/sssr/ - Супер Специалист Cоник Pиде

Thread stats: 57 posts, 28 files (28 image(s))

Replying to /sssr/16699
General Thread #16Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
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All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest.
General Threads #1: >>6 #2: >>1086 #3: >>2204 #4: >>3361 5: >>4811 #6: >>6108 #7: >>7134 #8: >>8183 #9: >>8890 #10: >>9954 #11: >>10964 #12: >>11906 #13: >>13154 #14: >>14253 #15: >>15322
Unofficial Sonic Storytime Thread #24: >>38 #25: >>3731 #26: >>6991 #27: >>9519 #28: >>11396 #29: >>13690
Idol✩Amy! #1: >>16219
Sonic vs Goku: >>5481
Horny Thread #1: >>298 #2: >>10885
/pco/ Sonic Thread: >>>/pco/473933
Tamers12345's Sonic Underground #1: >>639 #2: >>8926
IDW Thread #1: >>179
/pco/ NSFW Thread: >>>/pco/473933

Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: https://mobiuscomics.com
Unofficial Ride Website: https://the-ride.neocities.org
Archie Sonic Ride links: https://pastejustit.com/ym8ziu3v87

>General thread for everything.
>If you want to discuss something specific in depth or post more of it then post in a thread specifically for it or make one yourself.
>Image limit (including videos) is about 350 so if you want to post several images then try doing so in another thread.
>If you think something deserves its own thread and that you can contribute to it consistently then make it.
>And respect the other rules for the whole website.
thirstposter ## VIP
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The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 2-49
And just when Eggman's day was going so well too!
47 pages since Rough and Tumble
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Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
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Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 7 Page 28

A new ability! And with AI Sally unable to meddle anymore, the boys are finally getting on the same page.
I like that he figures it out through his expertise.
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Sonic used Just Defend!
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New TailsTube!
With a special someone...
TailsTube #11 - A Meeting of the Minds!youtube thumb
I don't understand the point of Victoria when Pickle exists.
Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
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Can't have those two fight/flirt the entire time!
Now he's ready for a new fighting game!
because Sonic's human woman lust has to be appeased
thirstposter ## VIP
Awww, they're friends with benefits now! I do like that Sonic being old friends of Mighty and Ray was kept. Oh and fun fact, Sonic only ever uses the insta-shield once in Archie
Knuckles is actually pretty insightful when he's not riled up
Oh boy, more lore confirmations that prove my unhinged speculations correct! As background, Gerald studied ancient civilizations and was interested in the fourth great civilization, which created and was destroyed by the Gizoid aka Emeral.

The fresh confirmation here is that the first great civilization was the Ancients (Chaos-shaped watery aliens that created the Chaos Emeralds, and are now Chao) and that the second was the Gaians (an ancient glob-spanning civilization of humans from 10,000+ years ago that created the Chaos Emerald powered Gaia Temples and wrote the Gaia manuscripts. No one knows what happened to them).

Considering that the fourth great civilization was destroyed by a gizoid with all seven Chaos Emeralds, we can speculate that to be one of the four great civilizations, you need to know how to use the Chaos Emeralds. Originally the fourth was the Nocturnus Clan, but Sega may have changed that since Chronicles is now non-canon. They were likely still Echidnas with advanced tech that was likely based on the Ancients' designs, considering Knuckles hints at this in his Frontiers prequel animation. They'll probably be called something else though.

As for the third, I've listed the Owl civilization from South and Westside Islands, the Knuckles tribe and the Babylonians as candidates but now that we have the "must have used the Chaos Emeralds" as a criteria, we can remove the Babylonians. The Knuckles tribe and Owl civilization were at war at some point, and the Owls escaped them by using the Chaos Emeralds to break South Island off from Westside, but the Echidnas did have them when Perfect Chaos destroyed their civilization and Tikal launched them into the sky.

My guess is the Owls are the third great civilization, and the Knuckles tribe are a special case where they're more of a Master Emerald than Chaos Emerald civilization, with their Nocturnus Clan offshoot being the fourth.

Oh, and I've mentioned this before but the four great civilizations is the Asian way of classifying civilizations based on which ones developed agriculture tied to a certain river first. The ones that meet this criteria are Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and China.

The western concept is similar but also includes the Americas, with the Olmec civilization of Mexico and the Caral–Supe civilization of coastal Peru.

