Image:172684356028.jpg(823kB, 1920x1080)Sonic Underground - Official Anime Ending 2022『STRAWBERRY』.jpg
Welcome to /sssr/'s very own Sonic Underground thread! This thread is for posting links to Tamers' latest videos and for discussion between the 4chan threads. The occasional NSFW image is allowed provided you tag it as NSFW. Plus4chan supports posting webm & mp4 videos (with sound!), and unicode symbols in text: 🔵🔵👏
Links: >Tamers' YouTube: >Archive of everything Tamers-related >Tamers' current Twitter: >Tamers' Patreon:
What is this? Tamers12345 is an artist with a single burning passion: the revival of the hit TV series Sonic Underground. Empowered by his love of SU and Bardonic (Bartleby x Sonic), Tamers has been working tirelessly for over a decade to raise the popularity of SU and force Sega to continue the show. Tamers' continuation of SU takes the form of animations released fortnightly that follow the cast's ongoing adventures. Tamers' continuation has been described as a mix between Always Sunny (where everyone's an asshole yet still likeable) and The Venture Bros (with its surprisingly deep lore and a running theme of the present not living up to the expectations of the past).
Is Tamers being ironic? No. Tamers has been making videos since 2010, and has hundreds of hand-drawn SU comics dating back to the early 00s.
Are the fans ironic? Also no. While most of us started watching it out of morbid curiosity, we came to love the characters and their struggles. The lore of SU is also surprisingly deep, with some plot points developing slowly over several years.
Okay, but how do I get into it? Just watch a few of his recent longer videos to see if it's something you're into. This playlist is a bit outdated, but has all of the main episodes up until 2021:
Why is everyone talking about My Little Pony? In May 2024, Tamers released Sonic Underground X My Little Pony: Bardonic is Magic, which introduced the SU cast to the world of MLP. Since then, MLP has been spun into its own independent side series that's revitalized the MLP fandom and drawn in a large viewership. SU isn't going anywhere though, as Tamers has stated multiple times that he intends to continue both series.
So who is Tamers really? A small number of people seem to fixate on just who the guy inside the cardboard Bartleby costume is. The answer is he's just a guy that really likes Sonic Underground. Unrelatedly, it is interesting that no one has never seen Tamers and Black Butler mangaka Yana Toboso in the same place at the same time 🤔
>>8933 Same, I need my dysfunctional bickering idiots ;_; Still, it looks like we're getting something special for SU once the season final of MLP comes out Sleengo Sleengo, please domingo!
>>8926 Sonic The Hedgehog & The Extraordinary Yard Sale Adventure! Does anybody know the music track that plays at 9:09 when Bobby Moonbeam enters? It sounds like it might be from Stellaris but I don’t know, I haven’t played it in a long time. I wonder what a Mobian empire would look like in Stellaris?
I’ve noticed Aleena and Manic both share a signature bared teeth expression. It’s super cute to see inherited traits between Aleena and the hedgehoglets
Audio:172733782074.mp3(3.22MB / 0:02:24 / 187kbps, 44.1kHz)20230804 - Sonic The Hedgehog & The Extraordinary Yard Sale Adventure! [Xxd4_0sn-oo]-[09.12.500-11.36.977]-audio [music].mp3
>>9141 It sounds like Stellaris to me, but I wasn't able to work out which track. I tried to remove the voices and sound effects from the audio but wasn't able to get Shazam to id the track >I wonder what a Mobian empire would look like in Stellaris? I'd love to see Bartleby using his money to buy increasingly larger superstructures >>9152 Sonic and Sonia have done it at least once (when they were groping Aleena's butt), but it's mostly a Manic and Aleena thing since they're the more visibly horny of the Hedgehogs. It really is cute though!
>>9159 I went through some tracks, might be Robotics and Beyond from Synthetic Dawn ost? Robotics And Beyond
>I'd love to see Bartleby using his money to buy increasingly larger superstructures Bartlebuns builds a Dyson sphere and makes every electric company on Earth go bankrupt New Tamerskino dropping 5pm, and even better, it's taking place in a bowling alley! 4chan thread (fair warning: it's moderately schizo, due to mariotehplumber-anon): >>9177 I think that's it! >Bartlebuns builds a Dyson sphere and makes every electric company on Earth go bankrupt lmao, you just know it'd be solid gold and fancy af
So there won't be a massive finale as we expected because Tamers thought it was 'a huge mess' when he put it all together. We'll be getting separate episodes that will tie-off the current storylines on their own, he didn't comment if Sonic Underground would continue in October like last time so we'll just have to see.
>>9360 I’m eager for more Sonic Underground, but I respect how dedicated he is to his work. He always goes the extra mile, admirable work ethic (I know he’s white not ethic)
I recently watched Sonia Gets Suspended and it's kinda hard for me to put into words just how much it impacted me. I was a Tamers fan before, but now I legitimately consider him to be among my favourite artists. It's insane to me how profound of an affect this silly MS Paint Sonic cartoon has had on me, and just how attached I've become to these characters.
Also Flora is genuinely one of my favourite characters in fiction. I relate to her in more ways than I'd like to admit.
