Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: Unofficial Ride Website: Archie Sonic Ride links:
Rules: >General thread for everything. >If you want to discuss something specific in depth or post more of it then post in a thread specifically for it or make one yourself. >Image limit (including videos) is about 350 so if you want to post several images then try doing so in another thread. >If you think something deserves its own thread and that you can contribute to it consistently then make it. >And respect the other rules for the whole website.
From last thread, I've been wanting to draw some comics with PixelRush's Chubby Sally and Sonic for a while One based on this: and Another based on this: MMD - Dose this make my "butt" look big?
>>15349 >On this beautiful love-filled day, I'd like to show love to every crazy bitch who's ever crossed me, by drawing their OCs! ...being ruled over like concubines by my wealthy and powerful merchant OC.
>>15344 lmao, and to think Spaz doesn't claim to be the creator of Modern Sonic! >>15349 >>15352 Probably not the reaction you're looking for but it's so petty and smug I genuinely love it. I'm guessing (hoping?) it's supposed to be at least somewhat tongue-in-cheek but even if it isn't I still laughed. I skimmed the guy's twitter and I actually really like the underwater OCs he designed I can't believe how many of these OCs I recognize >>15351 lmao
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 7 Page 24
Get hacked! But as AI Sally suffers one setback, the real Sally might as well. Here’s the Chaotix! But wait… aren’t there supposed to be a couple other members?
>>15358 >Born in the darkness, to live in the darkness, that's the ninja's creeeeeed >Bee, bee, bee! Charmy the Bee! Charmy the Bee's got lots of honeeeeeey! >Yeah, yeah! I'm the one! I'm Vector the Crocodile! Heheheh >*incoherent screaming* In case anyone was wondering what they were saying during their team attack
>>15368 >I tend to avoid Sonic chars because I know that some people may feel uncomfortable due their "canonical" ages. Personally I always see them as cartoon creatures with no age, but I understand the point. To those people: Lame, lame, lame, lame, LAME!
>>15364 I really have to get around to playing that series, it's so dramatic! >>15368 He's so handsome, and I absolutely love that expression! It's hilarious how putting more clothes on Mobians just makes it lewder >Anhes I recognize that artist! For context, this was an attempt at redesigning that hideous Sonic from the movie trailer >>15371 They canonically don't have ages now, but it's really only the younger looking characters like Tails, Cream and Charmy that need to be visibly aged up. Honestly I think they got rid of the ages since Amy was 12 (originally 8 in CD) to Sonic's 15 (16 in Sonic Jam)
>>15372 Eh, to me the end all be all is that these characters are FICTIONAL anthropomorphic animals with ages that frankly, NOBODY really cared about back then nor today because 90% of the cast were canonically underage but still get lewds, cause I still see “canonically” underage Amy drawn with a fat ass (pic related) and NOBODY raises an eyebrow. As for aging the younger cast up, while I like Bigdad’s barely legal Tails as much as the next guy, and the other aged up versions of Charmy and Cream are nice, I kinda prefer my Tails ships (Rouge, Barby, Wave, Sonic, etc.) with him questionably aged (so he may or may not be of age) same with Charmy and Cream.
>>15374 Yeah, they're fictional o it doesn't really bother me what people choose to draw them doing. Most of them are treated as adults in-universe anyway since no one questions Amy moving to her own apartment in SA1. GUN certainly didn't think to call Sonic's hypothetical parents/guardian when they arrested him >spoiler Fair enough. Big Dad does a great Tails design, but the one from Echidna Nights is more my style. I think having them aged up allows for more anthro-like proportions, which is what I prefer >>15375 Now that's a rare pair!
>>15350 >Entire page filled with Mimic victim Oh yeah, it's tentacle rape time. Shame IDW doesn't have the balls to have them all become true Mimic victims, and turned into mind controlled sluts for him.
>>15391 funny enough I want to get round to comming a species swap thing with my designs for Sonic, Sally, Longclaw and Mordred. Thinking Sonic as a bird, Longclaw being Longquill, Scalie Acorn and Mordred as a Caecilian since only other limbless animal could think of and it'd be hard to translate his design to a Mongoose.
>>15377 As a homophobe, Straightline would probably hate him for his "special diplomatic relationship" with Locke >>15378 >Oh yeah, it's tentacle rape time. Silver x eldritch tentacles is something his fans and haters can finally agree on! >>15385 Don't forget Elise and Sara (president's daughter is close enough to princess), &Knuckles (he is the heir to the Knuckles clan after all) >>15391 Sonic the Bat is just Rouge with extra steps! >>15392 >Mordred as a Caecilian That gets me thinking that Mordred's super transformation could be an Amphiptere (a winged serpent, not a stadium. Basically Airdramon) since they're green and used in European heraldry so would fit the Robin Hood setting >>15394 lmao >>15396 Another week, another page for my Sonknux scrapbook!
>>15398 well I'm not sure who it would be honestly since I can't think what character would fit the archetype or if it would be an original character to the setting like Merlina
>>15397 it's funny despite my shilling never thought of a superform for Hood. Most I figured is he'd have more of a very light green glow, his hypno powers increase or he shoots energy rings from his hood spots and it'd probably not last remotely long or well for him at all
>>15394 Brave and the Bold was such a top notch show, it's the main reason I'm fond of DC's animation or a lot of it's extra heroes/villains it introduced me to like Blue Beetle, Plastic Man, Booster Gold, Aquaman, Dr Double X and Gentleman Ghost.
Since Sonic and the Black Knight was mentioned, here's my favorite not-Sonic Sonic's take on it! >>15406 Yeah, super forms are pretty overused in this series, but something that backfires pretty quickly is an interesting twist. I'd say I'd never write Remington with a super transformation, but Ian was going to make him Finitivus' Enerjak before scrapping the idea and just going with Knuckles. The worst of it is he made the switch because he felt not that many people would know who he was ;_; >>15407 It's a great show with a unique artstyle that can lend itself to any comic era and has a fantastic cast of VAs. Choosing to focus on the less well known heroes and villains was a stroke of genius
>>15408 yeah I do think Superforms shouldn't only be for hedgehogs but I also do think they should be only for certain characters if it makes sense or fits for them to use it. Also yeah Brave and the Bold is genuinely so brilliant, it's very much the EMH in my eyes of the DC animated lineup in terms of how perfectly it adapts characters, the casting and just all the quality....especially with some of the ladies in the show.
>>15407 >>15408 >>15410 The fact we got Ted Kord love and an a animated Justice League International puts it at a high level. And Chill of The Night! is one of my favorite Batman stories, regardless of medium.
You know, with all this superhero talk, I think about this Sonic/My Hero Academia piece, Especially the question asked: >What if Sonic lived in the world of My Hero Academia? How would he and his pals interact with the heroes within the society? XP
I do remember when there was nothing but really short filler-like stories and it felt like it was done just in case IDW did go out of business. I do wonder if it can get out of the predicament with Diamond going bankrupt.
Video:174076590366.mp4(1.54MB / 0:00:19 / avc1, 1000x600)Z-T00N on X httpst co97gBh5JNiw X.mp4
>>15408 Since you brought up Z-T00N. There's a growing number of these little skits. Might be close to making a mini episode or something with all of them combined.
>>15415 And there's a thread for it on /co/. And the one with crying Whisper is still up. Goes to show that multiple threads complaining about IDW is allowed but not two threads storytiming the Archie comics.
>>15415 Evan is missing the point of the OPs comment, what he's actually saying is something along the lines of. >I feel like IDW is rushing to conclude too many things too quickly instead. >Could this be a bad sign for things to come >Yes, yes it is, even if IDW doesn't die it doesn't inspire faith in Evan and Ian's ability to write a story. That's part of the problem with Twitter, it encourages drama and making these clap back style posts, over making actual criticism and responding in kind. I think they only thing that hasn't had it's pacing fucked over recently is Surge and Kit, but their story is confused enough as is with Ian and Evan wanting to do entirely different things with the characters. But what Jewl si and Mimic getting found out due to not putting his phone on mute is a real fucking low point and terrible pacing.
>>15417 I'm with Evan on this. Both of the OP are faggots, especially who made that thread. They are obsessed with trying to own IDW in any way they can.
>>15421 >Knuckles gave birth to Silver Wild, but... Why is Silver white then? This reminds me, who were his parents in the Zombot timline? I guess Surge, Kit, or a Robot who has access to uncorrupted genetic samples are the only possibility.
>>15418 The way IDW has been doing over the years doesn't inspire confidence. I can see Evan wanting to quash any doomsaying and defend the comic but sometimes just not saying anything is best. At least add a little #KnowingSmile at the end. >>15419 Negativity towards Sonic is encouraged on 4chan. There's also a thread complaining about Sonic Prime. >>15422 When it comes to "canon" Sonic, I just go by the assumption that characters just spawn from nothingness. Evan probably headcanons Silver's parents from GotF. She did sneak them in reboot Archie in a crowd although that was the present.
Y'know, I've been thinking about Mobian/Sonicfied/whatever versions of characters today and while it's somewhat related to my idea of mobian versions of Sam, Clover, and Alex from Totally Spies from last thread, it's mainly because of me wanting to make Mobian/Sonic/whatever versions of the cast of Xenosaga, Housamo, and Renji, Xiaomu, and Saya from Namco x Capcom. (Pic tangentially related)
>>15431 Yeah, I've been thinking about them recently. I even drew Renji and Xiaomu two days ago. But back to making them mobians, It's a no-brainer that Xiaomu and Saya would be foxes and I imagine Renji as a Wolf (Mainly because I want to make a comic based off of the "You're gonna start a howl" scene from Zootopia but with the wolves of Namco, Capcom, and Konami)
>>15410 Too many super forms and it ends up too much like Dragon Ball Z, but it just being the major characters is a massive waste. I do like the idea of other characters getting super-like power boosts from different sources that would have different properties. Antoine getting an Excalibur Sonic-like super transformation using all the sacred swords would be nice Yeah, it and EMH are the best windows into the Marvel and DC universes >>15411 >Ted Kord He's so cool! I like him and Jamie, and don't see why they both can't coexist considering Ted doesn't directly use the Scarab >>15413 I still haven't seen it yet >>15415 My issue with all these short little filler stories is that they don't make the world feel lived in. The whole point of filler is to give readers a chance to catch their breath between plot-heavy arcs and get to soak in the world and better understand how characters relate to one another A perfect example of this would be the stargazing story in Archie where Sally discovers Nicole's Mobian form. Sure it establishes that Nicole can do that, but that could've been one panel in any other story. What it does do is show exactly why Sally and Nicole care about each other, allowing us to be more more invested in their later interactions. We just don't get this in IDW, which is a massive shame since it wouldn't be against any so called Sega mandates >>15416 Yeah, I was thinking of splicing them all together. That Sonic's totally Sonic.exe but friendly >>15417 Multiple Sonic shitting threads have always been allowed (because it gets ABIB's peepee excited), it's Sonic-positive threads that are heavily policed (and just deleted when the schizos don't shit them up enough). During The Ride, I was thinking of making a Sonic bait thread for a few posts and then doing the storytime but decided it wasn't worth the effort. I do occasionally still check 4/co/ Sonic threads and our schizo friend is still salty about The Ride, and is still talking about me >>15418 Yeah, the pacing's all over the place. We spend a dozen issues slowly building up to some epic conclusion only for that conclusion to feel hollow and rushed. It also never feels like there are lots of things going on in the world, just whatever global crisis Sonic and friends are dealing with >That's part of the problem with Twitter, it encourages drama and making these clap back style posts, over making actual criticism and responding in kind. Twitter was originally a way to group text people back when individual texts cost money (hence the 150 character limit) but grew into this bizarre microblogging social media thing that really does reward spicy clap backs instead of something more nuanced >>15419 Yeah, people continuing to pester her about the comic's cancellation is extremely rude considering it's her primary source of income. Imagine working in a store and every day people come in asking when it's going to close down despite you not being the owner. It's not like the execs will be asking the artists and writers if IDW should shutter, and if/when it does happen, we'll find out at the same time they do >>15421 lmao, I recognized the artist from the thumbnail >>15422 People usually make Silver Shadow's kid so this allows the artist to ship Shadilver without it being incestuous. Canonically, Silver isn't Shadow (or any of the main cast's) decedent >>15423 >When it comes to "canon" Sonic, I just go by the assumption that characters just spawn from nothingness. Yeah, for most of them, their parents exist but aren't relevant to the plot so are never going to be mentioned. We' do have Cream, Elise, Maria and Eggman for characters with parents that we've actually seen (and Tower's mentioned a grandson). Sonic's canonically not got parents according to Oshima (obviously someone gave birth to him, but they're not in his life) and Knuckles doesn't remember his parents but did have them. Interestingly, Rouge has mentioned her mother a few times in the games
>>14405 >>14701 Infested 2-22 Oh station announcer, you always know just what to say! Also, claiming that Hyena
>>15440 I feel like this whole story about the elephant should have just been in the background, I wanna get back to Shadow and Sonic finally. Why is the elephant important again? I don't mean to be rude, but besides pathos do we have any story reason to care about the hunky elephant?
