Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: Unofficial Ride Website:
What’s that? You want another edgy fancomic? Okay! Here’s one where Sonic goes super and murder crazy! Sounds like a specific kind of Super Sonic! And what about Tails? He’s still alive at least. This is Damaged!
>>461775 >Here’s one where Sonic goes super and murder crazy! Sounds like a specific kind of Super Sonic! And what about Tails? He’s still alive at least. This is Damaged! I hope it has a good ending.
>>461808 It is pretty interesting. Next one won't be edgy. >>461809 That and when Rusty Venture was hooked up to Helper. >>461810 >patrick tries to use mobian money in a vending machine >iizuka runs in and tells him to stop
So mad about Rediscovered Frontiers I'm posting about how much I hate it here. Ironically wish I could genesis wave it away from existing. Bet the author who lurks the threads is laughing at me too. I hate it so much bros you wouldnt believe
>>461825 There's that one picture of Metal Sonic lying to Shadow about "Faker" Being a slur hedgehogs use against Tenrecs. I can't find it, but imagine I put it here. >called sonic meets sticks the badger >is mostly about knuckles being beef mclargehuge That's Sonic Boom in a nutshell.
When you think about it, Finitevus is basically like Eggman Nega but actually decent. Like I may seem a bit hypocritical to like him but not nega with him admittly being a recolor. But nega is pure ass in the games, and an already eviler version of an existing character. Fini and scourge better contrast sonic and knuckles at least. I like fini was warped but has reasons to hate the echidna bs with how much they fucked up and wants to reset the world. Like you guys get me right? >Bunntoinechads... I want you to know how jealous and mad at you for having your ship intact. Yeah, but still at the cost of a snazy jacket and Bunnie's cheek tufts.
>>461857 Dont see the appeal with her. Her antics with Knuckles and Shadow barely hold up as a character quirk, she has been a background character ever since team dark stopped being an official thing, and fans only seem to care for her boobs nowadays.
>>461858 Metal asked Eggman a little bro just like Sonic has. But now, Eggman has put Metal on Time out and is angry at him because he just throw in the trash the Tails-doll he gifted to him for Christmas. Ungrateful brat!
>>461857 She's nice, honestly if I had to pick any of the Sonic girls in a realistic scenario it would be her or Vanilla. She has a nice mature personality and she'd probably be nice to be around since.
>>461868 It's already been said, but the story of frontiers is just fan service in the worst way possible. And it ends up re-treading old ground again, why can't we just have it be like in SA2 where it's already understood these characters went through an arc so we can have them not re-do what they did last time. Just treat Knuckles as not being a hermit, Tails not being a coward, and whatever the pink one's name is, as if they actually retain development in between games.
>completely shits all over the Eggman and Sage relationship and how bad it is HOLY FUCKING BASED. Thank goodness that god awful garbage is being called out. I mean Egg father is a thing now sadly but more are aware of how shite it really is. Quick note but its also nice to hear the shitting on every character just jerking sonic off constantly and talking about him even when he's not there. But god, so great to hear about how shit eggman was in frontiers from someone else. Among the characters, that pissed me off so much with how he was treated.
>>461870 He pretty much says all and that and some more detail. Dont give a shit about amy but he's right about Tails and Knuckles in it. Frontiers is meant for the fans and thats a terrible thing.
I've been updating my archiving scripts and it turns out of the 1,396 deviantart accounts, 62 are gone completely, and 280 haven't updated since 2020. I'm still thinking about how to integrate the deleted accounts with the website, but it'll probably be some sort of gallery view >>461743 >A written fanfic or an actual fancomic? Oh, I meant Bunnie's Worst Nightmare, from Sonic #37 >>461747 >Penders selling Archie comics Technically he's just selling secondhand books, which has always been fine. If he was reprinting them he'd be in trouble. Those prices are hilariously high though >>461760 >Finally... another page B-but I wanted his other comic to update ;_; >>461807 Wow, that comic's great! Love the art, edge, and Sonadow undertones! >>461811 >That and when Rusty Venture was hooked up to Helper. lmao, that's what I was thinking too! >>461824 B-but I ship Surge with constant jobbing or Amy! >>461835 Absolutely love this Knux >>461848 Tails x Kit is endgame >>461857 She's just girl Sonic! >>461865 Imagine the possibilities!