>>9370 >I relate to her in more ways than I'd like to admit Damn I’m sorry man In any case though I’m glad you’re enjoying his work. That’s a pretty good episode, I’m not usually into school settings but Tamers does it pretty well. I wonder if he’ll do any Disney channel original movies again soon? The High School Musical episode is underrated in my opinion. I guess he’s already technically crossovered with Spy Kids. I think Sonic Underground Camp Rock could be a lot of fun
>>9360 I think separate episodes will work out better. These stories always shine their brightest when there's breathing room to focus on the little slice of life moments and we wouldn't have time to see that unless the runtime was several hours. The amount of juggling that'd be necessary to integrate all the loose ends would probably be an absolute nightmare too. Speaking of loose ends, here's the ones I can think of: >Soarin and Scootaloo becoming alicorns >Brae/BM/Soarin love triangle >Twilight/Trixie/Celestia love/abuse triangle >Luna's resentment of Celestia >Shining/Candace/Chrysalis/BlueBlood love/abuse quadrangle >Celestia manipulating others into destroying Cloudsdale and Manehattan >Rainbowdash/Pinkie >Rarity's debt issues >>9362 Same. I'd rather wait a bit longer for more SU if it means season 1 of mlp gets the ending it deserves >>9370 Yeah, that episode was absolutely visceral, especially the way Flora almost revels in others' hatred and disgust of her. She's such a fascinating character, at once tragic, innocent, and duplicitous. I never know what to make of her >>9373 >I wonder if he’ll do any Disney channel original movies again soon? Oh man, The Luck of the Irish would translate into absolute Tamerskino
>>9381 They're both great, but Southern Dingo is absolutely iconic. TTS Sleet objectively works better than Season 1 Sleet's voice though. He just sounds too much like a generic henchman, which doesn't jell when he's playing the straight (lol) man to Dingo's outlandish behavior
>>9399 I think Sleet’s supposed to be a Russki. I definitely wouldn’t mind him having a cute Slavic accent. I agree though his original voice acting is too exaggerated.
>>9400 Slavic Sleet would be hella cute! Dingo is just so handsome, I'm honestly a little jealous of Sleet >>9417 Now that you mention it, that makes a lot of sense. Dude was so good at playing the villain
>>9421 Now that’s what I’m talking about, Slav Wolf x Texan/Aussie Dingo. For the time being, one more handsome Dingo pic His mohawk and body hair get me hot and bothered
>>9433 You just know Dingo's constantly shaking soda cans so Sleet gets a face-full, and that Sleet secretly likes it and who wouldn't! I'm honestly so jealous of Sleet
>>9438 I really want to see if anything happens between him and Robotnik >>9442 Sleet calls Dingo Dink-face and Dingo calls him "my friend," which is seriously cute >>9443 It's a surprisingly versatile word in the tamersverse
>>9507 Nothing’s quite like Sleet dropping his tough guy act and smiling for Dingo. >It's a surprisingly versatile word in the tamersverse Knux and Mark mean business with their “bitch,” Bartleby’s “bitch” is posh, Dingo’s bitch has a lot of SASS
>>9514 The song playing even says, "you are mine and I know that I am yours" when that pic scrolls into view Sonic Underground Ending - Magic Spell The ED, for those who haven't seen it.
Image:172824243898.png(649kB, 1279x720)Screenshot 2024-10-06 at 12-13-37 My Little Pony The Movie - The Death Of Twilight Sparkle Teaser Trailer - YouTube.png
>>9699 Looks like it's the yuribros' turn this time around, also an October 11th release date. I know Tamers said that he had to split up the episodes because he was displeased with the final product, which makes me wonder if he'll alter the upload schedule to either delay the MLP finale to November to make way for the SU Halloween special or if he'll commit to finishing MLP first and delaying the SU project. Maybe he'll do a double feature in the span of two weeks? At the end of the day it's his show and he can schedule it however he wants, it's not like I'm a mind reader or anything.
Tried posting this on /co/ but discussion has been dead on their since the MLP videos started gettin posted, so I'm dropping it here. Something I've noticed since Mindy House Sits for Bartleby and Loses Everything is how Flora is much more comfortable with using magic. Teleporting away after her fight with Mindy, incrementally mind-controlling Sonia, and possibly manipulating time itself if the theory about her interfering in Sonic and Knuckles' fight with the Russian kid is true. All of this spawned from her coming to the realization that she doesn't have to force herself to connect with people who clearly want nothing to do with her and in-turn doesn't feel the need to continue pleasing them. A chain that tethered her to the earth has been broken, but there are some that remain. Her faith in God and the Church is a strong one, when Sonia asked her if she could raise the dead she immediately refused citing it was 'witchcraft' (this is despite her crush on Sonia becoming more apparent). Not only that but during her squabble with Mindy she said she wouldn't live with them because she didn't want the church to discover her association with two Godless whores. What happens when that chain breaks? What happens when the church finds out about her partaking in magic? What if they find out about her feelings for Sonia?
>>9708 Now that you mention it, I think Flora’s cognitive dissonance has been getting more severe. I wonder if it’s a case of standard hypocrisy. Definitely possible, but there’s probably more to it than that. It could she delved into religion out of guilt for her magic powers or homosexuality, or both. I’ve seen it in real life time and time again, people that suddenly convert and fixate that hard on it are usually compensating for something.
>>9709 The sad part for me is that I believe that you can be a good Christian even if you don't go to church. "The church" is within yourself so long as your love for God is eternal. I remember my Security Guard instructor was a devout Christian and told me that he doesn't go to church since he realized it was a scam and unnecessary when your belief in God and repentance for your sins comes through prayer and following his word. I hope Flora realizes that, I don't want her to lose her faith in God but she needs to recognize that various institutions, especially the Catholic Church, utilize his teachings for their own personal gain. >t. agnostic
>>9708 From these character tropes and the obsession with homoeroticism, it's clear to me that Tamers12345 was likely raised religious (Protestant), later weakened in his beliefs, and embraced his homosexuality through fictosexuality.
>>9708 >What happens when that chain breaks? What happens when the church finds out about her partaking in magic? What if they find out about her feelings for Sonia? If they excommunicate her then she'd fucking lose it. If anything I'll bet that she'll convince herself that they're the one who've turned their backs on God and only use his word for their own ends. I expect her to pull a Martin Luther and make her own off-shoot church where she can interpret The Bible in a way to suit her own ends as well. I doubt she can cope in any other way.
>>9763 Thinking on it, that’s what so many of Flora’s issues come down to. She’s desperate for validation from others. Arguably to the point of harassment, like when she showed up to the Hedgehog’s birthday uninvited.
Another interesting point, it all could very well be intentional self sabotage on Flora’s part. Like when she joined cheerleading and didn’t practice, didn’t wear the uniform, and didn’t put any effort into the performance.
>>9765 It's really sad how accurate Tamers has nailed the depiction of autism, but I appreciate his earnestness. I'm closer to Flora on the spectrum barring a couple of behaviors since we grew up differently, but I share her situation of being diagnosed in her late teens and how I was not able to get the proper support until I was too far in. She's the only piece of autism represention that feels actually genuine to me.
