Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: Unofficial Ride Website: Archie Sonic Ride links: Paste:
Rules: >General thread for everything. >If you want to discuss something specific in depth or post more of it then post in a thread specifically for it or make one yourself. >Image limit (including videos) is about 350 so if you want to post several images then try doing so in another thread. >If you think something deserves its own thread and that you can contribute to it consistently then make it. >And respect the other rules for the whole website.
Image source is Gantz MS:
>>4042 The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 2 Page 21 Hey, they look familiar! Roxanne Wolf Beatbox!!
>>4834 Look at that smile in the top-right, he's so cute! I've actually got a short Remington storytime I've been meaning to put together. Turns out someone else was a fan of best boy too!
Looks like someone's going to storytime TLSC over on 4/co/ tonight >>4870 Let's hope there's an invincibility item box nearby! >>4872 The original Robotnik x Stone!
>Cloudflare robot check >"Please wait a while before making a post" message with 60 second cooldown. >Captcha on top of it >The first 2 steps can repeat themselves up to 5 times before reaching the captcha
I only found out recently how phone posting became fucking unbearable on that website.
>>4880 You know what I mean! >>4882 It's really bad, even on desktop. Any time you clear your cookies, and sometimes when you get a new IP (which happens a lot if your home broadband uses CGNAT or you're on mobile). Essentially, your cookies need to build up a reputation before they'll stop sending the cloudflares and the harder captchas with the black circles. I absolitely loathe the cloudflare pre-captcha, since it barely ever works the first time. There have been times I just gave up on posting in a thread because it wasn't worth the effort
>>4920 That actually wasn't such a bad issue. Pretty action-heavy, all of the characters get moments to shine, there's no melodramatic crying, and it looks like the plot is starting to go somewhere.
Video:171995400158.mp4(1.58MB / 0:00:26 / avc1, 720x1280)E𝖙ꫝαภ on X httpst cowgMSfnzhqk X.mp4
>skip again >Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.
>>4964 I wish. There's a possibility they would never do one again because it would be a reminder that Archie did it first. They really would be like that.
>>4965 Now sit back and enjoy the anons in the thread tear each other apart over a comic they don't care about and a franchise they can't escape despite hating most things about it.
>>4950 I hope it's mlp, if only because it's been fun doing the Tamers threads over there instead of 4/co/. Ideally I'd love an official TMNT crossover, and no that one cameo in Archie doesn't count! >>4965 I thought the thread went pretty well, thanks anon! I did actually enjoy the comic, even if it spent too much time breaking up the action with boring conversations >>4966 Second best crack ship in Archie, after Max x Locke >>4967 As is tradition!
I swear 4chan is even slower than ever. So many threads that are days old and a lot of them are nowhere close to hitting bump limit. And the storytime threads are able to be kept alive a lot easier.
>>4968 If they still had the license, it should've been GI Joe/Sonic >GI Joe against COBRA & Eggman, Fighting to Save The Day >They'll Never Give Up, They're Always There >Fighting for Freedom for Our Zone & Theirs!
They're storytiming TLSC over on 4/co/ but the energy's pretty low. Direct and archive links: >>4969 It's slow, and it feels like most of the anons worth talking to have left. We got a better turnout to our TLSC thread than 4/co/ did, and far better discussion too. Looking at the daily postcounts, this decline's been happening all year. Personally, I've barely even checked the catalog since we stopped our daily storytimes over there >>4981 Yeah, the cloudflare really hasn't helped
>>4984 >>4969 One Anon ( did have an interesting point: >Serious question, what the fuck happened to Penders? This was how he could draw 30 fucking years ago, how is it even possible to unlearn art to such a degree?
>>4981 >>4984 The most telling thing was removing poster count. >>4986 Even his early Sonic art wasn't that bad. Awkward at most. That coloring doesn't help. I'd say flat coloring would do better.