My guess is it's to have an archeologist/historian that can actually go out in the field (i.e., where Sonic and friends will be having adventures). With Prof Pickle, he's stuck in his lab, which was fine for Unleashed since you're visiting human cities, but future games might not bother with that
>My guess is it's to have an archeologist/historian that can actually go out in the field
They could've just had Pickle do that, like make it a joke that he's out and about despite his age.
thirstposter ## VIP
I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but honestly I think they're going for some of that Lara Croft sex appeal. It'll be interesting to see how famed human woman appreciator Sonic interacts with her
If that's the case, why not also use Relic?
Sonic is kinda overdue for a new fighter.
Haha get fucked Tails. Jokes aside Victoria is perfect, voice is yum, design is yum and her taking her field seriously is pretty neat
I know they won't to course correct from 06 but I'll genuinely find it funny and vibe for it if Sonic and Victoria have legit unintended chemistry
thirstposter ## VIP
They seem determined not to use anything from the comics, and wouldn't even let postboot characters appear in IDW
Her outfit's super cute and very MMZero in style. I can't wait for the inevitable rule 63 art!
>voice is yum
They 100% will even if it's unintentional. Also, I know it's a controversial opinion but Sonic and Elise were great together and no one would've complained if she looked like an Unleashed human or Victoria. Obviously they're not as cute a couple as Sonic and Knuckles, but still cute!
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In non-Sonic related news:
New Rhythm Heaven (Rhythm Heaven Groove – Nintendo Direct 3.27.2025youtube thumb, Tomodachi Life sequel (Tomodachi Life: Living the Dream – Nintendo Direct 3.27.2025youtube thumb, and Ronaldo’s in Fatal Fury! (FATAL FURY: CotW |CRISTIANO RONALDOyoutube thumb
I love fanart that makes Elise a bird, have posted it last thread even but honestly she's not even that bad a character even if she looks jarring, her story and emotional struggle has a lot of potential but 06 let's it down.

Yeah Victoria is proof of how to do Sonic humans that aren't Dr Eggman though Sage also honestly showed how it can be done, it's actually turned me around a bit when I was a hardcore anthros only type for a good while honestly.
Marvel Comic Invasion is literally made for me, what I've wanted since Shredders Revenge finished. Way to many character I want in as playable or bosses but I'll just say Hank Pym is priority number one for me to get in at all.
Time for an opinion that may REALLY get me crucified here but I'll say it. I don't really like Tamer's stuff. In fact, I kinda hate it. I know that's blasphemy here and my language is a bit harsh but before you lot try to crucify me like St. Peter, hear me out. Frankly, I'm filtered by the artstyle, scatalogical elements, and text-to-speech voices (I'm weak, I know) but I feel like my main issue with it is it's effect on Underground's already lousy reputation. I'll tell y'all this, I grew up watching Underground here and there, so, I have a bit of a personal connection with the series. So, it's mostly lousy rep in the fandom is to me, not helped by Tamer's stuff. In fact, I think it CONTRIBUTES to it. and maybe I'm worrying too much but I have an original idea inspired by Sonic Underground mixed with either Gun Sword or Macross and frankly, I'm worried that bringing up Underground may lead to Tamer's stuff being mentioned and I wouldn't be the happiest from it. Mainly because I'm worried it would give people the wrong impression of my series idea. I know that tamer's stuff is probably important to y'all and I'll take your word that the later stuff is genuinely good but to me it sullied an already disliked part of this franchise and to someone like me, who liked what I watched of underground, I can't quite forgive the damage it's done. If I can throw tamer's stuff a bone, some of that fanart for Aleena is Mwah! *Chef's Kiss*
thirstposter ## VIP
If there's one thing this franchise needs, it's more lycanthropes!
>Ronaldo’s in Fatal Fury!
Nooo, she must be a human! Gamenic doesn't go for anthro women!

Victoria's design is absolutely fantastic and I'm really happy for Sonic Team. She's actually the culmination of over 17 year's work trying to find a suitable human artstyle post-06. We saw the over-correction with the Pixar humans in Unleashed, and then the total ban on humans until Victoria showed up in that Tailstube. From there, we saw her style applied to more humans in the Sonic Channel art until we finally got another human design in the games with Sage.
Man, I just button mash those games ;_;
As the resident Tamers obsessive, HOW DARE YOU, I'LL CUT YOU WITH A KNIFE! 🔪🔪
Seriously though, as much as I love the Tamersverse, it's a character driven slice of life drama with occasional anime-esque fights with its humor steeped in the early 00s, and that isn't going to appeal to everyone. It's worth giving the MLP videos a watch though, since it's a lot more story driven

