For all the lewd thoughts and posts. This thread is mainly cheesecake and "nudity" as in the kind of casual nudity you can expect from mobians. Some rules. >No NSFW! That means no nipples, no genitals, no sex. If you're unsure then at least put an NSFW spoiler on it. >First rule only applies to images. You can still post links to fapfics. >Fetish stuff that doesn't break the first rule is fine. I don't kinkshame but I know that the Sonic fandom has some... interesting tastes. >Keep posting moderate. Posting several or a dozen at a time is fine but not dozens. We don't need every piece of naughty fanart here, just post ones you want to share. >If possible, please provide source of some kind. Even the artist name is fine. If you can't then that's fine. >You can still hornypost in the general thread. As always, these threads are just for those that want a concentrated place for a specific topic.
>>331 He does but the guy ever seems to draw the most known Sonic characters and nothing else. Really wish he tried drawing any of the Archie only waifus.
Image:171233198380.jpg(311kB, 1200x1200)sally acorn's pants by plagueofgripes.jpg
>>339 He seems to have some favorites. Sticks is definitely his favorite girl. I do think Sally and Bunnie would be up his alley if he got to know them. Especially Sally since she's kind of like Callie. He's at least drawn her a few times some time ago. But I don't know how much into Archie or even Sonic he is. He's a big Dragon Ball fan even though 90% of his art is furry.
>>805 I wonder what the ideal Sally bust should be. She's at least medium but a lot of people like to give her huge tits. Not that I'm complaining. Perhaps a little busty and maybe on the verge of being a titty monster. Mother Knows Best Chapter 2 Despite this being rated A for Adults, this doesn't seem to be very lewd. Aside from the subject matter and the logical direction this story is taking. But there's a twist...
>>857 >randomly check in on a porn artist >implying I haven't been refreshing Norgate's InkBunny every 10 minutes for the last year Still, I found a suitable image to apologize for my blunder! >people normally go to beaches and pools wearing less clothes >mobians and many other mostly naked anthros wear more clothing than normal I guess this is the opposite of horny but those that like swimsuits will appreciate it. I think mobians would more likely just go fully nude than wearing anything. Exception would be those that would exposed nipples like Rouge.
>>1259 Last one for now! I'm aware the artist draws lewd Tails and doesn't always age him up, but I'm not about to moralize on someone drawing what the want to
>>851 I know this isn't the point of this but why doesn't Rosemary point out how creepy it is to keep a picture of someone you personally know as wank material
>>1575 on the onehand really nicely drawn, on the other hand I really don't vibe with lewd Longclaw stuff despite liking her character a ton and my eternal licentiousness
>>1686 That's 100% by BigDad. He's got a fantastic artstyle, and is one of the few artists that understands how Tails' namesakes actually work The comic's called Let Them Fight and you can find it here: (NSFW) >>1796 >those pecs Wew! >>1799 It is! (NSFW)
>>1801 It's always nice to see his tails being used for combat. I think Frontiers didn't have any moves like that, but Battle had a decent balance between gadgets, punches and tail swipes.
>>1801 Bigdad is my enemy for ruining most Gaz and Rouge nsfw content since he popularized the things hate both in them the most lol But that aside actually do like how Tails spinning tails are done in this page I must confess
Video:171698062404.mp4(3.39MB / 0:00:22 / avc1, 720x1080)20221116 - Never say no to Sonic [BB7hZbo5U0o].mp4
Oh that Sonic! Never say no to Sonic >>2001 Nice! Dark Enerjak easily has the hottest design of all the villains >>2053 Sorry to hear that. Honestly, I wish he'd do some non-lewd comics
>>3015 If you got rid of the breasts and eyelashes Tangle would be the perfect cboy >>3021 I'm surprised there's sexy art of Bartleby where he doesn't look like Fabio >>3054 Fun fact: In the Dreamcast SA2, if you clear all of Rouge's missions you'll be rewarded with a "luchador" (read: dominatrix) battle outfit for her >>3149 Pomf ==3 >>3151 >spoiler This anon gets it! >>3152 Fair warning: two can play at that game!
It's not Sonknux, but it is one of my favorites! >>3251 Imagine! >>3388 Hey, it's my favorite Sleengo artist! I posted his other art here: >>2878 >>3425 Goth Callie best girl
I try to not make the comics horny but I can't help but slip in some stuff because they are older teens. Dirty jokes, rampaging hormones, and times a pregnancy test should be taken. Why am I saying that? Expect Sonic to make another dirty joke. And the implication of some v-cards getting punched. Those are months apart so it's not a constant thing. The last time was when Sonic was reminiscing about arguing with Sally in issue 5.
