Weekly Storytimes Every Friday at 7pm EST We got ourselves an Infinite comic! Is this another “I can fix him” comic? No! At least not yet? It’s an origin and start of Sonic Forces, everyone’s favorite 3D Sonic game! This is Infinite Possibility!
>>11420 Oh no! Will Eggman shoot Sonic right here and now?! Never mind that this is a flashback. But that's it for today! If you want to find out what happens next then wait for more pages of this comic to come out! Or play Sonic Forces. Hey, where are you going?
>>11396 It's 𝕏 time! A little bit of this and that. And I'll be starting with a comic that has only a few pages before stopping a few months ago. Doesn't look completely abandoned and there's even a help wanted post but... I dunno. Anyway, let's check out Phantom Squared!
>>11567 And the lineup for this team. Must be tricky doing a fancomic taking place in an actively updating world. At some point they'll have to ignore the main comic's continuity or figure a way to eventually weave in events from that in this. That is if the comic keeps going. Now for the next comic!
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>>11572 Nothing's cuter than a hardcore girl thinking she's not cute. >>11571 Highlight of the simplistic IDW design style is that anyone can replicate it.
>>11568 >Silver gets his own Freedom Fighters to tard wrangle He'll finally know the pain that Sally, Elias, Rouge & Two different versions of Amy feels.
>>11596 From the artist that did Sonic Remin... no, that's not right, they never did a comic before this! Anyway, this is Tails Frontiers AU! Enjoy it while it's still online.
>>11605 Who needs those hints of Sonamy romance when you got the real bromance! Anyway, this might get more content but that's it for now. I have a few random things to post, credits in the filenames.
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>>11609 Finally, a villain that WAKU WAKUs as well. And that's it for this week! I do have some webtoon comics to cover, one of which being a chapter of Go! Go! Super Sonic! And another with an echidna OC. >>11608 But anon, Sonic hinted at some romance with Amy in hard to find lines and he let her hug him in the end of the game!
>>11396 It's been a while but a new arc has started for Go! Go! Super Sonic! After beating Chaos with the power of song, it's time to resume the collecting of the chaos emeralds. But the next one is in a certain place and they have to fight another giant lizard. How very relevant!
>>11743 >And there goes world famous band Crush 40. They'll be heading back to Ian's brain. lmao, I'm still convinced he could (and probably will!) write an entire issue with just their lyrics
>>11751 Uh oh... >>11750 I'm surprised they weren't doing songs for the Sonic movie. I can see Ian sending in suggestions to Paramount and Fowler for every movie.
>>11752 >I can see Ian sending in suggestions to Paramount and Fowler for every movie. lmao, "as official Sonic Loremaster, no event is canon unless each scene has characters arbitrary quoting song lyrics!" >>11753 It's always in the last place you look! >>11754 Nice!
>>11763 Hedgies please stop arguing. >>11762 >lmao, "as official Sonic Loremaster, no event is canon unless each scene has characters arbitrary quoting song lyrics!" I would unironically push for it for pandering to Adventurefags.
>>11755 Rouge is in love, and not with Blaze! >>11758 Eggman's such a cocky bitch! >I get snow here during January and February and only for a week at most. I almost never get snow at home, but there's always the mountains
>>11759 >What convenient timing with a certain movie! I don't like how they streamlined the ARK in the movie, it's supposed to be a technological marvel from the 50s! >>11764 >I would unironically push for it for pandering to Adventurefags. Surprisingly they got a heap of obscure references into the films. Ian could learn a thing or two!
>>11781 The artist said they'd expand on this later but for now, it's just this. At least we know what color she is. Did she stay out in the sun a lot like Athair?