Guys I think I just figured out what the SU Halloween Special is going to be, and it's been in front of our faces the whole time. Sonic Manic and Sonia celebrate their birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's and things go VERY wrong... >Ms. Prettybottom makes her first appearance since the Sonic Underground Halloween special back in 2015. Sonia finds the key she locked the ball-in-chain with next to her, stating that it was initially in the closet. Sonic Underground - Mindy House Sits For Bartleby And Loses Everything (Dedicated to Akira Toriyama) >Sonia recounts a recent experience where she woke up and found herself and her bed floating upside down, Mindy suggests that she should 'call an exorcist'. It's also implied there was more to this story while we were watching Bartleby fight off aliens and stealing their UFO. That fucking doll is coming back for revenge after nine years in the shadows. God help them, God help them all.
>>9772 Correction: Ms. Prettybottom has made her first appearance since the 2017 Halloween Special, I'm just rewatching it. In response to this egregious error, I've prescribed myself fifty lashes in order to please Tamers12345 for this lapse in knowledge. >>9774 This was my first guess too, I hope she finally gets her time to shine and complete her brainwashing of Sonia. Also the choice in music is great, I need to play more of the Ace Combat games.
10 on fucking 10. This movie was the best piece of content the MLP fandom has been graced with in years. And there's one more episode too, fuck me man this shit brings me back to the glory days of 2011-2012. God bless Tamers12345, may he be protected for all eternity.
>>9373 Something I noticed our shopping. The Mean Girls promo on the zero sugar Cranberry juice is honestly really cool. And it made me think “man, Sonic Underground Mean Girls would be bitchin beyond all belief.”
>>10029 Yeah it's people blatantly lying that Tamers has abandoned SU, which is bullshit since we know he's stated the series will return this month. He's a Sonic Underground Warrior first and foremost and will put it over the views and money he's accrued from his MLP vids. With that being said, I'm happy for him. It's crazy that he's got 35k subs now and it shows that people do love his MLP stuff. I predict he'll take a break from it to focus on SU but will eventually return to the pony show after a while, which I'm fine with since I get to constantly relive my MLP autism of years gone by but goddammit he should've gone with AppleDash instead of Rarijack.
>>10039 It genuinely makes me sad to see so many fans doubt Tamers. He is our undisputed, God ordained king of Sonic Underground. Really just goes to show there’s no pleasing some people.
>>10130 Good character design from Tamers, especially colors, and of course he knows a thing or two about color theory. I don’t always like two-toned or multicolored hair, but I like the palette he chose
Bitches always talking about Mindy's massive boobs, which are impressive to be fair. But not enough people appreciate Mark's bara pecs. Can't wait for the holiday specials this year
>>10359 Mindy's are only big because of copius plastic surgery, but considering Mark and his wife's bust/pec sizes she might've grown some big tits naturally via genetics. I blame Mandy's bad influenece on why Mindy got dragged into the world of body modding.
>>10372 Yeah I kind of always assumed that Mindy would of had natural large breast even without surgery. I mean Mark, the hunk that he is, has a larger chest than most women. Unfortunately Mindy's severe body dysmorohia and eating disorder are enabled/encouraged by her sister and father.
>>10428 She is, all the terrible, stupid decisions she makes she is just a teenager. And as much as Mark loves his daughter, in many ways he's a terrible father, as said he does absolutely nothing to discourage her lifestyle. I don't know if it would be much different if her mother was around. We know Mrs. LaTour basically let Mandy do whatever she wanted, except get plastic surgery twice the same day.
I just stumbled onto censored reuploads of tamers pony videos on a chinese video sharing site that remove all of the big asses, poop and farting, swears like fuck, and direct mentions of sex. His most recent video, "The Death of Twilight Sparkle" was shortend from an hour 5 minutes to roughly 47 minutes. This has to be one of the funniest finds I've come across.
Out of curiosity I put together a video comparing the original upload of "The Death of Twilight Sparkle" and the censored version I found on Bilibili. I had first thought they only removed what they needed to, such as gore, hard swears, feces, etc. but they also removed a lot of parts that just had the ponies be off model. I guess they just thought they were ugly? Lol. The funniest thing to me is how the ending is incomprehensible. Because they can't show blood, and Flawless is covered in it, she's completely absent from the final fight. All the unicorns gather to fight... nothing, and then all fall from nothing, and then all cheer Rarity on for nothing. Original Vs. Censored for Chinese audiences (Fixed Audio)
>>10704 I don't think ive ever seen an unironic Mindyfag in the wild. Yeah there are those who like her casual street outfit but in terms of actual attraction there's not much I've seen.
>>10710 Idc what anybody says, Mindy is mad fucking funny, and when Tamers allows it really hot. I wish she was drawn cute more often, as you say her casual outfits look really nice
There's an episode where Bartleby and Sonic are flying overhead and all the side characters are looking up at them during a music crescendo. Does anyone remember which one this is?
>>10855 I don't ship it but god damn that's some nice fanart. Did you make it yourself? >Tamers is taking a whole ass month to make the SU Halloween Special Yeah he's never been particular about dates. I'm pretty sure he was late to the Hedehog's birthdays iirc
>>10700 Absolutely patrician taste! I'm so jealous of Sleet >>10711 The one with the beanie's really cute. Honestly, all of the main cast's alternate outfits are great >>10880 This is the other half of the season finale, which was cut from The Death Of Twilight Sparkle so it wouldn't run too long. I'm guessing it'll wrap up the SoarBurn-BraeMac love triangle but leave open other plot points. I posted >>9379 a while back and we still have most of those, and a few more: >alicorn Scootaloo >Shining/Candace/Chrysalis/BlueBlood love/abuse quadrangle >Celestia manipulating others into destroying Cloudsdale and Manehattan, and whatever messed up shit she's up to >Rainbowdash/Pinkie, and whether it will become more than a friendship >Rarity's depression/debt issues >Rarity/Applejack
>>10882 >Celestia manipulating others into destroying Cloudsdale and Manehattan, and whatever messed up shit she's up to I thought those were accidents. At the very least I'm pretty sure Cloudsdale was, I don't she would of attended the show if she expected an atomic rainbomb. Though if you have a theory or something, I'd be interested in hearing it.
