Pastebin: Password: zCXhuqLwAv Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: Unofficial Ride Website:
New thread but just a short comic to start things off. I’ve been meaning to post this weird comic for a while. Another gender bending transformation comic but it’s not NSFW. Still, the art’s good and it’s interesting to see. This is Emerald Chaos!
>>453678 And that's it. There seems to be a handful of pages left but they're paywalled and it takes a while for the artist to make these freely available for everyone to see.
As for the Archie thread on /co/, it'll be helpful if we get it to bump limit before 5pm EST, that way it'll get a couple hours to archive. I like how the slower threads allow us to better control how long it's on there. I guess you could say this is kinda a follow up to last thread's conversation, but also fitting of today's comic.
>>453667 Egg Dimension Comic Pg 28 >a version of tails is working with Eggman It's not going to get better, isn't it?
Sonic and the Freedom Fighter Issue 4 Page 15
So much stuff on one page! Enter Ruby Brutus! To explain the design choice, Brutus learned from his defeat at the energy blade of Sally and covered that mouth of his. Speaking of energy blade, looks like he copied the princess. Then there’s the color change. Very fashionable! And last but not least, the Phantom Ruby belt buckle. Also fasionable! And now we know what Eggman has wanted the entire time he was on Little Planet. Thanks to the Phantom Ruby, the Death Egg has become a reality! And the other crazy thing is what happened to Eggman. Mirroring what he had Brutus do to himself a couple issues ago, the good doctor loses his hand. Not sure if he can reattach his like Brutus could. In the SatAM cartoon and Archie comics, Robotnik (not Eggman) had a robotic arm. I didn’t want to go that far. But why have this happen to Eggman? Because everyone deserves to suffer. Even the villains. At least that wound is cauterized!
>>453670 This is an outrage! >>453672 That is a cute outfit. If Tails didn't grow breasts I totally would >>453674 Another boy Amy for the collection! >>453678 Human Eggmam looks pretty cute >>453679 Oh boy, more to look forward to!
>>453691 That's our Sonic! >>453699 Bravo Ian! >>453707 I really fucking hate this comic >>453708 Brutus is channeling some Shredder vibes with that mask, also loved the callback to the arm chop >>453710 It's quite the conundrum for our special friend. Does he shit up our threads and make them archive for us, or does help keep them alive for as long as possible to try and kill our next one? He's helpingu s either way! >>453715 >I still can't get over Shadow's pants. The whole outfit feels awkward on him >>453716 Oh the things I'd do to this twink!
>>453717 >It's quite the conundrum for our special friend. Does he shit up our threads and make them archive for us, or does help keep them alive for as long as possible to try and kill our next one? He's helpingu s either way! I'm also more than fine with /sthg/ getting linked to our thread. I was expecting more people getting in there but maybe later.
>>453718 Yeah, I'm guessing many of them would like a chill place to talk about Sonic >>453720 Oh man, I hope they lean into the edge for this one. Imagine the two of them battling it out to some Linkin Park track!
>>453725 Looks like it released too early, they're still ironing out some bugs >>453726 Huh, that's an interesting way to do it. And here I am struggling to cut things back to one issue per game! The idea of a Knuckles-centric Sonic Adventure adaption sounds awesome though!
>>453728 >Huh, that's an interesting way to do it. And here I am struggling to cut things back to one issue per game! The idea of a Knuckles-centric Sonic Adventure adaption sounds awesome though! Poor Knuckles. A whole thing about the history of his people and Sonic takes care of it all. >>453729 >Hope you're prepared for the hassle of that. I'm cutting a lot of stuff. It might even be three issues. Plenty of time to figure it all out.
>>453730 >LMAO There's just something genuinely sickening about it, especially since Boom's the comfiest continuity >>453731 I'm starting to regret joking about keeping twinks in my basement >>453732 >Poor Knuckles. A whole thing about the history of his people and Sonic takes care of it all. Yeah, easily the worst part of the plot. That and we ultimately only find out about his People's past, but not his own. Did he have parents or has he been around since Tikal's time? How can he speak modern English/Mobian/Japanese? Did he or his parents interact with Gerald? Of course Frontiers raises further questions since the Chaos Emeralds were created by aliens but the Master Emerald was always on Earth/Mobius, despite its entire purpose being a failsafe for when someone abuses the emeralds. >Since I'll be working on finally finishing "The G.U.N. Project" ('cause I'm a stubborn fool), I wanted to let new followers know that you can find parts 1-3 of my fan comic the public art archive too!
>>453764 >>453764 I dont get him. Yes, the comic has flaws and reasons to dislike it. But as its found out, started shitposting to the extreme on threads over it, and even still ocasionally checks threads he hates on the current ride. Like what causes someone to do that man. just ignore it
>>453766 He's been shitting up the Unofficial Ride for almost two years. He's a janny that works with ABIB to screw over our threads. Now that I know who the mod is, I know that ABIB was the one that autosaged all the Sonic threads one night.
>>453767 Those two need to meet up IRL to hook up immediately. They desperately need something more worthwhile in their lives than constantly harrassing people for liking a cartoon hedgehog.
>>453767 >I know that ABIB was the one that autosaged all the Sonic threads one night. Yeah, that was definitely him. Hilarious to think a dude in his 40s was so salty over the Sonic movies. I'd say I can't believe he wasn't fired for that, but it's pretty obvious rapeape likes his site to be a shithole. I can't wait to be done with that place >>453768 I did have chatGPT write some fanfiction about them here: >>452863 >>453769 I've been banned a few times for linking to this post where IDWkun outs himself as a janny:
>>453771 >Yeah, that was definitely him. Hilarious to think a dude in his 40s was so salty over the Sonic movies. I'd say I can't believe he wasn't fired for that, but it's pretty obvious rapeape likes his site to be a shithole. I can't wait to be done with that place Even worse when you realize that the board is still suffering from Digital Circus spam and yet threads complaining about it are deleted. And the threads for the Spider-Man 2 game are unsurprisingly bad and numerous as well.