>>11750 >I'm still convinced he could (and probably will!) write an entire issue with just their lyrics There's a fan comic that does just that but I forgot the name
>>11765 >I'd like to think that Shadow would be a good Sinatra cover singer. Yeah it's Sinatra or Linkin Park for Shadow >>11766 >And here I thought Eggman hated music. He hated it in Archie, Fleetway and Underground
>>11768 They're so pink! >>11769 lmao, that Espio! >>11771 And we end with the Biolizard using the ARK as a buttplug! >>11773 Will the real Eggman please stand up! >>11775 And Blaze is cute too! Apparently Flynn got into trouble for suggesting the Biolizard was female and that's why he has to put that disclaimer on his podcast
>>11776 So handsome! >>11778 >ywn find a girl that will look at your junk like rouge looks at jewels So that's why she like's Knuckles! Fun fact, the re-release of the SA2 soundtrack got a mature rating for Knuckles singing >She's a double-cross spy thief that's after my jewels
>>11779 Yeah, abandon them in a different dimension so you have more time to "strategize" with that Chipmunk king! >>11780 They're on the same page, that means they're married!
>>11783 I like the highlights >>11785 >And you know where Amy is tingling. And they say she's not relatable! >>11786 We did get a Silvaze one that quoted Song of Solomon >>11787 lmao, someone's not a Sonknux shipper!
>>11792 >There has to be a Sinatra and Linkin Park mashup somewhere. I'd listen to it! Would've loved to see Chester sing in that style >>11794 lmao >>11795 At least she's got good taste!
>>11800 Now that I think of it, we only saw males in the Knuckles Tribe flashbacks, so the only girl Echidnas Knuckles will have seen are Tikal and Shade. That's technically more than lady Hedgehogs >>11803 lmao, just like that Tyson Hesse comic!
>>11806 lmao >>11808 >How exactly does she get to and from Angel Island? I like to think Knuckles gave Tails one of the Angel Island teleporter platforms
>>11809 Ooooh, Sonic's not happy! >And with that, we're done this week! Thanks Konductor! >>11811 lmao >>11815 His loss is best dad Wyn's gain! >>11817 My thoughts exactly!
>>11801 [spoiler]>And Blaze is cute too! Apparently Flynn got into trouble for suggesting the Biolizard was female and that's why he has to put that disclaimer on his podcast [/spoiler] I remember him saying Shadow had two dads as well, which is only technically true. Shadow probably isn't biologically related to Gerald and Black Doom was never a father to Shadow in any way that mattered.
>>11823 >all the world's echidnas are mine t. Sonic, probably >>11825 As much as I joke about Doom and Gerald being in a relationship it's pretty clear Gerald just used Doom's blood sample and random Hedgehog dna to create Shadow. Doom's at most the alien equivalent of a sperm donor, with Gerald being his actual father
>>11892 I've always wondered by Rouge was relatively hairless compared to the other characters. For the comic itself I'm missing too much context to tell what's going on, but it looks like Sonic and Tails have broken bad.
>>11927 >You're better than that. Is she, hasn't she tried to kill Sonic before? Tails has always felt like he'd be the most likely to break bad due to being the youngest and most impressionable as well as the smartest.
>>11396 Today we're doing an interesting version of Sonic Adventure! But it's in this artist's AU where Blaze has Sonic's personality! Things are pretty similar yet different! This series doesn't really have a name so we'll just call it Blaze Adventure 2!
>>12035 And now for the last (for now?) and longest part of this. And it's THAT ONE! >>12034 She's in luck, it's always on sale and even bundled with Vanquish!
>>12041 >But then who builds all the stuff? She didn't even build her own ship! God, I remember when she bamboozled Shadow to thinking she was intelligent. >>12044 Blaze is a natural bottom.
>>12050 And that's it for this. I did the original Chaossol (I think that's what it was called) comics but it wasn't finished. I might redo it all one day. Now for some random stuff. credits in the filenames.
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>>12054 Weird seeing them wearing so much clothes, even in the cold. >>12051 :O >>12053 Shame that Sega is allergic to world building, especially outside of Sonic's World.
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>>12062 Surge has been shipped with Sonic and a whole lot of girls. >>12059 She's overdressed. She needs to adopt Sonic's clothing style along with his personality.
