Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Fancomic: Unofficial Ride Website: Archie Sonic Ride links:
Rules: >General thread for everything. >If you want to discuss something specific in depth or post more of it then post in a thread specifically for it or make one yourself. >Image limit (including videos) is about 350 so if you want to post several images then try doing so in another thread. >If you think something deserves its own thread and that you can contribute to it consistently then make it. >And respect the other rules for the whole website.
>>14260 Glad we got to see these two interact in IDW, the Sungazer village was nice.
>>14246 Dunno what he's talking about, but more OC from these threads is always welcomed, We already have the Mobius Comis from the Conductor. More is always welcomed.
>>14266 It's a shame they don't do more with Knuckles. The echidna lore still has some interesting potential storylines, even if we already know what happened to them. Maybe they're still afraid of Penders suing.
Is it Knuckles anniversary or something, also since people complained I'll try to tone down the I hate Silver jokes/comments since don't want to be a hassle
>>14279 And neither is Lanolin ever beating her bogus allegations, very grim for her indeed. Hopefully if/when IDW goes under something good happens with Lanolin since I rate her fairly low on the "will return in another comic/continuity" scale.
So handsome! >>14245 >And character design, main script, and the idea is by Yana Toboso, creator of Black Butler! Really!? I thought it looked Black Butlery, but figured the artist was just a fan of the aesthetic. Oh man, the last season was so good, it actually made cricket an interesting sport! Grelle's my absolute favorite character, he's so over the top and violent! >>14276 >Sauce of that drawing of Namco's Sonic OC? >>14261 Thanks for posting best boy! >>14266 He's just the best, and easily my favorite game character >>14267 >It's a shame they don't do more with Knuckles. The echidna lore still has some interesting potential storylines, even if we already know what happened to them. Maybe they're still afraid of Penders suing. They literally had an overdramatic death scene between (Wade dressed as) Knuckles and his (puppet) dad, complete with Penders mustache. They also hinted at a possible connection between the Echidna and Ancients, and that one of the Echidna tribes may have been technologically advanced >The echidna lore still has some interesting potential storylines I'm hoping that's why they're introducing Prof Tori, since her field of study is ancient civilizations. I'd love to see her and Knuckles do some archeology stuff together, especially since Knuckles is an expert in ancient languages >>14271 Wyn best dad!
>>14288 >>14289 >>14290 At least he's claiming some sort of responsibility and trying to help clean up the mess he created, but Sonic sounds like an idiot here "yeah I was played for a fool, even I know that" Being an idiot is idiotic no matter how you spin it Sonic, at least Espio is giving him a hard time about it. Too bad Jewel is going to get away with activating the self destruct, that was dumber than anything Lanolin has ever done.
>>14287 lmao >>14288 Oh boy, a recap issue! >>14289 >I need your help in finding Clutch, he's a loose end I need to forgive and/or redeem! >>14290 Rough and Tumble are so cute ;_; >>14291 >Too bad Jewel is going to get away with activating the self destruct, that was dumber than anything Lanolin has ever done. I'll take back (most of) everything I've said about IDW if they make her a villain
>>14294 >I'll take back (most of) everything I've said about IDW if they make her a villain That could be any IDW OC except for Tangle. Lanolin, Whisper. Jewel, Surge. Although Surge is already partly evil and looks cute doing it, making her the best IDW OC.
>>14295 It'd be so cool seeing a stealth vs speed fight. I miss when Sonic and his friends would constantly fight each other >Also, not to call the art bad, but I wish there was more stylization. It's very on model, which is what Sega's been pushing. Personally, I'd much rather see individual artists showcase their own style. Imagine having to see Gray's art be super on model, it'd lose so much of its charm >>14296 lmao >>14299 Femphiles looks great here! I just use it for art and reading Penders' awful takes on things >>14300 She could be like that sheep mayor in Zootopia! Yeah, a Punished Lanolin/Whisper arc would be great. >Surge Hero or villain, gremlin Surge and enabler Kit are just the best! My only problem with them (and the other OCs) is that all their best moments are in fan content. Except for Rough and Tumble, obviously. They're absolutely perfect and should be in every issue! >>14301 It's his sacred duty to keep the class quiet
>>14302 I should probably clear that up a bit. I have a twitter account mainly to post and look at art, but I’m there for other things too (memes, politics , and the occasionally interesting thing) and with this fandom and the discourse that comes from it, I try to avoid it but following certain accounts leads me right to it. So no, I’m not on there PURELY for discourse.
