>>429095 >There are very clear clues in the filename Yeah, but I was hoping it was actually some sort of gyrojet, because those things are damn cool. It's a gun shooting mini rocket bullets!
>>429469 Yeah, it hurts me to know this potential to make wonderful things is used to often for advertisers to shit in people's minds, which just makes it more precious to see something lovely and cultural like this.
>>429570 Its actually possible to orgasm through exercise. That or of course the less sexy option and she's done herself an injury, thus the moans being of pain.
>>429289 China seems like some dystopian grimdark looney tunes where the populace are constantly dying in ridiculous accidents due to various factors regarding lack of safety, lack of care for their fellow man and lacking quality of construction or sometimes just for the hell of it.
>>430068 Seriously though what is the actual source of this webm, is it some kind of movie or just an incredible job of editing the other boxer out of the footage (for the purposes of what, making such a bizarre clip?).
>>431946 India is a pretty fucked up place. A guy being autistically gay for a foreign politician might actually be pretty benign in comparison.
I saw a clip of a very young teenage girl having apparently been raped and left lying in the street, bunch of Indian dudes were just standing over her filming the girl with their smart phones. Even when the cops arrived and picked her up to carry her back to their tuktuk for care the creepy fucks were still standing around and filming
>>432328 No, its every reason to be racist about it. When you see the hundredth example of cultures refusing to engage in simple routines of public hygeine/sanitation but still able to posses a smartphone it makes you realize not every country deserves to benefit from the advancements of their betters.
They should be living in caves terrified of thunder and dying at age 30.
>>432329 Maybe you are just seeing a biased version of the cultures you are complainig about. Just because one iranian is serving cake with his hands it doesn't everyone does it, generalizing is dumb.
>>432974 Some retards inject saline or other shit into their arms in an attempt to look muscular without putting the work in, would assume its along those lines.