ass or have similar design issues. I’m looking at you, Ello.)
>>400163 >>400164 OKcupid's search is more cumbersome than it used to be. I guess I should have explained that one because it's a bit of an obscure example.
That is to say that I'm the only one bothered by the changes.
>>400164 But honestly, while they need to fix the styling, I like the change they made to the replies, And I'm assuming that's what prompted this. They make long reply changes a lot more readable, like they're in a forum. They just need some tweaking on the stylesheet. I'll bet xkit could do that pretty easily.
It’s hard for me to put my finger on precisely why the new quote style is such a pain in the ass. Maybe it’s because it’s such a drastic change from the old style to the new, or maybe it’s because there’s no sense of “oh this was a reply chain” with the new style thanks to no indenting (which is why the original quote style worked well). I'm used to the "newest post first" dashboards of both Tumblr and Twitter, so the old blockquotes helped keep things less confusing in that regard. Now quoted posts look like Twitter feeds, and that's confusing as fuck. The change feels like a form of dark UX design—non-malicious, but dark UX nonetheless—and maybe that’s why I feel pissed off at this change.
Christ, I wish Tumblr would've just hired the old X-Kit Guy and put him in charge of designing shit.
>>400168 I think it would be good for them to outdent the first reply then indent the rest, or otherwise use whitespace a little more effectively than they are. But I think the central concept is serviceable.
I’d settle for an arrow showing the direction of the conversation or a wider border between quoted posts or SOMETHING that at least tried to differentiate comments from other users in a much more recognizable way. I also don’t like how quotes you make aren’t differentiated from the other posts in any way other than having your username attached.
Yeah, the idea is servicable, but it’s such a drastic change after years of how things have worked that it seems like changing how the blockquote system worked just for the sake of changing it.
This response from Tumblr user johndarnielle sums up why the new blockquote system sucks ass:
>it would be silly to threaten to delete my Tumblr in response to an interface tweak, but I do expect to be using Tumblr a lot less now. this takes one of the site’s essential and unique features – reblogging with commentary in a way that highlights discussion, cross-currents, reaction and response – and recasts it as an Instagram comments thread. that’s not very interesting to me, so I expect that as the new, undemanded form takes hold, the site, too, will hold less interest for me.
>it’s kind of like if somebody hung an old shoe that smelled bad from your rearview and said hey, some people like the shoe, give it a try. driving with shoe! it tested well in focus groups. well: sometimes, you’d still need to drive places, so you’d smear some essential oil on your upper lip and get in the car. but otherwise you’d probably walk more. you wouldn’t throw away your car, that’d be absurd. but getting into it would involve this old shoe smell experience that’d just sort of naturally put you off it.
>>400176 Dunno if this directly counts as your 'animation' description, but Adventure Time's art direction in general has improved steadily through the seasons. Just stuff like keyframes, palettes, that stuff. They recently had one by Brandon Graham that looks exactly like a BG comic would look like on the screen.
One of my new roommates is tall, slim and has gigantic fucking tits and it's really difficult to not just blankly stare at them every time she's talking to me. Like, I'm trying to not be a sleazy dirtbag here, but my primal urges just get the best of me. It's not like I even want to get it on with her or something, but those monstrous mounds are just mesmerizing.
You know, I finally get it. People who cite real life as reasons for stopping doing their hobby don't mean it takes up all the time between eating and sleeping. It means by the end of the day, once you're done with work, you're so tired that doing your hobby seems more like extra work than a fun pasttime.
Spending a few days with family for my sister's wedding. I had hoped that my medication would kick in well if I made sure to be free of other ailments, but that failed and someone drove me back to our rental home because I was just sitting there depressed as fuck. Falling over in a port-a-john in the middle of the evening probably didn't help.
I also haven't fapped in four days, and hoped that the break would also improve my mood (last break I took was like two years ago.) Nope.
fucking social media copypastas. Someone posted a chain text thing claiming it helps support people facing social issues.
If you really fucking cared, you would talk to someone with an issue and help them, assist them in getting help, check if they are ok, or donate a dollar to a help service / charity.
If this thread gets 100 bumps, my doctor will treat my chronic cynicism. Like and share!
Image:144185633600.png(106kB, 229x234)the yellow dot is a motherfucking kitten.png
When you thought you are done with cat videos for good, comes a cat video that is so mind-blowing that you are forced to admit to liking //youtube.com/watch?v=w8WFqM9wMrQ
>watch cartoon >fan disservice; grandpa dick I always imagine an uptight, straight animator having to animate these scenes, struggling to look at swinging mandick
I felt horrible all day today and I don't know why. Not physically, but just emotionally to the point that it was just like the serious depression I used to have. It's been a long time since I felt this bad. Months.