New Sonic Legacy dub: Sonic Legacy: Issue 5 (Official Dub) >>15442 11 pages so far and I'm not really sure what it adds to the comic that couldn't have been a few panels of recap when he is relevant to the central plot. I think a lot of fancomics have the same issue with pacing where since they don't have a set number of pages to tell a story in they just keep expanding on things that aren't so relevant >>15444 Oh shit, he's my absolute favorite animator! If I had to pick a favorite thing he's animated it'd be a three-way tie between Dead Leaves, Re:Cutie Honey and Kill la Kill. I'm so excited he'll be returning to Panty and Stocking this year! >>15445 No worries
>>15441 They really did. NxC is a SRPG ala Super Robot Wars(IIRC the SRW yeam also worked on this and the sequel Project X Zone series.). One thing about the series is the DEEP cuts and fun with the series. Here's the Multiple Assaults team ups they did for NxC.
>>15429 But going back to this, I've been thinking mainly of my Sonicfied versions of the Xenosaga cast. While I don't have all the cast nailed down, I do have some: - Junior, Gaigun, and Albedo would all be big cats with Albedo as a Snow Leopard specifically (Mainly for the fact I want to draw him with his tail in his mouth) - MOMO and Ziggy would be a cat and dog respectively (Mainly because I was thinking about Pixie & Brutus and I want to draw a short crossover comic with their anthro selves) - Kevin would be as skunk (If you know Xenosaga's story, you'll know WHY I chose a skunk for him) - I kinda want Shion to be a Cat, KOS-MOS to be a wolf, T-los to be a fox, and chaos to be a lamb (Again, If you know Xenosaga's story, you'll know why I chose that animal for him) Any Xenosaga or Xeno series in general fans that can me some suggestions for character species?
>>15527 >After killing his uncle in the first film (Die Hard: Endgame), Snively has planted a bomb in Knothole, threatening to detonate it if Sonic doesn't do as he says >Sonic has to walk around downtown Echidnopolis wearing a sign saying "I hate diggers" >A group of Echidna youths are about to beat him up when a certain Echidna guardian intervenes >This summer, Sonic & Knuckles star in >Die Hard 3: Let's disguise our robbery as an act of terrorism (again) Fun fact: on the re-release, that sign says "I hate everyone"
>>15527 Funny considering there's Die Hard Arcade(Dynamite Deka) by Sega >>15530 >Topaz disarms a bomb in a Station Square school and gets sprayed with it's "mixing" liquid >"It's chili dog sauce!"
>>15534 lmao, it was such a good film >>15536 Damn, that's absolutely fantastic! I wish I had time to try it out >>15540 Fits surprisingly well. Definitely my favorite version of the theme, although they're all good. 06 started the trend of doing bombastic orchestral remixes of the mane theme for the final boss and it's something they should do more of. There's an anime with bara anthros? Adding to my watchlist! >>15542 This time of year is usually pretty busy for me at work so I haven't been posting as often
Knuckles and the Chaotix Issue 3 Page 7
Little brother walks in on his older sister while she’s with her boyfriend. Classic. And then the revelation that all three have been brainwashed into servitude. Not as classic. Also, this is something I took from the IDW comics. Starline’s brainwashing being discovered by Kit through his video logs.
>>15544 >There's an anime with bara anthros? Adding to my watchlist! It's just a PV. I was planning to mention Housamo when I brought up Twisted Wonderland two threads ago, but I couldn't because the thread bumped. Which is a SHAME because it and Live A Hero, Another game by the same studio, Lifewonders, are right up your alley, TP!
>>15549 Also, Also, I made mention of Housamo earlier with my "Sonification" ideas I would send a catalog of the characters with this but... (Pic related)
>>15546 Oh that Starline, vlogging will be the death of you. Nice to see Surge and Kit have an actual backstory pre-gay duck instead of just "lmao, fuck you for wanting more info about our OCs" >>15548 That's a pity, it looks like it'd adapt really well to the anime format >>15553 Wow, those are some handsome dudes! >>15554 >knee-high boots Oh my! >>15555 Hey, it's Lien-Da's special friend! >>15563 t. Knuckles
>Here's the logo that will adorn every Mobian Adventure Series graphic collection. It will be initially seen on the spine of KEN PENDERS' KNUCKLES OMNIBUS VOLUME ONE. Ken "graphic design is my passion" Penders everyone!
>>15564 >Lien-Da's Special Friend The fact she has ANY type of friends is astonishing. >>15566 Mobius Adventure Series?! That sounds like some late 90s Young Adult Sonic novels
>>15566 Somehow I don't think Dan Drazen authorized the use of that quote. Also, the second one is a backhanded complement >cover text is still not centered FFS Penders, it's the default setting in literally any desktop publishing software! >>15565 Starline 100% records his bedroom activities and probably hides those videos in amongst his evil plans as a security measure
>>15568 >I sold out the Size L LARA-SU CHRONICLES SURVIVE! T-shirt today. I still have M, XL, 2XL & 3XL available and now less than an hour when the Simi Valley Toy & Comic Show comes to an end. lmao, he doesn't even stock them in twink sizes so he's missing out on the ironic kitsch market >>15567 MMZero has such a cool artstyle >The fact she has ANY type of friends is astonishing. She definitely doesn't, but she was def screwing her second in command >Mobius Adventure Series?! That sounds like some late 90s Young Adult Sonic novels It's slightly better than the Mobian Line he was using before, but only slightly. Too bad Mobius Comics is already taken ;)
>>15571 That's not saying much since the original Archie recolor seemed to use MS Paint's bucket fill to recolor it. Seriously, look at all those jagged edges on the linework!
>>15572 Fun fact, Penders has listed his 1986 submission to work on Archie comics on his (wife's) ebay. He's certainly a fan of Bond!
>Offered for sale is an ARCHIE SUBMISSION ORIGINAL ART, measuring approx. 11" x 17" in size, illustrated by Ken Penders in pencil which was submitted to Archie Comics editor Victor Gorelick with the intent of being assigned to work on the Archie line of comics. Victor eventually returned the piece along with a note explaining he had all the talent he needed at the time and has sat in Ken's files ever since. As an added bonus, Ken will autograph this piece according to the buyer's preference, whether personalized to the individual or just his signature. The item depicted is the actual original art itself. This and other pieces will only be offered up during this limited time sale.
Image:174097627361.jpg(469kB, 1086x1600)All this could be yours for just $1,000.jpg
>>15573 Interestingly, Penders only considers Kanterovich the skunk's co-creator. Anyone want to loan me $1,000? I promise I won't spend it on something silly >this is not our Sally! I'm inclined to agree Jon, I'm inclined to agree!
>Offered for sale is SONIC THE HEDGEHOG ISSUE 31 PAGE 11 ORIGINAL ART, measuring approx. 11" x 17" in size, written & illustrated by Ken Penders with inks by Jon D'Agostino. This page is from the very first Sonic story that Ken both wrote and pencilled. An additional highlight is that the page is a 2/3rds splash featuring the love triangle of Sonic, Sally & Geoffrey St John. Even more noteworthy, Geoffrey is an original character who was created by Ken along with his then-partner Mike Kanterovich that went on to become a fan favorite throughout the life of the series until Archie ordered a reboot eliminating all non-SEGA created characters. Ken has been extremely reluctant to part with his early Sonic work so this is a rare opportunity to acquire this one-of-a-kind item. As an added bonus, Ken will autograph this piece according to the buyer's preference, whether personalized to the individual or just his signature. The item depicted is the actual original art itself. This and other pieces will only be offered up during this limited time sale.
>>15575 Oh, Penders isn't doing the coloring, it's some unnamed person he commissioned. That's why my complaints have always been about how the changes rob the comic of hits history, adding game level backgrounds and changing Tails' to his more modern design, and not towards the colorist directly.
FWIW I think the colorist is doing a great job, it's just that it's not a job that really needs to be done. If this was a fan project they were doing for fun I'd 100% be storytiming it
>>15592 You could point out all the Sonic Universe arcs that Sally didn't even appear in, or arcs like Enerjak Reborn where she and Sonic never said a romantic word to eachother.
>>15578 I'll have to have a think and get back to you. Selecting husbandos is serious business! >>15579 It went from regular on-model Sonic art to abstract street art so gradually I didn't even notice >>15580 TBF, we do see holograms of Metal stomping on critters in CD >>15582 Nice work simplifying the outfit, there really is a lot going on with the original design >>15584 lmao, I was just about to say you already posted this week's page. It really is bizarre we've got two ongoing Knuckles and the Chaotix comics, not that I'm complaining! There's something very strange about the artstyle though, and I can't quite put my finger on it. It's not bad, just strange >>15586 Pretty catty for a dragon >>15587 I really irrationally hate Dulcy's long-necked redesign (and her original design too!), but this is worse. The colors just don't fit at all >>15592 It really depends on which Sally you're talking about, because he totally simps for pic related! Seriously though, despite clearly being attracted to one another they do spend a lot of time doing their own thing, and a fair amount of time broken up, often even dating other people. The real question is why does Eggman of all people have more people simping over him than Sonic? >>15594 Make sure your radio's tuned to the emergency broadcast since cyclones are inherently unpredictable. Above all else, stay safe!