>>10882 >This is the other half of the season finale, which was cut from The Death Of Twilight Sparkle so it wouldn't run too long. Did he sat this somewhere and I missed it?
>>10884 Yeah he did, it was either in a chat or a comment. He also said he has something special planned for Sonic Underground that he needs time for, so all the whining in the threads and comments is unwarranted. Though I'm well aware some people are intentionally trying to start shit.
>>10883 >I thought those were accidents. That's exactly what she wants you to think! My guess is that being in the uncontested god-emperor of Equestria for the last millennia has meant she's long run out of normal things to do and now passes the time with elaborate plots that have a chance of ending her existence >>10884 He mentioned it in a tweet or a youtube comment, but I can't seem to find it. The Death Of Twilight Sparkle went for just over an hour so keeping the Braeburn/Soarin/Big Mac plot would've either meant a 2 hour long movie or cutting some scenes >>10886 >spoiler He was also delayed by needing to find Max's voice, which he thankfully has now
>>10887 Interesting, I know in the Unicorncon episode she waxed poetic about how repetitive her life has been for thousands of years. I wonder if national disasters are the only way for her to have fun at this point.
>>10888 I think that's it exactly. Celestia's like a SimCity player that's built her perfect city, and now keeps clicking the natural disaster button to see what will happen
>>10900 Yeah I don't know how to feel about this either. On one hand it's cool that he'll be getting neat fanmade stuff but on the other it's a privacy risk. I just hope he's careful and has taken the downsides into consideration.
Image:173108444170.png(530kB, 2000x2600)Soarin victorious, but despondent.png
Decided to draw something celebrating best boy Soarin and the first season of the one true MLP
>>10915 It's something people had been asking about and does seem like a nice way to connect with fans without having to do conventions. I wouldn't worry too much about it, considering he's obviously aware of the schizos given the church reference in that video a while back.
Also, it's not like packages don't get checked before they reach their recipients. The USPS actually has its own police force, which is so flush with cash they spent millions bankrolling their own vanity tv show:
>>10936 That's one handsome horse. I need to learn to draw so I can make my own Tamers fanart eventually. >>10900 Come on, you bitches say that about everything. If anything, if he's that worried about anonymity, he can always wear the Bartleby costume. He's survived attacks from MODERN SONIC fans before, in case you've forgotten. Actual footage of a MODERN SONIC FAN trying to ATTACK ME
I need to make sure I stop by the Dollar General and get some popcorn
PSA: There's a scene cut from the YouTube version of the upcoming video but the whole uncensored episode will be up on Patreon (It's not NSFW, but you know how YouTube can be). There's a free tier so you should join if you want to watch it there My Little Pony The Movie: Soarin & Braeburn >>10940 Thanks! Honestly, the best way is to just have a go at drawing stuff you like and not worry about it looking bad. I'm still not very good (or fast, that one took several hours), but I'm finally at the point where others can at least recognize the characters >Bartleby costume It's Bartleby armor, forged from the finest arts and crafts supplies to be completely impervious to M*dern Sonic fans
Image:173110274007.png(335kB, 1383x1460)Rough and Tumble in their original outfits.png
>>10951 Thanks man! I don't draw very often, but when I do just post it in threads here. Here's one I did of Rough and Tumble, who are pretty much Sleet and Dingo (and the only reason to ever read the IDW sonic comic). I'm still not very good at perspective
>>10957 There's so much to say but for now I'm just going to say Braeburn has a job to do, Soarin deserves the lay of his lifetime after everything he went through. Love that silver fox good and tender. >>10957 Well Shining Armor is single, but he's trouble. And I'd hate for him to break his wife's heart again. Big Mac has learned a lot of lessons and he needs a good stallion
>>10958 >There's so much to say but for now I'm just going to say Braeburn has a job to do, Soarin deserves the lay of his lifetime after everything he went through. Love that silver fox good and tender. Yeah, I could write forever about those gay horses too. I hope their character growth sticks >Well Shining Armor is single, but he's trouble. And I'd hate for him to break his wife's heart again. Big Mac has learned a lot of lessons and he needs a good stallion Now that would be a disaster relationship! I really don't know who he could end up with. There's so few stallions in the original show Maybe Big Mac can fuck Twilight's dad
>>8926 Sonic Underground is finally returning. The itch we've had for months is finally getting scratched. >>10976 So many interesting running gags surround her. Constantly gets her shit kicked in by other characters, her admiration for racism/Nazism, and her watersports fetish give me a chuckle every time. Seriously in my top five favorite characters.
>>10954 Gonna be honest and say that was a surprisingly frustrating watch for me personally. It felt way too cynical and mean-spirited (which I would be fine if it was played more for laughs like Tamers usually does, but this one took itself too seriously) and it also suffers from some serious bloat and pacing issues so it was a total drag to watch too. Ending also felt like a complete cop-out, as if Tamers had initially intended a way more somber ending before ultimately changing it to a happier one (I guess to avoid another "The Year Without A Christmas" situation?) without adjusting the rest of the plot to correlate with it.
I really hate being so critical too, because I can tell Tamers had a lot of fun working on this. The jokes are still on point, he really flexed his animation skills with the fight scene, and the song he collaborated with other MLP creators on was great, but the general plot for this one left a sour taste in my mouth. Definitely preferred TDoTS over it.
That said, would sissy Big Mac 100x. Me thinks he needs a spanking too. >:3
>>11058 It was pretty hard to watch Soarin go through everything he went through. I really hope Braeburn finally aprreciates him. Big Mac did pull some serious bitch moves this episode, you might have a point.