>>14303 Fair enough, it's great for art, although I wish it was better for comics. Anything more than a single post means following the link reply breadcrumbs that aren't always there, just give us official first/prev/next/last links Xitter! >spoiler Gasp! >>14304 They should bring the Werehog back as a powerup, have him use Chip's collar/bracelet or something. His levels were fun! Fun! It'd also be nice to see him interact with other characters >>14306 I was really hoping they'd get together in IDW their powersets and personalities are really complementary, what with Silver being a rash idiot that launches headfirst into trouble and Tangle being a reserved strategist that excels in long-range support. They've also got that sun/moon gold/silver(lol) theming and it frees Tangle up for Rough, my secret favorite IDW ship >>14309 She learnt it from Slutnic!
>>14311 If the Satam cast appeared as significant characters in an anime adaption as never happening as that would be, how would Japanese purists cope?
>>14302 >It'd be so cool seeing a stealth vs speed fight. I miss when Sonic and his friends would constantly fight each other Yeah, Sonic and his friends kicking each others asses or at least trying too is great. >Hero or villain, gremlin Surge and enabler Kit are just the best! My only problem with them (and the other OCs) is that all their best moments are in fan content Even fanmade content by the people who work on the comic! Surge is very cute, even when she fails. And Kit is cute two even if he plays second fiddle to Surge's cuteness.
>>14304 >>14314 That reminds me, recently Quaver has been posting art of the beta rabbit Sonic design, here named Rush and the beta blaze design, here named Cinder.
>>14319 I also just remembered that classic western purists (*cough* richmunk and his ilk *cough*) will be JUST as annoying as the Japanese purists for different reasons.
>>14321 While the Japanese purists will be whining about “those pesky western characters in MY precious Japanese canon, Nooo” the classic western purists will be going, “Ugggggh, Sally doesn’t look the way she’s supposed to look!” And possibly include some culture war bullshit alongside those statements
>>14311 Well, Sally is a master strategist! >>14316 Hilariously, Sally and the other Archie/SatAM characters are pretty popular inclusions in Sonic videos over on Nico Nico Douga >>14320 >Yeah, Sonic and his friends kicking each others asses or at least trying too is great. It's also a nice change from them constantly fighting badniks >Even fanmade content by the people who work on the comic! Exactly! I love jaded coffee addicts Shadow and Lanolin, and all the fun with Surge >the beta blaze design There's gotta be a story behind that design >>14325 Barbra's the superior redhead. Well, Gordon mogs both, but that's neither here nor there >>14327 Look at her go! >>14328 >>14333 Walking back the talons from Jet's prototype design was a terrible idea >>14330 lmao, it's Scourge x Surge >>14331 Shark x torpedo x android should not work as well as it does >>14332 Wow, that's really well done >>14336 Sally would just have to fake a Sonic voice and Amy would have no idea it's not him >>14338 Cute! I remember mentioning this comic once during the Unofficial Ride but after a couple years the 270 page Sonic, Gravity Falls, Danny Phantom, and Bendy crossover comic is updating once more. And I'm not storytiming it. But if I were to storytime daily I probably would've. Oh boy! We haven't done a fanzine in forever! And there's quite a few comics in here! And there's a new Chaos Control story in it. Bro abandoned his comic a second time and the time he makes new pages for it is in a fanzine. Not even a mention on his abandoned tumblr.
>>14342 >And I'm not storytiming it You always bully me into doing these ones, it's Sonic and the BirdStone all over again! >>14343 Nice! Let me know if you want it jpeg'd for storytiming >spoiler What a coincidence, I was just checking his xitter today since the tumblr hadn't updated in ages
>>14344 >Nice! Let me know if you want it jpeg'd for storytiming That'd be very helpful! After making a new computer, I never bothered to get another PDF program.