Q:Recently, I heard a theory that the "two worlds" is actually a mistranslation and that Izuka really meant something more metaphorical than literal. Has SEGA clarified to you that it is in fact two separate planets or dimensions, or is that just an assumption you are going with? From what I can tell in the games, the idea that the human "world" is made separate from the furry "world" could just be that Sonic Team doesn't think humans fit the flavor of the games they are making, not that they literally exist in another dimension.
>Ian: I have seen that attempt to rationalize things and it's very insightful, it just shows the level of nuance in translating between 2 different languages and how things can go very wrong very fast. Kudos to the person for making that effort. HOWEVER, I have been instructed at multiple points in my career that it is "literally" two different planets. I received a series bible toward the end of the Archie Sonic days that specified that they are two different planets in two different dimensions. When we were starting the IDW book, I specifically asked about how are we going to set things up for the book, what can we use, where are we setting it, and it was explained that yes, it's two different planets that are accessed via secret giant rings which we have never seen, which are never referenced but that's the explanation I was given so...It's like the Silver thing, I see fans bending over backwards trying their best to make it work when *inhale* it doesn't, and it makes me sad. There's so much love and creativity in the fandom and I hate to be the party pooper saying "You're wrong." I kinda wonder if I should just stop. [Laughter] If that's what works for you just go with it, because I don't feel like anyone is being happy with these answers. Skimming the thread because reading too much makes my brain degrade but thanks to the anon that posted this. So Sega is that dumb and water is wet. Would be nice if there was a source like a time stamp for a video.
>>4995 Nice! Always good to have a source in case someone doubts it. But I can still see someone saying Ian is mistaken and SoJ would never come up with random rules with no explanation.
Have you guys seen this ? >To all the folks who love Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog, have I got news for you - an upcoming free fancomic, with a 20-year lost script and story by Jon W. Gray, and art by @Jens_Drawings ! 20 years in the making, we're bringing you the best of the best. >"Thank you for always being there for me." 🫂 >"Thank you for helping me see more than just the 🌟stars🌟 in the sky." 🌙💫 >Wishing everyone a Pride (because it's something that should be year round!!!) And for those who celebrate, a Happy 4th!!
>>5082 GAAAAAAAAAAAY Also this is by the Tangle & Whisper New Roads team. Been a while since we've seen more pages from that comic of lesbian fighters.
>>5085 >I'm Uncle Chuck and I WANT come on down for our Summer Sizzler Meal Deals!! And for this weekend, try our Ultra Spicy Deluxe Challenge, the only dog too spicy for Sonic!!
Image:172012515266.jpg(1.80MB, 1920x3420)Ask the Sonic Gang Bat Tan Begins.jpg Despite Chubby Sally being divisive, I think we can all agree that Thicc Rouge is perfect.
>>4822 The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 2 Page 22 >PEW!!! >PEW!!! >PEW!!!
>>4911 Nice game style Ebony. I wonder about this whacky idea: >Ebony is the mystic ally of Sonic and the FF. While not a member, she's usually their go to when magical issues need addressing. The biggest shock is that she's probably the only mage who uses Ixis Magicks and is NOT an asshole. Also come the Groovy Train, the best coffee spot on Mobius!
>>5198 It's funny, I can't see Rouge & Shadow as a couple per se but I could totally see her making out with him/maybe fucking once or twice. Just to loosen his ass up.
>>4029 Sonic Desolation 4-00 (cover) Guess who survived the explosion
From the author: >For the time being, I’m switching this comic’s update schedule to biweekly. I’m not as interested in sth as I used to be, and I don’t really want to burn myself out by updating this comic every week. Thanks for understanding!