>>12030 For those that don't know, Molly's a character from the third season of Sonic X. She and Shadow bond before she sacrifices herself in a Metarex attack. It's her grave Shadow broods over in the final episode >>12031 >Now I want a goth universe. Oh man, that Goth Sonic comic was great
>>12033 Another cute twink for the collection! Seriously though, I do like the design here >>12035 >i miss my wife, marine I think changing up the dialogue a little bit would've been better than sticking to the original so closely. The whole point of Blaze and Marine is that despite having different personalities to Sonic and Tails, they end up taking the same actions
>>12038 Fun fact: The only reason the original scene sounds so awkward is they messed up the timing. Fans have re-timed the script to their own animations and it works so much better
>>12055 Sonic's so handsome here! >Shame that Sega is allergic to world building, especially outside of Sonic's World. It's so frustrating. It took them over 15 years to show that Princess Blaze lives in a palace >>12058 >Turns out Psychonic doesn't have that good of a sense of direction. You don't need one if you're fast enough! >>12061 >And now for an unexpected ship. When you think about it, shipping not-Sally with not-Sonic makes a lot of sense >>12064 >She's overdressed. She needs to adopt Sonic's clothing style along with his personality. lmao >>12065 The best kind!
>>12067 >I believe this is the artist that did that Jules in a DILF shirt and this Tails is gay. Yeah, that's the one. I can tell by the artstyle and the outfits >>12069 >So Tails made it sexy... Well, he is a genius!
>>12083 Yeah that one works surprisingly well too. A big part of Elias' arc was trying to redeem himself and I could see him bonding with Surge over that
>>12084 >Being one of the few OCs that have an interesting personality really helps That and she's one of the hornier characters with those faces she makes.
>>12064 >Surge has been shipped with Sonic and a whole lot of girls. She's a tomboy, that's generally how those types of characters get shipped, it's part of the benefit of being the best of both worlds and reasonably popular among both genders.
>>11396 This week is a comic that was mostly covered a while back but has since managed to complete it's first issue. It just took a few years to do so. It's a Team Dark comic! And Omega is in it! And there's a hint of Sonadow! Let's go on a mission! This is Project Blackout!
>>12359 What's more traumatizing, watching someone suddenly get shot in the head and their blood gets splattered on you? Or almost getting castrated via bullet? >>12358 And he's just as fun as you'd expect.
>>12370 I'd be too distracted sparring with Rouge. And she'd know it and use it against me. >>12368 >[angry chipmunk noises] >>12369 They could be anyone!
>>12372 Should've landed on the tits to cushion the fall. >>12371 I wonder if anyone has ever used Westwood. I think one comic did. I wouldn't be surprised if Joeadok has.
>>12381 Even more mobians working for GUN. That reminds me, I need to do that Nexus comic. The one where it's just a bunch of sexy mobians working GUN.
>>12383 And that's it! For now? Not sure. This page came out in February so it's anyone's guess if there will be more. Meanwhile the artist is doing a Scourge in Sonic Boom comic and I'm waiting on more pages being made for that before posting. So I'll throw in a bonus 4 page comic.
>>12387 >do you have any idea how little it narrows it down? >>12384 She's got the strength but prefers not using it. >>12385 And you work under cute sisters.
>>12391 In which he doesn't really know who that was or where he came from and doesn't really care about finding out. Anyway, that's it for this week. Unsurprisingly I have a lot of Shadow stuff. I'd like to space out the MUH RIA content. >>12388 Omega do be looking pretty dapper. >>12390 They would love to show up Team Dark for once.
>>12393 >>12391 >Scourge vs. Jet vs. Johnny vs. Surge vs Shadow vs. Metal in a Race to be Sonic's True Rival >Knuckles just laughs at them making asses of themselves
>>11396 Time for a couple of stories. This one is short and very familiar but the art is good! The other... I'll try explaining that when we get to it. Anyway, this is The Doom!
>>12614 Why it's the artist for Sonic vs Goku! These pages will be posted when the artist gets around to doing them. Not sure how fast that will be since their own comic is still going.