>>14345 No worries, I'll them sorted in a day or two! I just use imagemagick, since it allows me to batch convert files from the command line >After making a new computer I've been meaning to do that for ages. I just wish pc makers would sell something relatively decent that looks stylish, doesn't sound like a leafblower, isn't the size of a mini-fridge and doesn't light up ;_;
>>14347 >a good GPU alone costs an arm and a leg. Surely it can't be that bad! >looks up price of a 5090 >it's literally more than my car >mfw A-at least my Sega Genesis has blast processing ;_;
>>14348 Not that it's any less expensive, but I'm getting a 4090. The 50 series is looking like a skip with things like the power and temperature problems. I'd rather not have my computer melt.
>>14349 Yeah, I've got power tools that draw less watts and don't get as hot as the 50 series. The really sad thing is they don't even perform that much better than the 40 series. I have no idea what they were thinking
>>14339 Funny enough having a Longclaw pic done which will include me finally giving her a bio for my AU stuff when post it but she has the talons out to since just makes sense for Bird characters who would use it in combat all the time.
Honestly I wouldn't mind if Johnny came back as more of a Blaze focused rival/enemy since that design is to good not to use again.
>>14356 Yeah, in fact I learned about this pretty recently from Tiera Foxglove's Discord server (Which I'm in) from the lady herself. He used to be one of her roommates back in the day. She even has a nickname for him, Mr.Fluffy!'s kinda hard not saying petty things about a character you don't like and refraining from your negative personal opinions, anyway on an unrelated topic that recent IDW Sonic was meh as usual.
Oh, almost forgot, finally had my Shadow design done by Moon-Phantom. Since gave Sonic a space sword, Shadow also gets one and figured the clothes needed to contrast my design for Sonic plus also fit the vibe of sealed for 50 years clinging to the past at the moment.
>>14361 I liked Tails and Amy getting some time to interact without Sonic, but they just bounce plot and exposition off of one another. Still feels like Ian and Evan have different ideas that are clashing, Jewel activating the self destruct isn't addressed. Also no Surge, where's my girl at and what is she doing? The current ongoing plots are Clutch being missing, and whatever Surge has going on and we don't even get a panel of her and Kit being sneaky. Also it's weird the diamond cutters, 'break up,' when all that happened is Lanolin left the team doing nothing important and only being a plot device for Mimic while the other three are going off to stop Mimic.
>>14363 it's impressive how IDW can have constant issues of nothing, even the Chaotix in the intro who are usually always great to see get bum all to do. Though yeah, it's a shame Tails and Amy don't interact more on their own since there could be a fun dynamic. Again not gonna to deep into it for obvious reasons but Blaze really also has better things she can do.
>>14364 Yeah, this really was "characters sit around and talk," the issue. Not to mention 20 pages having to be chared between so many boring storylines, I feel like Belle shouldn't even be going out on her own. Just look at the final page, four different groups and one not pictured group of people going after Mimic. Not to mention the problem with the characters not having any leads, Sure Sonic and the Chaotix have a lead on Clutch/Clean Sweep but the Diamond Cutters have no idea about where Mimic could be so they're just grasping around in the dark, while the Restoration team is doing nothing sitting around trying to rebuild emeraldville AGAIN. Honestly I don't know how you'd fix or even improve this issue since there's just so little going on as is, but if I had to go back to change something, it would be making Lanolin a villain with her own motive separate to Clutch and Eggman. She can be the one to activate the self destruct, and instead of missing Mimic she finds out who he is first and forces him to work alongside her secretly raking over Clutch's plan to gain more control over the Restoration to further her own goals. Then once the arc is over Sonic can still go after the Chaotix, while the Diamond Cutters are left a lead on Lanolin and Mimic once they escape. Then have Belle stay with Jewel and now you can have Amy, Tails, Belle, and Jewel doing their thing off screen or just in cut away panels, trying to restore the Restoration. While the Chaotix and one other goes after Clean Sweep, then Silver, Whisper, and Tangle can go after Mimic and Lanolin, while Surge and Kit can pursue leads left behind by Starline or go after Eggman since he has Clutch and is also their enemy.