>>4986 I can't prove it, but I suspect he traced a lot of his Star Trek art from the episodes. I'm not gonna sit through all of ST:ToS just to find the scenes though mostly because I'm on team Picard >>4988 You joke, but I'd watch the hell out of that >>4991 >The most telling thing was removing poster count. Can't have the advertisers think engagement is down! Also, they walked back email registration for /biz/. Now you can just wait 15 minutes before posting. Of course, the numbers are still down on pre-email levels. Whoops! >>4994 I simply don't believe Flynn here. The Mystic Ruins (i.e., the crater Angel Island is from) are a train ride from Station Square, a human settlement (where Amy lives and no one freaks out about the talking pink cat thing). What they have had is games where there are only anthros (Forces, Lost World, Riders) and games where there are only humans (Unleashed, 06). That's just a style thing though, and they have likely mandated that since IDW is based off Forces, it'll be anthro only >>4996 >But I can still see someone saying Ian is mistaken Me! It's me! >>4999 Nice! >>5067 I guess he can't do another genocide while his friends are nearby ;_; >>5074 Another cursed ship for my collection! >>5097 Love the designs here >>5100 Pew! Pew! >>5130 I think we all know the real reason Amy won't be in the 3rd film. Movienic already has a crush on Keanu Reeves, and guess who's voicing Shadow? >>5191 I wonder if it's N*ga, or if Eggman's mostly robot now >>5192 She looks like she's showing off her SonKnux fanart! >>5197 lmao >>5198 It is the only canon ship >>5199 They've refined it a bit from the end credits scene, which isn't surprising since they did that with Tails too >>5200 They're probably FWB, but I don't see anything romantic there
>>5202 >I simply don't believe Flynn here. The Mystic Ruins (i.e., the crater Angel Island is from) are a train ride from Station Square, a human settlement (where Amy lives and no one freaks out about the talking pink cat thing). What they have had is games where there are only anthros (Forces, Lost World, Riders) and games where there are only humans (Unleashed, 06). That's just a style thing though, and they have likely mandated that since IDW is based off Forces, it'll be anthro only A couple things to consider. First is when Ian got his information and what Sega might have decided on for the time being. We know they make decisions and mandate it without explaining it themselves. For the longest time all the games between the first Sonic game and Sonic Adventure were canon to the modern games. That's not how it is anymore. Also there's Sonic X where that was the case and that was pretty weird, especially when you think about Eggman and how he fit into it all.
>>5204 I think Sega are probably fairly vague with their answers to Flynn, and almost certainly don't explain their reasoning. Unfortunately, I think he tries to fill in the blanks behind their reasoning to make the podcast more interesting. I could see him asking about humans and them saying "no, there's no humans around in the Forces setting so don't include them in the comic." >For the longest time all the games between the first Sonic game and Sonic Adventure were canon to the modern games. That's not how it is anymore. All the mainline games are still canon, even though they may have wildly different tones. I will concede that many of the games were intended as jumping on points for new fans and so are light on direct continuity (06, Unleashed, Colors, Lost World). That said, every game has at least some callbacks to previous games, even ones like Team Sonic Racing, which mentions 06 >Also there's Sonic X where that was the case and that was pretty weird, especially when you think about Eggman and how he fit into it all. Sonic X is weird in general since it's a case where Sega was given mandates of its own. The show was originally going to take place with just Sonic characters in an anthro city, but this was changed because the studio wanted things more relatable (anthros aren't as popular in Japan), so the main characters had to be human children from "our world." The easiest way to do this was to just have Sonic and friends be from another dimension. We only get one scene with non-game characters from Sonic's world (where some anthros bully Tails before he meets Sonic), but the third season does show humans and anthros living on multiple worlds >especially when you think about Eggman and how he fit into it all He makes one offhand comment about originally being from Earth, but it's frustratingly never brought up again. How did he get to Sonic's world? Why did he never go back home? How did Gerald make an anthro hedgehog when there are only humans on Earth? So frustrating!
>>5205 >Sonic's world That's another thing supporting Ian's statement. Another instance of Sega saying that something is the way it is but not actually address it or give an answer. Ian can't call it Mobius anymore and it's referred to as Sonic's world. But if it's Earth then how come it can't be called that either? If it was called Earth in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, was it called that in other games? I know Ian tends to come to his own conclusions at times but when dealing with Sega, I can't blame him. But this time he said he was flat out told that's the way things were. So I'll take his word unless someone from Sega goes ACKSHUALLY and even then I'm not sure if that's just a revised answer given what Sega thinks now.