>>461872 Listen, I've already agreed with you, but I'm not going to watch your youtube video Jeb, go back to not making Sonic videos like you promised, K. Also I didn't mind Sage and Eggman, but that's partially because I'm heavily biased towards her type of character, and family arcs. Also, I don't mind otherwise pure evil characters like Eggman having someone he cares about like Sage. And also I've never had someone explain why they think Sage is bad to me. Stumbled upon this short one. I hope it's okay if I post it. Also, for once, Sonic isn't the irresponsible parent.
>>461884 That's all there is to it, but here is an other comic by the same artist. maybe Tails deserve to be bullied?
>>461886 Who's the mom? The kid's coloring reminds me of Cream and Vanilla for some reason. Personally, I'm a fan when the races/species of the parents are just mashed up like in the case of the Crocobunny.
So that artist said in a comments the tails fan kid mother is their not so subtle self insert oc. lol. Now I wonder if KillerBoss will be based enough to make fan kids for sonic and violet.
>>461898 Why is Amy's dad so feminine looking >>461899 I guess that issue was nice to see Sally free but the break up thing tho...sigh. Pretty cool they're making a special AND a universe issue. >Please, sally, there are room for two persons >I need space for my legs
>>461904 >check the person who commed this >favorites tons of pics like this Literally what has to go wrong in your life to have fetish over people in roller coaster chairs.
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 5 Page 21
AI Sally is ready to get down to business and that means getting down to Emerald Hill. Will the Freedom Fighters be able to handle this new threat? And what are her plans for Metal Sonic? Does Eggman fully comprehend what she’s capable of? Also, what is Babylon and what role does Tails play in Kukku’s plan?
>>461914 >>461915 he didn't show up, there's only like 7 posts talking about House of Cards this time (and in a calm way). Most of the thread is just people saying how much they hate Meta/Frontiers Era or the Freedom Fighters getting sidelined again
>>461920 >Kukku >Planet >Back to Babylon Sounds like the inter-dimensional Babylonian theory is correct here, with the birds being Babylon exiles or rogues if you will and the Kitsune being connected to their home dimension somehow. Of they might just be aliens, not inter-dimensional. Wonder if their home world is the Sol Dimension or if they have their own, although I have my own personal headcanons about the Sol Dimension.
>>461921 He did. As usual it's the lack of subtlety that makes him stand out.
There are other posts that sounded like him but I won't say with complete certainty. I already knew the thread was going to get complaints just like last thread.
>>461882 >legal Tails Oh my! >>461889 Honestly setting your self-insert up with your husbando/waifu is the patrician choice >>461905 I guess we can add roller coasters to our list of hyper-specific Sonic fetish art alongside haircuts >Roller Coaster, 912 deviations >Trapped In Chairs, 102 deviations >Kaa (as in hypnotized by the snake from the Jungle Book), 524 deviations >Hypno Rides, 50 deviations Shine on you crazy diamond! >>461910 Imagine if they let ABT write her with no restrictions >>461911 >tfw you can recognize the artist just by the lady parts This Ride has ruined me ;_; >>461920 Forget Sonally, this is my favorite heterofag pairing now! >>461922 If you really want to know, it's pic related
>>461937 Sally's underwear seems unfitting for her character, something lacy seems more fitting. Also, I never imagined Whisper as an exhibitionist, but this image made me realize that since her corset thingy is an undergarment, she can't possibly be wearing a bra underneath it. Thinking of it, Tangle wears a skin tight suit with a shirt that barely contains her modesty, so I wonder if both of them are exhibitionists?
>>461911 wearing skintight clothes OVER fur would not make sense, especially when those dudes are running at full speed for hours at a time. The fur already makes them hot as hell, the skintight suits would make it ten times worse.
OK, I've been meaning to bring this up for a while, if you are posting porn for the sake of posting porn, could you please use /pco/ for that? Not that it's too out of place (it's why we have the NSFW tags), but /pco/ is not getting a lot of traffic lately. You can link to it simply by copy pasting the permalink, it should turn into a cross-board link.