>>15596 >why does Eggman of all people have more people simping over him than Sonic? Because people love their villains, thirstposter! You should know that quite well yourself!
>>15596 >>15586 >>15587 >>15591 Dulcy is one of those characters who probably just needs to be retired. She's never had a good design, her personality ranges from boring to annoying, nobody liked her in SatAM, and in Archie she was infamous for the Endgame and Zan plotlines.
>>15585 Uh oh! Looks like one of Elias' wives was kidnapped!
>>15587 >>15591 Not to mention the Sungazer village showing what other Sungazer's look like. They even all look distinct despite clearly being from the same species and sharing a color palette.
>>15610 >it's one of Guardians of Lord X? What does that even mean?
Watched Rio 1 and 2 since love birds and been ages since watched the first as a kid. I was surprised how much I liked it, some of the jokes and camera mugging was lame but Blu is an extremely likeable character and they do a great job selling Brazil. Latin America was right about 2 being so much worse and having none of 1's charm besides Nigel's subplot or Blu still being likeable, I genuinely remember yelling fuck you to Jewel when she was calling her husband selfish when he's done nothing but compromise for her on top of her borderline unfaithfulness and her bastard father, Blu really should get with one of those oc bird girls the Spanish give him lmao.
>>15597 Jimbotnik (and to a lesser extent AoStH-nik) I can see, since they've got a heap of charisma, but SatAM/Archie-botnik is explicitly non-charismatic with no redeeming qualities >>15598 😍 >>15599 It's so weird we haven't had a dog as a game character yet (ignoring the Forces avatar). I kinda want a pink femboy poodle in the vein of 100% Wolf >>15600 Would >>15603 PEAK PERFORMANCE >>15605 Along with Tommy Turtle, Ducy's one of the few characters I actually dislike. Even Hamlin and Geoffrey can sometimes be fun when they're being a jerk >>15606 Yeah, from my quick search got Yokubo, the guardian of desire and that he had something to do with Sonic.exe >>15614 I really need to get around to watching them sometime
>>15263 The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 2-47 >bi-plane So the tornado swings both ways then? Deepest lore! 45 pages since Rough and Tumble
>>15615 I'd say the first one is worth a genuine watch even if it's a 7/10 film as it's genuinely got a lot of personality even if it isn't high art and the second is interesting just for how it doesn't work. There is something grim in how Disney murdered Blue Sky yet is the one that has the streaming rights on Disney plus
I don't know how I feel about Dulcy, I went out of the way to give her a redesign for my AU but again she's just meh, shame as her being a dragon should sell her well but just is super lacking.
>>15619 I'll def check it out then! >dulcy Yeah, for a dragon in a Sonic setting I expected way more. She should be one of the coolest Sonic characters! >>15620 lmao, looks like I've got another ~after dark~ comic to storytime >>15621 Shame, I really liked her sfw comics >58 page werehog sonic >porn comic Oh boy! >sonic and shadow sigh >>15622 Wow, when they say buy a pass, they really mean it! Pic related shows the total number of posts per minute and it's been down for hours now
>>15623 I will say that KrazyElf has the wildest and most diverse pairings for porn. But not too wild since one pair is Rouge and aged up Tails which is the only straight ship.
>futa surge using her hyper sized cock to shock amy >sonic is a needle dick in comparison >surge shocking both her and amy's clothes to shreds >these fucking porportions >it's based off of some old porn comic but with scourge
>>15624 She's got some great pairings >Rouge and aged up Tails which is the only straight ship. With the milkers she sometimes gives Tails, it's not always that straight ;_; I do like her older Tails design though >>15625 >her pre-cum tastes like licking a battery >she's lifting me with just her cock? lmao, it's so messed up. Interestingly the link also includes the original version, which has Scourge instead
>>15627 I unfortunately read that comic. >>15622 They deserve it. >>15623 Reboot Dulcy is something to build upon, I feel. She doesn't have the baggage Preboot Dulcy had gotten. Seriously who wrote that abuse story? >>15626 >Krazyelf I love her beefy Knuckles because I like me some Big Dick bottoms. She needs to draw a Bi-Threesome of Sonic/Kunx/Rouge And here's some Starline.
>>15629 But this is making me think again. Thinking about how here I’ve had this odd need to defend my views on certain things, Geoffrey St. John, The remixes in Sonadow Generations, AU’s that really differs the source material, and now Jewel’s portrayal in Rio 2. I think this need comes from me being a bit more used to that Twitter/Discord mentality of once you say something, your name is associated with it and if people don’t like that opinion, they’ll bash you for it. Same with /sthg/ but with anonymity, where if I were to say the opinions I have, half of /sthg/ would mostly be fine with it and the other half would want my head on a pike. I have to remind myself that A. This place isn’t Twitter, Discord, etc. B. This place isn’t /sthg/ And C. I don’t think most people here care that much. But I think I care too much. This is the ONLY Sonic community that I really engage myself in, so I want to keep on the good graces of most people here and not step out of line too much, you feel me?
>>15633 I know that. But recently I been getting oddly hung up on people’s opinions on things especially on Twitter/Discord and of course, different strokes for different folks, but DAMN why did MordredAnon bring up Rio 2 again? I thought that was over and done with! And I haven’t watched EITHER Rio film in a WHILE! But why am I getting so hung up on HIS opinion?
>>15634 And for that “they’re bad” comment, I wouldn’t say that. They have fair reason to dislike the things I mentioned. I’m not going to an offshoot of a ANONYMOUS forum site to tell people what to think or what to say. As I said, I know I shouldn’t get so hung up on a bunch of randos opinions, but maybe when it someone who’s named here like Conductor, Thirstposter, or MordredAnon I put more importance into their words like I do with people on Twitter or Discord when I know that THIS PLACE IS NEITHER OF THOSE SITES! And I hate the fact that I do that with people here.
>>15636 I'm trying to! Because normally, I let these things not get to me. I get annoyed, I can be bothered by it, but I think to myself, "That's THEIR view, not mine" and I try to move on from it. but I don't know what is causing me to be caught up in others opinions these days. This is the internet! I don't know you people! THIS AIN'T REAL AT THE END OF THE DAY! and yet, it often gets to me. and I HATE, HATE, HATE that.
>>15637 I know what you're gonna say next, "Take a break! Step away from here!" and I KNOW THAT. but maybe it's just me, with this place, I have this weird case of FOMO.
What's he looking at? >>15620 >someone actually posted the whole comic there THE MADMAN! Thread will probably get deleted if not those posts but desuarchive will still have it. >>15627 Seeing that the artist used to do Sonic porn a while back and decided to redo it with human proportions and over the top everything makes it feel more like a funpost than an attempt at porn.
>>15634 I mean you are taking this way to seriously dude, I watched both Rio films yesterday after procrastination on it last year just cause saw some fanart round then and just wanted to give my very abridged thoughts after watching. To be fair Jewel though a very selfish partner in 2 isn't an awful character, honestly her dad being a douche to Blue without remorse and her friend borderline trying to seduce her plus telling Blu to his face he'll take his family when he's dead though in a superficially nice way. I really think you shouldn't get hung up on what I think or do since I'm just some autistic guy with to much time on the internet lol.
>>15622 After around 10 hours downtime it's back, and with no explanation from the mods. What a twist! >>15620 Someone storytimed it so I don't have to yay/barf! Oh, and here's the original: >>15628 >Reboot Dulcy is something to build upon, I feel. She doesn't have the baggage Preboot Dulcy had gotten. Seriously who wrote that abuse story? It's a step in the right direction but people have been drawing cool looking anthro western dragons for 50+ years now. It's a solved problem! >spoiler Her Knux is so good, especially paired with the Werehog. I also love that she gives each guy their own unique cock. It's weird we didn't get art of that threesome >>15631 Sonic the Hedgehog has so many different interpretations and sub-franchises being a Sonic fan ends up being a very broad tent. We've got everything from fans that only consider the classic 2d games canon, to only SatAM/Archie or even just Sonic Underground. There are even some people who consider Sonic Prime and IDW to be part of the games canon, the lunatics! We deliberately try to keep this place lighthearted, even if we do end up with some strong opinions >>15633 100% this >>15635 >>15638 If I could give some advice, learning not to get so hung up on other people's opinion is a skill that takes a lot of practice, but is very worthwhile. Every one of the schizos that used to shit up our threads on 4/co/ (and still shit up Sonic threads and /sthg/) were never able to do this, and have wasted years of their lives obsessed with the opinions others have on a blue rat that runs fast. Boco's been malding about other people liking Sally and Archie for almost 20 years on 4chan. Dude's so insufferable he's a major reason namefagging/tripfagging fell out of fashion over there. >>15639 >What's he looking at? lmao, I recognized the green border immediately! >funpost Get wordfiltered nerd! Yeah, it's definitely supposed to be over the top and silly, although their smut does tend towards exaggerated proportions
>>15641 I think the biggest thing is if someone asks us to stop talking about something or has a complaint, we're very flexible and will actually listen if someone says as much to consider it. Also damn, Boco's been at it for 20 years, that's some time sink christ.
Also yeah I do think Reboot Dulcy is the only time she's had potential, a solid look or ben worth fleshing out at all.
>>15643 them being based on the four god beasts is pretty dope. I remember Jian being the fan fave cause she was the boring mammal animal pic instead of the cool unique animals like the other 3 lol. I jest the former Egg army stuff is interesting and her design is pretty cool
>>15642 Yeah, I like to think we're a lot more welcoming and low drama, which is probably why we got kicked off of 4/co/ >Also damn, Boco's been at it for 20 years, that's some time sink christ. The archives only go as far back as 2012, so he's verifiably been complaining about Sally since at least then. I honestly don't know if he does anything but vomit his opinions on the Internet, given his twitter and tumblr have several hundred thousand posts each >Dulcy Yeah, with enough work any character can be interesting and have a good design, we just never got that far with her considering how short the reeboot was. Something closer to the dragon girl's design in Freedom Planet would've been great >>15644 >I remember Jian being the fan fave cause she was the boring mammal I thought her tail knife was cool ;_;
>>15646 yeah the tail-knife is preddy cool, reminds me how I like Conquering Storm's reboot robot eyes much better. Also yeah whatever beef happens here usually tides over since we at least can chill or listen to other people over whatever opinions or differing views at least like I'm much better about that then used to be.
Sash Lilac has a very nice design, like her 1 look more though as has that kinda Sallysexappeal. Also man, with the Marvel threads being what I mainly stick with It's been while since last Sonic thread where made joke anecdote about Shadow brutalizing Joker in the upcoming crossover.
Also since mentioned my Rio movie experience, may rewatch first one again actually today sometime, also rewatched Rango after 2 as a cleanser. Still a great film, Rattlesnake Jake is still one of the coolest animated villains who's design oozes interest/questions on his story plus just having a fun persoonality as a spaghetti western villain mixed with a living Grim Reaper. The art style for the film is how to make something that's ugly but really charming and with personality plus just great story and Rango is very likeable my reptile bias aside. Funny enough I'm reminded how awful Pixar's recent style is in my opinion, fucking despise the grubhub/3D beanmouth look now.