>>11061 Yeah, that's another big issue I have with the movie. Soarin got a ton of shit over his possessiveness towards Braeburn, but it completely sidelined Braeburn's own issues of being way too dependent on his partner and playing with people's hearts like that. Braeburn happily accepting Big Mac's proposal in front of Soarin (and would have seemingly stuck with it had Big Mac never convinced him to go back to Soarin) really just showcased how problematic the relationship actually is and leaves some bad implications from it going forward and the ending sugarcoating all of that made me feel uneasy. Tamers really shouldn't have taken the story in the direction he did if he always intended for them to be together in the end, and if he didn't, then I wish he could have committed to his original plan.
Exactly, plus it would bring the whole thing full circle. It's only fair that Big Mac gets to experience what he did to Braeburn and Soarin by their own hands if he's gonna start visiting them from now on.
>>11065 At the beginning of the episode I was actually kind of hoping for Big Mac x Soarin. I was happy to see how much he's developed, and that still stands. And I was getting fed up with Braeburn's attitude. But after all that stuff he pulled with Twilight I really rather him have nothing to do with Soarin at this point. The worst thing Soarin did was enable some of Braeburn's destructive behavior, which is hardly comparable to the things both Big Mac and Braeburn did. Soarin got hurt the most by far, but I guess life is often unfair like that. It's rough because I desperately want Soarin to be happy, but God damn it Braeburn honestly doesn't deserve him. Couldn't agree more, here's to hoping Big Mac gets his just desserts in Season 2. He needs a tough stallion that can give him a taste of his own medicine. I guess there's potential in Big Mac x Bluebood
>>11066 God, that illusion twist really pissed me off. It’s a genuinely interesting showcase on how fucked up Twilight and Big Mac are as people and should have had a much bigger impact on the narrative, but the fact it’s essentially treated as a nothing burger just makes it come off as needlessly cruel and really just adds to the film’s pacing issues. And yeah, it really did seem like he was hinting towards SoarMac, even as far back as the Arson episode when Soarin blushed at the sight of Big Mac, so it’s weird he backed down on it, but ultimately, I think the best possible ending for the arc would have been all three of them finally recognizing that they’re just not compatible for each other and how much their whole conflict damaged them mentally and ultimately agreeing to distance themselves from each other for a while so they could heal from their scars and perhaps in the future, maintain a more stable platonic relationship with one another and maybe find more suitable life partners for each other. Would have been so much more satisfying than forcing in a happy ending for an relationship that realistically isn’t going to work out well.
>>11058 I'm gonna do a big effortpost about the latest episode but for now I'll say I though it was fantastic, but can see why others might have had issues with some parts >>10977 Sleengo, Sleengo please domingo! >>11093 Yeah, their original SU personalities fit perfectly with the professional wrestling scene (that and they look good in skintight outfits) Dingo's hairy pits tho...
>>11260 Round 1's started, be sure to vote! >>11273 Really great interview, glad he chose to use TTS for it. >>11280 lmao I was thinking the same thing! That whole arc was practically an episode of SU anyway
>>11289 lmao, yet more evidence that Tamers is actually Yana Toboso! Seriously though, I've never actually seen that one before and it looks like it's not in the Tamers archive. I've attached a copy for posterity >>11299 Rick's clearly a man of sophistication and taste
>>11339 >I've never actually seen that one before and it looks like it's not in the Tamers archive Huh, I checked and it's not in there, yet it's in the log from where I've downloaded his entire channel. That's concerning.
I'm gonna delete the log and do a fresh redownload of everything and see if anything else somehow got skipped over. I know the last time I did a full redownload it picked up that one LOTR video that had previously been privated after getting a copyright strike. I'm a little confused as to how it completely skipped over that video yet for some reason logged it as having been downloaded.
>>11351 YouTube's super weird about things so depending on what they've changed on the backend and how yt-dlp has countered it, things can potentially be missed. When I originally downloaded all those videos, the logs indicated I'd missed a few. I was able to get those, but this one wasn't even listed >>11352 Good idea. I've been meaning to do it myself
>>11354 Well, I did, and while I didn't see anything new, this time yt-dlp only got around 500 some videos with 200+ saying the content was unavailable. I know there's not over 200 videos missing from his channel and I used cookies so I wouldn't be stopped by age restriction or anything so not sure what's going on with yt-dlp
Episode was okay, just a bit too mellow. Him including G3 characters and elements feels reminiscing of the random crossovers SU loved doing. Rainbow Dash and Rarity farting on each other was really fucking funny too.
Still feel like the episode could have been better in a few areas, but it didn't leave a sour taste in my mouth like the last movie did, so it's fine.
Loved the foreshadowing for Flawless' return and maybe some G5 stuff too, btw
>>11440 Love me some SU x wrestling art (as rare as it is). I've been developing an SU wrestling AU recently because autism is a hell of a disorder. Here are my signatures, submissions, and finishers of those two. >Sleet Signature - Flying Knee Submission - Fujiwara Armbar Finisher - Brainbuster >Dingo Signature - Big Boot Submission - Texas Cloverleaf Finisher - DISCUSU LARIATOOO!! Tamers is doing another interview, fill out the form and maybe he'll answer your questions Be sure to do it by December 8th, though
>>11658 >Spec Oh fuck no. That guy is a total sperg ran off another outside creator in Shawn Keller. Also if this screenshot is real then he hasn't learned a thing.
>>11673 Yeah, I can almost assure that the reason Tamers posted the form to his Twitter without Spec's name attached is because he knew nobody would want to be associated with it if they knew Spec was involved in any way. I'm surprised people haven't commented yet on his Twitter that it's the same form Spec is using for his interview.
>>11679 You can submit multiple ones, so it won't save it like it would in, say, one of those popularity contest forms you'd see on /mlp/, where you only get one submission that can be edited before the deadline. It even says "submit another response" on the "Your response has been recorded." page
>>11869 I love that artist's stuff so much, I await his and Sleet & Dingo's return! It's a shame he doesn't seem to care for the ponies, though if I had to choose between him drawing Sleengo and him drawing Soarburn, of course I'd go for Sleengo
i wonder if SleengoAnon ever comes to these threads? hey SleengoAnon, if you're here and up for it, how about you draw Sleet sitting his fat butt on Dingo's face, for old time's sake?