>>453773 >and the threads for the Spider-Man 2 game are unsurprisingly bad and numerous as well. Can you really blame people for hating miles tho? He is pretty shit yet pushed and from I've seen the story is kinda mid.
>>453772 Yeah, I wouldn't directly accuse him of being a janny unless you want banned. Technically jannies can only delete your posts, but they can also request bans from mods and he has ABIB for that >>453773 Classic rules for thee but not for me. I do find it interesting they're so quick to delete those posts but seem fine leaving up threads with lewd art of clearly underage females. Makes you think! >>453775 And yet we're the ones that get in trouble for talking about comics (and occasionally cartoons) on a comics and cartoons board!
>>453777 When the Spider-Man Miles Morales game came out, /co/ had several threads complaining about Miles everyday. If anons hate Miles so much, maybe not make and post in all the threads about him? Imagine a dozen IDW Sonic threads.
>>453782 The way things are now is fine. We have a constant thread here that we don't have to worry about dying or getting stuff deleted for no reason. And the Archie threads can last a while and sometimes even right up until it's time for a new thread.
>>453779 >Imagine a dozen IDW Sonic threads. I'd rather not! >>453781 We've put in a massive amount of work over the last two years trying to make a fun place for anons to enjoy Sonic comics and the mods and jannies have been nothing but hostile. I'll stick around for he Archie threads, but I'm out once we have our own board here. I might still do the occasional storytime over there, but only to attract more people over here >>453791 When you think about it, our special friend's put in all this effort only for us to go back to business as usual. Also, he has to read every single Archie issue if he's to properly shit up the threads!
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note Because of the differences in the setting and the origin of humans, Sonic Adventure 2’s plot will be changed. That shouldn’t come as a surprise but this is more about Gerald Robotnik and his intentions. His journal will be detailed over the many weeks. From tragedy to tragedy, his quest to cure Maria will come to an unexpected end. Can’t reveal too much. There’s one big reveal that I would like to save for the comic.
>>453795 I think we all know what the best outfit is! >>453797 Oh my! Would appreciate it if you'd name the artists. I'm pretty lazy so I just make sure they're in the filenames >>453800 I'd forgotten about that one. Another fine addition to my RSS feed collection! >>453801 Oh man, Gerald's one of the most interesting and tragic characters in the entire franchise. He's canonically the smartest character by a huge margin, but was still betrayed by GUN. Personally, I'm planning on having him go on archeology adventures with Bernie and Jules, who will be dressed like Lara Croft and Indiana Jones (or they will be once I can work out how to turn hedgehog spikes into a braid). Technically it's an origin story for Knuckles' hat!
>>453802 >Oh man, Gerald's one of the most interesting and tragic characters in the entire franchise. He's canonically the smartest character by a huge margin, but was still betrayed by GUN. I'm wondering how much more tragic I should make it. I'll send you the notes I have for now but I plan on adding more and changing things.
>>453803 Huh. That's a good way to avoid superpowered infants >>453805 I'll answer over there (those are some pretty big spoilers) but that all sounds really cool! And of course, it's tradition for me to mention Grifone in spoiler tags
>>453771 >I'd say I can't believe he wasn't fired for that, but it's pretty obvious rapeape likes his site to be a shithole. Hateful engagement is still engagement. The type of assholes that have shat up even the blue boards to this degree are also the types to fall for the weird advertisements 4chan manages to get.
>>453773 I fucking hate that any and all talk about indie animation has been completely fucking ruined on /co/. Digital Circus is fun! And so is most every other indie show up on YouTube, but even though it's currently flooding the board you can't actually talk about it in earnest, because people only care about shitposting and "sticking it" to the usual boogeymen (Vivziepop, Lackadaisy, etc.).
It's the exact same kind of non-commital, irony-poisoned discussion you see on Twitter, minus the added bonus of directly tormenting whatever poor bastard is the target of people's obsession. Say what you will about Tumblr, but they got the best Twitter refugees, 4chan got stuck with the dogshit.
>>453807 >the weird advertisements 4chan manages to get I shudder to think. I haven't used a computer without adblock for a decade and I get genuinely startled whenever I have to use a computer without it
>indie animation I totally agree about so many on 4/co/ being irony-poisoned sad sacks. My guess is they hate indie animation (and comics) because they show that with enough work anyone could make something that people want to watch, even if the audience isn't huge. Still, we all know it's way cooler to sit on the sidelines and shitpost. Imagine if word got out an anonymous poster on an imageboard actually liked something, the horror! The people flooding the board generally do it to poison the well so whenever someone tries to have a proper discussion, they can just complain about it being another shitpost thread. The mods allow it and delete the complaint threads because they're just ascended shitposters and schizos themselves. Absolute crab-bucket mentality
>Digital Circus I've not seen it yet but I'll have to give it a watch.