>>14351 Just think eventually it'll be good enough to fake entire games, fake playing them, fake a vtuber avatar commenting on it, and finally fake an audience watching it! >>14352 You joke, but: >>14353 Genuinely couldn't tell if it was a Sonic OC or a pony OC >>14355 That's such a stylish design, absolutely love the Mega Man X-style touches >>14357 Yeah, it's silly not to show some species differentiation. Johnny could be a fun rival for Blaze if they expanded on his personality >>14358 They both seem like really nice people >>14362 Very nice! The tattered jacket and messy quills go well together >>14365 >literally surrounded by women >somehow looks even more gay lmao >>14368 Everyone's already pointed out all the flaws I would have so I'll just say I'm looking forward to the next issue since it's got Sonic, the Chaotix and best boys Rough and Tumble. Oh, and I'm glad they're finally drawing Silver's eyes properly >>14372 All according to keikaku! >>14373 Agreed!
>>14382 Johnny honestly has some interesting potential character since he uses to work with Captain Whiskers/was made by Dr Eggman but is now purposeless and utterly free so there could be some stuff to delve into or consider since he's somewhat aware he's ultimately was made to be fodder. Also yeah If I get to the Babylon rogues I'll definitely emphasis the bird imagery though with Wave she might keep hands since she is meant to be the gadget gal.
Also yeah I figured making Shadow look a bit more rough to sell his personality would help, I'm sure he might cleanup a bit in future once he's out of his revenge against the earth phase and into his anti-hero stint but also will need to do his my space dad is a dick phase. The movie has also helped me figure how to approach him since that will make things much less complicated even with my Humans don't exist in Mobius but the Robotniks essentially travelled to it due to dimension antics.
Yeah I've essentially banned myself from talking Silver going forward since don't want any more complaints or hissy fits from people over utterly feeble jokes and generally I also don't want to cause a fuss since like most of the people from the ride like you and just the time spend here but it is odd how IDW does his eyes, like even with my bias his game designs are meant to have sharper eyes.
>>14385 It's just a temporary setback, all the videos are archived and YouTube will hopefully unban him now that some big names like Justin Whang have tweeted about it. Until then, videos will be released on his Patreon
>>14387 100% agree, an attack on Sonic Underground is an attack on all Sonic fans. For anyone not familiar with tamers, I highly recommend checking out his videos on the archive. We've also got our own thread here: >>8926
>>14383 Yeah, there's a heap that could be done with Johnny, and Blaze's world in general. They were hinting that the Babylonians came from her dimension, but now that they're not making Riders games, they've just cast them aside ;_;
Trying to get things to fit properly is one of the trickiest parts of worldbuilding, but the movies are a good place to start if you want your humans and anthros separate >my space dad is a dick phase lmao
I wouldn't worry too much about complaining about Silver, if anything it gives me more of an excuse to talk about him!
>>14384 It's like those sugary neon-colored breakfast cereal commercials. They surround it with healthy food and say it's "part of a balanced breakfast" but it just makes it more obvious >>14389 Yeah, their site's back, but it's just one schizo from Panama doing all the work. I don't check the /mlp/ threads too often, but I can tell he's been at it for several hours a day every day for months. Dude's hyperfixated on destroying a guy who's barely aware he even exists. Sad! >>14391 lmao, between the evil AI version of his girlfriend and his future husband, Sonic just can't get a break! >Oooohhh! Now I get it! If Eggman ever got that competent, they'd all be fucked >that first panel Another banner for the website!
>>14395 It raises a really interesting question: what if Sally was the tyrant with an army of swatbots and Robotnik was the one supporting the FFs? Robotnik's kinda terrible at strategy, but could probably do a lot with Tails and Rotor in terms of building weapons and defenses. Sonic would still showboat and get under her skin the way he does Robotnik, but I just don't see the FFs winning even if they didn't have any issues with Sonic leading. Whoever wins, this Sonally ship would be a lot of fun
>>14393 Oh how I wish more would be done with the Sol universe, also yeah more done with the Babylonians or birds in sonic would generally be nice...could have a big booty wagtail bird gal. Also I'm only worried since I don't want to ruin the mood of this place though I also sometimes worry to much of what others think or say suppose since December had some messy irl shit which didn't help that part of my brain....i'll leave it by saying despite my negative opinions he does have those cool gloves.