Uhhh not sure what to finish on so will say got more Marvel comms going, villains as usual since having Kevintrentin do the Serpent Society with him finished King Cobra now doing Puff Adder, Alecsovich doing Helmut Zemo(RIP) and got Adivider doing Kang the Conqueror
>>15640 I know that! But as I said, I've been getting so caught up in others opinions thanks to some Twitter bullshit. And it's also the fact that you've already said this several threads ago. You made your piece. You ain't got nothing more to say. And if you have nothing new to say, DON'T SAY IT. Frankly, I haven't had the best start to my day, so seeing all that Rio 2 talk was just NOT what I needed to see today. But as I said, I'm not telling you, some anon, what to do or what to say. So frankly, just disregard this post.
>>15659 If that is you Boco, welcome to plus4chan, and allow me to be the first to say: SHUT UP BOCO! Seriously though, maybe take a look through desuarchive and see just how many of your posts are negative. It's not healthy
>>15661 You genuinely are. Screeching that Archie isn’t canon for literal decades is bizarre and obviously not healthy. We are all well aware that it isn’t the same canon as the games and that the games are Sega’s “official” canon but it simply does not matter. The movies aren’t “canon” to the games either but that hasn’t stopped people from enjoying them
>>15661 as someone with no real beef with you and has agreed with you in some other opinions yeah you can be a bit to negative and not able to read the room
>>15665 Actually I made two! Anyone who doesn’t appreciate Tamerskino is missing out. There is absolutely nothing like his take on Sonic Underground and his My Little Pony has been tremendously successful (and featured some of the most interesting relationship drama ever animated)
>>15671 It’s a surprisingly continuity heavy show with a weird yet compelling aesthetic. Some of the songs are actually really catchy, not to mention the opening theme (which is easily the best opening theme of any Sonic show). >Also i met that Taners person like a decade ago and he was a asshole. Then he’s a good judge of character!
>>15672 I don't go around and claim that a ship and a cartoon that no one remembers . Also he tried to claim that Tails didn't look like a real "mobian fox " because he had a different design from the SU ones.
>>15673 No, you just bitch and moan about anything that doesn’t meet your narrow view of blue rat canon. Tamers, like all of the other artists we discuss, is actually creating something. It may not be to everyone’s taste, but it’s objectively more productive than spending decades of one’s life shitting up imageboards
It’s fine if you don’t agree with this stance, but if you’re not willing to contribute to interesting discussion over here, then you need to fuck off back to 4/co/
>>15676 Yeah, the grammar’s way different and he didn’t respond with “yes sir” when we told him to shut up. It was cathartic to yell at “Boco” though since the real one usually doesn’t respond to criticism
Probably not the best time to post this, but after my venting earlier today, why not draw something cute I’ve been thinking of for a while: Cream enjoying some Ice cream with Zhurong ( and Quantum (
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 7 Page 25
Eggman is not one to dwell on wrinkles in his master plan. But what exactly is he planning? And Metal Sonic has been chilling in the Death Egg this whole time but that’s about to change! AI Sally seems to have grown fond of the blue bot.
>>15656 >Crisis of infinite Tails Now this is the Tails Kino he needs, there are only so many times people can make comics of him impregnating older women.
>>15685 Why are Eggman's children so incestuous, there really must be something in the water.
>>15398 The closest thing that Sonic has to a bastard son born of of incest like Mordred is strangely enough, Surge. Given that she's made with his and some other people's bio-data, if you include Sonic's siblings in SatBK then she would probably include their bio-data as well. That and Surge is the best fit for FGO Mordred and while I know next to nothing about FGO, I do know Mord is the best.
>>15678 >It was cathartic to yell at “Boco” though since the real one usually doesn’t respond to criticism The best way to hassle Boco is to come onto him. I've managed to get a rise out of him a couple times by posting shit like "I want to cum inside you Boco" or "I have a tulpa of you, Boco-kun~"
>>15695 Lewd! But yeah, nice to see some sonaze (as someone who sees the vision) The artist, Quaver_Orange, low-key gave me a liking for a harem of the Werehog, Amy, Surge, Blaze, Sally, and Rouge because you know those orgies are FREAKY
Good news everyone, I've merged the Idol!Amy images so I won't have to storytime 500+ images! >>15648 Yeah, her eyes were pretty cool, and I liked the backstory about her not wanting physical enhancements due to her ninja code >Sash Lilac Yeah, her first look is way better (even if she doesn't really look that much like a dragon). The Sonic Pandemonium comic had a good attempt at Dulcy >Shadow brutalizing Joker I'm struggling to think which Sonic character wouldn't brutalize him! >Rango Yeah, that was surprisingly good >fucking despise the grubhub/3D beanmouth look now I'm completely sick of it, it's so devoid of anything resembling artistic merit >say got more Marvel comms going Nice! >>15670 Oh man, that all fits way too well! Fun fact: they play Sonic 06 and All Star Racing in the show, and Walt's brother in law even does the SatAM Sonic "I'm waiting" bit >>15679 Very nice! >>15680 Our fandom really does get the weirdest ones >>15681 lmao >>15685 Forget Nicole x Shard, I'm all in for this clank clank disaster ship! >>15691 Yeah, for someone who craves attention he sure doesn't like it when it's men!
>>15698 I wish Conquering Storm got more love, she's a cool villain and both her preboot design before she joins the D.E.L and her Reboot design are top notch.
Rango is kino such a fucking great film, also yeah It's funny how Pixar is so lame and trite now, like even if they made to many Ice Age movies I genuinely miss Blue Sky since even if they made a bad film it was interesting in it's faults or had an art style worth seeing...i'm not just saying this cause I might like the first Rio way to much now that it's on my mind and Spies in Disguise was also a neat film I recall watching on my own in cinemas before life went bit apeshit in general for better or worse.
I don't think seen the SP comic design of Dulcy, also Kang comm just got finished today actually while my cunt ass computer forced me to reset cause wouldn't let me use my pin plus had to fumble with my adblockers cause otherwise rule 34, readcomicsonline and youtube would be impossible to use anymore. Anyway just got Maria Hill, Zemo and unrelated Jamo comm to get done/receive WIPS for.
Also lol I'm curious about the deleted post now about the weirdest ones in our fandome.
>>15703 I just wanted to see her bully Lightning Lynx more! >Dreamworks/Pixar Yeah, they had some great films, but most of the most interesting cgi films seem to be coming out from smaller studios now. I don't even mind that the animation isn't as polished, at least it's interesting to look at. I probably should get around to watching Murder Drones, since we just got a new board over her for it >Spies in Disguise Oh man, I was not expecting them to explain what a cloaca was in a kids film ;_; Was a lot of fun otherwise. Yeah, I've not seen a movie in an actual cinema since covid >I don't think seen the SP comic design of Dulcy Purp did do a good job of redesigning Dulcy, keeping her recognizable but removing all that weird reptilian kangaroo stuff she had going on in SatAM/Archie. Not even Spaz could get the original design to look good! >adblockers Yeah, Chrome/Edge/etc are all changing the way extensions work so adblockers will be shit on those browsers now. At least there's Firefox, because without ublock origin I'd just give up on the Internet >commissions Nice! I still plan on commissioning a fancomic, but have made zero progress on writing the script ;_; >Also lol I'm curious about the deleted post now about the weirdest ones in our fandome. It was just someone speculating on who the Boco impersonator was, suggesting it was some zoomer (which is def true based on the grammar)
>>15704 >Yeah, Chrome/Edge/etc are all changing the way extensions work so adblockers will be shit on those browsers now. I did hear of that, but I also remember seeing an article about that being a bit inconsistent. But then again, I use Chrome and I have an adblocker (Not UBlock Origin but Pie) and it still works for me so...
>>15704 that is a pretty good Dulcy yeah, it sorta blends to two dragon styles perfectly. Also yeah hearing the word cloaca in an animated film was almost as out of pocket as the spider saying he was aroused in Back o the Outback. I still like most of Dreamworks output, especially love KFP though not seen 4 yet and do hope fancomic goes well.
Last movie saw was Wolfman which was whatever, not as good as Invisible man. Been a real drought of films to check out or even had me curious to check so streaming has been lot of catching up on overdue viewing or random watching stuff I know will be mid but i'm curious on like the CG Top Cat film or the buenokino of Space Chimps I used to watch as a kid often.
>>15705 But for me, I'm not really someone who wants to change from one browser to another UNLESS I really need to. The main reason I got Pie was because of all THOSE DAMN POLITICAL ADS last year and the day Pie doesn't work for me anymore is the day I consider switching browsers. (Penders is kinda right in the fact that autists like me can't exactly make big changes in what is the "usual" for us, but instead of social media, it'd browsers. Trust me, I REALLY don't want to "start over" again on a another browser)
>>15706 Yeah, I like that she looks like a large Mobian and not a large Yoshi, and can swap between two and four legs >KFP I liked the first, but still need to see the others >Wolfman I really need to watch that one, I'm a massive fan of werewolf/wolfman movies, provided they don't just turn into big wolves like Twilight. Dog Soldiers is probably my favorite in terms of werewolf design >Been a real drought of films Yeah, the last one to leave an impression for me was the Dune films even if the original is better since it has Sting in a wing-tipped speedo >>15707 I absolutely loathe ads and used to disable flash just to avoid them. I've been using adblockers since they first came out in 2006 and couldn't use the Internet without them. >political ads Yeah, that's why I don't watch live TV and just play my own music in the car >spoiler Same. I've tried a few other browsers but I can set up Firefox just the way I like it and don't want to deal with the hassle of switching not to mention sorting through the literal thousands of open browser tabs ;_;
Sonic Begins 2-153 Cute Wolf OCs. Is it just me or are the outfits made using AI?
>>15709 >not to mention sorting through the literal thousands of open browser tabs ;_; You always mention that! How does your computer handle that? (Well, I know you probably have a higher end computer than the clunker my old family computer was)
>>15717 >Daring Conquering Storm does not 'date' Instead, like Surge, she is beaten in a fight and then forced to be someone's bitch. If she is lucky she will be allowed to be his new master's wife.
>>15543 Sonic Frenzy 10-19 From the artist: >For anyone wondering about ATEOE I'm now working on the pages and I've posted a link to the stash containing some WIPS on page 25 of the comic. I'm building up enough pages before I start posting again.
>>15711 It doesn't! It just slowly eats all the ram until I have to kill Firefox. Fortunately it doesn't lose all my tabs, and only loads up the ones I click on. I use the Tree Style Tab extension to make it easier to navigate through the mess, but really I should just stop being an ADHD hoarder I'm on a macbook air with 16GB of ram (all to be eaten by Firefox), which is pretty good, but not exactly Batman's crime computer. I've got beefy workstations for my actual work, although sadly nothing that can play recent games since they're all ram and cpus with weak gpus ;_; >>15712 Finivitus, Lien-Da, Gay Duck. We're not supposed to like them, but we do anyway! >>15714 >Her treating Lightning Lynx like shit was cold & hilarious Gay furry drama is honestly peak Archie and people are honestly missing out when they complain about it >>15721 >DATTEBAYO Believe it!
