I see nothing in either that bit of code, or at the URL provided therein, that counts as an explicit call for voting machine hackers to work for Clinton, either on or before Election Day. The code’s reference to an “18-month hackathon” most likely refers to the campaign itself—go back 18 months from Election Day and you’d hit May 2015, and Clinton formally announced her campaign in April 2015. “Hackathon”, aside from being a very poor word choice in this case, most likely refers to the campaign’s usage of technology and social media as popular methods of getting its message out. You don’t have any evidence that explicitly ties the Clinton campaign (or Clinton herself) to any form of voting machine hacking, and what you think you have is, under the most generous of definitions, circumstancial. If you had any such evidence, you wouldn’t be sharing it on fucking plus4chan, of all places.
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>>407166 >check facebook >turns out the couple I met at the con have broken up >I saw them yesterday at a friend's birthday party, and they were their usual happy selves
A thread for discussion of body modification both planned and long since healed!
This is one I'm planning on getting on my back, I just got get and artist who can give Sobek and the Yatagarusu the same theme as Taweret and the Hand of Hamsa so the art styles don't clash.
Image:146285303700.jpg(138kB, 1280x720)[HorribleSubs] Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.13_[2016.05.03_23.05.26].jpg
>>406573 >like getting a paper cut off that thin cardboard eeeeeeeeee yeah no. I fucking hate those kind of papercuts more than regular papercuts. >Bony areas, like say, wrists, or sternums, feel like you found an old heavily rusted hacksaw under your porch, looped the blade around a power sander, and are very gently grinding away at your skin. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUCK
>>406594 >>406597 Huh, I've never noticed that before. Thanks Alpharius.
Another thing I've noticed (and I rather like it) is that sometimes if I delete an image from my post, it grows full size like >>392144 and the one on page 3.
Hey, uh...whoever's in charge up there in the plus4 Flying Fortress...do you think we can get the plus4 favicon on all the boards now? Just a thought. ANYWHO. SYM, fuckers!
Richard Dawkins suffered a stroke. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/feb/12/richard-dawkins-has-stroke-on-eve-of-australia-and-new-zealand-tour Serves him right for criticizing Islam, which is an oppressed religion, not an oppressor religion like Christianity. Also for word-raping girls in elevators.
Last shitpost from previous thread
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