>>423273 Saw a video on youtube about a deaf dog "barking" having seen other dogs do it, but it didn't know it was supposed to be making a noise. Was pretty much just flapping its mouth.
>>423682 Attack on Titan ended a little while ago, the ending was incredibly terrible and as you can imagine /a/ has been having strong reactions to events.
When was the last time you actually saw a legitimately screencap-worthy thread happening personally.
Like in the old days /tg/ would fairly commonly have some sort of random swell of creativity that was worth remembering, as you might have expected from a board dedicated so heavily to storytelling and fantastical settings being explored by a group of players. Too bad those days are long gone, the place is a worthless refuse pile now like alot of 4chan.
Image:163399056883.png(15kB, 384x118)a bureaucrat made this post.png
>>424388 I was quasi-convinced that 4chan is better left as a live x-perience, not saving for later. Sort of like "embrace the real time nature, when it 404s it's gone forever". Using QUASI there, because I still screencap, just not very often. And it is almost never a large collage.
Like, is this an epic collection of posts that tell an amusing story? No. Is this post worth remembering? Maybe. For me.
>>424395 >I was quasi-convinced that 4chan is better left as a live x-perience, not saving for later.
It was. It's just that now that the good parts of it are gone, you long for the old 4chan, and all you have of it are screencaps. But the same is true for every other message boards system that used to purge threads... They changed and now you miss the place they used to be, pic related.
>>424650 Are you just upset about the low quality of /co/ thread posting nowadays? Because yeah in general the quality of 4chan ain't what it used to be.
>>425177 >non fob asian girl (abc, cbc) ???? what does that mean? I could deduce that "wmaf" was white male asian female, but I don't understand the rest of that mental disorder jargon.
>>425206 getting in a bitch fight with the creator of the games about privacy is a pretty bad form of low. on the other hand sometimes you have people who are cool with it. Entire reason I got into Borderlands in the first place was because Randy said he doesn't mind pirates because they play his game too. Or something like that.
Image:165070657605.png(97kB, 713x283)You Might Think He Loves You for Your Body but I Know What He Really Loves You for It's Your Brand New Pink Pillbox Hat.png
>>426363 I only know the other version, which goes something like >sister is a brunette >looks great in a bikini >dad is being a real creep to her >breathing hard on her, locking her up >so I blew up his death star
>>426599 I mean I can remember reading spankmanga with stuff like a young lad ends up in a village of elves that has only females and ends up banging the lot of them but can't recall any of the titles.
>>426964 Ah the ways of the Jew are arcane and mysterious, that's how they've managed to completely rule the world despite at the same time being inferior to the glorious shining perfection of the white race.
Image:166473725431.png(30kB, 1874x140)anon who played the long game.png
It seems Russia has 'misplaced' 1.5 million uniforms in the leadup to winter, member of feared terrorist group Anonymous takes credit for this attack on the readiness of the Federation armed forces.
It annoys me that people try and discuss this one east-European war on just about every English-speaking online space. It gets boring and just makes people mad or circlejerky. I mean here is fine in a dedicated politics thread, I'm just venting in general about everywhere else.
But the worst part is when people keep pretending there's such thing as a good guy and a bad guy in superpower (proxy or not) international conflict. Invasions don't happen spontaneously. USA doesn't just reach across the world to bomb Africa, the Middle East and Europe out of good will and 'democracy'. Russia isn't just bombing Kyiv because of neo-nazis bombing separatist citizens in Donbas. Russian government couldn't give a fuck about Ukranian forces containing neo-nazis. And once more, for those at the back, the Russo-Ukrainian War has been going on since at least 2014, following the Revolution of Dignity (Euromaidan).
Image:167056179264.png(1.93MB, 1672x2328)GW Store Shenanigans.png
Its been many years since I've stepped inside a Games Workshop store, honestly this guy sounds pretty tame. At least his hands aren't covered in literal shit.