"Rehabilitation": Naugus may be gone, but the Freedom Fighters aren't yet whole - in more ways than one. Can our heroes overcome when there's no enemy to fight? "Finding Your Voice, Part 1": Nicole's exile is ending, but she's still nervous. Can Mina help with the power of music?
>>461877 Its the same reason Omelette's a bad idea. Sage is a morality pet that exists to have fanart made of her wearing disney t-shirts and shit. She's that hyper popular "sad girl who warms the heart of the monster" archetype because when you can't give a villain a girlfriend, give him a daughter.
Eggman's whole deal is being a selfish control freak. The first thing we see him do is turn a pig and a squirrel into a robot ladybug and bee because they look better that way. That is our first, lasting impression of the character: a man so arrogant he wants to change how you look, how you think, your species just so you fit his ascetic better in deliberate contrast to Sonic's bohemian live and let live vibe. If Eggman cares enough about something to consider it family he stops being Eggman unless its a sick twisted relationship like with Snivley, which nobody's gonna do with a cute little girl. We're not playing Xenogears here.
It's not like Bowser where having a kid can work because of how he's selfish and greedy: Junior's obsession with protecting his dad from himself and proving himself to be both worthwhile and wicked enough for his father have driven whole games. What the fuck is Sage going to do other than diminish Eggman's threat?
>>461953 >Omelette Don't know who this is, but okay. Also, I never really took Eggman that seriously, he's a funny evil man and is selfish and prideful in comical and self sabotaging ways, he was never really threatening to me. Especially since Orbot and Cuebot exist, and all they do is stand around and undercut his menace. But for what Sage could do? I don't know we haven't seen her make a proper re-appearance yet, but I'd imagine she'd show up again as a secondary antagonist alongside Eggman and act as somebody for him to talk to that isn't totally useless like her older brothers. I guess what she'd end up doing specifically would depend on the scenario of the game.
>>461955 > Will the best Knuckles, character, Locke, be appearing? I really love that old man and his microwave, such a good father.
I don't appreciate the blaming and seething over Iizuka in the threads. It kinda bothers even when I have about zero respect for anyone on sonic team. I think Shadow is overrated as fuck but I know enough he's not one to hang out casually even with rouge and omega. He's strictly business with those guys. But people get mad over that and do the blaming and seething, etc.
And I dont think it does these threads any favors when it just low key makes you guys fill into the stereotype of archiefags mad over jap shit. When a certain schizo general and others in 4chan see that, you get shit on and no one likes you. I needed to say something because it's honestly been bothering me for the years these threads have been going and seeing that.
Also the comic by the twitter user @pocketscribbs, which inspired ABT's Hot Coffee. Although a bit too ooc for a canon work, I like how cute and autistic he writes Shadow.
>>461981 I thought you complain about the coffee addiction thing. But I don't really get the shilling thing, she's his character and he makes explicitly non-canon art of her and posts it to his twitter with any comments, except to clarify it isn't canon.
>>461977 >I don't appreciate the blaming and seething over Iizuka in the threads. Iizuka's a big boy that's the face and head of Sonic Team (in addition to his recent promotion). He can handle some ribbing in Korean papyrus threads where we talk shit about everyone and everything. We dunk on Ian just as much. I wouldn't take it too seriously and those that take it too far are best ignored. But I understand how you feel. I get frustrated when people talk shit about Sally.
>>461985 You can count yourself lucky then since he probably doesn't have the rights to her anymore and with the comics probably only going to last the year anyways she's essentially a dead character since she probably won't be carried into the next comic if we get one. But personally, I don't mind her much, although as a restoration NPC she should exist in the first place.
>>461987 If you think blaming Iizuka for stuff is bad, you should see how /sthg/ and IDW threads talk about Ian. So many times they blame him for the writing in an issue he didn't write.
>>461988 Yeah, I know about that. It's why I dont visit them anymore. It's down right schizophenic. Like Evan has been the head writer for a while too.