I don't know if I should try to figure out the cause of it or just think of it as a neurological thing because I'm still recovering from depression.
Not too long before I made this post, I retweeted https://twitter.com/darkesword/status/643843089807843328 and joked about how I’d probably just destroy my online persona instead. In a follow-up tweet, I mentioned how it’d been about 15 years since I’d first drawn my furry alter-ego, Sage Freehaven.
On a lark, I dug up that drawing—still have it tucked away in a safe place!—to see what the date was on it. Turns out, it was exactly fifteen years ago this Thursday.
That…that puts a lot of shit in perspective for me. And it makes me think about that whole “destroying the online persona” thing a little harder.
you know when you download a show and close the videos when the credits start, and then like half way through you realise half the episodes have easter eggs after the credits?
>>400635 Not that hard. My arms and legs had scars all over them from where I scratched mosquito bites as a kid, so I decided about ten years ago to not scratch any bug bites from that point forward. You get used to it eventually.
I worked out two days ago and felt great the rest of the day and actually got tons of stuff done.
But yesterday and today I woke up extremely sore and haven't wanted to do anything but rest so I've just been procrastinating on everything. I don't have to do anything physical, just lots of homework, but I feel like being a lazy bastard so much more than usual. Damn it.
>>400642 Yo heads-up: being active will actually make that soreness go away quicker. Not necessarily a full-on workout, but some stretching, some jumping jacks or light jogging. ALSO if you wait for the soreness to completely go away before working out again, you will get just as sore, and this process will repeat indefinitely. Gotta work out on schedule, sore or not, or the soreness never stops happening.
>>400662 Because I'm mostly subscribed to small-time youtubers that need advertisement dollars so I want to support them in a small way. And the current youtube ads aren't as atrocious as they were a few months back.
Warm weather is cool and all, but sometimes wearing less on a cooler day, allows you to feel the cool breeze against your skin, and it is one of those small things that makes life worthwhile to....... live?
Why is it that our society is shifting into one that will not judge you based on: sexuality, gender, race, bodytype, hobbies and personal taste, yet being antisocial is still looked down upon as "having a problem"?
>>400706 >Why is it that our society is shifting into one that will not judge you based on: sexuality, gender, race, bodytype, hobbies and personal taste, yet being antisocial is still looked down upon as "having a problem"? When you treat other people badly or fail to care about their feelings, how can you be surprised when they don't want to be around you or celebrate you?
You ever have a nightmare where you try to use a household item, and it works for only a few seconds before stopping? Or you flick a light switch and the light only stays on for a few seconds before fading? There's gotta be a name for that phenomenon.
I think I'll actually be okay once I get to the coding aspect (all those classes were full this semester) but right now I'm in computer repair and learning all of the hardware stuff, and holy shit there's just so much info I need to know by heart.
>>400752 Sunibee. He's always done mainly /co/ \ /v/ furry characters and OC but goes hard in the shamelessly curvy women (becoming too big for my tastes). He also loves donut anuses (can't post any of his stuff on phone).
Everyone around me keeps making jokes about how much they fuck up in college, and they laugh and make jokes about how socially awkward they are. And yet in real life, they are total normalfags while I am literally Tomoko levels of fucked up.
>>400775 Everyone feels more fucked up than they realize they are. I'm not saying you're not more fucked up than them (I have no way of knowing that), but there should be some comfort to be drawn in the fact that you most likely see yourself as more fucked up than most people who don't live in your head see you. I think psychologists call it the Illusion of Transparency, where one tends to assume other people can see the fucked up parts of one's own mind even though one can't see the fucked up parts of other people's minds.
Anyway, the tl;dr is that while you might very well be more awkward than them, they most likely don't see you as being as bad as you see yourself being Take some comfort in that.
>>400778 best to you on that, while it may not be pleasant to hear, I've been through enough that if she makes it and the Vet says its chronic and something that will cause long term problems. best to plan to put her to sleep. She'll stay with you as long as she can as dogs are want to do, but the other method is less painful.
Just putting it out there while hoping that things work out for the best.