>>15803 The thing with Finitevus was that everyone he fucked over kinda deserved it. >betrays the echidnas of Albion, most of whom were assholes who played God with other people's lives >wipes out the Brotherhood of Guardians, more echidna assholes who played God with other people's lives >Knuxerjak kills Kage, who was an evil torture camp kommandant >Knuxerjak banishes the other dingos, who were generally assholes >Knuxerjak fucks up the Dark Legion, who were generally assholes >Knuxerjak destroys the Egg Grapes and most of Eggman's shit >Locke, a demented abusive father who is arguably just as responsible for Knuxerjak as Finitevus is, kills himself to stop Knuxerjak
Finitevus wasn't really any better than them, but it's hard to hate him when he arguably did more to fuck over the villains than anyone else in the comic.
>>15804 Yeah, ultimately his plans are very similar to Robotnik's (eliminate all Mobians and Overlanders instead of turning them into robots), but he was literally driven mad by Meddling Echidna Nonsense™ and they did nothing to help him
If I was to pick another character who did literally nothing wrong it'd be Menniker (Dimitri's son). Dude started out peacefully protesting the Councils (really Edmund's) dumb plan to renounce technology (they didn't even have a public vote, it was just the council that voted), and only started forming a faction when they wouldn't listen to his grievances. And what does he get for his trouble? Sent along with his comrades (and their children) to the Mobius equivalent of the Phantom Zone by his cousin Steppenwolf, who has gained Enerjak-like chaos powers from hoarding the Master Emerald. It isn't until decades of harsh life in the Twilight Cage where they're forced to adopt cybernetics that Menniker and his Dark Legion come back to blow up Echidnopolis. And the best part? Steppenwolf attacks him first, just like his father Edmund did! Also Menniker has big bushy eyebrows like Remington, so there's that! >What's that lurking right around the corner? A host of new threats? A chance encounter with unlikely allies? A brand new adventure? Find out along with Blaze TOMORROW when SUO #54 comes out! Prepare yourself; dark tidings lay ahead... >Art by @StevieJoyCole I guess I'll start a new storytime thread with this tomorrow. Should I try posting it on 4chan?
>>15806 Nice! I was going to start Idol!Amy but this gives me just the excuse I needed to put it off for another week! >Should I try posting it on 4chan? I mean, it would be funny to see the seething from the usual suspects. Fair warning, the word plus4chan is on the no-no list now >>>/baw/432905
>>15807 I can try doing it at the usual time of 7pm EST which would be 4pm for me. Hopefully it comes out before then and hopefully people post in it to keep the thread alive. As for the word filter, I wouldn't have bothered naming it anyway. Already got in trouble for it before. Still wish this board had a normal name so people knew this was a Sonic board. You have no way of knowing until you click to go here so even hinting at there being a Sonic board here won't be that helpful for those that don't know where to look. It's probably costed us a few to several people over the many months because they just didn't know.
>>15808 Happy to keep bumping the thread if you decide to post over there, fingers crossed it's out in time. Yeah, I just thought I'd mention the filter in case anyone else tries to post a link >spoiler Yeah, I wish it would at least mention Sonic
>>15810 So stylish! >Here's hoping things work out. Never know when it comes to the mods on 4chan. They've been particularly bad on 4/co/ recently but perhaps they'll behave themselves. Still, it's always fun to catch them having a meltdown This just reminded me of A Sly Encounter and I can't remember if Amy is in it or is bottomless like all the other girls. Doing a quick search, doesn't seem like it. I'm seeing more artists doing this. Sure hope they no more do that one person's requests for Amy with a shaved head, that one person that hates Amy with a hammer, or that one person that edits the faces off of girls. Wouldn't mind some more goth/emo/punk versions. >Dude, I'm at #emeraldcitycomicon #eccc . It's so 'epic' 😎😎😎 ✌️ You know exactly what the response has been.
>>15812 It is a cute style >that one person's requests for Amy with a shaved head What pleb taste, those requests are pure kino! >>15813 Barnes was there too, what a coincidence!
>>15805 >Menniker I felt so bad for that dude. He saw his father get turned into Enerjak, got booted into the Twilight Cage, and then gets crispy-fried.
Add him to the long list of people fucked over by the echidnas: >Knuckles >Finitevus >the dingos >the Dark Legion >Thrash >The Tasmanian Devils >Chaos >now Menniker
>>15817 Maybe it's because she was designed without clothes from the very start and then the vest came later, while every girl in the series (that didn't come from Archie especially the preboot) were designed to be covered up head to toe, with some exceptions (Rouge & Surge). So that's why to me, It just looks more natural to see her without pants than any other female character UNLESS they didn't have pants in the first place like Nic or Hershey. Because seeing Nicole, Rosemary, Surge, Amy, Rouge, etc. pantsless or without clothes just feels off. I'm not against it, I really don't care for it. but I wanted to say something.
>>15821 Fully clothed female characters is something the games did when Amy debuted in Sonic CD. After that you had Rouge, Blaze, Wave, etc. Archie went the route where female characters wear just a bit more than guys at most. Barby and Fiona were wearing nothing but shoes, gloves, and belts. Bunnie wore only a leotard. Julie-Su wore gloves and a vest. Nicole wore just a dress. It was later on in Archie, a little before Ian came on board that the girls started getting covered up more, starting with Fiona and her jumpsuit. Even the guys wore more clothes like the Sand Blasters as the series got closer to the reboot. If Rouge was designed by Archie first, she'd probably have boots and a leotard. Blaze might have not been given pants.
>>15839 >>15843 I'd be easy to say it's just homophobia, but my guess is it's only part of the reason. Really he just doesn't like how I try to keep the threads positive and high energy. There's a misconception by people like him that 4chan's supposed to be hateful and jaded but the truth is it's always been a bunch of nerds having fun talking about the things they like while using naughty words. Sadly, plus4chan's really the only place that preserves that original 4chan culture >>15840 lmao, it's true! >>15841 Yeah, it's 100% this >>15842 Ignoring him is way more fun for me
>>15845 I for one am pretty happy to use a thread again as a shilling ground for Mordred, it's been to long since done so. Also yeah he's just a miserable bitch who's clearly got no other use of his time so not worth even focusing on him anymore.
>>15846 It is interesting to speculate on why he fixated on certain things. A while back he did post some comics he liked and they were all in the edgy, comics are serious business vein. There's a lot in his posts about things that aren't serious are frivolous and therefore worthless and not worth one's time. There's also a lot on how the people he dislikes are wasting their lives and have no friends.
This quote by C.S Lewis sums up my opinion on this worldview quite well >When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
He also seems to think being gay is performative, and just something people do to be popular. Usually people are homophobic because they think it's gross, genuinely worried that a guy may hit on them, or are directing their latent same-sex attraction outward. To be clear, I don't think he's a closet case (although that would be funny), but the psychology of how someone can arrive at this wholly unique type homophobia is just fascinating
>>15847 lmao, another thread wrapped in the terror of HR's coils!
>>15849 It's 100% him replying to himself. I did an analysis of a thread where all of his posts got deleted at the same time and he'll play several characters when anons stop replying. He's just upset no one wants to play with him
>>15848 >There's also a lot on how the people he dislikes are wasting their lives and have no friends. This from a guy who's spent years spamming about how much he hates this one comic.
>>15849 They do and I hate it because a thread is spent about them. Some people try to see what the comic could’ve done better, but then they post, and it starts again.
>>15850 It’s not, it’s just that Mordred/Sonally anon taking the bait again, thinking he can out-funpost him. Sometimes he’ll get deleted too because, surprise, it’s funposting even if it’s on his “side” of it.
>>15851 That's what's so fascinating, the best way to deal with it would be to make his own stuff or simply to spend his time doing something that brings him joy. He recognizes wasting one's time is a bad thing, but isn't yet able to deal with it himself and so projects it on to others >>15854 Oh Lien-Da, you're the only one that truly understands me >>15856 Michael Jackson - Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough (Official Video - Upscaled)
>>15860 Yeah and then I left thread after my dumb bird question post, watched a movie with my nan and then came back to you opening your asshole to spew bullshit. bitch about me if you want but at least have it be over something I actually did.
>>15855 >>15860 It was me, not him. I've baited the Tailscel a few times. I really shouldn't, but I had those AI images I made on X and wanted to post them.
>>15862 well thanks for clearing it up since wasn't in the mood for being accused of shit didn't do, I'd say best not do it in future so you don't get lumped in with him but hope had your fun any case
>>15863 You're welcome, I didn't want to cause any friction here.
>I'd say best not do it in future so you don't get lumped in with him but hope had your fun any case You're right, it's best to just ignore him the way the others do. Besides, whether I troll him or not, all he really has to say is "cuckshit consoomer cuckshit buzzword buzzword."
>>15866 yeah redditbob guy, I always get so confused on reddit as a negative buzzword since redditor makes sense but just calling something reddit just confuses me. Forgot about a Shadowspammer being in the Ride, then again my memory cycles on what it is good on recollecting.
>>15867 Redditbob guy was weird, but I had always thought he was trolling, like how Hal Jordan fans loved to hassle Ben 10 fans after that one Death Battle. If he was serious, that's actually frightening that he could be that autistic.
>Forgot about a Shadowspammer being in the Ride, then again my memory cycles on what it is good on recollecting. All good, I probably only remember him because I think he was the first big Ride-related weirdo I noticed or argued with. He liked to claim that Archie Shadow was a "jobber" even though Archiedow wrecked entire armies of Metal Sonics and Black Arms, and complained that Archiedow not getting into prick-measuring contests with Sonic every issue meant that he was a "passive cuck." Yet he was perfectly happy with IDW Shadow, who has never won a single fight. I could never make sense of the guy.
>>15868 surprised no ones done a meme edit of Thanos with the complete infinity gauntlet with each of the infinity gems representing a schizo lol. Admittedly I can get being protective or weird with fave characters since I do it myself but Archie Shadow is IMO one of his better/more positive portrayals besides SA2. >570/600! >17 days left to make the following of our comic "Sonic & The Olympus Heroes" real! >If we don't get to the goal past March 25th, I'll refund everybody who has tried to support it, so you haven't wasted your money for nothing. >>15870 Interesting choices.
>>15871 Huh. I still don't agree with the funding model, but hope they reach their goal anyway >Interesting choices. Thought I'd start with a nice one and then do something more ~after dark~ while our special friend is still asleep
>>15872 >Huh. I still don't agree with the funding model, but hope they reach their goal anyway As long as they eventually make the pages public like last time I don't mind that much. I was just against it before because it looked like they were never going to make them public and just post previews.
>>15868 >IDW Shadow, who has never won a single fight Fun fact: unlike Shadow, Rough and Tumble have won or drawn far more fights than they've lost >>15873 Yeah, that was my assumption as well. I feel that if it's a fanwork, it should be made public eventually. On that topic, there's a few comics I've been wanting to storytime but they never saw an official public release. I'm still kinda iffy about doing them but was thinking that 5 years is a good amount of time to wait >>15874 It's a Ride tradition at this point, and In my defense, I didn't post the Prank Wars Halloween special!
>>15876 >Yeah, that was my assumption as well. I feel that if it's a fanwork, it should be made public eventually. On that topic, there's a few comics I've been wanting to storytime but they never saw an official public release. I'm still kinda iffy about doing them but was thinking that 5 years is a good amount of time to wait It'd be fine for you. For me it'd be hypocritical. I'm assuming you're talking about the original pages of Endangered Species that Herms had on his Patreon.