>>461993 Yeah looks kewl for sure, gives me the feel that was inspired by Nine and usual kitsune stuff. Reminds me of Naruto lol but I like it, the artist always draws some neat Tails stuff.
>>461995 Luv Tails, would literally kill for the lil' lad, simple as. Cream is just aight but there's not much to her, but don't mind her. Now if we talking about shipping them? I just don't feel it, bit forced, just look cute together and that's it.
>>461935 ;) >>461936 Huh. I remember reading something similar, but it was more along the lines of "Robotnik escapes to our world, Sonic pursues and befriends a human child" >>461943 FYI, scripts are meant for producers so there's always a summary on the first page that's short enough for them to read between doing lines of coke: >In telling this original interpretation of the "Sonic story", we are attempting to introduce a new mythology to the movie going audience. We ask you to keep in mind that we are all selling a live action movie to a broad family audience, many of whom have never played the Sonic video game. For this reason we believe that the "Sonic Move" should be a genesis story, and as we discussed in our various story sessions, will involve a teenage boy who transforms into the "Sonic character". This transformation will utilize multiple film elements including live action, full motion animatronics and puppetry and state-of-the-art computer generated images. Somewhat darker and edgier in tone than the existing video game, there should be a strong sense of real jeopardy, as was done effectively in both BATMAN and JURASSIC PARK. Our adventure should be capable of providing wonderful entertainment, with Sonic and his friends being an integral part of the movie going experience. >>461944 >And let's not forget the evergreen Transformation Fetish. It's not a fetish, it's an artform you pleb! >>461947 >You can link to it simply by copy pasting the permalink That's really cool, I've been typing them out the entire time >>461955 Nice! I should be able to up the donation towards the end of the year >>461965 I think we all know he faked his own death so he could be go full time on the affair with a certain King >>461976 That was actually pretty cute, and surprisingly non-lewd!
>>461998 >FYI, scripts are meant for producers so there's always a summary on the first page that's short enough for them to read between doing lines of coke: I should have know this. Thanks.
>>461998 >, will involve a teenage boy who transforms into the "Sonic character". Oh boy. There is an alt-reality with a Sonic movie featuring a teenage boy getting changed into Ugly Sonic.
>>461998 >Somewhat darker and edgier in tone than the existing video game, there should be a strong sense of real jeopardy, as was done effectively in both BATMAN and JURASSIC PARK. Can't tell if the script-writers barely knew anything about the franchise or wrote this knowing the executive would knew nothing about the franchise.
>>461977 As the Konductor said, he's the face of Sonic Team and so bares the brunt of all criticism. My main complaint with him is he needs to hire a decent translator. Two worlds and the moon thing would never have been an issue if we had proper translations. I actually think he (and the other core members) do their best, and are genuinely trying to make enjoyable Sonic experiences. All the deadlines and budget issues are solely the fault of the execs, and probably a number of the bizarre directions the games take too. Ian gets the same treatment since he's the face of the comic, although I'm increasingly less forgiving of him than Iizuka after hearing a few of his awful takes on his podcast. >>461988 >So many times they blame him for the writing in an issue he didn't write. Ian is the Light Yagami of Sonic writers, with schemes so elaborate he can manipulate others into believing he wrote every issue of every Sonic comic! >>461993 Now that's how Tails' super form should look! >>461995 They're just friends! Seriously though, they never seemed to do much with Cream outside of "polite girl who sometimes goes on adventures with the heroes," to the point I'm convinced they were going to scrap her post Sonic X. >>462000 No worries! >>462001 Utterly horrifying and probably would've killed the franchise >>462002 >JIMMY HEDGEMAN is a seventeen year old on a hormone high trying to figure out just where he fits into the scheme of the universe. >Jimmy's got the right haircut, a stud in his ear and a major attitude towards authority figures. >About the only thing he doesn't seem to have is. a love life. But he's trying. My guess it was Captain N: The Game Master-tier where they'd watched around 30 seconds of game footage to "get" the story.
>>461999 Aw, well she looks cute, if a bit too similar to her father. I especially like the snowball dress and jester cap.