>Vivziepop, Lackadaisy I actually liked Helluva Boss and her Zoophobia comic, but have been putting off Lackadaisy until it finishes since the updates are slow
>Say what you will about Tumblr, but they got the best Twitter refugees, 4chan got stuck with the dogshit. And InkBunny got all of the degenerates! Seriously though, I can see why so many are sick of Twitter. It's pretty much geared for delivering "witty" one-liners without ever having to actually converse with someone. Personally, I only have an account to archive artwork and I won't even need that once the head twit starts charging for access and all the artists leave
Since people were asking, here's the link to the two megas I use for the comics, artist archives, and Archie. They're in base64, but you can convert them at
>>453782 i just mostly stay away from /co/ outside of the archie threads. i don't go to /v/ or /vg/ either cause there's nothing there for me except twitter garbage. there's some other fringes that're untouched but video games aren't one of them unfortunately >>453808 >Personally, I only have an account to archive artwork i have one but i don't use it at all.
>>453811 Oh my, those grippers are so sharp! >>453813 So stylish! >>453814 Yeah, the Sally and Tails-centric issues tend to get much more engagement >>453815 I mostly just hang around our threads, the Tamers threads and the webcomics general on /lgbt/
Image:169806934355.png(311kB, 3038x1516)if won't enable search, then I'll build my own search, with blackjack and hookers!.png
Original Ride update: I've got the 4/co/ archive successfully exported and have started looking through the threads and they're there! Next is to narrow things down to just those threads. I'll look into 4/v/ after that's finished processing, which was the absolute original Ride. We're getting there! Here's the link to the first ever Ride thread on 4/co/:
>>453777 >Well, it is a game based on a comic so it gets to be in there I have seen Horrorfag use this exact same argument to justify having dozens of capeshit threads but treat a single ontopic thread for unfiction as being a threat to the board. It is retarded and just an excuse for the mods to get rid of shit they don't like.
>>453823 The original Ride on /v/ is where /sthg/ originated, back when the mods weren't garbage and ABIB was never amongst their number. Make of that what you will.
Funny to see even on the first ride thread, the old conductor comments on things. That one anon in our threads seething at our sexy conductor for commenting would seethe too at it.
>>453823 It's been on and off, and by different conductors, but yeah. The original 4/v/ ride is actually older, but it'll be another day before my database processes the files (I keep breaking things because I am not good at databases ;_;) >>453824 Because pumpkins don't wear shoes! >>453826 Thanks! >>453827 >just an excuse for the mods to get rid of shit they don't like Pretty sure that's why they signed up in the first place. Sad!
>>453829 >it's 2013 and there's a Sonic storytime on 4/co/ >conductor's making comments and interacting with anons >comments are welcome during the storytime >anons are mostly well behaved, and some are filling others in on obscure Sonic lore >later on OC art and memes are made >people involved in the comics drop in to say hi And yet our threads are the ones being harassed. Frankly it's our board and always has been
>>453821 I've found all of the threads for that ride, there's around 112. Here's the last few: | Sonic the Marathon: Selectively Secret Freedom Rings | Sonic the Epilogue | This Bud's For You, Marathon OP | Sonic the Marathon: Fanart's awesome
>>453833 And yet, them not being happy makes me happy!
>>453835 Not from that site, but if they've ever been uploaded to 4chan anytime after 2015 I'll be able to find them using their image hash. There's also a heap of images that go with the archive dumps I'm using, but they're hundreds of GB so it'll take a while if I use those.
>>453837 Thinking about it, you know what I dont understand? Why do Dark gaia monsters look completely different than it? It's really jarring and kinda shit design.
>>453838 They look a bit like the incomplete Dark Gaia in that they're all dark and wispy with glowing parts. They look nothing like Perfect Dark Gaia though. I don't see it mentioned often, but the four (non Eggman mech) bosses have different elements: >Dark Gaia Phoenix - Fire >Dark Moray - Ice >Dark Guardian - Lightning >Dark Gaia - Earth (lol)
>>453832 4chan has always been a Sknic website. The only reason ABIB and Pixy haven't been beaten to death by randos finding where they live is because everyone mostly doesn't care about them trying to piss away the ocean.
Note that they never dare to fuck with the Tamers threads at any point.
>>453832 Commenting on everything is fun and replying to others helps get them more into the threads and build that sense of community. The other conductors have done stuff. The second Archie Conductor last Ride commented and had a lot of music tracks. The Fleetway Conductor gave info for who worked on the stories and various other trivia. Even the Mega Man Conductor who had their own threads while the Archie Ride was going had fun with the Super Genesis Wave and used it to transition to other Mega Man comics. I personally find storytime threads better when the OP interacts more and not just posts pages in silence.
>>453843 >The Fleetway Conductor gave info for who worked on the stories and various other trivia That was actually someone else who did that. I’m easily the lamest conductor :( , I couldn’t comment much like everyone else. I don’t know how you can do it.
>>453846 It’s fine. Reading the STC Credits anons posts in the threads was cool. I know my ride in particular has a bit of a reputation for being quite rowdy and toxic, and admittedly, it was sometimes but I tried not to say anything. Even then, it was really fun to read posts from the riders.
>>453847 The important thing is that you posted those comics for everyone to read either again or for the first time. It's not like all Sonic threads are devoid of weird shit. Not even counting the schizo, we've had some weird discussions like with Mina and Ash. The highlight of the STC threads were the ideas of mixing Fleetway with Archie.