Man, fuck those captchas. I'm getting 1/3 correct now. Ironically, a machine could do a better job of solving them than I could ;_; >>15877 I was thinking more along the lines of some doujins. I only did that lewd Okida one since it finally got a public release, but there's a heap of stuff on e-hentai that would be fun to do >spoiler I don't think I have those, or I'd have added them to the Archie Ride. I'd be fine storytiming them though
>>15878 >In 2020, colorist Matt Herms released an early version of the issue on to his Patreon account, featuring content from before the revisions. An even earlier version of the story was discovered on the original inks for page 3. There's this... however... He must've closed down his Patreon. Damn shame. I hope someone saved it somewhere. As far as I'm concerned it's fair game to post.
>>15876 >Prank Wars Time for me to play devil’s advocate! I say this not having read neither the comic nor the fanfic it’s based off of because well, the fetish content. But I’ve always felt like people here have overreacted to the comic. Before anyone makes any accusations, no, I am WHOLEHEARTEDLY not into ANY of the fetishes within the comic. OK, I can understand were people are coming from, the fetishes aren’t the most tasteful and Sonic is not portrayed in the best light, but saying it’s the worst or one of the worst things this fandom has made has always made me roll my eyes, like pic related, compared to some of the other shit this fandom has made, Prank Wars is vanilla to me. Trust me, I’ve been on e6’s “where’s your god now?” tag I’ve SEEN the cheese grater image before it was deleted . From what I’ve seen of Prank Wars compared to THAT IMAGE and other shit WITHIN this fandom is the difference between Housamo and AnotherEidos.
>>15881 I understand that, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel that way. but to me, Prank Wars (from what I’ve seen) is so vanilla to me that I just don’t see what the big deal is.
>>15879 I really hope we get to see it, I'm dying to know what the original story was going to be like >>15880 Yeah, I don't actually like all the fetish stuff in the comic (and especially all the abdl that's coming up), but there's something hilarious about speculating just how far the commissioned artist is willing to go. Also, Sonic's expressions are just great and I love seeing all the reactions it gets >spoiler If you're talking about that art with the anthro raccoon, I've seen that too but just found it funny. Of course, I saw 1guy1jar when I was a teen so I'm kinda numb to that sort of thing >>15882 And there goes 50% of all Echidnas!
>>15883 I am aware of how feel, but I will not stop bitching about the comic every time I see it. And while yes I have seen worse as well, and indeed there are things I like that are assuredly greater in revulsion than prank wars. But I have also disliked worse and my dislike to the worse does not diminish my dislike of the lesser. I do not like prank wars, and I will continue to butch about and ask Thirstposter to stop posting it, until he complies.
>>15884 If I’m going to be very blunt here, Prank Wars has the fetishes that I EXPECT from the weird ass people from this weird ass fandom. Feet? Some form of transformation? ABDL? Must be a normal Tuesday in the fetishy parts of the Sonic fandom! Like I’ve seen enough from this fandom that Prank Wars to me is worthy of a “Eh…” reaction then I just move on with my day. Also, it’s just me having a very “You Do You” mentality. Like yeah, I’m (somewhat) weirded out by what you’re into but as long as you aren’t hurting yourself, others, doing weird shit with kids or animals, and keeping it in appropriate spaces, then who cares really.
completely and utterly off topic but the more I become a fan of Marvel again/autistically read stuff, oddly the more I grow to dislike X-men and how it treats the Avengers, the self-indulgence it places on itself while ignoring whatever else is happening in the setting and shitting on my homies the Serpent Society.
>>15888 That's because some writers put other heroes/teams down to prop others up, even when it's not needed. Like other capes shitting on Spider-Man when he's more tenured than 90% of the current crop of heroes or the Avengers and X-Men go back n' forth on dissing each other when both been through enough bullshit
>>15889 Yeah, I don't mind writers playing favorites but putting other teams down and making them look rude/incompetent is not good >>15892 Nice! >>15893 It be fair, who wouldn't plap a guy in a Crush 40 tshirt >>15894 It's to fund the artists >>15895 Specifically Sega of America and Sega of Japan don't care. SoJ because it's just doujins being released over there, which no company cares about. SoA appreciates the goodwill fan projects generate, and even use them as a talent pool to hire from.
Sega of Europe fucking hates all of it and will cease and desist perfectly legal fan projects because they're retarded. The link below shows a book European Sega fans wanted to publish that just lists all the games ever released on the Dreamcast so collectors could check them off. SoE still cease and desisted them
>>15896 >decided to look it up >it's sega of fucking europe again From: >In a statement issued to Kotaku, a Sega Europe representative said the company "need[s] to protect our intellectual property rights and this may result in us requesting that our fans remove online imagery, videos or games in some instances." I genuinely hope SoE gets disbanded
>>15897 Bendis is the worst when it comes to playing favorites, character assassination and making characters look worse then they are but he's not alone in that regard. Also admittedly i'd play favourites to if wrote at Marvel, you'd be seeing a sudden push for Kang, Serpent Society, Shocker, Scorpia, Mysterio, Yellowjacket/Rita, Hank Pym, the U-Foes and the Wrecking Crew overnight by my hand. But I'd also just avoid using characters I don't like....for most part since do have some actual ideas for some biased against lol.
Also damn, sucks to hear Sega of Europe is a pack of cunts but also not unsurprising I guess.
>>15899 Miku Miku! >>15898 Yeah, from what I hear he's particularly bad. I still think giving more spotlight to personal faves is fine, so long as it doesn't sideline or denigrate the other characters >Sega of Europe I really do dislike them. They're just petty and do nothing but make Sega look bad >>15900 That's why it's in my comic RSS feed, so I'm alerted to every new page!
>>15251 The Heart of a Monster 10-09 (the correct one this time) So sparkly! From the author: >he's approaching....... FAST
>>15907 The Heart of a Monster 10-10 (previously posted here >>15577 as 10-09) Oh my! Again! From the author: >everyone cheer on sonic so he has enough power of friendship to turn the fight over
>>15910 It's certainly gone in its own direction with the character designs. I enjoy the comic, but it does feel like maybe it could've been tweaked into something with original characters
>>15915 if Helen Parr was to fuck a woman, she would do better then going for Evelyn, looks like cracked out Roxanne Richie, Deavor....actually on the topic of Helen Parr n evil women surprised no crossover stuff of her n Shego tbh.
Watched Nimona, was pretty good. Top notch animation, really liked Ballister as a character. Plus the story and themes were done quite well while not being to obnoxious. Funny enough Nimona herself I'm not the biggest on but I think she grew on me around the middlepoint. I still feel strongly validated in thinking Bluesky should've stuck around.
Yeah I think I'm a Rio fan now, birds are my kryptonite just as much as reptiles or sea animals. Did remind me my Sonic Forces avatar was a female magpie and Zoe Monroe is pretty Neato. It's funny how the sheer drought of movies in cinema are making me streaming service surf at moment.
>>15922 Yeah those haven't changed, they have nothing better to do with their lives so they just wait a bit then go apeshit as usual. It's also made storytimes an inconvenience.
>>15914 Nice! >>15917 I've been meaning to watch that >>15918 Everything's coming up Ride!™ >>15919 >>15921 I hate it so much. There's bee several posts I've just deleted since I kbf waiting for 15 minutes >>15922 >>15924 What it does do is drive away occasional posters by massively increasing the friction required to participate, which goes completely against the the entire purpose of imageboards (low friction discussion that doesn't need to be tied to your identity). This actually makes things better for the schizos since they'd drag their ballsacks across a mile of broken glass just to shit up the threads they hate, and removing more casual posters helps foster that insular crab-bucket irony-poisoned culture they love so much As for stopping spam, I still frequently see the perispammer, the vidjabutts poster and the guy that really really likes his Steam Deck
>>15927 With how Ian wanted most of the echidnas gone, probably not. She’s also responsible for Finitevus because she had him absorb the microwave power.
>>15918 The Thread Legacy Staffer here. If anyone wants to ask anything about the comic you can ask and I'll answer it to the best of my ability, preferably without an undiagnosed schizophrenic shitting up the thread.
>>15930 Welcome! I don't have anything to ask but someone around here might. As for the schizo they'll stop as soon as the thread hits bump limit. That's the only reason they're active right now.
Ian didn't want echidnas gone, but echidnas were so synonymous with Penders that the idea of even creating new echidna characters was out the window. Look at what happened with Sonic Chronicles, Penders trying to claim that since they never made a Chronicles 2 or that Shade has never appeared in any other games, that he someone by default gains ownership of the character by saying she's "secretly" HIS oc going as far as to even say so in his totally original comic.
I don't know when I'll make another thread on 4chan aside from when a new issue comes out. I noticed that the thread does die down a lot after the storytime finishes.
>>15933 Personally I just really like putting in the visualizations of what I have in my head on the paper and really bringing the story to life through drawing.
Also the brainstorming with the rest of the team is pretty fun.
>>15930 Why a dolphin? Why introduce an OC at all if your original plan was to follow the games? Why not introduce her later after you had established the premise of the comic first? It seems like you created an OC and decided to make the comic around having her in it and then shelved her later.
>>15936 I can't really answer that question throughly because a lot of these came from before my time, I've been around since issue 8. But from what I do know, the premise of Legacy has never been to follow the games down to a T, but to be a celebration of the series as a whole, hence how we incorporate elements from all across canon like Sally Acorn and Uncle Chuck. I believe the reason why Tempest was created was not only to give the Comic a distinctive OC but also to give him somebody to bounce off of during the Sonic 1 portion of the story.
I do not wish to spoil what we have cooking, but we plan to start having significant divergences in the story after the Sonic 3 arc is wrapped up, which we plan to do so this year.
>>15938 I mean I'm not trying to hide my identity, just don't want to make it about me, I'm just like a 1920's triggerman, I like browsing the funny pages to see what the public thinks of my and my crew's work.
>>15943 There is only one Ivo Robotnik. If you want a glimpse at his backstory and how he became the way he is, you might want to read Mobius Legacy #1.
That's the thread archived now, but at least it ended on a high note! >>15930 Great work on the comic! I thought the most recent issue turned out really well, and it's always nice to see comics with a focus on S3&K. My question's very biased, but do you think you'll be featuring Constable Remington in the comic?
>sparkFLAME -- a black & white, Shonen Jump-flavored, comic book anthology featuring 11 all-new, original, 5-page stories created by the writers and artists of IDW Sonic!
>this project was started as a way of forcing all of us to develop and work on all of our original, non-Sonic concepts and ideas.
>all of us, on the book, love Sonic. but, we wanted to take this chance to really flex or comic booking muscles beyond just the blue hedgehog!
>>15952 >How is this a stupid idea? Anon These artist are only known by their work on sonic comics and every fan that follows them only gives a crap about their work on sonic content not their original work so if you show this project to audience composed of IDW sonic fans no one is gonna Support this project.