Image:173398898675.png(803kB, 1097x738)Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 23-35-43 Deano Facking Ambrosay - YouTube.png
Have you guys found any Tamers-like channels/videos on You Tube? I've been following this guy Deano Facking Ambrosay who makes AI content involving the wrestling faction The Shield in a middle school setting with other wrestlers. It's pretty funny but I would say it's a lot funnier if you actually follow pro wrestling, but give it a shot if you want.
>>11976 I found this guy on DA named ArtbyThanasi then later found out he had a youtube channel. I love his artstyle the way he draws the animals is really cute and I genuinely think he has some really good designs. He tends to delete or maybe just unlist a lot of videos because I see he only has like 70 some videos on his channel rn but I've seen hundreds from him pop up in my sub box. He's been trying to make a cartoon and usually just posts slides or drawings from animations that aren't finished yet. I've seen some of his animations and they're pretty stiff but the art is nice at least. He also draws a lot of the samey poses of a character just standing with their arms at their sides. Sometimes he sings in them and well... it's not good lol. Bad mic quality and nonsensical lyrics aren't really a good combo. I've also noticed he takes a lot of gags from spongebob, like out of the few animations I have seen from him some of them end with literally word for word scenes from spongebob episodes. All of that aside I think he's a good artist with a lot of room to grow and felt like sharing his channel. Dudley Duck: Duck Adventurer artwork slideshow-December 2024
>>11355 I was sure I'd replied to this, sorry ;_; When companies claim the music rights to videos, they can also region-lock the entire video (e.g., some Japanese company restricts the content to Japan because Tamers remade their anime's intro with SU characters, but kept the music). It doesn't help that YouTube purposefully fucks with with their backend at random so yt-dlp is always playing catchup >>11382 I haven't counted, but I'm sure that ship got more AMVs than knuxonia >>11425 >spoiler Yeah, that was great >>11627 l-lewd! Same >>11675 The real question is will Tamers take him out Joker-style at the end of the interview >>11712 Yeah, I may not agree with it but I absolutely love Kelly-style political cartoons >>11859 Very nice anon! >>11862 Same >>11916 I miss chatting with him in the 4/co/ threads, but he is active on his socials at least. I'd link to them, but I don't remember him identifying himself on 4/co/ and I'd rather respect his privacy. I don't know him personally, but I am a fan and recognized his artstyle >>11976 Nothing can really compare to Tamers, but I do enjoy the Life in Jars YouTube channel. It's just a (cute) guy making closed ecosystems in jars and narrating what happens to them over the years. It's not that Tamers-esque, other than it's comfy to watch and extremely niche-interest
If I had to pic something Sonic-related, it'd be Caleb Artboy's stuff. He's got a really great eye for design and posing, and does all of his videos(?) motion-comics(?) by drawing them on his phone (he's a zoomer so I don't think he even owns a computer). We actually storytimed his comics a while back Looks like Tamers' Christmas episode for this year is going to be an MLP one! Also, I love seeing couples have accessories that match their spouse's main color
>>12141 Can't wait to see what he has planned! I never expected him to "crossover" with other my little pony generations. It's to bad that in any case, there's so few stallions for him to work with. The severe lack of male characters is the biggest weakness of the pony shows. Not any fault of Tamers, he does the best with what he has. Especially since so many cartoons these days either are heavily female focused, or the male characters just suck. Can't say I don't miss our Sonic underground boys. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, every week that passes I think I love Sonic Underground a little more. As much as I love Knuckles, Sleet, and Dingo if anybody is due an episode I reckon it's Mark Latour.
Tamers thread on another site. Pretty dead, so we should liven it up. I’m not affiliated with them, I just think it’s a neat place
>>12211 Thanks for the recommendation! They're both really sweet in this. Pretty similar to how I imagine them too, shy Sleet and enthusiastic Dingo. Sleet wagging his tail while cuddling with Dingo is seriously cute
>>12243 I pray for the day that Tamers animates Sleet's tail wagging, even if it'd be this kind of tail My favorite part is Sleet being too shy to say "I love you", but Dingo says "I love you, too"
So now that we've gone four months without SU content, what are your opinions on Tamers' MLP stuff? Personally I'm enjoying it but that's with the added enjoyment of reconnecting with pony after all these years (stopped keeping up with the show after Season 7, got through S8 a couple years ago but I could not bring myself to finish S9, that shit is ass). That being said the withdrawals have been getting to me hard, even with the hint in the latest pony video that this might all be in Sonic's head when we hear Uncle Chuck's voice when Derpy is flying away. My Little Pony: Sunny Starscout meets Twilight Sparkle Also the next episode is going to be a Hearth's Warming Eve special if his Twitter is anything to go by. I'm trying to be patient, I'm trying to weather the storm, and even if I still like those videos every time I see a pony thumbnail I get more an more demoralized even though I know for a fact he'll eventually return to SU. I have to start meditating or some shit.
>>12293 They're generally pretty good and honestly, you get the sense they were the much needed change of pace Tamers needed, especially with how a lot of the SU stuff we got this year was a bit on the weaker side. I like his characterizations of the cast, the art and animation is easily some of his best yet, and him trying to have a more cohesive narrative with proper continuity between episodes shows great improvement in his writing. They're also just really funny with the Bowling episode in particular being one of my new favorite Tamers videos.
Haven't been a fan of the last couple of episodes, though. The Soarburn movie was honestly just dreadful and a huge letdown to me (especially coming off of DoTS and the great setup Arson left us on.) and the G3 and G5 episodes afterwards were also just really meh. I'm hoping the Hearth's Warming episode is something truly special, otherwise I'm gonna really start feeling the Pony fatigue.
>>11976 It's not necessarily an SU-like but I revisited Murdoch Murdoch a while after it ended a couple years ago and it made me realize why I gravitated towards Tamers12345 so much. I love surrealist/absurdist comedy that pushes the limits of what's considered "acceptable" for a long time, and even if MM is still a white nationalist cartoon it's still fun. I don't expect any of your to like/agree with it, but it's definitely a great piece of internet comedy that follows a lot of Tamers' beats. They're a lost part of internet content creation that I hope we get back someday, their videos have powered white people more than any ADR broadcast or AI-translated Hitler speech could ever could. Istead we relied on these patriots over any commie conglomeration or bot could. For those who see the initial rely I fucked up.