Anyway on a lighter note yeah the thing is humans will barely factor in the stuff besides Robotniks and maybe Stone but is a handwave to explain how some human characters are there plus it'll work once get to the other dimensional stuff like Scourge n his zone, maybe the Ifrit from Sonic Rivals and advanced Echidna's being banished to the Twilight Cage unlike the tribal sort who are more so just stuck on Angel Island in a diminishing population.
>>14392 LOL >>14393 >lmao, between the evil AI version of his girlfriend and his future husband, Sonic just can't get a break! Unlucky in bisexual love. >>14395 >>14398 AI Sally is a hyper competent Sally with exponentially superior computing power. Eggman has a nasty habit of getting rid of or neglecting his best assets.
>>14405 Better not tell the guy about how Tails can carry his own mech with one arm, or how Cream and Charmy can carry Big and Vector, or how Amy can lift fuckhuge robot hammer. Goddamn, the playable characters are basically demigods
>>14400 Yeah, there's all this cool lore about them being space aliens that were considered to be magical djinn by the Earthlings due to their advanced tech >had some messy irl shit Sorry to hear that. I think it's all too easy to assume the people we talk to online aren't dealing with things and just assume the worst >he does have those cool gloves. He does! Having the glove markings and the bracelets/anklets light up when he uses his powers is a 10/10 design choice
Glad to hear you're doing something with the Twilight Cage/Nocturnus Clan, it's such a pity we'll probably never get to see them in the games again >>14401 Adding Zone to movie titles is surprisingly versatile! Speed Zone Flashdance Zone Scream Zone The Godfather Zone Sex, Lies and Videotape Zone Gone with the Wind Zone Labyrinth Zone Metropolis Zone >>14402 lmao >>14406 Very nice! >>14411 Eggman being able to lift his own mech with one arm and outrun Sonic for short distances despite being an obese 50+ scientist is kinda scary too >>14412 🥺 >>14419 Found a copy of the now deleted original by spjartredesign on DA. The only difference is the earrings
>>14423 OK, I kinda started this so I think I must get my last word in. To anon, while I now know that you’re joking most of the time, you have to understand WHY me and others here have a negative reaction to your posts. 1. Most people here probably can’t tell that you’re joking and 2. People assume the worst because they have SEEN the worst. As someone who has lurked on /sthg/, knowing how far some people will take their dislike for a character you shouldn’t be surprised that people IMMEDIATELY think you’re a less extreme version of those types. And for the joking thing, as said earlier, most, including me, can’t quite tell if you’re joking or not and after a while especially when it becomes as prevalent as your posts, it becomes less funny and more annoying. Listen, have your views on Silver, I like him fine (but then again, I’m not someone who usually has strong views towards characters in most of my interests) but when you post about him either make it an obvious joke (no, I’m not asking you for fucking tone indicators) or at least have something worthwhile within the post (as in the post shouldn’t feel like it boils down to “I HATE SILVER LOL”).
>>14425 I mean I'm just stopping if it's an issue really but I'll leave it at that to anycase since you've said your piece and hope you enjoy your time here since I've been around since The ride and have fun with the company here overall. Though I'm not stopping my Mordred Hood stuff since you'd have to kill me to drop my shilling on him lol.
>>14424 I'm crossing my fingers we got mobian versions of the DC characters, I'd kill for that. Give me Copperhead but he's an actual snake, Gorilla Grodd in the Sonic style or Detective Chimp in the style.
>>14423 With the twilight cage lot I'll have to think if if redesign them or not but It'd be fun to maybe change it so the aliens jumped in their cause The End was such a problem they felt skipping the universe was the best option while in the Echidna's case it's either a punishment from Chaos or the Owls that declared war in them and the Tribal lot sought out Chaos's power in turn cause of them being reduced to such a state.
Also thanks it's private so won't vent or dump on you lot but it should be moving on at last anycase.
Dr Eggman is honestly a freak of nature, I like him being somewhat super strong since it makes sense considering the shit he survives and faces everyday even if it's behind a mech. Plus he hand build at least his best stuff which would take a lot of physical effort.
