i feel like anonex will just have his plus4 board specific icons in the reskin instead of traditional banners, but i will accept banner submissions to put in rotation on /z/
Saw this, thought it might make a good banner. But I don't have the skittles or the program to make it into a banner. I leave the rest to you. Youknowwhoyouare.
>>395118 Thanks. I've been looking for ways to contribute back to plus4chan for years now. Spoonfeeding and giving sauce can only go so far in my books.
>>395104 Yeah... I was half-asleep when I made the second batch. I still had the inspiration, but the ability to focus on quality controle did fall to the way side for >>395093>>395097>>395098 which I will say are the weakest and I want deleted. And I will not deny that I made too many. I was struck by inspiration after discovering SumoPaint and delving into my image folders and 4chan-banner folders. I will accept whatever the mod or janitor wants to do concerning the fact that my potential contributions will out-weigh all others by a long shot.
>>395139 If I describe most of them and how they relate to plus4chan will that suffice?
>>395078 Is a crossover of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Coraline. Something /jam/ and /co/ related, respectively. It is a picture of Other Mother licking Coraline, which I feel represents plus4chan's creepy tendencies.
>>395099 Is a picture of a bunch of characters from anime and Bill Murray that are know to have gone through a Groundhogs Day scenario. It shows their emotional states having gone through nigh infinite time loops. Depression and apathy; abut also determination. All emotions I associate with plus4chan.
>>395095 Shows the sillyness of hanging with friends and >>395096 Friends just chilling. Both are from the french cartoon Dofus, which is a /coc/ project and related to the /co/ favorite of Wakfu.
>>395079 & >>395084 are both subtle-ish Homestuck related banners.
>>395088 Is from a fun old thread on /co/ prime where people kept editing a picture of that fight in Land Before Time (/co/ related/). It's also an example of /co/'s love for absurdity and awesomeness, which I feel is plus4chan also has.
>>395089>>395090>>395091>>395092>>395094 are all ambient pieces. I felt these would make good banners and my inspiration came from the occasional ambient banners 4chan has.
>>395100>>395101>>395103>>395103 are all screen shots from The Legend of Korra. /a/vatar related to the max. But I went for group shots of the Red Lotus due to there being 4 of them and I admit, I like them a bunch.
Sorry for the late response and if this isn't what you wanted. And I would like to repeat; I don't expect all of these to make it as banners.
>>402074 If I could make Megalovania into a banner, I would. Also, this is my first attempt at an animated gif banner so the color for the plus4chan logo is off, but it fits.
>>402077 It didn't look good on the banner and the text filled too much of the picture. Plus, it's implied and makes the banner subtle. I regret not naming the banner that though.
It's high time I started adding more banners. Step up your game please, gentlemen. Here's the current icon sized logo for anyone making new banners, if you need a larger resolution one you can grab it from >>419846.
>>424244 This one would benefit from another take. Just a little more zoom from left and bottom (before 300x100 downsizing of course) to make the text just a little easier to read. When it comes to tiny text, every little bit of zoom counts.
>>424255 You have nothing to be sorry about anon, you do good work. With this kinds of things its fine to just throw out alot of different concepts and see what sticks.
>>424255 What the other anon said, never apologize when you done nothing wrong. Making a banner that would fit 4chan more than +4chan is not a crime. I don't run this place and you don't work for me, so never apologize to me.
The animated banners I'm seeing now like He-Man spinning the shield (and maintaining eye contact) are somewhat distracting. Also the one with Tails vibrating in place.
>>429056 Eh. Not really. Yeah a lot of people probably watch weeb shit but this imageboard has always felt more /co/ than /a/ (Yeah, I know, Captain Obvious over here) so it wouldn't fit too well.
>>429401 Yeah, plus4 was always characterized by being a place for /co/ artists to dump stuff, being a place to discuss /co/ projects in the longer term, and of course posting promotions on /pco/. And as of the last few years, our most popular board is /tnt/.
So it follows that banners should be related to these.
>>429476 There are a shitton of avatar shows and movies already announced, that board should be opened again. >>429525 Why was that board specifically targeted by a pedobot, anon?
>>429957 Nickelodeon created a whole studio dedicated to created spinoffs: Animated movies and series (both cgi and traditionally animated) and live action, they have already planned content for the following five years or so. Of course it's very likely most of them are going to be shit, but still, content is content. There's also a fan comic on webtoon about the Avatar that comes after Korra from what I've read so far it's decent.
>>430606 >>430947 I have the impression that Sonic has become a kind of plus4chan mascot, plus is omnipresent in /co/.By the way I think this would make a nice banner.
>>431348 The sonic threads are limited to the fan comics on /co/ and not even half as active as /tnt/. And there's already a Sonic banner. It is even animated.