I wouldn't worry about making your own SU-related and having it compared. Even when we storytimed some SU fan continuation comics, it was pretty much just myself and a few others referencing the Tamersverse. FWIW Tamers explicitly positions himself as a SU fan and not a Sonic fan, and there's very little audience overlap between his work and the wider Sonic fandom
thirstposter ## VIP
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Eclipse 160
This comic is so horny, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
thirstposter ## VIP
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Infested 2-25
>insults trains
Truu farr not Mammoth Mogul, truu farr!
thirstposter ## VIP
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S.T.C Issue 24 Page 2
😍Manic! Again!😍
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If they wanted a fighting soccer player, there's only one who can suffice
Beat 'Em Ups is about flow & crowd control, IMHO. The mashing is fun but once you get the hang of it TP, you'll love it.
>Ronaldo’s in Fatal Fury!
That's basically one half of EVERYONE'S reaction to this, the other half being, "Hey, his moves are pretty cool!" I personally kinda fuck with it because let's keep a spade a spade, it's basically an embodiment of SNK's current existence. SNK's is currently owned by Saudi Arabia, Rolando currently plays for a Saudi Arabian team, and SNK's stuff have always been in Latin America, where soccer and players like Rolando are beloved in. As one Todd Howard best said it, "It just works!"
*SNK's stuff have always been more popular in Latin America
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Why is she black?
I think it's the shading.
Oh, SNK is very popular in Latin America due to the ease/cheaper cost of their arcade machines and piracy. Angel from KOF was created after a match in KOF '98 between Mexican devs & KOF devs with her creation as the wager.
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thirstposter ## VIP
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Nectar: The World Before 113
>elephant in the room
Wait is this Nectar or Infested?
thirstposter ## VIP
If the konductor's not here by 8pm, I'll do Idol✩Amy! instead. The show must go on!
Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
Sorry I got held up so you can storytime for today.
thirstposter ## VIP

It's time!

No worries, happy to fill in!
thirstposter ## VIP
And we're done! I'm most of the way through the backlog so we'll be up to date after the next storytime
thirstposter ## VIP
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Sonic Frenzy 10-25
Looks like Vi doesn't know what the Chaos Emeralds are. Interesting
thirstposter ## VIP
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Team Dark Supernova Odyssey 4-02
Omega-bros, we are so back!
Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
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Sonic Side Stories Page 10

The Sonic Adventure 2 adaptation will start with issue 10 but here’s a teaser! (The Sonic Adventure arc will be covered somewhere else.) By now you should be prepared for the story to be different from what you remember. But what exactly are the differences? You’ll have to wait to find out!
Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
Thanks for covering for me this week!
Such a lust for revengeyoutube thumb

Who's pulling these strings? Brother? Maria in a healing tank? Revenge?!
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thirstposter ## VIP
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Chaos in Order Page 23
For context, the tyrant Shadow needs to defeat is that alien dude's corrupted sister
thirstposter ## VIP
>that last panel
Since when did the Biolizard have hands? What a twist! Seriously though, I think everyone will be surprised by but enjoy this take on things
No worries, I've actually got several sfw comics in my backlog so always happy to step in
They're so cute ;_; sk_rokuro's easily one of my favorite Sonknux artists
Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
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Knuckles and the Chaotix Issue 3 Page 11

The plan WAS to sneak in and get Knuckles and Vector out of there but with everyone running around, it’s easier to also start beating up legion goons. And I really wanted to give Charmy a power. The closest the Archie version had was size changing and that was to explain his different sizes from his early appearances. Electric stings isn’t the most original power to give a bee but it’s common for a reason.
>Espio: You need proper discipline and training to use a gun, Ray. You just shoot people randomly!
>Charmy: And throwing ninja stars into people's eyes is better?
>Espio: It’s their weakness to blame, not mine.
thirstposter ## VIP
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Instead of my usual bitching about Penders, this time I've got some interesting gossip! I've been looking at the covers of his KNUCKLES OMNIBUS and the (off-center) 3d-effect text is actually at a different orientation for the title between the two texts, and different again from his name. My speculation: He's taken the font, converted into a path, and using the extrude and bevel/scale tool in Blender (a 3d modeling tool), created a 3d model for the text. He's shown some of his Blender work before, and I wouldn't be surprised if the text is gray because he can't into Blender textures (they're kinda fussy even to just get a solid color)
Yeah, I never really got to the point where my intentional moves were better than just button mashing in those Marvel Vs Capcom games. I do like Smash Bros, although some don't consider it a "proper" fighting game
>Roberto Miura
Now there's a guy with beefy thighs!
I guess it's just a confluence of weird factors, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. We got Sonic Chronicles because a SoA exec and Bioware exec were friends and wanted to collaborate on something
I thought Espio was a ninja, not a member of the fun police! I commented on the Patreon that Charmy (and Tails, Rouge and Cream) have the Thunder Shoot attack, which is electricity based. I'm going to try an comment there more often, although I'll be keeping my comments informative and G rated
thirstposter ## VIP
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And to show I'm not just blowing smoke, here's my 10,000 hour attempt at 3d text in Blender The "S" and "D" in Sonic Underground should be larger, but you get the idea
thirstposter ## VIP
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Sonic Frenzy 10-26
Vi ;_;
thirstposter ## VIP
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The Heart of a Monster 10-13
He's alive!
From the author could you imagine the (you)s I'd get from posting this on 4/co/?
metal is so violently transgender to me. look at him.
the start of her being naked