Dark Crystal Zone would be pretty rad, honestly the Skeksis would fit right in as Sonic villains. Also age of resistance was brilliant and still malding it got cancelled, may re-watch it this weekend. They woulda done great with Skekung the Garthim Master but no clue who would voice him
>>14432 That'd be great, Blue Beetle speaks for itself. Guy Gardner could see as a pug or bulldog. Ice would be a seal and Fire a Brazilian animal like a Toucan. Metamorpho and Booster Gold are the ones struggle to think of so open to suggestions on what mobian animals fit them >I can share this! I'm making a pitch bible (for fun) game that re-introduces the Freedom Fighters in a Classic Sonic Game called "Sonic Freedom." And here's the cover box art. Remember this artist? They had a comic before called Sonic Freedom and sadly they stopped doing all sorts of comics a while back. In fact it's been about 2 and a half years.
>>14425 I agree with /sthg/ and other places tainting Sonic discussion to the point where it's difficult to take anything at face value due to all the schizoposting, falseflagging and deliberately combative takes. That's why I try to keep my posts lighthearted and try to add some positive comments when I'm shitting on something I don't like (which I still probably do too much of). Honestly, reading RandomFox's (now deleted) Tumblr made me reevaluate how I post when I realized I could have written half of his lore and Flynn shitting posts. For all of this thoughtful and well researched posts on Sonic lore, I doubt many people actually read them due to how abrasive the other posts could be. My take is life's too short to be that vitriolic in your dislike of something, unless you're hamming it up >>14429 My takes on the main heroes: Batman - lol, imagine billionaire Bruce Wane happening to be the same species of bat as the vigilante that uses expensive gadgets to fight crime in his city Superman - dog, after Krypto Wonderwoman - Owl, after Athena's familiar Flash - cheetah or falcon Hal Jordan - hawk? He flies planes I guess Cyborg - something big. Hippo, rhino, elephant, etc Martian Manhunter - Metarex or Black Arms, cos he's an alien Edgy 90's Aquaman with harpoon hand - Mantis Shrimp Regular Aquaman - Hot shark Constantine - Sexy fox >>14431 Integrating The End's an interesting idea since it's supposed to be the original villain of the setting and yet we never see it interact with any of the things that have happened before. The Argus Event 100% sounds like something it would be involved with >Also thanks No worries, I don't mean to pry! In a sense, Eggman's more physically impressive than Sonic considering what he's survived. I get the feeling Humans and Mobians are just more durable in the games though. Regular Humans climb into pinballs and get shot around a giant pinball machine in Station Square and one of the young women in Unleashed runs halfway around the world in the side quests >Dark Crystal Zone lmao, it would fit so well! Yeah, that show was absolute kino and they should've at least made a comic to wrap things up post-cancellation >>14433 I like those but Guy Gardner (aka best GL) should be a lion with an absolutely terrible mane. Metamorpho could be a bunch of different Wisps glued together and Booster could be a handsome mink (although not as handsome as Bartleby, obviously)
>>14434 Shame, I liked that one >>14435 lmao, I could recognize the artist from the thumbnail >>14438 Fact check: True! >>14439 I recognize his Aleena drawings, but had no idea he was into Sonic and Digimon too. What patrician taste! Impmon's one of my favorite characters of all time, he's such a shit in Digimon Tamers
>>14437 Exactly! Life is too damn short to be getting THIS heated over this series. Like, have your opinions, positive or negative, and feel strongly about them, but you still have to remember that this series is about a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog who runs at the speed of sound and fights against an egg-shaped scientist. (Related to RandomFox, if you are sending DEATH THREATS to a motherfucker who doesn't even know you (to my knowledge) then you need to SERIOUSLY reevaluate some things)
So Ken "graphic design is my passion" has released the final cover of his KEN™ PENDERS'™ KNUCKLES™ OMNIBUSSIN VOLUME ONE and it is... certainly something! The font alone just screams Microsoft Publisher 97 >>14442 Yeah, as much as I love writing paragraphs and paragraphs on the most minute aspects of the franchise, getting worked up about the blue rat is just not healthy. It's supposed to be fun, not serious business™ >spoiler I had no idea he did that. Dude needs to chill out >>14444 And that's why I use iMovie to cut all my weird videos!