>>453848 You’re right. It’s a good feeling to have people read something like STC >The highlight of the STC threads were the ideas of mixing Fleetway with Archie. That was fun, although again, some readers got real cranky at Okida doing that, especially with Sally being a FF. They even accused him of being American when he was a Brit! Crazy times
Creative Abandoned: Why Sonic Has So Many Bad Games (The Jimquisition) >didn't like sonic unleashed, hated sonic colors, hated sonic frontiers >liked sonic lost world >really liked sonic superstars but hated the bosses >we couldn't even get a sonic mania 2 >sonic games are bad because they keep trying to reinvent themselves instead of building off of what worked >basically the series needs more sequels >mario has been doing it better for decades >mario wonder takes what has worked before added crazy mechanics to it and are just better at designing games >no matter what sonic game you liked, you would admit that a sequel instead of something completely different would be better >the best thing sega can do is make a sequel to frontiers because it's commercially and critically successful and its issues can be fixed and things that people liked can be added to I don't care for Sterling's videos as much as I used to because her videos had too much filler and were repetitious so I got less out of watching them but this one is relevant and I do agree that Sonic Team needs to stop ripping off a different Nintendo game ever 5 years. >>453849 People were pretty open to Lanolin when they thought she was going to be like Sally. Things only soured with the latest story. >>453850 The Okida hate was disappointing but funny in hindsight. Glad his comic got a fair reception during the Unofficial Ride. And I'll have to post this even though the artist later apologized for it.
>>453852 well i have seen a lot of hate of her being like sally but with that latest story, seems it soured because she dared from her perspective, interpret the others actions as crazy
>>453852 Sterling is right on the issue of cribbing from Nintendo, but literally all the common fodder (and SoJ) are going to do is look at the title then mindlessly slam all Sonic games/media, which is the exact shit that happened with 06 and was what got Sonic's friends perma-benched until Final Horizon. You cannot expect your average person in this day and age to be reasonably objective, so all this will do is help start a new cycle of retardation.
Tails Wachowski is a menace who bites people.
>>453861 The Sonic fanbase is weird but it'll eat up almost anything despite their complaints. All Sega has to do is put out good games and stop abandoning what works and pretending it doesn't exist. Sega reacts to negativity and not positivity. So they'll try to fix a problem, go too far, and then ditch the stuff people liked.
>Sonic fans: WHY IS EVERYONE SO MEAN TO SONIC?! >meanwhile sonic team consistently shits out mid to shit games for over a decade Hmm I wonder why.. but seriously, i can’t believe sonic fans will say that and completely ignore all the valid reasons why a reasonable person would hate sonic
Isakai Cover and Page 1 I'm currently not in the mood to hold on to new comics so I'll post new stuff now and over time do them again on the new board.
>>453866 That still seems like an irrational reason to hate Sonic. I mean I get bad games are bad and all, but to point to them as a reason to hate the franchise or a character specifically seems kinda dumb. Pokemon games have been trash lately but I don’t hate Pikachu for it.
>>453875 Pokemon is way bigger than Sonic so it can get away with a lot of shit but going back to just Sonic, imo, it's not irrational to dislike Sonic when the output has been consistently shit with so many duds over the years So I think the public had a good enough reason to make fun of Sonic for that shit. But a lot of Sonic fans just can't seem to understand that,
>>453876 Just because it's a bigger franchise it doesn't mean it should be allowed to get away with worse. Sonic games are bad/mediocre on average, but bad Pokemon games are much more hostile to their playerbase.
And yes it's irrational to hate a franchise just because of the games, in part because the Sonic franchise is not just games anymore, but mostly because nobody's forcing you to engage with the series. Nobody's preventing the general public from disliking the games, if anything voicing enjoyment of them is what gets you flak. Contrast that with, again, Pokemon, where criticism of the games nets you mostly negative reception.
>>453841 Yeah, we've been able to get away with a lot in the Tamers threads >>453843 I really do enjoy it when the interaction's there, which is why I add comments to my storytimes. It'll be interesting to see how each of the conductors handled things once the threads are archived >>453844 Awww, your Ride was still fun! It definitely got heated towards the end, but it was still enjoyable >>453845 lmao >>453851 Scourge is back! Kinda! >>453852 >didn't like sonic unleashed, hated sonic colors, hated sonic frontiers Unleashed and Frontiers were good, and Colors was bland ubt inoffensive >liked sonic lost world Madness, although the 3ds version is a lot of fun >really liked sonic superstars but hated the bosses Still haven't played it >we couldn't even get a sonic mania 2 Maybe if they payed the devs what they're worth they wouldn't be busy with their own IP >sonic games are bad because they keep trying to reinvent themselves instead of building off of what worked 100% agree there, even the best games get their mechanics refined in the sequels >mario has been doing it better for decades Mario's been pinching Sega's best devs since Unleashed >mario wonder takes what has worked before added crazy mechanics to it and are just better at designing games Mario's always been about slow iteration, with generally little innovation between games. They're well polished, but it comes at the expense of innovation >no matter what sonic game you liked, you would admit that a sequel instead of something completely different would be better 100% agree >the best thing sega can do is make a sequel to frontiers because it's commercially and critically successful and its issues can be fixed and things that people liked can be added to That's actually what they're doing, and are even beta testing the other playable characters in Frontiers >>453856 Such a cute couple! Also, check out the mix of Humans and Mobians in the crowd! >>453857 Sigh >>453865 >it'll eat up almost anything despite their complaints It's true. If we were more picky Sega probably would've given Sonic Team more resources. Sega-Sammy's loaded with pachinko/ Yakuza(the game and the actual) money. They just pissed away 100's of millions on some Overwatch clone they won't even release
>>453878 Well I wasn't saying Pokemon couldnt be criticized, was just saying because of how big and influential it is. It literally can get away with it because of how rabid its fans can be with any bad thing being called out
>>453872 Couldn't agree more. That's what makes KrazyELF's sfw comics so fun! >>453873 lmao, that guy's stuff's always so much fun! >>453878 Pokémon hasn't ever put out a bug-free game, which is hilarious considering how little innovation they have between games. They don't even keep new features! I haven't played anything after XY since they dropped the twink dress-up simulator
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note For a spoilery reason I will not divulge, I was thinking of not including IDW characters. But I decided to include them anyway.