>>461995 Non-offensive, nice, fine, just kind of okay. I don't exactly get pairing them up and feel like it's more out of a desire to pair Tails up with somebody closer to him in age.
>>461993 Pretty nice super form for tails. This reminds me of how funny it is characters get knock off super forms due to how only the male hedgehogs can go super. Devil Doom, Tripps dragon form, Burning Blaze, Tails and his Flickies, Perfect Chaos, and Super Eggman.
>>462005 >knock off super forms I hope the Biolizard gets a super transformation in Sonadow Generations. Turning the ARK into a butt plug doesn't count! >>462008 He faked his own death a little too well in this continuity!
>>461822 This reminds me, I checked out the SB thread after someone mentioned that Surge doesn't appear in it, and it turned out that the author is thinking of pairing up Surge and the ooc Elias. On the basis the Surge is a rebooted version of Megan, somehow. Apparently is was inspired by pic rel, drawn by the twitter user @kawaiibunny3. Which is odd, making Surge a reboot version of Scourge just seemed way more straightforward to me, and less weird.
>>462018 Beat me to it! My DeviantArt RSS reader only updates every 15 minutes, and even then new art won't always show up immediately ;_; >>462013 >satffs will be 10/10 if /ourguy/ appears He's not the step-dad, he's the dad that stepped up! >>462015 It would be an interesting dynamic at least
>>461958 Like Eggman works great with sidekicks but to get that Eggman vibe he has to be able to be mean to them. They're things. Metal Sonic as his favorite toy fills the Sage role way better than Sage, by the nature of her design, can't because no one playing a Sonic game wants to see an old man abuse a little girl.
>>462026 >Like Eggman works great with sidekicks but to get that Eggman vibe he has to be able to be mean to them. THIS. But personally, I'm not a fan of the father son thing with metal either though. >>462027 Adam is a shameless coomer and furry. He can't help it
>>461995 I'd love Tails except for the Tails-stans. He suffers the most from the early brand confusion because everyone got that this kid was going somewhere but had different ideas where, and any attempts to stabilize that meet a wall of rage that is disconcerting.
Cream is great and deserves a spot in the main crew. Her mellow personality and pet-user specialty work well with the rest of the cast, she just needs to be allowed to do shit. I'm glad the golden axe meme gave her a boost of popularity again, she's especially good as a more chill friend for Tails and a support for Amy.
>>462028 I wonder, who is the ideal minion for Eggman? He doesn't have any relationship at all with Metal in canon, and Orbit and Cubebot are obviously bad since their unfunny and useless. Should Snivley just become canon already, or is something like the hard boiled heavies from classic a better fit?
>>462035 Good luck ever seeing him in a game, or a comic for that matter. It's be nice to see Stone, but Eggman is basically the only human on Sonic's World.
>>462036 >It's be nice to see Stone, but Eggman is basically the only human on Sonic's World. We'll get humans again, when we get to have Sonic Adventure 3.
>>461998 >I've been typing them out the entire time Yeah, that became really old really fast, plus a lot of people made new threads by just copying the url to the old one, so this was a feature that had to be done. But it has been active for a long while now.
>>462065 Success! >>462066 Yeah, I had to delete my own posts a few times and retry so this is way easier. I actually ended up setting up something similar on my own site with regex to replace desuarchive links with links to the local archives
>>462027 I didn't really get any sexual tension from this page, Lanolin is just amused/confused which shifts to annoyed and confused by Shadow's ignorance. Also I find it funny ABT like LanDow while Ian likes SonLin. It's sill ABT's fault for Lanolin though, as he created her character in the first place, even if he doesn't write her.
>>462063 The MM3 story is genuinely great. I do not get people who think that Ian should've skipped Ra Moon which really ads depth to Wily's betrayal in 3. Wly's early enough in his supervillain career that his reform didn't feel utterly insane and the sheer pain the Lights go through because of reaching out to that man makes really fertile groundwork for MM4, I can't wait to see how Light struggles with giving another mad scientist a chance after being burned this badly.
ha ha right?