>>5206 It was also called Earth by Chip in Unleashed (so it's literally word of God that it's Earth), but Flynn has the issue of having to to crossovers with other Earths. Megaman's setting is our Earth, but in the future, the Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games are also explicitly set on our Earth in the present, and Sonic sometimes goes racing with Danica Patrick from our Earth.
Sonic's version of Earth is obviously different from ours, the continents are in different places, and it's more fantastical in general. In the London Olympics game, they visit our world's Big Ben, but Sonic also visits the equivalent clocktower in Unleashed when he travels to Spagonia, only it's several times taller and has spinning death blades and laser beams.
I think Sega just wants him to call it Sonic's world since that's the easiest way to distinguish it from Megaman's world or our world. It's not literally Sonic's world well it technically is, since he's King Arthur, the once and future king
>But this time he said he was flat out told that's the way things were. It really depends on how much of that he's embellishing, and who at Sega he's hearing it from. My guess is it's someone from licensing at SoA and they aren't given much to work with from SoJ. For me personally, the only source of game canon I consider is the actual games (and the Sonic Channel art), and they just don't support two worlds. Things like interviews with Iizuka and TailsTube are really only useful for clarifying existing knowledge
Sorry for going full Comic Book Guy about this, but I'm working on a secret project tying in all of the game locations to the map from Sonic Unleashed
>>5213 That is very possible that Ian gets his stuff from SoA who could be mistaken. But that just shows how much of a mess everything is. Like a game of telephone. At least we know it's one world. Still waiting on the humans to show up again. And thanks for explaining everything.
>>5214 >That is very possible that Ian gets his stuff from SoA who could be mistaken. If you look at IDW and Archie issues, there's always a special thanks to people from Sega licensing, who are from SoA. Now while Ian undoubtedly lies awake at night thinking about Sonic lore, it's probably just a job for these guys, where they crap out an occasional email to Ian between checking that the latest Yakuza store display has characters with the right amount of facial stubble >But that just shows how much of a mess everything is. It's 100% this. Sega and Nintendo have a better working relationship than SoA and SoJ. I think Ian's doing his best, even if he does embellish things to make his podcast more exciting and to intimate that he's closer to the source material than he actually is. >Still waiting on the humans to show up again. The real reason they haven't shown up is Sega being dumb enough to listen to "fan" criticism (and even worse, the complaints of videogame "reviewers"). Enough people online complained about the Pixar-style humans in Unleashed so they've spent the last decade trying to come up with something better. They didn't receive complaints about Sage, and they've been testing the waters with Sonic Channel art of Maria, Sage, Merlina and Elise in the new style. They've also been showing mixed human and anthro crowds in the art. My guess is the next new game (Sonadow Generations doesn't count) will have humans and anthros >And thanks for explaining everything. No worries! >>5215 Archi's so dummy thicc, it's like a Tamers comic! I do like that he's got a little podium to stand on >Oh, so that’s where Dimitri aka Enerjak is! He's like car keys, always in the last place you look! Sticking him inside the ME is a really nice change that tidies up the lore while moving things closer to the games. The idea that a demigod got defeated by a collapsing building for 400 years was just dumb. I wonder if Tikal charges him rent?
>>5218 >>5214 >>4994 >>5202 The interview where Flynn said there were two worlds was from 2020 (see >>4995), so I think that might not be canon anymore.
The fact that they ever pulled this "Two Worlds" bullshit after several games of Mobians and humans living together is such bullshit, though. This franchise is so cursed.
