>>423315 I found someone using the original filename: >"Construction of spherical tanks by explosive method. Explosive Hydroforming."
>Explosive hydroforming, also known as HERF (High Energy Rate Forming) or exploform, is a striking alternative to the more traditional process of metal hydroforming. Unlike this older method, which shapes metal using pressurized hydraulic fluid pumped into a forming chamber, HERF techniques utilize an explosive charge to create the necessary pressure.
>>423647 Nothing justifies randomly booting a surrendered prisoner in the back. Its not like it was even a practical method of restraining the target like if say the officer had tripped the guy to the ground, was clearly just an asshole throwing his weight around.
>>423648 again, we don't know the context. For all we know the guy may have, I dunno, ran over a bunch of people on purpose, or shot and killed several others, then just gave himself up all smiling and shit. Or even just insulted the cops repeatedly.
It's possible and likely that this was police brutality, but I can imagine so many reasons why it could have been justified as well.
>>423650 >the police aren't all drawing on him He has his hands on the back of his head and doesn't seem to be armed, plus he is surrounded in close range and one guy is already covering him. No reason for everyone to shove a shotgun in his face.
>>423786 Thats why it sorta pisses me off when people claim it had to be aliens or some shit that built big things like the Pyramids, they have no respect for what human beings have been capable of and insist it had to have been some superior outside force responsible for it all.
>>423790 Oh yes. Have 10 guys design something and 1,000 paid workers build it (yes, paid). Anon just said 10,000 slaves pushed some stones, while I ridiculed Egypt having so many slaves, and questioned the logic of those slaves making finely cut and polished multi-ton granite artifacts and transporting those for several miles.
>>423799 I am dying to see egyptologists try transporting the giant granite boxes using supposed dynastic technology, for several miles. And cut granite with copper chisels. Would LOVE to see that.
>>423494 The irony of that mma clip is that in a previous fight the guy with the broken leg had been in a similar situation with another opponent, but in that case it had been their leg that broke rather than his own.
And instead of showing regret he got really cocky and arrogant over the situation, making this time almost karmic retribution.
>>423775 Pro Jap Wrestling is crazier than Pro American Wrestling. Like that common webm or gif of one of the dudes in a match pulling a pistol out of his speedos and taking an opponent hostage/holding up the others in the ring. Or that one of a grown-ass dude fighting a little girl and landing a dropkick on her.
>>424986 No, you're thinking of “Enter the Dragon”. Consider the following: >three disparate fighters travel to a far-off island to participate in a martial arts tournament run by an evil Asian dude That’s both MK and “Enter the Dragon”. Not to say that MK didn’t have other inspirations (of course it did), but narratively, one of its biggest was “Enter the Dragon”.
>>424989 The only time he is even remotely competent is that one scene, and that’s to pay off that “all in the reflexes” joke. The movie mocks the White Savior trope by making Jack Burton a bumbling dope for nearly the entirety of his screentime.
>>425653 Suppose there's an argument to be made that if your youngster is going to be around guns you own then its prudent to teach them proper firearm handling technique.
>>425974 Presumably that is the protagonists love interest and it is intended to be romantic and sexy (within the confines of Indian censorship). Bit of slap-slap-kiss where she first tries to kill him but then they embrace.
>>424572 Is this some sort of running joke amongst teenage girls in Japan or just general teenage exploration of sexuality in the form of joking around with your friend.
>>427353 You might pretend you ain't got one on the bottom of you, But don't fool yerself girl, it's lookin' at you Don't fool yerself girl, it's winkin' at you Don't fool yerself girl, it's blinkin' at you
>>427437 reminds me of that crippled youtube influencer, who was posting from a wheelchair for YEARS. Then one day during the stream he just stood up and went out of the room.
>>427493 I am getting the feeling this is from one of the many troll programs that DO air on russian TV. In other words, the man and babby are both dolls.