>>461961 Belated but since I'm talking characters and can't fuckin post on 4chan without turning 4chanx off: I think the fixation on Knuckles not being able to leave Angel Island is a huge mistake that has just made using a character who's supposed to be in the regular rotation pointlessly hard.
If Knuckles is going to be his own hub of characters and stories Sonic interacts with, him staying relatively isolated is fine. The Chaotix as support and his own villains work. The problem is after years of this being the case we decided, no, Knuckles is part of Sonic's immediate circle and Shadow's the one off in his own hub. This works great for Shadow but means you have this "why is knuckles here and not talking about a giant green rock every second." vibe every time poor Knuckles shows up.
Shadow already steals a lot of Knuckles's lunch and the best way to avoid that is probably to do what Sega did, which is make Knuckles an everyday part of Sonic's life like Tails. How the movies do it works, with Knuckles as the big brother/protoman type who's in and out the door a lot, you can break the emerald up, you can say Tikal or other echidna students watch it while Knuckles gathers echidna relics around the world, you can do basically anything except what IDW is stuck doing which is having Knuckles not be in the story ever because he has to sit on a rock like an egg on an empty island.
Knuckles's core difference from Sonic is responsibility: he has a job while Sonic is basically superhero backpacking around Europe. That's fine, it makes good drama, but if the job is so restrictive its easier to just not use him it's a problem and one that isn't nearly as difficult to fix as people seem to think.
>>462070 Knuckles having his own cast was really an archie thing really. But in the games, he still had his job but seemed fine to go out to do adventuring or even relax. I think that was pretty apprent until frontiers came along with it's drama. Also, Shadow in the games doesn't realy have his own thing either. Any bad guy he could fight are dead, will be dead, etc
But back to knuckles. It's really a balance, times he should be guarding, but not too much where he barely does anything in IDW. Again would be kinda fun for him to have some cast, but since it's the game knuckles, he can't have that. I wish chronicles didnt get decanonized, cuz it wouldve been cool to see how he would be like today with other echidnas. Maybe in that timeline shade would guard it when he goes away. who knows
>>462071 Shadow is too much of a friendless loser obsessed with his "muh maria" to have a cast, but I think he was talking about how Shadow has his own group he hangs out with, even if it's only at work. Maybe if he stopped playing gone angels and obsessing over muh maria for two minutes and also manage to not be an asshole he could have a friend.
>>462071 Knuckles having his own crew and location and stories was a part of Archie, Fleetway, and the games with the attempted Knuckles based spin offs. That only really changed around the Adventure era.
Pretty much every time Knuckles showed up in game for a while you had this contingent of fans losing their mind because where's the emerald, why isn't he guarding the emerald, where's the explanation about the emerald. 06 introduces the guy going for a walk and people lost their shit.
Like that gag in Sonic Boom about people being upset Knuckles wasn't spending enough time contemplating rocks didn't come from thin air! It was a big deal to people and that's why Frontiers tried to address it.
Shadow not having his own hub in the games is entirely on Sonic Team spending years of effort and several games developing GUN as supporting characters that are extremely well suited to show how Shadow and Sonic do the hero thing differently and then deciding no he'll just be year one vegita forever which has worked out so well for them the next time we see the guy we're reliving his spin-off. Likewise if you make an immortal alien army and decide they're just in one spaceship and all dead because the game only did okay that's on you.
>>462072 Yeah thats the funny thing about Shadow. They so obviously wanted to give his own sub franchise and such. But the guy doesnt like having any friends or characters that would continually want to hang out with him. Even Omega and Rouge who only do business with him dont stay long cuz he's so off putting and would rather hang out with each other and he is always so lethal that any potential bad guy gets offed by him. So Shadow ultimately (heh) can't have much due to how the guy is.
>>462073 I kinda get that but frontiers and how it did it bugs me. It's just a mess all around.
And oh yeah, I did fail to mention STC. I liked him doing stuff without sonic. Espically that one story with him with Tails. Seriously, those two actually need more stuff together. Hoping the movies give me that at least with them being brothers.
>>462073 From my understand, he doesn't work with GUN 24/7 in the games. Like he did like that time in 06 if interests are alligned, but would do his own thing otherwise. Plus, as of now, GUN was stomped out by Eggman so they're gonna use that to not use them for a long long while. Restortation is the new organization now.
