>>428503 >now Left in 2017 and didn't look back. The bad thing is that some of the refugees spreading out to the smaller imageboards are taking the bad baggage with them and get pissy when they find out most boards are bored with edgelords. And it's only some, but by sheer numbers of the main imageboards it adds up to a large force on a small board.
Weird glitch going around 4chan where you can’t post on incognito mode, can still do it for op images but not on regular posting. Hopefully it’s not a sign of mods trying to make 4chan more elitist than before
>>430867 Apparently it happened because people using incognito mode kept spamming /vg/ with scat and evading bans that way, so they had to add a detection.
I am now curious as to how many users actually post that way.
>>430874 IPs are piss easy to change. That's why bans are locked to IP + cookie. That way even if you change IPs, 4chan can still tell its you from the cookie. If you use Incognito mode and close it, you get your cookies flushed, so if you change IPs on top of that 4chan won't be able to identify you and you can evade bans.
I haven’t posted an image on 4chan in a single month since I don’t feel not using incognito mode, also I think they did another weird thing with the captcha recently. Place is getting more elitist by the day
and right now the captchas don't even work at all. The network call returns a 500 error. The workaround is to remove the framed parameter from the network call (which will make it return the required data), manually call it, and paste it into the javascript function that parses it. ridiculous.
Its odd now you sometimes need to click a button to Prove You're Not A Robot but it only happens occasionaly, also sometimes the captcha is only 4 digits long which is more relaxing to type.
It happened again, this time now unless your page doesn’t automatically refresh there’s a one minute timeout after the cloudfair capcha, it’s almost worse than outright using ads because at least they last for about 5 to 30 seconds. There’s no point in restricting a user from not posting a single minute(but hey you can bypass this if you have a 4chan-pass) and now that’s a total of three anti spamming maneuvers that are outright useless. The captcha just gets worse every time This Deal's Getting Worse All The Time | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim
>>431183 Sometimes it is Cloudflare's fault, they are changing code for no good reason, and some browsers break more than others. At least they are fixing their own mistakes.
>>428502 I wish some 1337 h4xx0r would kill that site. >>428539 >Left in 2017 and didn't look back Yea, I wish I had left at that time. That site is a waste of 0's and 1's.
>>428539 Did I made this post? I have the same thoughts in regards of 4chan, but I left in 2020 in my case. I knew it was shit back then but at least you couls find some decent eurocomic or obscure cartoon if you lurked long enough, but what really made me cut ties with it was the lack of moderation. >>431530 I'm actually surprised how little proper attacks 4chan had and how little info from their mod team has been leaked. The site's software is ancient, it doesn't even support vp9, there's no way it isn't filled with exploitables to the brim. And yes, I'm looking forward for 4chan to finally die, internet would become worse, but at least we'll get smaller communities with better moderation and more curated content eventually.
I started getting this shit when posting on /co/, one minute everything was fine, next minute there's this. Can't help but feel like it was caused by me, even though I have not posted anything out of the ordinary, other than having my cookies cleared after every post.
>>431558 We are talking about IPs that belong to a commercial ISP, you can't buy them up, not unless a lot of them are infected by malware and on sale on the darknet.
I think it's more likely that they have a system in place that checks how many new user sessions were started from certain IP ranges, too many and it means the users are cleaning cookies to get around bans/identifications, which is the "abuse".
>>431561 Interesting info, thanks. Me, I'm not automatically clearing cookies when browsing and only have one or two user sessions per day, so I don't see that I'm blocked for either of those reasons.
>>431533 >>431556 I got the same message too, and I found it equally mysterious. I don't have a habit of posting controversial/ban-worthy stuff, plus I don't think I've even posted anything in a whole week before I got that error. The error doesn't specify any particular post as the problem. Yesterday I got that message, but today I can post again for some reason.
I heard people on /g/ talking about how posting on /biz/ now requires an e-mail address because of constant cryptocoin shilling. The board currently has a sticky talking about it. I was wondering if that could be connected to whatever's going on. Maybe some people keep scamming, shilling and switching their IPs so much that their bans are affecting lots of other anons too?
Or maybe it's a cookie problem or something, as suggested ITT. I was struggling with the captcha immediately before I got that message. Maybe the site thought that requesting multiple captchas in a short timespan seemed suspicious.
>>431585 >Yesterday I got that message, but today I can post again for some reason. Same. It's very strange.
>Maybe some people keep scamming, shilling and switching their IPs so much that their bans are affecting lots of other anons too? I've wondered about this too. Some trolls and spammers constantly ban-evade so they can target specific threads. Then there's the guy who ban-evades just so he can flood the /co/ catalog every day.
Yeah. First time i was posting normally, then a few minutes into it, IP blocked. Meanwhile the catalog was full of Peridot spam. This lasted some two days, then I could post maybe six times total, and got IP blocked again. Yesterday I could post normally, this time I turned off the cookie block. There were no problems. I'm putting back the cookie block now, let's see if that causes it or not.
>>431594 I read about that. Apparently the guy got into 4chan's mod team and took screenshots of the inner operations servers which; funnily enough, it was a Discord circlejerk of like 20 guys playing Dota all day. I don't what I was expecting but it wasn't that.
>>431594 I don't 4prime, but I've seen this kind of vendetta obsession before on other sites so it's no surprise. Someone thinks their post was unjustly deleted and then spends months or years attacking the site.
>>431559 >not unless a lot of them are infected by malware and on sale on the darknet. You say that as if there isn't an industry doing exactly that.
