>>429851 I know of a few people in the stick animation forums who ended up working in Riot Games. I never did become an animator after all that time and experimenting... probably for the best.
>>429974 >i have surpassed the need for pockets and packs...
>>430029 pretty strange political propa a relatively primitive country that was devastated by Japanese Empire's invasion five years earlier and in a very long civil war until only a year earlier, is fighting in another country only recently liberated from a 35 year occupation and subject to a mind-boggling bombing campaign and against the world superpower (who hadn't a land invasion nor civil war for 80 years, and who had prior experience supporting armies on the other side of the world) with support from over 20 other countries, many of them 'developed countries' at peace. it's like this is just bragging about how the pampered steak-eating UN soldiers managed to break even against ill frozen starving desperate shit-eating poorfags despite having almost every advantage, take that humiliation chinese dogs! >Logistics is fucking important in warfare. absolutely. 'army marches on their stomach', been a rule for as long as there've been armies. that's part of why armies have worked on MRE rations like it's the cure for cancer. the soldiers eat better than millions of people at home, and shit, when you're in the middle of some overseas nightmare then that's a small comfort you absolutely need.
Star Trek is the worst 'science' fiction around. On top of the awful technobabble it has too many quite literal space gods wandering around that can magically do whatever they want with the wave of their hand.
>>430128 fun fact, that pic predates all the current spidey multiverse bullshit, including Miles Morales and maybe even the entire ultimate universe he comes from. It's like 20 years old.
>>430163 >Powerman 5000 man, I haven't heard of that guy since decades. Is he still around? Did his music become better or is is still exactly the same as in 2001?
Did you know he is the younger brother of Rob Zombie, of all people?
>>430165 Powerman 5000 is the name of the band, and they are apparently around still. Spider One is the frontman and the brother of Rob Zombie you are talking about.
>>430166 >Spider One is the frontman and the brother of Rob Zombie you are talking about. Yes, I know, he's the bleached blonde wigger who sings (well, more like shouts) every song.
hmmm, apparently the last time I checked them was at 2017, and their music was still exactly the same back then. I can appreciate someone with creative output (using the term loosely here) staying close to their roots even after a long time, it creates a sense of consistency. But this is one band that, you know, really would need to get better.
Oh well, at least it's a piece of the late 90s/early 00s which is still consistently around - enjoyable after a few beers!
Reminded there being images posted like this ages ago from stores but it was the Cross and an American flag (w/ hanging fighter jet made out of more softdrink packs) instead.
America is one Christian Corn-Syrup Nation under God.
>>430319 IIRC the facebook boomer who posted the feliz jueves gif (or as we call them over here "piolinera") was argentinian, not mexican but still very funny edit indeed.
(think this was inspired by that classic photo of the midget NK soldier inbetween the giant US and SK soldiers, looking like a gay couple taking their adopted son on a day out)
Wonder how advanced AI image generation will become within even a decade.
Do you use such things? Most obviously would be for people gaming like making their PC in classic roleplaying games, played over the internet what-have-you. The old dodge to this issue was using a random piece of art saved from the internet, maybe from your favourite niche porn/hentai if you wanted to be daring and test the power levels of your peers.
>>430342 I see this for what it is. The People™ don't and never will own this technology, the 1% does. We are simply given it to play and destroy our lives with. More disgusting than AI """art""" itself is people defending it with "well us humans work and create the same way".
>>430364 Gunhed is one of those things that managed to get into the shitty gacha 'srw' game that I'd actually like to see included in a proper instalment of the series.
>>430647 God, my brain hurts trying to make sense of what the fuck I'm looking at. I recognize the arabic and french words so I suppose this is a North African diploma, but what's up with the other letter looks like greek
>>430654 Quick google search says that it's most likely in Tifinagh, and the diplomas are from Morocco (a former french colony where french is still used in administrative capacity).
But, is that seriously the thing you can't make sense of on that image?
I'm actually curious how far AI art will evolve in the years to come. Its already getting to the point where it can recreate a decent image through manipulation of its systems and source materials by a user (with the waste product of a ridiculous amount of failed dross images in the process as the user adjusts the stream of random garbage that results).
If it wasn't for the scumbag companies involved in making use of it and secretly farming peoples art on an industrial scale and was just some sort of experiment to see the limits of the possibilities I'd be alot happier with its existance.
>>431374 At this point I cannot tell if this is real or shooped. On one hand, sure, you can buy a toy like that. One the other hand, that is clearly 3rd world in the background.
>>431674 once I get old and skinny, I plan on letting my mustache and beard grow out and wear red sunglasses so I can look like Master Roshi, el tortue géniale.
>>431804 From what I read, he had a skin problem that caused him to have large patches of white skin around his body, and the only way to fix it was bleaching himself completely. So that much was justified, but not the botox treatment from the late 90s to early 00s that made him look like a Terminator Bogdanoff.
>>431809 >>431810 This is how Verdun fields look like nowadays. The grasslands reclaimed the land but the shape of the trenches are still there and kinda turned into man made hills.
Image:172553512836.jpg(1.06MB, 2482x2709)You dare frog in a well lusting after swan meat you are courting death kowtow a dozen times and cripple your own cultivation for my mercy otherwise I will destroy your entire clan down to the chickens and dogs.jpg