>>453884 I kind of know what to do with Whisper at least at first. Tangle? I don't know. >>453885 >I can't wait for best boys Rough and Tumble! I suppose I should fit them in somewhere.
>>453886 >I suppose I should fit them in somewhere. Might I suggest a several hundred page doujin for them? Failing that, you could have them being disruptive in some crowd shots >>453887 Dramatic!
>>453882 >They don't even keep new features! Granted, Sonic does that too, but Pokemon is so oddly mean about it. Gen 6 introduced Megas as the culmination of a trainer and mon's bond, then Gen 7 went "megas are horrific abusive transformations that turn pokemon into bloodthirsty monsters, the REAL bond is through Z moves!".
>>453913 >Granted, Sonic does that too, but Pokemon is so oddly mean about it. Yeah, but Sonic at least has the excuse of trying to reinvent itself almost every game. Not that I'm happy with that either! I loved the mega evolutions and their reason for removing them was absolute bullshit. All I want is for a game where I can catch cool Pokémon and beat the game with them without having to have any non-cool ones on the team. That and to have some light Animal Crossing gameplay where you decorate your house and dress-up your character.
Minor website news: We've made it to /co/'s Big List of Sites!
>>453922 That Eggman sure is a genius, those feet are convincingly lifelike!
>>453821 That's the /v/ archive processed, and it only took a day on a high performance workstation. I fucking hate mysql! Anyway, this is (probably) the very first Sonic Ride thread on /v/, all the way back from April 2012. Fun fact: Mods deleted it
>>453939 > On further inspection, you're right. That means there's at least two of these creations out there, lurking in the shadows and biding their time
I know sally does from the threads does get unfairly shit on for her actions, but to be fair, what are some things she does in the comic would you say actually does deserve criticismin your opinion.
>>453946 Expecting Sonic to retire from being a hero and incidently the "slap", though that one can be more blmaed on the writer than the character. To be fair, I can see how, after years of seeing all of her friends's lives at stake, because of mission she often send them to in the first place, she would want to finally hit the pause button and no longer having to deal with that kind of anxiety. But Sonic gotta Sonic.
>>453915 >>453954 Incidentally, info from the author: the diademma transmit Sonic's memories to the robot chronologically, so I assume it's from the earliest to the latest memory, but it's taking a long time to do so.
>>453915 I shouldn't mock, but >check the comments >"This comic ain't for me I guess" >check the account >check favorites >see pic attached AH!
Well, maybe I am being unfair, after all it's valid to not like this story for its kidnapping and potential gaslighting of this poor sweet hedgehog, plus the character assassination. Entirely justified. But I can't help but think that for someone who would do a quick read-through, this is the first time you really can't miss the existence of Sally in this comic and that's when he considers this comic is not for them?
Bah, I am probably badmouthing and they only just discovered this comic today through the suggestions with this page.
Still, would be hilarious if, after all the ways Amy is acting in this story, it's the Clear manifestation of Sally that ended up being the actual turn-off.
>>453956 Someone posted on my comic, asking if it's Sonally and complaining about it. I've seen Sally hate art and people commenting with a paragraph of why they hate Sally. There are so many edits of Sonic and Sally from the Archie comics but Sally is edited and replaced with Amy (or Shadow). I just chock it up to some people hating a ship and not wanting it to exist. A selfish and petty mindset. I've seen the same kind of reception for other ships. Some artists on twix have complained about people leaving comments like "hate this ship but nice art" and the such. Shipping is serious business for some people.
>>453959 Normal shipping is fine. Nothing wrong with liking a couple. It's just when it's taken too far that it's a problem. And I'll also add that Amy gets a lot of shit as well. Sonamy being the most popular straight ship in Sonic gets it and Amy quite a bit of hate as well. Of course that's mostly because of people's other ship for Sonic.
So today's thread is one Sonic issue, Sonic Live, and then the other Sonic issue. But I kind of want to start with Sonic Live for the meme factor. But there's a backup story that's part of a backup story in the issue before it. I could take that backup story out and place it after part one of the story.
>>453962 >Wait do we really have to? We have to do everything. Otherwise I'd let Thirstposter edit out Geoffrey. >>453963 Cursed. That can be posted afterwards.
>>453947 Memes aside, Sally shouldn't be blamed for having an outburst like that. She spent like 1-2 years thinking her partner fucking died, during that period she broke down enough to sacrifice her wishes and resignate herself to the throne, and then out of nowhere Sonic returns, and IMMEDIATELY tries to get back at the same bullshit that "killed" him and doesn't even bother to familiarize himself with Sally's own precarious situation.
>>453956 To be fair Galaxia tags the comic with the sonamy tag. It could be that that person was browsing the tag for more ship content, stumbled across the latest pages and read the comic from there.
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note Knuckles isn’t the strongest but he still has super strength. What he has in addition is a seemingly endless supply of stamina and can take more punishment than anyone else. He’s the kind of person to keep fighting even after he loses consciousness.
>>453970 Knuckles has other stuff to balance out not being the strongest character on the planet. He can still beat everyone else in a straight up brawl, including Bark and Mighty. And he is still evenly matched when fighting Sonic.
Learned enough of these edits funny enough from checking those tumblr psychos using it to seethe again, I didnt care to read the posts lol and think they look really good even if reposted from this dumb ass rally 4 sally guys.
