>>429705 Most of the thread is /r/4chan-type 'this was a mildly funny/edgy post' at this point. There's only about 2 - 5 here so far worth the poster saving, and two are ten years old already.
>>429705 I expected this reaction. To be honest, I just like it. Wouldn't save it otherwise. Fuckoff shield with LEG on it, and some dude LARPing as a roman for the camera? It's just too good not to save.
>>429713 Yeah, honestly the new ones are 90+% crap. And that's not even some nostalgia thing, there are a heap of material reasons 4chan (and many of the closer offshoots, for that matter) declined over the last 10 years into the sites they used to whine about. Doesn't help that the new resident edgelord is reposting banal iFunny/9GAG junk from there every other day. There's a hundred other boards to dump that garbage on, we don't need it bloating up here.
>>429758 Apparently /b/ was good for like 2 or 3 years, then edgy kids invaded because someone told them they will become 1337 haxx0rz and members of Anonymous Legion if they join /b/. Then it became ADHD spam of shit (sometimes literal shit).
Image:169134802493.jpg(157kB, 1242x1220)Faggot gets owned by his own dad.jpg
Okay, this is just fucking hilarious even lacking any other context. Imagine getting blown up by your own father while trying to be a big fancy influencer on social media.
>>430019 >Gutapult A revolution in public execution methods, step aside guillotine!
>>430014 OP is melodramatic (or, knowing r9k, an idiot) for considering that a catalyst moment but shit, there's nothing wrong with caramalized onion. Adults are pussies for not trying them.
>>430851 >not enough IQ to search the fucking screwdriver model online and get one >Using a hammer to destroy those fucking things is not the first thing that comes to his mind Guy is truly a retard, holy shit.
>>431246 Just proves anon himself did not take the dolphin pill. If he HAD, he would be busy riding his dolphin gf across the seas, totally incapable of making that post.
>>431359 Footfags invite scorn on themselves. I get "I like the shape of this part of the human body, I think it's beautiful" part. But then they go "I like the sweaty smelly stinky stuff hehehehe", and what little respect was there, disappears. You like gross stuff, your soul is gross.
>>431445 >"I like the sweaty smelly stinky stuff hehehehe" Isn't really that different from people getting aroused by dirty underwear and sweaty ass/tits?
>>431451 I guess, but those people are not as obnoxious with shoving their shit into everyone's faces. >you like asses, right? >you know what comes out of them, right? >you want some poopoo, hehehehe?
>>431344 >>431356 I meam, it shouldn't be too hard to detect from mod view. The AI goes overdrive with the slurs, it's very clear it's not a regular anon. What I mean is that the main issue is that 4prime is already a huge piece of lawless shit, not AI posting itself.
>>431623 >4prime is already a huge piece of lawless shit Are you implying once upon a time there was Rule of Law on 4prime, with mods being benevolent philosopher kings?
>>431624 What I mean is 4chan is already a septic tank, adding AI shit on top of that won't make it more unbearable of what it already is. Also, only badly moderated imageboards are vulnerable to this kind of attacks so most places outside of it would be fine.
>>431661 haha, I remember tay tweets, she was great. funny thing it was the same shit as chatgpt, but years earlier, just nobody gave a shit because it was Microsoft.
>>431662 >>431661 I totally forgot this is the reason why people stopped making non-supervised text generative models, althought I would love to know if there's still peoplw making those.
>go to a greentext archive site >idk maybe there will be some decent ones in there >click 'sort top rated' >its all incest stories oh right i forget thats how /b/ worked
>>432639 Its a really short-legged joke that was spamming the entire board at the expense of everything else. Them being nuked was a proper course of action.
>>432640 >Its a really short-legged joke that was spamming the entire board at the expense of everything else.
At the expense of what the fuck else exactly? The Steam screencap threads, the twitter screencap threads, the "I want to fuck FF7/DOA/Overwatch girls" threads, the AI threads, the yet another console wars thread, or the naked ass spam that keeps getting posted despite the bullshit new antispam rules?
4chan will automatically kill threads once they bump off page ten, so short-legged jokes like this work exceptionally well - once the joke has run its course, they'll naturally bump off and get replaced with your usual DOA girls in a bikini or Yuffie's tummy spam. There was no reason to remove them.
>>432642 >short-legged jokes like this work exceptionally well - once the joke has run its course, they'll naturally bump off and get replaced with your usual DOA Man, 4chan autists are welknown for not letting jokes go.