>>5224 It was never a thing though, they're just terrible and lazy when they communicate things with Flynn (because Sega is a disorganized dumpster fire that's constantly at war with itself)
If we look at Iizuka's (translated) quote from 2010: >We have two different worlds for Sonic games – one is human, and one is set on the non-human side. Sonic Colours is set on the non-human side. He's talking about humans and anthros living on different sides of the planet, which was clarified in Tailstube when Tails said humans live on the continents and anthros live on smaller islands
And from 2017: >The world that Sonic lives in and the world the humans live in are separate worlds. But, some of the canon games do have Sonic and humans together, and part of that is based on what world is being portrayed when the game is developed. There are kind of different worlds that do exist and sometimes there’s some crossover. It's worded awkwardly, but what I think he's trying to say that it's a stylistic thing to have either humans or anthros as background characters depending on the sort of story they want to tell, but they don't like mixing them for whatever (dumb) reason. I suspect the real reason is a mix of them not being confident in making human characters post Unleashed (>>5218), and them not having the budget/time/skill to design, model and animate both humans and anthros. Sonic Team's pretty much where they put their junior devs to learn the trade before moving on to a franchise they actually care about, because Sega knows the blue rat will move product even if the game isn't up to the standard of their other franchises
My two cents on the two worlds thing. Ian wasn’t lying or misunderstanding, it really was some dumb bullshit that existed at some point he has to deal with. Traveling through secret rings to travel between them? Reeks of ST. While thankfully it’s technically gone these days, the separation aspect hasn’t, and I’d argue it’s always been like that. You’d never really large groups of mobians and humans in the same place in the games. Only at a time and they’re just continuing it. Personally, hope we can just have both instead of any total separation. >>5215 DMITRI WATCHES YOU FAP!
Ha, but this is cool. Explains right away why Knuckles doesn’t use the thing. Plenty of setup, but i enjoyed this first issue. Looking to be a spring board for the future adventures on the island and not just echidna grandpa meetings!
>>5228 >DMITRI WATCHES YOU FAP >Rouge sees the Master Emerald and starts rubbing herself lovingly on it >Dmitri: For once being trapped in this accursed thing isn't so bad.
>>4821 The Heart of a Monster 9-19 What's this, a fancomic that actually draws Omega? And he's getting to be violent? Gasp!
>>5209 Would >>5228 >Traveling through secret rings to travel between them? Reeks of ST. I still think that's something the Sega licensing shat out without consulting Sonic Team and Ian just had to deal with it. Ideally Sonic Team wouldn't keep such basic details about the setting from people actually working on the comics, but SoJ gonna SoJ. Interestingly, I think the people working on the movies are the only ones outside of Sonic Team that's seen the full uncensored Sonic Bible. There's too many little details that are only vaguely hinted at in the Game canon that they know way too much about. The most obvious one is the war over the Emeralds between the Bird civilization and the Echidnas. You have to piece that together across S1–3&K, SA1, and Battle and the movie just outright shows it >>5234 lmao
It may seem obvious but I've realized that a character's popularity in the Sonic fandom is how well that character gets along with Sonic. And that only applies to allies. And it's probably the most important thing for a character's reception. If they're supposed to be good but they butt heads with Sonic and they're not Shadow then they're gonna get shit on by fans. Shadow gets a pass because he's the second most popular character and fuels Sonadow shipping. Conversely rivals, antagonists, and villains get more popular for the same thing.
So Sally gets a lot of shit because she butts heads with Sonic (as well as some really badly written stuff involving her) but Fiona, aka Sally 2, doesn't have much problem despite her history of dating Sonic, betraying him, and dumping him for his evil alternate universe self. Also helps that Scourge is the most popular Archie character for those that don't care about the Archie comics.
Also a common trend with OCs. Most of them are heroes that get along perfectly with Sonic, even romantically because of course people want to ship their OC with Sonic. And villainous OCs oppose Sonic and are also shipped with Sonic because of course people want to ship their OC with Sonic.
>>5313 Pretty much. This franchise constantly have characters figuratively suck Sonic's dick, and that transfers to the fanbase. You are worse than satan if they have anything negative to say towards Sonic.