>>15955 >When you put it like that I get your point. It doesn’t hurt to do other things Anon they tried to other stuff besides sonic and they failed here are some examples. Drogune has no virtual audience and the comic project is stuck in development hell Gigi is working retail, she got so pissed about her non Sonic work getting no attention and harming her engagement that she split it off from her main Twitter account and then just abandoned the comic she made. Daniel Barnes has a original project that has only like 5 fans supporting it. Evan has an original project so unpopular her own fans don't know about it
>>15951 Link to tweet for those interested: >>15953 It'd be nice to see characters go places other than abandoned(?) Eggman base #47 and generic town with vaguely European architecture #103. Station Square has a giant pinball machine regular people willingly climb inside and play as human pinballs for fun. Even their boring commutes to work have highways with loop-de-loops. Literally just copy all that weird-ass shit from the games! >>15956 >Drogune I loved the art IIRC, MC looks enough like a dude that she's kinda hot but the story's pacing was just languid. You could tell Flynn had all these interesting worldbuilding ideas but needed an editor to force him to tighten things up, which was more or less the feedback he received from the famous mangakas that reviewed it for a competition they entered. It's obviously nowhere near as bad as Penders' pacing, but you can see where he got it from. Fortunately, Flynn's much better at giving characters distinctive voices, although there is room for improvement >Gigi is working retail That sucks. Honestly, a lot of these artists would be happier doing commissions for suspiciously wealthy furries instead >Daniel Barnes has a original project Okay, that looks hilarious. It's got KKK wizards and everything! >Evan has an original project My guess is that's Ensouled, a ghost-themed because of course it is show or comic she was working on in art school >>15957 Yeah, I posted about it a few threads ago but even Flynn would likely be better off financially working a minimum-wage job >>15958 I'm not gonna say it, but I am gonna think it loudly!
>>15962 Well, I’m gonna say it! I want to use aspects of the “Maekawa Master Plan” for my Twisted Wonderland-inspired Sonic AU I mentioned two threads back. In fact, I have been thinking of some related to it recently and I want to y’all about some of those ideas, mainly because I want some feedback from y’all.
>>15963 >Twisted Wonderland-inspired Sonic AU This is the most woman thing I've heard in a bit. But sure, I'm open to talking about fanfiction and AUs, although I'm going to be busy for the rest of today so I might not respond to you for a bit.
>>15964 Cool! I’ll delve into my ideas once I get back from a job fair I’ll be at today. (Also, I’m a guy, btw) (Also, also, I want to start incorporating some aspects of Housamo into my AU too!)
>>15963 Looking forward to seeing it! Always happy to theorycraft; Sonic lore is always building up in my head and must be released regularly! >>15965 Good luck with the job fair! I've been on the other side a few times and it's super boring sitting at a table all day. Don't be shy about talking to them, you'll actually be doing them a favor!
>>15965 Ah so you're gay? But seriously not joking this time, I write fanfiction of my own, although I'm not an artists so I don't have a comic. I kinda dip my toes into whatever series interest me at the moment, but I love to see other people's fan fiction and works as well. Currently I'm working on my own fanfiction, an IDW/Disco Elysium Crossover, Electric Mobius on Ao3. Mobius from SatAM doesn't show up but I was really attached to the name. Anyways always happy to share and talk with others about their own works.
>>15956 Drogune is more popular than the comic they never made. Theres no reason being upset someone wants to make something. Just because you're "known" for one thing doesn't mean you can't do other things. Sounds like reductive reasoning and especially bringing up that Gigi works in retail is weird, I don't know why someone having a second job has anything to do with the quality of their work.
>>15982 >$1 gets you the next page now >$10 gets you all the pages I can't stand fan projects that do this. The quality isn't nearly worth charging twice what an official full blown comic costs. I feel bad for the people that fall for this trap thinking their supporting the comic when they can wait and read it for free it the really want to.
>>15986 Patreon is for people who want to support the comic and have the money to do so. Otherwise they can wait. Webcomics in general have extra pages done in advance for a buffer so releases are on time. Patrons can pay extra to see those pages sooner or wait to see them released each week for everyone else. Without the Patreon there would only be the Sonic comic and even that might not update every week without help from patrons. So the people that understand this and voluntarily give money to support the comic are helping everyone out.
Some interesting Ride™ news: I got a spike of 50,000 visitors to the website the day we did the 4/co/ storytime, despite not posting a link. Oh, and we just passed 4 million visitors! >>15967 I can't believe you posted the Konductor's secret YouTube channel! >>15971 Wow Kill La Kill art that isn't Sonic and Shadow! >>15975 >spoiler Sounds fun! I've never played the game, but their obsessive devotion to lore and worldbuilding is impressive >>15976 >Boom! Boom! Oh come on Sally, it was a pretty good show! >>15977 lmao >>15979 >I don't know why someone having a second job has anything to do with the quality of their work. I think it speaks more to the fact that mainstream comics just doesn't pay well enough to be a viable career. Controversial opinion, but the only reason artists should work in mainstream comics is to build an audience in order to go independent. I get that working on Sonic officially is a dream for many, but when you're making barely minimum wage with limited creative freedom, why not work on your own stuff? >>15981 Nice work on the expressions >>15982 >Is it me or are these two… enjoying this? I know I am! >>15986 It's really just a way to say thanks for supporting the comic. FWIW I mostly just read the new pages in the threads despite donating
>>15992 lmao, one day I'll refresh the thread before posting, but today is not that day! I'll also add that releasing pages early to Patrons lets casual readers know that there's a buffer of pages and that they can expect a regular release of pages. Having a stable Patreon also signals that a project is being taken seriously, has built an audience, and is therefore far less likely to just be abandoned
>>15992 Other projects doing it doesn't make it any less predatory. Having a patreon or allowing fans to support your project is fine, but using fomo levels of coerce people into paying about market price for what amounts to early access is extremely manipulative. The only way I would even consider paying for something like that would specifically be the leak it somewhere public so other people wouldn't have to pay.
>>15440 Infested 2-23 >chased by an angry horde of twinks >gets flirted at by Slutnic himself Ivan's a lucky guy!
>>15997 Personally I support stuff if it's something I like and want to see more of. If there's any reason I don't like what I'm seeing then I won't support it. So while I don't agree with your views I can understand not wanting to put down money if there's something about it that I don't like. It's ultimately up to each person what they do with their money and I'd like to think that each patron is fully aware of the situation and are giving money because they genuinely want to. And if I didn't have a Patreon and was able to pay for everything on my own, I would still do things the same way. I like having a consistent schedule and buffer.
>>15982 Ah Sonic, ah Knuckles, solving problems with your fists. If only Sonic could come to appreciate the ecological diversity of Angel island.
>>15996 Yeah, young Rouge looks pretty cute as well. Also Sonic engaging in the age of Sonic tradition of being a hobo and making his relatives responsible for him. Although this does makes Knuckles Rouge some form of incest.
>>15998 Guess Mister Elephantae has finally met up with Sonic, we skipped a bunch of stuff earlier when Sonic and Shadow were mindcontrolled, why can't we have some skips with the Elephant. Also is that a Robian? What's he doing there?
>>15993 Thanks, I think I posted it here once before, back before I changed some formatting and this was still part of this sites /co/ board. Hopefully you enjoy.
>>15997 Artists gotta eat somehow and running a Sonic general doesn't pay the bills. It's not like Konductor is some big corporation or anything. I know people do it with fanfiction as well, although I personally don't monetize my work.
>>15999 I support things I like too, but I don't "support" anyone under the coercion of getting something I'm already going to get, but early. It's not really supporting the project as much as it's supporting your compulsion to have access to something before other people do. It's a predatory tactic that's barely any better than loot boxes.
>>16001 I don't agree and I don't think there's anything I or anyone else could say to change your mind on the subject. So we'll just to agree to disagree.
>>15956 This is such a disingenuous argument to make. Their Sonic content is popular because it's Sonic content. In this very thread, multiple fan comics have been posted and discussed. Here's the thing, if any one of those projects were not based on an already existing franchise with millions of fans, they would get zero attention. There are some decently talented artists and writers, not as many as they think there are but there are some good ones, but if they put their time and effort into creating something original, like Drogune, and not a fan comic for a thing that already has fans of, you would never ever hear about them. It's why a lot of artists will build their reputations up on existing fandoms, and once they reach a certain level of popularity, shift their focus or even entirely abandon the fanfic they built their fanbase on. One example that easily comes to mind is the artist Fakeryway. He had only a few thousand followers on his social until he starting doing Sonic art and commissions, and then gained tens of thousands of followers in the span of a few months, only to turn around after he'd built up those numbers and say he wasn't going to do Sonic art anymore. You can take any popular fan comic like ASO, Legacy, or STCO that had gained thousands of fans and have them say "ok we're done with Sonic, we're going to do something completely original now" and tell me how many of those fans would stick around solely for the quality of their work, and not because of the branding of their project. Trying to imply someone isn't talented because they did an original project that wasn't as popular as their work on an officially licenced comic is a weird take.
>>15987 >>15988 Who else but Mobius greatest fuckup, Max!! And here's if Elias wanted Sally's blue idiot. >>15996 >Rouge as Sonic's sister/tard wrangler That's an interesting take. Guess here being with Sonic trained her to deal with Shadow & Omega.
>>15999 >I like having a consistent schedule and buffer. I think that's an extremely underappreciated side of the comic. There's several Archie fancomics that are currently updating, but none of them has anywhere as consistent a release schedule >>16000 >Although this does makes Knuckles Rouge some form of incest. Hasn't stopped me from enjoying Rough and Tumble! >Also is that a Robian? What's he doing there? You can pay to have your OC featured in Infested, hence the Robian, along with the two twinks in the first panel >Thanks, I think I posted it here once before, back before I changed some formatting and this was still part of this sites /co/ board. Hopefully you enjoy. Looking forward to checking it out! >It's not like Konductor is some big corporation or anything. I've been telling people for years that he's secretly Iizuka but no one believes me ;_; > I personally don't monetize my work. Same. That's why the Ride website doesn't have ads >>16001 I can see how the slight decoupling of incentives may not align with everyone's tastes, since donations grant early access to something that will be released for free later, but actually fund more pages per week than you would get without donations. Some Sonic fancomics have tried selling entire issues and never releasing it for free (e.g., hentai doujins) and others have allowed fans to pay to have their OCs featured (e.g., Infested), whereas others have tried putting higher resolution images and/or Discord access behind a Patreon tier (e.g., Okida and Glitcher's comics). Personally I prefer early access because I believe fanworks should be made available to the public for free
>>16005 Agreed. His Sonic stuff was some of his best work. All of his current word is morbidly obese women, hyper cocks, and half of any given pic being ten gallons of off colored cum.
>>16006 It's not donations of you're paying for a premium service. Early access is a premium service. Paywalling content behind a schedule and then calling it a donation is crazy. It already exists and can be shared, but they're going to make people wait unless they pay extra up front. That shows it's not a donation given out of wanting to support the project but paying to get access to something other people do not currently have access to. It is not a donation.
>>16008 It's not even fomo, they comic pages don't go away forever and they don't receive a special service. You aren't actually missing anything if you don't donate.
>>16009 >and they don't receive a special service But they do? It's says right there at the bottom of the page that you get access to content that isn't public yet. That is a service.