>Likewise if you make an immortal alien army and decide they're just in one spaceship and all dead because the game only did okay that's on you. I mean they had to be stopped so they couldnt be that reoccuring and would the risk of real tired retread when shadow doesnt give a shit on what they think or want him to do. Honestly same way with Mephiles since his tricks would not work anymore.
>>462075 I feel like the Black Arms would be the easiest to re-introduce and the post-boot comics did it pretty well. As aliens you can pretty easily put them into games as generic mooks as easy as you put wisps in as power ups, they can just be a general background threat that appears sometimes or can do their own thing. Like in Sonic Colors we never see anybody else at the amusement park, and having the Black Arms appear as one-off antagonists for a level since they decided to vacation there would be funny and fit the tone they were going for in that game. Although I do think they need a bit of a visual redesign, they feel too un-sonicy-y and could do with being more toon-like.
>>462076 >Although I do think they need a bit of a visual redesign, they feel too un-sonicy-y and could do with being more toon-like. That is where I have to disgree. I can understand if people dont like their writing and honestly black doom is bland and generic. But HOW they look is something I actually liked
They're literally aliens. So of course they would look strange and different compared to the mobians and humans. That's the entire point. If anything is to look out of place in Sonic, it should be aliens, and beings like Mephiles and Iblis, etc.
>>462076 Let's combine the Zeti with the Black Arms, they are the other end of the spectrum in terms of looks and we might get something that's just right in the middle, or an unholy abomination lmao
>>462078 I've always wondered if the Deadly Six encountered any black arms during the invasion. Also Its really crazy how long the D6 have existed but still know barely anything about their race, and home. Wouldn't necessary make them the best characters but people are curious.
>>462080 >Knuckles forma de Negro Instead of going super, Knuckles goes black. I guess Surge and Kit are going to get their own knuckles, Negro the Tasmanian devil.
I found this pic on DA and then I saw the description
>I did it! One of the youngest people ever to get a kidney AUTO transplant! A very rare surgery for a very rare disease. I was the only young teenager in the entire transplant ward. Performing surgery on me was a dangerous task because I needed blood transfusions and am very small. But I still remember waking up from the procedure and thinking: "dang bro, what just happened?" seeing the scar and being shocked at how big the cut is Anyways I have a new DTIYS for you guys if you'd like to participate! No pressure but I will be making an art comp with the drawings of whoever decides to participate in the DTIYS ^_^ You can remake my drawing above in your style if you'd like! :) All entrants will be supporting the cause to spread awareness for rare conditions like mine.
Can't and wont make fun of this. Glad they made it.
>>462083 The funniest thing on planet earth is Penders thinking Max was right.
Tim Curry king of the squirrels was cool, but his being used as a drama hammer was poorly done every time because Archie was not knowing what nuance and ethhical dilemmas meant way before it became cool. I think Max/Nigel has a place in a freedom fighters focused Sonic narrative but by and large what he did was trap Sally in an abyss she only really got out of in Flynn's run.
The Prowers were much better "shiitty parents using their kid for political gain" than Max ever was.
>In other news my Giga Motobug post has more faves than any page of my comic! haa...:( (Sad) I won't lie I felt quite disheartened but then again I consider myself lucky if a page gets more than 15 faves and comments? hoo boy....But issue 8 was especially unlucky in this regard. It doesn't help that DeviantArt keeps showing me other more popular Sonic Fan comics much to my chagrin, I know my comic is very far from the best and that I shouldn't compare myself. I am grateful that others do enjoy my comic but sometimes the intrusive thoughts win, It's been almost 2 years since I first started this comic and I don't think I’ve had any critique or feedback to go off on either. >Sorry I woke up with a really bad headache and I've been feeling awful all day. >Anyway I doubt anyone cares but I'll be uploading a Silver comic, some 4-komas with Sonics friends and foes and general Sonic x oc suff on Pixiv over the next few months since I just don't feel like working on Sonic Frenzy right now.