Anyways, gonna post the edits and id like to hear if you think this is how sally would act or accurate in your guys opinion
>>453956 I don't even like Sonamy (outside of Boom) and even I'm not enjoying this plot >>453957 >asking if it's Sonally lmao >>453959 People should just be chill with their ships. I like Sonknux, but that doesn't invalidate all the great Sonally ad Sonamy comics we've covered >>453963 It's like one of those creepy AI pics >>453967 Yeah, the slap would've been fine if they'd talked things through in private later >To be fair Galaxia tags the comic with the sonamy tag. I mean, it is Sonamy, just not consensual Sonamy
>>453969 >a seemingly endless supply of stamina and can take more punishment than anyone else Oh my! >>453971 That makes sense, one of the great things about Archie was that Knuckles wasn't just a guy that was really good at punching >>453972 Sally next to extra rounded forgivenic is just too weird
>>453972 For those parts sure. Lanolin starts off acting kind of like Sally but then she stops acting like Sally. The more she was written, the less she's like Sally specifically but like a girlboss character in general. Also these edits are really well done.
>>453982 Lanolin is just a normal girl that decides to join the Resistance and suddenly starts acting like she has the experience. She doesn't. She doesn't get in Sonic's face. She's not ordering everyone around, just has a small team that doesn't hold a candle to the Freedom Fighters. She doesn't have much of a backstory. She's not royalty and doesn't have an obligation to restore her monarchy, kingdom, and find her family. She's part Sally and the stuff she's missing makes her a diluted copy. She doesn't have ties to everyone. No best gal friendship with Bunnie, no AI best girl relationship with Nicole, no reliable friend Rotor, no weird friendship with Antoine. None of that. She's lacking in so much that Sally had from the very start of Archie.
>>453984 There's more to Sally than her personality and looks. A lot of Sonic characters would benefit from having as much backstory and relationships that she has.
>>453985 Exactly! By the time we reach issue #50 in Archie and Fleetway, we've learned a lot about every one of the character's backstories and past interactions, along with the history of their world. In IDW we have yet to meet a single one of the OC's family members and only Whisper has been given a backstory. What actually motivated Tangle and Lanolin to become heroes? What was their past really like and how do they relate to their family? Do they even have a family? The writers made it pretty clear we're not getting any info on Surge and Kit's past lives. We don't even know what the largest city is, and only just found out the cities from Unleashed exist. Even worse, Spagonia appeares to have been abandoned sonce Sega won't let them show humans!
Idw is strange, like I did give it a chance to stand on it's own so I wouldnt get insults for hating just cuz its not archie. but on its own, its lame and mid. shit like the whole metal virus, the imposters, etc is lame. Like it kinda wants to be a comic with world building and stories around the world stuff but its just the games universe so they literally cant. it's just all lame man.
Minor website update: We've just passed over 900k page views! >>453988 That's the problem with hiring Archie alumni and not properly reigning them in. They want to write a comic with worldbuilding and a rich history like they did before but they're just not allowed. If they had just kept the setting small and focused on short-term plots over long-term ones to begin with things would be much better. It wouldn't be anything like Archie, but it never could be anyway.
Frankly I lay the blame squarely on the editor. It's their job to set the tone and pace of a comic and they've massively shit the bed here
>>453989 Penders has higher highs and (much!) lower lows than IDW, but overall I enjoyed his stuff more
>>453990 It's had some great standalone storylines, but its biggest sin is its blandness and story decompression
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>>453993 >Frankly I lay the blame squarely on the editor. It's their job to set the tone and pace of a comic and they've massively shit the bed here I blame everyone but I blame Sega more just because of what they won't allow for some reason. I think the restrictions just killed Ian and Evan's enthusiasm and they don't know what to do. And then I blame them. I'd blame the editors third unless I knew their background. They might not have known what would end up happening and would assume Ian and Evan could adapt.
Previous was old so here's a more recentish one. unfortunely for thristposter, being an archie echidna means a lot of people wont ever give him the time of day
>>453997 Stuff like that and the actual quality of the comic makes me never want to read it again. That's why I'm more invested in the movies now a days. It can actually do something different than the usual shit we get with the mixing of stuff and unique lore and they're pretty decent to boot
>>453996 Thanks! Yeah, it's depressingly rare to find art of him ;_; >>453997 SoJ's 100% to blame here, but it's an editor's job to manage the talent and that means setting expectations early on with just how much they can do in the comic. SoJ are obviously capricious little shits that change their minds weekly about the canon, but the editor is supposed to keep on top of these things. Evan should never have been put in the position of rewriting that Shadow story or redrawing the cover. >I think the restrictions just killed Ian and Evan's enthusiasm and they don't know what to do. I don't blame them at all for being disheartened. >I'd blame the editors third unless I knew their background. They might not have known what would end up happening and would assume Ian and Evan could adapt. IMO that's the editor's job. They're here to manage continuity, make sure the talent is communicating with each other to meet deadlines, and liaising with the licensor. They might not have known that would end up happening, but it's their job to make sure it never got that far. From what I understand, the editor's a Sonic fan so he should know what Sega are like. >>453998 Yeah, he's unfortunately one of the more obscure Sonic characters
>>454003 That's our Tails! >>454004 On second reading, that may have come off as a bit harsh. I don't hate the editor or anything, but they probably don't have the experience required to deal with a licensor as hostile as Sega is
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>>454004 >Evan should never have been put in the position of rewriting that Shadow story or redrawing the cover. I thought it started off as a story with Shadow, Rouge, and Cream looking for Omega but Sega didn't approve of Shadow working for them so the covers had to be redone and Amy took Shadow's place and Shadow had to meet up with them by coincidence. >IMO that's the editor's job. They're here to manage continuity, make sure the talent is communicating with each other to meet deadlines, and liaising with the licensor. They might not have known that would end up happening, but it's their job to make sure it never got that far. From what I understand, the editor's a Sonic fan so he should know what Sega are like. That is true but I can imagine the nightmare of working with Sega and having an entire story planned out, thinking it's fine, and then finding out you have to make massive changes. I can't imagine a Jim Shooter type being an editor there, having years of work as a writer for the Sonic franchise and knowing what should be done when the Ian and Evan are just spinning their wheels. Maybe as a writer I feel like more blame is on the writer and the editor can only be there to correct stuff unless they're of a high caliber able to spice up bland stories and salvage wasted characters.