>>12411 If this is the video we’re leaving 2024 off on, then, I have to say he couldn’t have picked a better video to grace us with! This was a great watch! Lots of really good jokes and gags here (The best ones were easily that wacky ass fight sequence and the news report), Derpy finally playing a more major role was great, it was pretty cool seeing G3, G4, and G5 ponies all integrated into an episode together, the musical sequence was great, and the whole twist with Soarin really sets us for a potentially really good arc (and honestly make the rather forced ending of S&B make more sense in hindsight). There’s a few parts that dragged a bit, but I’m really happy with it otherwise. Best episode since DoTS.
Really excited for more MLP stuff and the return of SU next year.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Tamersbros! Instead of a present I've brought you all a puzzle. I couldn't tell what the spellbook was saying in the last episode so I isolated the audio and sped it up x3. Maybe one of you can work it out >>12145 >if anybody is due an episode I reckon it's Mark Latour We've had some flashbacks to his time in the army, and I could see something like that becoming an entire episode >>12158 Good to see links to other boutique imageboards and forums >>12211 Can't wait to read it! Looks like I'll be waiting until new year before the invitation goes through >>12314 Relationship goals! Honestly most shows feel like they're putting so much focus on courting their audience, so I like that it's an acquired taste >>12293 I never watched MLP but Tamers' stuff was so interesting it actually made me check the show out. I can definitely see why it became a cultural phenomenon. As for the Tamers MLP stuff, it's been great seeing just how quickly he got good at drawing the horses. I never thought I'd say this, but I've actually really enjoyed the focus on the (platonic and romantic) relationships between the lady horses. I am super invested in Rainbowdash and Pinkie! >>12331 🎵He made a vow Bardonic will be found. Sonic Underground!🎵 >>12341 Never seen it but I'll have to take a look. I genuinely think it's important to see creative content from as many different viewpoints as possible, whether you agree with their perspectives or not. So much of mainstream (and increasingly independent) creative content is rooted in the cultural norms of LA. It's not limited to social/political things either. There's a species of frog that's native to LA that makes a ribbit sound but everyone associates it with all frogs because that's what Hollywood's used for the last century. I've heard frogs make all sorts of sounds but never a ribbit! >>12412 They're all trying to move on, but the past won't stay buried ;_; >>12417 Well said! There's nothing better than a Tamers' holiday special, and this one did not disappoint! Loved the creepy Big Mac costume reveal too
I've put together a python script that downloads the entire live chat/chat replay and sends it to a CSV file to make it easier to not only archive the live chats but also for searching for specific messages in them. I've tested it with the most recent video, and it does work, so does anyone know when exactly he first started doing them? It would make things a lot easier if I knew which video to start with and work my way up. Attached is the example CSV of the latest video. (My Little Pony the Movie Hearth's Warming in Manehattan)
>>12520 Very nice! I've been putting off writing a script to convert the json into an easy to read format for years now. Seems to be working well, although some comments seem to have no text. This will be great for pulling out Tamers' comments and the comments he replies to, since there's a lot of lore dumps in the livechat As for the first video with a livechat, I think that's this one: Sonic Underground Christmas Tree Special! >>12523 In hindsight I should have taken plus4chan's snow effect into account ;_;
>>12525 For the ones that look to have no text it's most likely a message with just numbers they get formatted weird if you zoom out you'll see them all the way to the right >As for the first video with a livechat, I think that's this one: Thanks!
>>12552 Glad I could inspire some Sleengo art, made my Christmas a little more merry.
I wonder if the stallions would be happier if they lived on Earth with Tamers and the Mobians instead of Equestria >>12554 You as well! I know Tamers said he was interested in exploring new ideas and plots for Sonic Underground, but I hope he continues Flora's character development.
All of the live chats have been archived! (Sadly excluding Sonic Underground: The Best Sleepover Ever and Twilight Sparkle Commits Arson in the Name of Princess Celestia as they were both taken down and reuploaded losing the chats in the progress.) Hope you all had a great Christmas and a very Bardonic New Year!
>>12760 Don't worry it's an easy mistake to make, but for next time, pay attention to the site name below the thumbnail, see if there's any mention to AI or Stable Diffusion or similar sites. Adding "-AI" into the search bar can somewhat trim things down, but not always, not even mostly, sadly.
>>12782 Despite their religious differences I'd think they'd be good friends. Some would say it's good ship material. Though Raffi might be offended by Flora's indecency, that is wearing her hair out of her veil.
>>12757 Well I decided instead of bitching about their being no poll, I'd make one my self Please feel free to share with any and all Sonic Underground fans!
>>12893 Never mind, look likes polls have been made, look on /co archive. Still feel free to vote if you want. Warning, the bitching and moaning in the threads is at an all time high
>>13090 ricksteubens' rendition of Tamers' Aleena truly is a treasure. The tiredness, the swirly eyes that give way to a shine when she smiles. She really is the perfect milf.
>>13025 That's because Aleena is for (me) not (you) or Chuck.
Considering his massive amounts of resources, could Bartleby host his own F1 team? Of course he'd have a seat but who would he be team members with? Would he lure in multi-time champions like Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso, and Max Verstappen?
>>13094 Yeah those red eyes are something else. Personally I headcanon she and Manic have the same eye color. I like to think Manic takes after her more than either of them would like to admit.
>She really is the perfect milf. Just as Uncle Chuck is the perfect dilf.
[Good News] Tamers12345 has officially announced that he will be wrapping up his current run of MLP videos and will be returning to Sonic Underground very soon. He states that he will wrap up the current story lines within the next couple of episodes. He also stated that he wants to keep his SU series centered around slice of life stories instead of trying to implement an overarching, story-driven narritive. Additionally, he's said in his premiere chats that the return episode he plans on making will be heavily Bartleby centric, so you know he's not fucking around.