It's like calling paying the $20 extra dollars for the version of Avowed with early access a "donation" because the full game was going to release publicly in a few days. They paid extra, they received something for that payment. Your argument would hold a lot more water if you changed your choice of words to something more suitable.
>>16012 When they say special service, I mean exclusivity, sorry for not using clear wording. Everybody gets the same thing, there's no paid extra content, there's no pre-order bonus or limited time gacha unit that only runs one week in a year and that toy need twenty copies of in order to max our.
>>16013 But they ARE offering a service in the form of early access to content. It's hard to have a discussion about things in good faith when the other person chooses to use incorrect verbage to make their points.
>>16014 My god, is my use of the wrong verb really that big of a hang up to you? I already apologized for using tan incorrect verb and explained what I meant. I explained my standard, you clearly have a different standard and we aren't going to agree about it. Also verbiage has an i in it, how about you learn to spell correctly first you fucking troglodyte.
>>16006 >That's why the Ride website doesn't have ads I actually don't mind ads just so long as they aren't pop-ups or playing annoying audio clips. Banner ads and ads along the sides of the website are fine IMO.
>>16015 >Fucking troglodyte I see you're the I can't admit my fault so I'll hurl childish insults type.
I'll provide an analogy to prove how faulty you're whole line of reasoning is anyway.
If a company makes a free to play game and announces the world wide public release at the end of the month, but then says for $20 you can get several weeks of early access, that would not be a donation, and it would be paywalling a service or function.
It's not about agreeing to disagree. You are simply wrong, and I think you're resorting to name calling shows you don't even have the maturity to understand what you're talking about.
>>16017 >I see you're the I can't admit my fault so I'll hurl childish insults type. I was responding in kind, you're the one who claimed I was acting disingenuous since due to making a mistake and using the wrong verb. Also if you're going to act like an authority on something at least know how to spell the word you're using.
>If a company makes a free to play game and announces the world wide public release at the end of the month, but then says for $20 you can get several weeks of early access, that would not be a donation, and it would be paywalling a service or function. So, who the fuck cares if it's called a donation, I don't? But I don't think it's fomo, that's what I'm responding to you about. Sure is Patreon offically using the term 'donation' maybe a bit exploitative? Sure, probably, but that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm contesting if it's fomo or not and I don't think its fomo. Would the term, 'financial contribution,' be better, yes. But that's not what I'm talking about.
>If a company makes a free to play game and announces the world wide public release at the end of the month, but then says for $20 you can get several weeks of early access, that would not be a donation, and it would be paywalling a service or function. >It's not about agreeing to disagree. You are simply wrong, and I think you're resorting to name calling shows you don't even have the maturity to understand what you're talking about. Yes it is about agreeing to disagree, I gave you my definition of what I think fomo is, and that doesn't line up with what the Conductor is doing. Also the comic isn't a fucking video game, it's a comic. It's not even a commercial product put out to make revenue, it's the personal passion project of an autist online that has the option of financial contribution and early look at pages so the conductor can afford to keep putting pages out. That is way more tame in comparison to any free 2 play video game designed to suck up as much time as possible and sell you shitty loot boxes. It isn't comparable.
>>16018 Unfortunately, I'm not going to bother reading anything you have to say after the first line. Calling someone's argument disingenuous because they're saying receiving a service for payment is a donation is not in any way the same as calling someone a "fucking troglodyte" over a type. Inspite of repeating the agree to disagree mantra, I think you've made it perfectly clear to everyone able to read these posts that you have absolutely no intention of stepping away from the keyboard and actually walking away from a conversation where you've already stated you know you won't change the other person's mind, and would rather show how angry you really are because another random person on the internet doesn't think fan comics should be pay walling content based on property they don't even own to behind with.
Take care of yourself, anon. You aren't worth replying to beyond this.
>>16019 Hey if money wasn't an issue and everybody could do what they wanted to do purely for the sake of their own artistic endeavor, maybe I'd agree with you. But people have to eat and there's nothing morally wrong with making money off of property you don't own. especially when the property holder itself does not care. Not to mention Sega is a million dollar cooperation and Conductor's comic isn't even harming them. And I'm not going to back down, it's not fomo if it's coming out anyway and there's no exclusive content. The reason why fomo is bad in the first place is that it's trying to take advantage of the consumer unreasonably by using human psychology and is often involved in overly exploitative business models like free to play games. There's nothing wrong with accepting money for a fanwork, especially when it isn't trying to pass itself off as genuine material. I already apologized for using the word donation incorrectly, you're the one who originally insisted that you couldn't have a good faith argument with me after I corrected myself and tried to more clearly explain my position.
>>16022 I got overly angry at him when he said he couldn't have an argument in good faith with me and then even madder when he told me to take care of myself while also telling me I'm not worth responding to. I'd rather be angry, then smugly dismiss someone or be dismissed by someone who responds in vague moral platitudes about doing better and taking care of myself. But I'm not wrong, there's nothing morally wrong about accepting money for making fan content, and I don't think it's fomo either.
>>16007 Damn, it's so sad when artists go down that path. We've had several of the fancomic artists featured here do the same thing >>16009 >and they don't receive a special service Looks like someone doesn't know about the secret feet pics tier on the Patreon! >>16016 I just hate them on principle, and wouldn't want to edit the content of the site to conform to advertiser guidelines (many of the archived threads have NSFW images and anons saying naughty words). It'd also make the site feel like a job instead of a hobby if it was making money. It's a bit off topic, but the ideal version of the Internet for me would be a collection of small hobbyist sites and forums that are completely ad-free. No giant social media companies driving people insane, no homogenized megasites scooping up fan content to make a buck (reddit, fandom wikis), no AI-generated SEO spam, just an Internet that's fun and community centered
>>16028 lmao, it's literally just the infinity symbol in a stylized eyeball and they still removed it. Hilariously they included fanart of Sonia from SU in Transformed and had to remove it >>16030 ;_;
>>16030 Archie is so influential and Sega will never acknowledge it. Ian being able to get Tower's first name from Archie is probably him making a case to just let it happen or slipping it by them. >>16032 Sega has always been weird about abandoned continuities. They could be raking in the nostalgia bucks but they're still stubborn as hell about it. >>16033 So anal, even the mention of Knothole is enough to piss them off. >>16034 Nintendo is the pettiest and sue-happy company. To think they tried suing (and lost to) a Super Mario store that was in business with that name for 50 years. Not to be confused with another Super Mario store that did use Nintendo's mascot without their permission. >>16036 People still do fan projects of Mario characters in comics, games, porn, and animation. And Nintendo still shuts them down. It's battered wife syndrome.
>>16039 Can't say I'm picking up what you're putting down. Why would any organization clone of created new versions of old/dead heroes, but then also created a clone of the villain too? That whole premise reeks of bad writing for a way to have all the same characters but in a different setting. Very uncreative. Also straight up spoiling your only potential big reveal in a feedback post, now if you ever write it everyone already knows.
>>16039 >70% postboot Archie I see you're a man of taste as well, and I'm not just saying that due to the bara furry. >G.U.N, either someone would "pick up the slack" and continue his plans for world domination or Eggman himself would try to prolong his existence So, to them Makes sense I always imagined after his death Eggman's fracturing empire would inspire a new generation of mad scientists. >"Who's the mystery man, then? Well...It's Mephiles. Under the identity of someone important to Project Next. Nice, I always liked Mephiles and him escaping from his prison outside of time to wreck more havok is cool. He isn't dead afterall, just sealed. The Maekawa master plan stuff is interesting as well, always liked it even if I'm probably not going to use it in anything myself. Anyways, when starting with a writing project, I think it's always good to know your scope. Even if you don't want to write an outline. So starting out with short arcs that you can section off is a good idea, it gives you a good stopping point and like in all projects setting little milestones like that for yourself can help with motivation. Although I do have to ask, will Chaos still be around with Tikal in the Master Emerald, or are they going to be passing on with Knuckles. The GOTF fan in me likes the idea of at least one of the characters, like Knukcles in particular, staying around in a spirit guide form.
You know what? This not going the way I wanted and some other shit (mainly from Twitter) has gotten me frazzled, So for my own sake, I'll try this again tomorrow. Good Night!
>>16046 Depending how much he takes down with him, a Post-Eggman Mobius would be real interesting: >What's left of the Egg Army/DEL fractures. Mostly into fifedoms among the Egg Bosses >Ivo's tech is in the wild now and more that few people are after it(The FF, G.U.N., Mogul, Starline, etc.) Some chapters just say fuck it. No Eggman, no point. >Beauregard shuts it down, reconnects with Bunnie allows his people to make their own choices. >Nephtys probably retires, helps fix her region up. >Axel runs the roads of Efrika with his crew >Conquering Storm focuses on the Dragon Kingdom & getting stronger >Clove either goes to Mobotroplis or GUN to help Cassia >Lien-Da starts trying to rebuild the Dark Legion in her image with the Egg Tech she was able to squander up >Snivley......falls back a bit. Why? He purposes to the Iron Queen! That's after the 2 week party he throws in celebration of his Uncle's demise >Thunderbolt is suicidal but quickly becomes homicidal, declaring herself the successor to the Egg Army >Wendy also cries her eye out....maybe tries to apologize to Nagus...... >Morderd quickly tries to take over Yurish >Tundra & Akhult prepare for their final fight.... >Abyss decides to be the Pirate Queen >Maw finally takes Starline on a date
>>16027 >It's a bit off topic, but the ideal version of the Internet for me would be a collection of small hobbyist sites and forums that are completely ad-free. No giant social media companies driving people insane, no homogenized megasites scooping up fan content to make a buck (reddit, fandom wikis), no AI-generated SEO spam, just an Internet that's fun and community centered Yeah, I get what you mean. You'd have little GeoCities fansites for specific movies, even. You do find the occasional hobbyist site still up (, for example), but now it's all just big "megasites," as you said.
That's actually one thing I kinda like about TVTropes, for all its autism and other issues. It's a decent place to nerd out about your old faves.
>>16055 Oh dear. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
>>16054 I wonder if Nephtys would have to live with realising that her bending the knee to Eggman figuring that resisting him would only make him worse and spinelessly serving him was ultimately for nothing since Dr Eggman was finite and Sonic was right to oppose him. Also yeah everything about Snively there is extremely on point and I do wonder how many of them would keep the enhancements or fashion they had while working for Dr Eggbotnik. Oddly not got much to add with Mordred shining since either he'd turntail to run the best he could scrounge or have to live with the humiliation of a commoners life. Akhult would murder Tundra, probably punt him into the stratosphere like his ancestry did to seals for fun.
>>16057 I'm sure Nephtys would probably have some reflection, maybe even tell Sonic he was right. Sonic in turn wishes she'd would've came to the FF first but has an understanding due knowing Beauregard and at that moment they turned to what they felt was the best option to protect what's around them. As for the enhancements and gear, I see Conquering Storm doing what she can to get rid of the enhancements, since it perverts her idea of true strength. Lien-Da, Morderd, T-Bolt, Maw & Abyss keep plus repurpose the stuff. Axel keeps the vehicles for sure. Akhult kills Tundra and takes whatever tech that survived their final bout. Beauregard and Nephtys turn in their gear to be used for peaceful applications.