>>454006 Shadow is sellout nta but this stuff is kinda weird. Like obvs you cant blame EVERYTHING on le mandates. As the writers are writing it and their job is to make it good. And as you said, stuff like that I think is also due to the burnout. I dont think ian is even the main writer anymore, which is also funny when schizo blame him for shit he didnt even work on.
>>454007 Ian occasionally writes an issue and collaborates with Evan. I don't blame everything on him but I make sure to see who's writing. It is funny when he's not the writer and people in the IDW thread are like IIIIIIIIIIIAN!
>>454008 >It is funny when he's not the writer and people in the IDW thread are like IIIIIIIIIIIAN! Das wat Im saying! Like people are so concentrated on Ian hate they sometimes forget Evan exists. Also, thoughts on her writing for IDW? For me, its meh. I like her art more
>>454009 I think Evan needs a co-writer that's not Ian. She's got it half right but fumbles the execution and details. I want big excitement and an actual story, not throwing everyone at some threat like she did with the Eggperial City thing. Another writer would be like "let's not involve all the other game characters and have Sonic work with the Diamond Cutters all the way through."
>>454006 >I thought it started off as a story with Shadow, Rouge, and Cream looking for Omega but Sega didn't approve of Shadow working for them so the covers had to be redone and Amy took Shadow's place and Shadow had to meet up with them by coincidence. Yeah, that makes sense. I still think they should've had a big list of no-nos from Sega by this point. It was common knowledge that Boom had a heap of mandates on Shadow so a proactive editor would've gotten some notes from Sega before the story was even pitched >I can imagine the nightmare of working with Sega Yeah, there's no way I'd take that position. Frankly if it wasn't for inertia, this comic would only attract the most junior talent >Maybe as a writer I feel like more blame is on the writer and the editor can only be there to correct stuff unless they're of a high caliber able to spice up bland stories and salvage wasted characters. That's fair enough. I don't think the writers are blameless here, if anything they should know more than anyone else just how difficult Sega can be. I also think it's possible to write a fun story no matter what the mandates are. Sega hasn't banned fun yet >>454008 You know, we've never seen Ian and Many Hands at the same time and place. Coincidence, I think not! We're on to you Ian! >>454010 Yeah, their strengths and weaknesses are too similar. They both need someone else to cover their blindspots >Eggperial City What a snooze fest. Every time you think something interesting's about to happen, it just doesn't
>>454016 You also won't remember when Sonic and other got trapped in basically pokeballs but imediately got out the next issue. Like damn, what was the fucking point.
>>454017 That's the only part I do remember! Imagine if he turned his hat backwards and yelled "Eggball go!" Such a strange choice. If Eggman can build a device fast enough to (briefly) capture Sonic, then he can build a device to kill him
I know I complain about 4/co/ a lot but here's some good news: There's a Gargoyles thread doing numbers with so many Demona milkers.
>>454014 > I also think it's possible to write a fun story no matter what the mandates are.
There are mandates banning writers from using certain characters in any way barring what SoJ approves of, Thirstposter. That is not and never will be conductive to writing good stories. Shadow's mandates literally making him incapable of being used as anything but an antagonistic dick, which is fine in Boom because he can be a humorous foil to the main cast, but is dogshit anywhere else. The mandates are so strict that entire CHARACTERS aren't allowed to be used - ones that don't even suffer problems like Archie or Fleetway even. No money or any sort of currency, no emotional growth or character development, no overt worldbuilding or development of a functional setting, etc.
You can't write a good story when your every option is dogged with a million different "HOWEVER"'s. There's a fucking reason Ian and Evan have been phoning it in and doing the bare minimum.
>>453957 I might despise Sonaze, but that's entirely because of its fans and them shitting on other stuff or poisoning the well for earnest discussion of other ships. I'm perfectly fine with comics about it and can appreciate it in a vacuum. I certainly wouldn't go on other people's comics to complain about it.
>>453956 Amy's Family is intentionally tagged by the author with "sonamy" despite said author freely admitting she neither likes the ship nor Amy as a character. It's entirely fair for someone to make their earnest displeasure known if they were roped in thinking it would be something else, especially if they haven't seen any other pages. It's almost intentionally baiting people with a ship that isn't actually represented in it - instead showing Amy at her very worst and almost being on the level of Colour of Chaos in terms of character assassination. Like, there's a fucking reason RoseDuelist is very upfront with people that her stuff with Shade and Sonic isn't ship art because Shade is a gaslighting psycho who wants to mindbreak and rape him, and Sonic does not reciprocate.
The entire thing is so cruel towards that specific ship you'd think it was being done out of actual targeted maliciousness. And if it is, then it doesn't make ANY ship look good in it.
>>454020 I 100% agree about the mandates making the writers' jobs needlessly difficult, but I still think fun stories could be smuggled in if they weren't so burnt out. I seriously hate what they've mandated for Shadow, but there are ways to make it work (or at least work better).