>>14369 Yeah, it's down for now, but myself and the Tamers archive have everything backed up. My guess is it'll take a little while for YouTube to realize it fucked up and restore it. At least Tamers can post new videos to Twitter or Patreon so it's really more of an inconvenience than anything Stay strong Tamersbros 🔵🔵👏
My youtube channel was taken down because youtube hates fun
>Okay so uuuuhhh my youtube channel was taken down. I'm fighting for my fucking life trying to get it back right now because I found out it at least wasn't deleted, just temporarily taken down and basically privated. Best case scenerio I get it back, worst case scenerio I'm in a similar situation to my deviantart days where I enter a cycle of making accounts that get deleted over and over again, so my videos are the equivalent of shiney pokemon you gotta catch before they're gone.
>Until I figure out the youtube situation though them I'll be uploading videos directly to patreon, at the same same as I would on Youtube, 5PM CST/6PM EST on Friday's
>Thankfully I also have all my animations saved over the years, so I'll be uploading all of them here as soon as I can.
>I'll also be making a discord server for people to join, which I'll be sharing a link here soon. (After I found out how that shit website works. If you you have a lot of free time and would seriously be interested about being a mod for it message me, cause I know that shit could get crazy fast)
>>14377 A discord server sounds like the worst possible idea please for the love of god someone talk him out of that. It would get raided constantly and I can't imagine what half the idiots in this fandom would do with that much power over one another.
>>14379 I've only ever used it to talk with people directly so I've got no idea what discord servers are like. I guess if it gets too much of a hassle, it could be made invite only or a Patreon perk
I almost posted this thread link to the fellow tamersbros stuck in janny hell on /co/ but didn't want to risk the sharters coming here. Guess I'll leave it in the archives.
>>14390 We'll pull through. Me made it through Sega cancelling the first SU, we'll get through this too >>14399 It's fine to post links to here. Carlos has already been banned and unlike 4/co/ the moderators aren't asleep at the wheel. You might eat a 3 day ban over there though since the jannies are ultra-salty
I've been twitter messaging a lot of the bigger youtubers that have referenced Tamers in the past like a sperg and surprisingly some have gotten back to me, saying they'll try to help. I dunno, we'll see.
>>14576 Ye. Here is one of the messages I got back today along with a few others by email and xitter. This one's not so sure, but the others are fairly positive they can get him a contact so at least he has a fair shot. This creator has well over a million subs on youtube, others more. I've been debating whether to compile a list of posts from the sharty to give context behind the raid and the "bad actors", I don't know if that'd inform youtube's decisions or not though and it seems pedantic. Does anyone already have a compilation from sharty talking about gaming the report system and maybe some unsavory language from them too? I feel if they knew that they were racists / homophobes and that Tamers was an "lbgt" creator, it might help. Not gonna share names btw, cause I know sharty would just spam them with cp.
>>14577 That's great to hear! I don't have an image compilation, but you could always link them the archive of their latest thread that got stickied (confirming the support of the admins of that site). I've made a quick compilation of the thread (spoilered because I dislike looking at those dysgenic soyjaks). Yeah, I'd definitely not mention publicly who you're talking to
Remember pic related? This front-on Big Mac's appeared in several episodes and actually has some lore behind it. Let's investigate! >>14582 It's pretty embarrassing >>14617 Tamers is up 90 paid subscribers on Patreon and has received a lot of support from his fans and big name YouTubers.
>>14618 Here's a tweet where someone was looking at his Gameloft model front on >>14617 Whoops, forgot to add: What they're doing is obviously wrong, but I do find it funny that their antics are backfiring so spectacularly
>>14619 This then lead an artist to make pic related, ultimately leading to the front-on Big Mac we all know and love! >"Confirming that your channel will remain terminated for Nudity & Sexual Content: You can also read through the email sent for more info on the policy. We know this wasn't the outcome you were hoping for, but really appreciate your understanding"
>>14630 I would guess they manually reviewed it? It took them a few days so it would make sense.
>>14631 Yeah, it looks like that was sent before the message this morning. The link they gave to sexual content seems to indicate he tripped up on:
"The depiction of clothed or unclothed genitals, breasts, or buttocks that are meant for sexual gratification."
He's certainly accumulated a lot of scenes with butts over the years, but it's sort of vague since there's a lot of animated content that shows bare butts. Pony stuff is weird too cause the characters are naturally naked, they always have their asses showing.
But yeah, it doesn't bode well. I'd hope that maybe the contacts that >>14577 got can advocate for him, but not I'm worried they'll just defer to the review saying, "Yeah we looked at it and we saw an ass getting spanked, totally ban-worthy content."
I'm sorta surprised the N-word stuff didn't seem to be the stuff to get caught. It seemed to be what they were targeting most.
Wow, that episode was absolutely fantastic! Celestia has never been so degenerate and toxic yaoi has never been so toxic! Judging by the end credits we're about to get some way out there mindfuck plots >>14630 I flat out refuse to believe there's an actual human checking anything at YouTube unless a giant channel gets fucked over >>14633 There's no way he should be banned when they're literally showing cropped softcore porn ads on YouTube. Vid related is the one Saberspark pointed out. I've marked it NSFW (because it is), but it's apparently totally fine for kids to see this shit. I'm genuinely disgusted and if you're not using an adblock on YouTube, you should be >>14795 It's also on newgrounds, although you'll need to enable adult content:
I'm looking for some old Patreon-exclusive videos that were deleted after Tamers's channel was terminated. They were unlisted on Youtube and weren't available to be viewed outside of his Patreon. I haven't even been able to find them on the Tamers Archive. Would any of you happen to have copies of any of them?
>>16075 Sadly I had never saved them as they were patreon exclusives, and being that they were unlisted they weren't picked up by yt-dlp when downloading his channel. >>16198 I reached out to him on Twitter he said he'll get back to me when he finds them as he does have his own local backups. He said he sadly can't view his own videos on his end anymore so downloading them from there is no longer possible.
>>16218 Thanks TamersArchivebro. Let's hope he still has them.
While I didn't download those videos, I did download the intro video he made specifically for new patrons. It was unlisted as well and I haven't been able to find it in your archive either, but feel free to add it there.