Also noticed in this franchise, characters can't just have some grievances against him without turning into some sort of villain or wrong doer. Which is lame.
>>5313 >>5320 That was what I liked about Fleetway. Sonic was a cunt. He knew it, the writers knew it, and the other characters knew it. There were several moments where Knuckles talked shit about Sonic behind his back and was portrayed as being in the right. It also gave Sonic himself a little more depth, since he was arrogant and flawed.
But honestly, that's why I'm so sick of the "Shonen protagonist/rival" dynamic. The protagonist usually just comes across as either bland or a moron. The rival, who is flawed and interesting, just winds up being second banana and/or a jobber, and is always portrayed as being in the wrong for opposing the will of a total dumbass.
Make the angsty Shonen rival the protagonist lets you follow a character who is flawed enough to be interesting, but relatable, since everybody gets angry or feels anti-social from time to time.
>>5320 That's why Amy is more popular than Sally. Amy LOVES Sonic, she'll always stand by him and support him, and if she disagrees with him it's because he's sad or doubts himself. Meanwhile, Sally matches Sonic's attitude, disagrees with him like most friends do, and dares to have love interests aside from him (we won't talk about who one of them is). If Sally was a nice girl that was 100% devoted to Sonic then she wouldn't be so despised. >>5322 I'm mostly fine with Fleetway Sonic's attitude but I never cared for his constant shittalking to Tails. British bants and all that is okay for those like Knuckles or Porker (even though that pushed him away) but most of the things Sonic says to Tails is one of his British-approved "bants" and it gets tiresome like the constant quips in an MCU movie.
>>5323 I can’t remember a time Tails banted back to Sonic in it. Yeah he looks up to Sonic, but the guy is so abrasive. You would think Tails would call him out on it at least once.
>>5324 Sonic gets some back at Sonic towards the end. I remember a Christmas story ending with Tails banting back. But it was fine because Tails is always nice to Sonic so him quipping at Sonic works. It was a good way to show that Tails had grown and was becoming a hero on his own. Something that Sonic took difficulty in accepting.
>>5325 > Something that Sonic took difficulty in accepting He’s a bit of an attention whore so someone possibly getting more than him would startle him
>>5337 >Sonic The Fighters 2 developed by AM2(VF Devs) or Eighting(Bloody Roar, TvC & MvC3 devs) or ARIKA(Street Fighter EX devs) Roster >Returning from the Original StF: Everyone >IDW: Surge, Whisper, Tangle, Kit, Dr. Starline >Classic: Mighty, Battle Lord Kukku XV, Vector w/Charmy >3D/Adventure: Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Silver, Blaze, Shade, Big >Boom: Sticks >Fleetway: Shortfuse, Vermin, Ebony >Archie: Scourge, Bunnie, Antoine, C. Storm, Dr. Finitevus, Lien-Da >Guests: Ristar, NiGHTS, Tillis
>>5313 100% agree. Sonic doesn't need another fan, he needs a partner, and that's why the ships that challenge him are more realistic, and ultimately more fun. Blaze, Knuckles and Sally are all willing to call Sonic out when they think he's wrong, whereas Amy and OCs end up unhealthily dependent on him. Shadow gets a pass because the fujos write him as a gruff stoic seme to dominate the sensitive (i.e., histrionic) uke Sonic. It really irks me because they're both canonically confident guys that love to rile each other up. At least some artists like KrazyElf get this >Also helps that Scourge is the most popular Archie character for those that don't care about the Archie comics. It's the same with StC's Super Sonic, or "Fleetway," as the non-fan fans call him
Fun fact: The Tamersverse actually takes this to the logical extreme and forgoes traditional good/bad lawful/chaotic alignment, with characters instead judged based on their support of the Bardonic ship
>>5322 Yeah, he's one of my favorite takes on Sonic. He's ultimately a caring guy that hides his trauma through bants >>5324 >>5325 There were a few times in StC, but mostly they'd play it straight with Tails not really getting that Sonic was insulting him, much to Sonic's frustration >>5337 Going all out with the spicy opinions I see! I'd love a Sonic RPG, or a Tails and Knuckles tower defense game where they work together to protect the Master Emerald >>5339 That or they get moved on to a franchise Sega considers important, like Yakuza
If I have to see this, then everyone else does too. NSFW, sorta? >>5368 >tails shoots speedy with a concentrated blast of "friendship" and "forgiveness" Sonic would be so proud!
