Instead of trying trying to foster a sense of scientific wonder in regards to the universe he just makes a bunch of smug self-aggrandizing tweets to get himself attention. And on top of that alot of his 'points' are utter nonsense instead of actual facts.
>>425746 The "Rainbow Ribbon" army is actually a thing you could conceivably see in a spinoff from the dragonball series like in a videogame. Keeps the initials in the naming scheme while also being more visually striking.
>>425907 Wouldn't be able to play High Stakes Uno because don't think I've ever actually played it with the proper rules, instead just playing with the 'house rules' that everyone assumes is how it works.
Like being able to counter pick up 4 by playing another pick up 4 on it and keeping the combo going.
>>426113 The thing is, it isn't middle age europe, it's XIX century europe, the guy tried to form the HRE as a minor german country and something went really wrong. The game's code gagged and turned the Holy Roman Empire into that unholy cancer of a country
>>426116 > The game's code gagged and turned the Holy Roman Empire into that unholy cancer of a country
The HRE was like that in real life for several centuries, a lot of small states and city states, it was an empire in name only. It was only after the Napoleonic wars that it was officially disbanded.
The meme involved in this is too outdated for anyone over here to get it but was too happy with how the thing came out to just delete it after the one original use on /m/.
Image:166101040633.jpg(144kB, 1080x1296)Like my post or I'll engulf our world into a second Great War_Comment if you don't want me to invade the Sudetenland.jpg
>>426695 I hate everything otakus did to the japanese animation industry but I hate even more retards like Miyazaki for whining like a crying bitch instead of doing something about it.
>>426799 Well it is when there's only one opening for the job you want going and the current holder of it refused to die until she was in her late 90s.
>>426705 The fat fuck spent all his good years whining about young people instead of training them to become good artists. Good lord, imagine a timeline where Miyazaki put out a project like Liquid Television for the japanese industry, that would've been so cool.
This image might be a little outdated now, posting it anyway because encountering it again in the wild made me nostalgic to when it made me giggle back in the day.
>>426969 Thanks, I only had it in lower resolution. It's only outdated in that "normal" people running a company would outsource everything to india, and left wing people running a company would employ everyone who isn't white straight male. Also maybe replace the muslim with a gay person. Otherwise it still holds up.
>>427344 I wanted to post something else, but whenever I want to post in the wat thread I only find gifs, whenever I'm looking for gifs I only find webms/mp4s, whenever I want to post webms/mp3s I only find unrelated pictures, and whenever I want to post unrelated pictures I find something that I already posted on this board. So I end up typing something and then changing the image 6 times.
>>427702 God I wish little kids didn't try to constantly upscale images to one up one another in some kind of meta game. You'd think this "intentionally blurry" is a style, but it literally started with kids not knowing how to properly save images.
>>427943 You really thought Rudolf got the head position on the sleigh team because of their freak 'glowing red nose' and it being able to 'light the way' in midair through an artic storm?
>>428215 There will come the time when people will not bother taking photos of strange shit, everybody will just tell an AI to generate strange shit, and press a button.
>>428287 oh hey, Vectorman and the rider from Panzer Dragoon. Nice one, those two are not too common. And is that an infernal troglodyte from HOMM3? The one on the left torturing Finn from adventure time.
should we play spot the reference on that one? I recognize like 60% of them.
>>428531 ah yes, another game of "spot the reference". With so many dudes in fruity balloon jackets, I'm surprised that I can't see Inspector Gadget, Columbo, or Gene from God Hand.
This is one case when I would be totally down for blackwashing. (Its not like FF7R isn't totally shit anyway with its Kingdom Heart knockoff OCs showing up making it an original story on the level of Dirge of Cerberus instead of an actual remake)