>>3469 That's our Slutnic! It's honestly not that much more risqué than Archie. Re-reading it (and re-watching SatAM) made me realize just how horny they could get at times. I'm actually surprised just how furaffinity-tier some of those covers got
Sexo con Rouge >>3469 The real secret reason they chase Eggman is because he wanted to make condoms and safe sex practices mandatory to the mobians >>3472 People like But(t)ler was a big contribution to that horny energy
Video:171837132538.mp4(10.76MB / 0:01:10 / avc1, 1280x720)MisterDavie - What Sonic does when Sally plays Xbox [EUcM1-YZNAU].mp4
On the topic of Sonic and Sally rutting like animals >>3473 >People like But(t)ler was a big contribution to that horny energy No one can contain his lust, and nor should they!
>>3526 Game Sonic's clearly plapping Knuckles and has been with Elise (and Madonna), OVA's got Sara (& probably Knuckles too), X probably hasn't been with anyone unless you count him getting violated by Chuck with a screwdriver in episode 1, but is going to plap Knux at some point, Prime's got Shadow and a harem of Knuckles counterparts, but we don't really see him interact with the rest of the main cast, and IDW's fucking all of us, metaphorically >>3528 He also canonically married Robotnik! >>3589 Fun fact: Okida collaborated with that artist to make that lewd Tekno comic. I'll storytime it if no one else wants to >>3592 lmao, I just came here to post that so I'll just post goth Callie instead. She might as well be a Sonic character, considering 4/co/ jannies hate her as much as Mobian women
>>3633 lmao, I recognized that spritework immediately! He really is a talented artist. I still remember installing Windows 95 just so I could play that game. There were like 50 floppy disks you had to insert one by one ;_;
>>3946 No problem and I know the admin appreciates it as well as it promotes more activity on other boards. Feel free to recommend the site to other people as well.
>>2053 Finally, a fellow who understands the wickedness he has committed to both Gaz and Rouge. Having said that... the man draws a fine Pacifica Northwest.
One of my favorite SonKnux artists is back drawing best ship again! They've been shipping Hazbin Hotel characters for months ;_; >>5350 We're so lucky to have so many talented SU artists
>>5721 Would be nice if he did more comics or even a series. It'd probably be the slice of life story of (legal age) Tails and his many female friends.
>>5721 >He's so good even I find his anthro ladies attractive You used Callie Briggs as the example, which is kind of cheating, if we are to be honest...
>>3526 Game Sonic has Amy, rigorous flirting with Knuckles and armies of people trying to force him and Shadow together. Nicky has Amy. X Sonic would sleep through coitus so no dice there. Movie Sonic is a normal small town American teen along with his brothers, so the usual drama of teenage hormones will probably crop up at some point (along with a non-zero chance of him turning half of Green Hills' youth into furries). Prime is too much of a himbo to have sex unless you rape him. And IDW is fuckin all of us on a spiritual level.
>>5690 What people forget is that Mobian men are all probably really hung for their body size. Mobian women would be decidedly unimpressed with us, I feel. >Shade has a serious dilemma: get Sonic to agree to be her mate -or- hand him over to Finitevus for ritual conversion. >She definitely doesn't want to give Sonic to the albino echidna but with all the pressure she's facing from her Clan over "gaining control of the Fate Nexus" - she's fast running out of time to achieve this goal by her own methods. >In truth, Shade never wanted to have to make Sonic accept her, but she may have reached the point where she feels she has no other option. >Thankfully, Tikal may just have a means of intervening!
>>5070 I was instantly reminded of this scene. Really, I know we all love big breasted milfs, but this joke is just not exploited enough, which is sad.
Not naked, the opposite actually. But its the least off topic place I could post this. Not many fans of Honey might know lettuce posted this variant on sthg.
I want to write a terrible drabble where a young movie!Knuckles gets manipulated into trying to use his own body to "breed" himself another member of his species, without understanding that since he's a dude he can't get pregnant. I've had this thought in my head for days and I can't get it out. I just remembered that Queenie has a NSFW twitter account. No new art since 2023. I recommend going to the media tab because it's just retweeting non-Sonic stuff at this point. >I lost a bet, but I liked how I did the shading. A little nipple, a little vag but I don't think it's too lewd to post here.