>>432653 yeah but that's mostly because janitors simply don't allow jokes to run their course, so people keep reposting them out of spite if nothing else.
>>432919 Saying a Spaniard conquistador is a Knight is like saying a drunk pedophile siberian is a Azor batallion soldier. For reference Pizarro got a buch of exconvicts into a boat and used them to conquest the new world. Sure, they were members of a medieval army but they were firstly and foremost criminals. And they pretty much raped every single soul out there, so saying you are descendant from Spanish conquistadors doesn't mean anything here. Even my grandma has a Sevillian last name despite not looking not even remotely european >t. latinanon
>>432927 This reminds me of the title of a YT video "the link between tomboys and online right wing communities" or some bullshit like that, for the sake of my mental health y decided to not look further and supress that memory but that screenshot unlocked it.
>>432928 Certain types of people just hate seeing anyone happy. >tomboys: exist >men into tomboys: happy NOOOOOOO I HAVE TO TAKE AWAY THEIR HAPPINESS SOMEHOW IMA MAKE A YT VIDEO THAT WILL SHOW THEM!
>>432929 Come to think of it, on another /co/ related board there's one big sperg who goes into autistic tantrum everytime someone posts a tomboy, saying she's trans and jewish and bla bla bla, so it's not a political issue, just some fags who hate people having fun.
>>432930 Precisely. Politics is a smokescreen, a cloak to hide behind. The root cause is certain people being miserable and wanting to spread their misery.
This one is a classic from nido/bandada, a chilean imageboard. Basically anon was talking to a high school friend when it started raining >Do you want me to take you? >"Do you have a car?" she asks >No... with the umbrella
>>432987 More than just cheap. Because of the caste system existing for thousands of years, they have millions (billions?) of obedient people who work hard and a lot, without asking questions. Cause if you ask too many questions about how things are, in your next like you will get fucked.
>>432987 >>432988 You are all right but the main reason why Indian labor is used is because india is an English speaking country, therefore you don't need to hire people with extra skills, any rando is enough. In contrast, outsourced call centers in latinamericans pay well for its standarts because they need to hire people fluid in English. Something similar happens in Nigeria, which is also an English speaking country with tons of people. >>432989 Maybe because american culture has been obsessed over the "spiritual" side of Indian religion while ignoring everything else and since it's so dominand in the world you rarely see people talking about it. Something similar happens in Japan, for them it's "UwU anime country" while ignoring the abusive work environments, the racism, racial segregation and war crimes that never were addressed.
>>429968 Speaking of non-4chan screencaps, are there any good screencap compilations of posts on sites such as YouTube, Twitter, and the rest? I don't think I have seen one in my entire life.
>>433004 The chinese genocide happened before the Communists took over the country so it still makes me sad. Most people killed by the chinks were regular civilians. That being said, I think China wouldn't have been really that different if the RoC won the civil war. Something about that country leans towarss undemocratic governments organically.
>>433010 That's me when the other anon is being an asshole, though I am not the one to start the epic internet argument, and generally always read the reply (even if a little later). And it's less than I am afraid to read the mean words, and about the fact that sometimes I have no idea how to respond, and I hate that. Sometimes the person on the other side of the screen eclipses you in sophistry, and frames the conversation to make you look like the evil idiot. And I do feel like an idiot, because I just don't know how to respond.
>>433016 Are you really pushing the old "Russia is holding back its REAL army, intentionally burning through its population and materials in the process"?
You get rid of old equipment by scrapping it or selling it, not bleeding yourself dry failing to conquer your tiny next door neighbour.
>>433017 The USA is the one getting rid of their old equipment, initiating a gigantic cash flow, getting new members, and pushing Ukraine into their debt. The EU is the one getting bled dry with both high energy prices and cheap ukrainian grain making life impossible for agricultural workers, plus getting more refugees.
>>433231 2% isn't "almost nothing". Also the reason why we don't fuck our cousins is becauze of lack of genetic diversity, chances of genetic diseases drastically increases because of recessive genes kicking in. Also a more genetically diverse population can resist better to diseases and environmental phenomena. By anyways I wasn't expecting a lecture on genetic diseases from the guy with the anime picture, but it always pisses me off people talking so confidently about a subject they don't have a single idea about.
>>433239 You might actually be autistic. Its a joke post about the fact you can marry your royal cousin in that videogame, stealth written by the character herself.
>>433240 >Its a joke post about the fact you can marry your royal cousin in that videogame, stealth written by the character herself. I see. My mistake then.