If he has to be antagonistic, let him fight with Sonic, but show Sonic enjoying the tsun banter and show that Shadow cares back by acknowledging Sonic's a worthy opponent. If he can't show emotion or be friends with Rouge and Omega, have him be mysterious, to the point where it's unclear if he is working with anyone. Basically minimize his screentime so that he's teleporting in for the action and "hmph, I have my reasons" before teleporting out when anyone questions him. You could get away with a lot just by showing Omega thinking it's efficient of him and Rouge being fine with it due to knowing he doesn't like to hang around and make conversation during missions.
It'd be extremely difficult to pull off, but it could be done. It's ultimately moot though since Evan and Ian have been burnt too many times
>>454021 Yeah, the people who go and complain about other people's comics not having the "right" ships are the weirdest. It's like they think the mere existence of other ships diminishes their own >I might despise Sonaze, but that's entirely because of its fans I sure hope you're not implying boco has bad takes!
>>454022 It's a fair point that anyone writing a comic like that should be upfront that it's not wholesome, and probably shouldn't be tagging it Sonamy. At least the Colour of Chaos is extremely clear about its themes. I'm stll upset about how Knuckles is depicted, but at least I knew what to expect before reading >Shade is a gaslighting psycho who wants to mindbreak and rape him She truly is best girl, Sonic doesn't deserve her!
>>453981 >The more she was written, the less she's like Sally Honestly, I prefer her to be her own character. I don't want a Sally replacement, I want Sally. Non of that "we have Sally at home" BS. New theory has just dropped it's either that or Sonic's shoes are actually mushrooms
>>454024 In order to keep the universe intact, that fight can never happen. >>454026 I would shamelessly make a Sally expy, not a complete copy but someone that fills the same role as leader and has the same banter with Sonic. No romance but I'd make people feel compelled to ship them.
>>454022 >>454023 Yeah honestly this. I think that sonamy fan is justified in voicing their distaste of the comic. They didn't engage with the comic on purpose, it was deliberately placed in a tag that people look up to 9/10 NOT see weird unhealthy shit, and thus assumed it was a different comic.
Also hot take but Galaxia not liking Amy nor sonamy kinda ruins the comic for me a bit. Hateart is a dime a dozen, give me some earnest yanderekino!
>>454028 Horrifying, and not just because it denies me grippers >>454030 >I would shamelessly make a Sally expy I'd do the exact same thing, and I don't even ship Sonally! >>454031 >spoiler Yeah, I liked it better when I thought it was a Sonamy fan poking a bit of fun at the ship
>>453821 Original Ride update: Decided to share what I've done so far in finding Ride threads. Feel free to leave comments if you find something I've missed
>>454031 >>454032 >Also hot take but Galaxia not liking Amy I don't think she actually hate Amy, but more her characterisation in the early 00's (which is the one she grew up with). her comics seems more as a tackle of that kind of take on Amy rather than Amy herself. Only pushed to the extreme.
>>453969 >>453971 I'm curious as to who would be "the strongest" then, if Knuckles can beat everyone else in a strsight-up brawl but doesn't qualify. I know plenty of people have varying definitions as to what "strongest" entails after all.
I know that in Archie at least, Mighty is considered his rough peer in raw physicals, if not outright stronger barring mystical powerups.
>>454044 Action puzzle game where you have to use and combine your inventions to get past obstacles. Tails would have a moveset similar to SA and Frontiers, and there'd be some plane/mech sections (not just his usual mech, but ones outfitted for different situations). Of course the one we all want is already being made
So I started to look for fan fics to read because i want to get into them, and I randomly stumbled into Queeniedraws fanfics and read the sonic boom one. Gotta say, It's a pretty nice read even when im not too into knuxouge If you guys know any decent sonic fan fics pls share Also topkek at all the
>>454060 Honestly, for all of his flaws, you can at least say that TGT Shadow is a good friend. Dude even got pissed at Knuckles trying to make the moves on Amy when Sonic's corpse was barely cooled - despite not liking the guy at all.
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Note Enerjak was their greatest warrior but Tikal never trusted him. So when the need for someone to be blessed by Chaos arose, Tikal protested. Pachacamac did not heed her warning. Caution was no longer an option. They were at war and on the brink of being wiped out.
I'm running low on note content. I still have other storylines to add so it might just be a bunch of stuff like that after a while. If it gets to a point where it's a stretch to keep it going then I'll just stop.
>>454074 What I normally do is find an artist I want to draw like and look up all the images they drew of that character and and find as many different angles as possible and put it in one image so I will have a quick reference to use no matter the angle.
>>454075 I actually do have a ton of refs on a board for me to look at. It's just I've struggled drawing the guy whole so I tend to give up easily on him. Just gotta power throught I guess to get better.
>>454073 Nice! Hope we get to see his later non-beak design. Probably best to stop when there's not much to mention. Don't want to spoil anything! >>454076 Knuckles is the hardest to draw due to his more complex head shape. I'd recommend downloading a 3d model to get a good look at how it's all connected. There's also some nice turnarounds of him. This one's by Hesse >>454077 Last update was July 1st, but the current art does seem to be related to the comic >>454079 They must defeat the mustard and magenta menace before fashion is ruined forever! >>454080 Seems fine to me. I'm getting full size when I click on the thumbnails, and didn't get any errors when I archived the latest thread
>>454074 I'm gonna be completely honest with you, as an illustrator some Sonic designs are kind of a nightmare to draw. Wouldn't say they're poorly designed but they're definitely on a tightrope.
>>454081 I probably should've posted his modern take. This one's from the Frontiers prologue cartoon I ran it through AI to remove the compression artifacts since jpeg's terrible at reds