Oh, no, it doesn’t matter what it is—we don’t want her going through another bout of what she’s going through tonight, so if she makes it through the night, my mom will be taking her to a vet to have her put to sleep. She’s 14 years old, she’s out of shape, and she’s been having problems catching her breath from physical activity for about the past month. Her breathing got really shallow and strained tonight after she climbed up the stairs to our apartment, and it’s basically all we can do now to keep her relaxed. (Some pills from a former vet who’s a friend of my mom’s is helping with that.) We’re thinking it’s a heart issue—during the past few nights, she had to catch her breath after barking a few times—but at this point it really doesn’t matter what’s wrong with her.
Well, they took her to a vet, and from what my mom told me over the phone, my dog has a heart problem. The vet’s given her some drugs and they’re gonna keep her overnight; if she can get through this rough patch, we’ll probably be able to take her home, and we’ll have to give her a pill or two every day for the rest of her life.
You ever get that guy who walks into a conversation about shows you and your friends like and he doesn't enjoy ANYTHING and has hipster tastes and oh god why are you such an asshole?
For a while I was constantly living by the edge of my wallet and just barely scraping by, and was pretty much constantly taking stupid risks and frequently breaking the law in needlessly risky ways.
But you know, I was a lot happier living like that. It was fun to constantly scrape by and barely get away with things.
That's probably a warning sign about my mental state or something, because now I'm pretty secure and just going to school and looking for work and having hobbies, and it's driving me fucking crazy. I really need to take some kind of stupid risk.
>>400828 It's probably the excitement/adrenaline rush/drama that comes with the scraping and the law breaking. If you can afford it, try taking up an "extreme" hobby, like skydiving or something.
The vet we took my dog to called today; turns out that the shit she went through the other night with her heart caused some brain damage. The pills we gave her the other night saved her life, but there’s literally nothing else to be done for her but keep her on morphine or whatever. If she lives until tomorrow morning, we’ll very likely have her put to sleep so she doesn’t suffer any further.
Like I said on Twitter: my family gave her 14 years she might not have had if my dad hadn’t picked her up from the local dump where he found her. I’m sad that it has to end this way, but I’m happy that she had those 14 years with us.
I can't figure out if I've got legit gender dysphoria or if the idea of being a girl is just some weird sense of escapism.
I mean, if I could just switch I would do it in a heartbeat, but there's a lot more to it than that. There's a lot of bullshit that comes along with it and I guess I don't know if it would be worth it because it is a HUGE hassle to actually transition. Plus it's expensive as fuck. And it could be a strain on just about every social tie I have, and would make things weird with my family. Plus I'd still want to date a woman which I guess isn't actually THAT unusual for MTF but still limits the pool of people who would want to go out with me so much that I don't know if I'd ever find someone.
On the other hand, the idea of just hanging around doing the stuff I usually do, but as a woman, sounds really really nice. So nice that it might actually make everything else worth it.
But if I ended up as an ugly or mannish looking woman I'd be fucking devastated.
At 23 I feel like I'm approaching the point where it would be now or never.
I guess the main thing is I don't want to feel like I'm fucked up or like there's something wrong with me, and I don't know if going through all of this would fix that or just make it worse.
I'm gonna see a psychiatrist in a few weeks, not for this but for something else, and I think I'm gonna bring this up to see if I can get it sorted out.
Sorry, this post is even bloggier than is usual for here but I needed a place to write this down and organize my thoughts.
I’m sad about it, and I’ll definitely miss her, but I’ve come to terms with her passing and all. My mom’s completely broken up about all this, though. She’s always hated to see any of our dogs sick or in pain, and when things got like this for some of our older dogs, she almost always took them to the vet so they wouldn’t have to suffer. These things always hit her the hardest because she loves animals, and that goes double for the ones that are family.
>>400860 Your dog looked very sweet. I'm sorry to hear about her.
>>400861 This is going to sound kind of mean and disapproving but I don't mean it in that way.
Would you be able to deal with people looking down on you constantly and still be happy knowing you made the right choice for your own life? I think that's a key question you need to think about. Transitioning is not a bad thing but we're at a point in society where it's not an easy process. If you can brave through it and still be happy then that's what you were meant to do. /notadoctor
I think talking to a psych will help you out. I hope you can sort out your problems.
>>400869 >Would you be able to deal with people looking down on you constantly and still be happy knowing you made the right choice for your own life?
Definitely not.
I had a wild night tonight. Went to a friend's birthday and got quite drunk. Met a person there who I think was trans or going to be trans. Or maybe just extremely gay, I dunno. The reality is so different from the fantasy, and I definitely don't plan on transitioning.