>>5375 I'm starting to get really fucking tired of his knowingsmile shit. He really needs to get off social media or learn how to shut the fuck up, especially on his bumbleshit. This is exactly why he gets so much shit from the other side of the fanbase and the fucking moron deserves it.
>>5377 Same. I'm utterly sick of this king nerd, let's lord our secret insider knowledge over the fans bs. It takes literally zero effort for him to just not post this shit. It's unprofessional and as a Sonic lorefag it makes my blood boil that he's representing our community. I honestly think he likes being king nerd more than he does being a Sonic fan >This is exactly why he gets so much shit from the other side of the fanbase and the fucking moron deserves it. It's so bad I'm at the point where I find myself agreeing with even people like randomfox more often than not, and that just makes me more mad!
>>5372 >>5373 ZAMN! >>5375 >commands the organization that killed maria >never once looked up the truth about her death all those years Dumbest Sonic character >>5377 I find it to be charming desu
>>5377 >>5378 As someone that finds perverse humor in social media bickering, likes Ian's Archie stuff, doesn't like his IDW stuff, doesn't care about his other stuff, and enjoys copying his #KnowingSmile meme for ironic purposes... I'm very neutral on it all. But if there was a plan to get rid of current Ian and replace him with preboot Archie-era Ian then I'd help fund that. It's what they did with Beast in the X-Men comics.
>>5379 >Dumbest Sonic character To be fair, it was about 40 years before he was in a position to look into it, and by then all the evidence would've been destroyed. From his perspective as a resident on the ark, that was friends with Maria but didn't know about Shadow, the cover story would've been that one of Gerald's experiments broke loose, killing Gerald, Maria, and most (all?) of the other scientists. GUN were there to protect and evacuate everyone! I honestly think this was the point he decided there that he was going to join GUN and rise through the ranks, all so he could prevent this from happening to anyone else.
Once Commander, he would've learned that according to GUN's files, Shadow was the experiment that killed everyone, but was "recaptured" along with Gerald, with both being secretly brought to Prison Island. Gerald was supposed to edit Shadow's memories to make him into a weapon for GUN but altered them so Shadow would destroy the world. Gun found out, executed Gerald and put Shadow on ice, until Eggman released him, setting the events of SA2 in motion. Of course we know the original Project Shadow got away thanks to Maria's sacrifice, and the black hedgehog we know was created by Gerald on Prison Island
All Tower has to go on is his memories of the Ark being destroyed, GUN's files saying Shadow's responsible, and Shadow trying to destroy the planet in SA2. It's not until StH that he learns what really happened, and immediately offers Shadow a job at GUN when he realizes they've both been mislead
>>5380 While I don't hate the guy, I do find it mega annoying when he does that. It'd be funny if he were the sort of person to do it ironically or self-deprecatingly, but it just comes across as condescending >But if there was a plan to get rid of current Ian and replace him with preboot Archie-era Ian then I'd help fund that lmao, same. I miss when he was so excited to be working for Archie >It's what they did with Beast in the X-Men comics. Frasier Beast best Beast!
>>5381 Never! I'm mostly just pissed that they're gonna mess up the lore. It'll be bad enough that they erase the last vestiges of Sonic being the original ultimate lifeform ;_;
>>5378 I guarantee if Ian was working for Nintendo he wouldn't be posting that knowingsmile because Nintendo would send him to the gulag if he dared. Same goes for his bumblecast.
