>>429830 Is that actually a turkey? Turkeys don't do much flying and certainly not often high in the sky, how unlucky would you have to be to have a serious collision with one in your plane? It doesn't seem like it would have happened during takeoff.
>>430783 It's fascinating how the way he plays reflects the kind of abilities he would need when he become an adult. He tries to kick the ball but it doesn't have the balance and by playing like that he would develop the kind of balance and strength to survive.
>>431155 Plattypusses actually fill the niche of otters rather than beavers. Their beak also isn't evolutive convergent to a bird beak, instead is convergent to a white shark nose, since it can detect eletric fields. They are also very fucking small.
>>429832 It's just an animal on its natural habitat eating, it's normal, it's just happens they vore their pray instead of chopping in into pieces. Speaking of which, this guy made a really cool mini-documentary about a seagull on England that hunts pigeons The gull who eats pigeons This isn't their normal instinct, that Seagull actually learned how to do that, and it would be funny to think he would get chicks that would learn how to hunt pigeons too and in a couple of generations the entire population of seagulls on that lake would be pigeons killers.