Something that I find suspicious is that the people angry against 4chan don't go beyond just flooding the place and be annoying users. The Peridot spammer did something else, he actually got into the mod team, leaked stuff and doxxed some jannitors. And even then that's light compared to deplatforming campaigns that happen on other places, heck I've even seen people getting killed on boards 1/1000 of 4chan's size. >>431649 Same. Some mod once told me he has to be very cautious when delivering bans, otherwise he can piss off the wrong autist and get his board raided all day for yeaf.
>>431653 >Same. Some mod once told me he has to be very cautious when delivering bans, otherwise he can piss off the wrong autist and get his board raided all day for yeaf.
Man I used to do exactly that, like, 20 years ago. Forum software at the time didn't even use salted hashes, so it wasn't even hard to keep getting back to a site on a yearly basis.
>>431653 >Something that I find suspicious is that the people angry against 4chan don't go beyond just flooding the place and be annoying users Because most of those people are just annoying period. Pray there will be no one who wants to take it on the next level. I don't know about you, but I want 4chan Prime to continue living.
This is old thread. I post anyway. 4chan is shit. 4chan has been shit. 4chan will be shit. 4chan died in 2015. Hiroshimoot has let 4chan become gay queer pedo fucktard paradise. I'm glad this place is here. This is what old 4chan (when Moot) was like. This is!
>>432197 I'm not sure about Russians, but IIRC PRC chinese use Taiwanese vpns to access blocked content so they could be detected as chinese regardless
>>432421 You either press the "get captcha" button and wait 15 minutes, or you register your email. You have to have cookies turned on to save your session.
so you are either forced to expose yourself via session cookies, or by registering.
>>432421 >>432424 These are the threads https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/485224786 https://boards.4chan.org/v/thread/692313952 The fact this is happening just before USA elections doesn't seem to be a coincidence.
>>432430 Didn't he say that one of his goals was to force 4chan to implement email verification? If so, he must be beside himself with smugness today, because the mods have given him what he wants and gift-wrapped it too. Now he can spam the catalog in the small hours with a guaranteed 15-min head start over any early risers who want to use the reporting system but do not want to accept 4chan cookies.
>>432432 I wonder how that site is even afloat. Hispachan payed $1000 a month and it had 0.01% of 4chan's activity, there's no way 4chan generates enough money to keep it financtially viable.
>>432442 Assuming it has a few hundred people buying premium accounts, that should cover a large part of the bill. And Hiro has many other projects, it's not impossible he is taking some loss on 4chan but keeps it afloat from the income from other stuff.
>>432445 The site makes 750k posts a day (down from 1M in 2022, lol), which has to mean tens of thousands of regular users, if a half percent of those are regular buyers of premium accounts then you are already racking in several thousand $. Plus the ad revenue.
Granted, that's not so much considering that they are using petabytes of bandwidth. I'd really love to see the finance side of this.
>>432582 It wasn't upgraded, it's just that if you use it often enough, you'll get ranked as a more trustable user and get the old style captcha (for which the solver still works).
>>432631 Most people like to think there's a personal vendetta from some janni when they are constantly banned but more often than not it's just incompetent moderation. >>432865 That's terrible. You can tell them to jump over here and set their secret santa thread.
>>432868 I did mention, but the post may be ignored. Most people either plan to give up, or switch to current rules from /toy/ and /mlp/, where organizers do lots of things off-site, and you have to wrap your gift personally.
>>432866 >it's just incompetent moderation. This. The quality of moderation over there has been going downhill for years, but it reached its lowest point to date in August when the mods tripped over their own feet and wiped every thread off a dozen boards.
Maybe it's nostalgia talking, but I don't remember incompetence on that scale happening when moot was running the show.
>>432880 >Maybe it's nostalgia talking, but I don't remember incompetence on that scale happening when moot was running the show. It's not nostalgia if your memory works fine (you're not senile and your brain isn't falling apart). Usually if you remember things being better, they really were.
In other news, there is now a spin-off thread over at +/co/, so Christmas may be saved yet!
I'm trying to make a thread on /wsr/. >"Posts successful" message shows up >It redirects me to https://boards.4chan.org/wsr/thread/1505300 instead to my thread >Thread isn't anywhere to be found on the catalog It's the second time I try, does anyone else have a similar issue? and now that we are in topic, does anyone know a decent alternative for /wsr/? I mean a place where I can ask pretty much anything, I don't mind if it's a subreddit or something.
>>432905 1 or 2 mods who have power on /co/ are complete assholes and decided to cancel Christmas themed gift giving, because posting Amazon wishlists is now "begging". I hope they get turbo mega canceraids.
>>432904 >>432905 >Plus4chan is now on filter God fucking damnit, that's low, even for 4chan standarts. What now? do we spam /co/ with plus4 links until everybody is here? I know the Peridot spammer can easily ban evade, so it should be doable.
>>432904 >>432905 >Plus4chan is filtered on /co/ I don't use /co/ that much, but why? I genuinely cannot find any good reasons for it to be filtered there. Is it due to imageboard "competition"? What else could it be?
>>432942 plus4chan is /co/'s bunker in case shit hits the fan, as a result several /co/ projects linked it on their OPs, namely the tournaments and weekly creative too IIRC. When mods went bananas and started banning the tournament threads, people knew they would have to reorganize here, so the came here and Black Hand gave them a board. Something similar happended later with the sonicfags and the muder drones anons, but then the Secret Santa happened and they outright put Plus4 on the black list. It's pretty much abuse of power as Mister Twister pointed out, they just want to mess up with anons as much as they please, but they don't want them organized setting up their bunkers with their own independent moderation.
>>433356 Hey, hate the mods, but not the site. It gives home to lots of posters. Many actually gr8 people. You think you want 4chan Prime to die, but you don't really.