>>5117 Infested 2-02 ;_; >>5388 If he worked for Nintendo we'd hear from him is muffled screams as their ninjas take him away mid-bumblecast
>>5386 > I'm mostly just pissed that they're gonna mess up the lore. It'll be bad enough that they erase the last vestiges of Sonic being the original ultimate lifeform ;_;
They can't erase the past anon, I will continue to enjoy my old emulated Sonic games and simply pretend any retcons don't exist. Afterall the 'lore' and 'canon' can change on a whim (IDW and Prime Canon? LOL LMAO! Absolute Bullshit) and remember we are only getting this Shadow Gen game because the movies did well and they want to shill Shadow, hence the Terios Skin, No Nails skin though because fuck Rouge I guess.
The old Sonic Team is long gone and only a few stragglers remain for now and thus any and all decisions of 'nu' Sonic Team should be taken with the worlds largest grain of salt. I can only imagine how different Sonic would be today if 06 and Naka (by leaving) didn't fuck everything up.
Lastly never forget if Penders wasn't a massive fucking autist having a melty, Archie would be considered 'canon' today and Amyfags would be eternally BTFO by Sonally being first.
>>5393 >There's a universe out there where SEGA welcomes all official Sonic media and even overtly brought them into the games. >Yes there's even Drago & St. John action figures.
>>5399 >Eggman is now said to have taken offense at Maria's death Please say sike, pretty sure he was indifferent/didn't care. He was more emotional and I use that very loosely with the death of his grandfather and that was out a sense of respect/adoration for his abilities as a scientist.
Image:172074680849.png(516kB, 1000x1400)Elise did nothing wrong.png
So now that GOTF and TMOM are both dead, which Sonic Fancomic will take over the helm? Will we ever get a comic as popular and well known as those two? If the Grabber Zone is anything to go by you might be surprised at the results. Of course DeviantArt has it's own metrics for comparison. I will say it will be very interesting to see which fancomics are still alive in 5+ years
>>5432 >that pic CONTEXT?! > So now that GOTF and TMOM are both dead, which Sonic Fancomic will take over the helm? Supernova Odyssey. It gets tons of likes well enough
Oh I forgot to say that I wasn't able to do Friday's storytime because I had quite the exhausting week. I should do something tomorrow aka Saturday at 7pm EST.
Hey, how has the ride been at this time? Been trying out Klonoa games for a change of pace, Klonoa 1 is really stylized and neat and i'd recommend giving it a try if you want a fun experience. >>5368 Oh boy, i am REALLY liking where this is going.
Knuckles and the Chaotix Issue 1 Page 19
And with that, the first issue is done! Knuckles has dealt with all sorts of enemies but how will he handle Julie-Su, the ferocious fighting soldier? Will she succeed? Will Knuckles survive?
>>5630 Look at that sexy piece of ass! ...oh yeah, lien-da and julie-su are there I guess...
Ok but seriously. Nice lil introduction to Knuckles while leaving some interesting hooks for investment. These guys look like absolute meances! Looking forward to their fleshing out and sibling banter
>>5632 It’s weird to think at a point, he was like Knuckles big bad of sorts. Penders then just dropped him for even more things, as per usual. Giving some more substance/entertainment to him and other penders characters that didn’t get it will be rad to see. There’s a whole blank slate to fill.
>>5633 Penders just doesn't like anything exciting. So he'll make things as boring as possible and when it gets interesting then he'll drop it for something boring.
>>5652 >Chili Dogs, hot dancers Love how SEGA did that for an official event. The only way it would've been better if Sonic, Majima & Blacker Baron were throwing singles.
>>5238 The Heart of a Monster 9-21 previous should've been 9020 Add in some Sonknux, and it'd be like this comic was drawn exclusively for me!
>>5188 The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 2 Page 23 Sorry Sonamy, Sonally, and Sallicole-bros, this is a Salamy comic now!