>>462110 I made a comment and linked them to the Unofficial website's page for the comic. Not sure what they think of 4chan but anything that lets them know that there people reading their comic is better than nothing.
>>462111 >Not sure what they think of 4chan lol. She is definitely familar with the site. I saw their art in the generals pixel world long ago. art of sonic fucking human women. they're a based degen yume. So no doubt they know to some degree theyre comic being done. But what you're doing is still sweet though.
Knuckles and the Chaotix Issue 1 Cover [Webiste URL later]
It’s a day in the life of Knuckles, Angel Island’s guardian! This floating land mass is home to several communities as well as various troublemakers that live on it. A routine patrol turns into a series of conflicts that leads Rad Red from one place to another! If you thought life on Mobius was perilous, wait until you see what happens up here!
>>462117 Nice! That armadillo is mighty smug. Hope you’re up to juggling and writing for the larger Chaotix group but I have faith. Excited to see this knuckles and his life
It'll be obvious when the page is finished but Knuckles is getting shocked. Which should be a shock itself. >>462118 I like the Chaotix doing their own thing separately but crossing paths often. And of course everyone teaming up for the big stuff. >>462119 Underground music is his religion.
>>462111 I actually sent them a note too. They're very nice to talk to! >>462117 It's finally here! Nice to see a twist on the reboot designs for Mighty and Ray. Actually, Ray's looking surprisingly suave. I'll be patiently waiting for the special issue where Remington and I get married and Komi-Ko's put on trial for crimes against Mobian-kind I kid, I kid! >>462121 Wew! >>462122 Mode 7 graphics are lame, blast processing 4lyfe! Seriously though, soldering a bunch of enhancement chips to cartridges is expensive and redundant. Also, the Genesis had better soundtracks despite having a weaker audio chip
>>462112 Lanolin was unfortunate enough to be in what we call "The Cyclops Spot" where a serious leader type who should know better has to be an asshole and, worse, a stupid asshole to push the emotional narrative of their more popular colleagues and let the plot progress.
In this case, Mimic needed cover and we needed to feel bad for Whisper (poor whisper.) so we have the cautious, pragmatic Lanolin ignore the person who knows shapeshifters best to blindly support the suspicious new recruit.
A better written suspense story wouldn't have thrown Lanolin under the bus like that but the big difference between her and Sally, despite occupying similar roles in the narrative is we see Sally's positive side right away. Satam was very careful not to make her too much of a nag and to show how hard she works to help Sonic even if they argue. Lanolin has not had this care put into her role and thus the reaction.
>>462128 You need to take a reader's point of view into account. For a lot of readers it's not about what actually happens it's about who you like. 'Lanolin sees her least stable friend and known crackpot Silver harassing a new guy." is very much what happens from Lanolin's perspective but we know she's wrong so she's stupid. Whisper is clearly in pain from not being believed and her communication issues are simply another source of moe so Lalonlin's an asshole. She's a stupid asshole who made titswolf sad.
There's a reason this is called 'juvenile drama' and that I used x-men which is fucking infamous for using this method to put characters like Wolverine up, because the writers understand who the audience they want is going to root for and how to make them look the most valuable thing of all, misunderstood.
A lot of this would've been avoided if Lanolin's softer side was developed before she was in a position of authority because you have something to fall back on. Again, look at Hurst's Sally, who could be a real ball buster towards the coolest guy in the show. But because her affection for Sonic, her earnest desire to do right by her people, even her hobbies all contribute a sort of likeability buffer that lets her get away with being a hardass. The less of this buffer she has under other writers, the less likeable she is, and the less effective she is as a co-protagonist.
Sonic The Fighters 2: Real Bout dream list >Everyone from the Original Game >Classic: Battle Lord, Speedy, Mighty, Mecha Sonic >3D: Rouge, Shadow, Omega, Blaze, Big Silver, Vector w/Charmy >Archie: M, Conquering Storm, Finitevus, T-Bolt, Scourge, Bunnie, 'Twan >Fleetway: Shortfuse, Vermin >IDW: Tangle, Whisper, Surge >X: El Grand Gordo >Boom: Sticks