>>14445 And here's the limited edition, available only to the first hundred customers so don't delay your preorder! This admittedly does look a lot better than the other cover, even if the background's a rehash of the Knuckles #1. Still, someone should probably tell him that Knuckles' marking is a crescent moon, not whatever that is. Also, the text is off-center and it's legitimately driving me nuts
>>14437 yeah honestly it's a shame that what I can do on Marvel or DC threads can't so much do in Sonic ones due to the different fandom approach.
Also fairly good pics for the DC characters, Flash should be a Roadrunner though for the meme. Lex Luthor would be a Sphinx/hairless cat probably.
Yeah I'm tempted to use The End for a fair bit of the greater scope worldbuilding, it just makes sense though I'd also probably change how approach the design but keep the moon elements somewhat.
Honestly that logic is how I also approach superhero durability so how someone like Silver Sable can fight Spider-man in the PS4 game or how thugs and supervillains in just a costume with no powers can take beatings from Avengers and that sort.
Dark Crystal AOR has my all time fave scheming and manipulating with words and clever lies or sneaky truths villains with the Chamberlain and Skekso manages to seamlessly evolve from a frail bedridden corpse to a devious tyrannical bastard with an obsessive fear of death that makes him stoop to any means that only worsen his decaying body, just utterly great villains and that's not even getting into the Hunter or how the Chamberlain manages to actually pesuade him by making his power chasing equivalent to his hunting.
>>14445 Exactly! There are things about this series (Penders, Japanese Purists, "Sonic Fans", etc.) that can get me GENUINELY frustrated, but I have to remind myself that: 1. This series is only ONE of my many interests and can go focus on something else if it's getting me bothered 2. That ALL this on the internet and the internet IS NOT REAL at the end of the day and 3. As you said, this is supposed to be fun, not super serious. And that's the thing about fandoms, especially this fandom is that people take things WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. so seriously to the point that they can't take ANYTHING with a bit of levity to the point it leads to some of the nonsense I've seen the Steven Universe, Undertale, or Voltron fandoms do.
>>14451 And that's really my issue with Japanese and Western purists. They take themselves and this series SO seriously to the point that when they're supposedly happy or non-serious, most CAN'T TELL. and their need to prop up one side of the canon (Japanese or Western) to the point that they put down fans for liking the "wrong version", act abrasive, and just be generally unpleasant makes their liking of the series come off less as Passion, a healthy, balanced enthusiasm for the series and more as an obsession, an unhealthy, all-consuming fixation that can negatively impact other aspects of life.
>>14452 People in this fandom (especially purists) REALLY need to take a chill pill. and please take this quote from Sheryl Crow to heart: "I try to conduct my life with a little levity."
>>14453 I really should make less posts like this. 'cuz I'm not super serious about this series, not to be misinterpreted I WHOLEHEARTEDLY, UNIRONICALLY (to an extent) like the series, but I feel like these types of posts make me seem more serious than I actually am. and besides, I should be posting more art here (Yes, I'm one of Drawfags here, I just haven't posted much art because I haven't MADE much art)
>>14343 And that's it uploaded! I tried to keep the filesize reasonable and decided not to cut the double pages back into singles. Totally for preserving the aesthetic of the zine and not because I gave up on working out how to slice up the images! There's some other zines in there too, but we may have done them already. Our World Adventure's definitely new (it's the one organized by THoaM artist)
>>14446 Did Sega okay this? >>14437 >>14433 Justice League America >Guy The Lion >Ted Kord The (Blue) Beetle >Ice The Seal >Fire The Tocan or Hawk >Sergi The Bear w/Rocket Red Armor >Dianah the Black Canary >Booster The Coyote >J'onn The Drakon Manhunter >Bruce The Bat
Justice League Europe >Rex (Metamorpho) The Dog >Power Girl the Rabbit >Wally the Road Runner >Captain Atom(Human GUN Agent but w/his Post Crisis Origin) >Ralph Dibny The (Elongated) Giraffe >Vivian The (Crimson) Fox >Animal Man
>>14464 How did he let his website's redesign go to shit like that ? Its like whoever he paid to do it just stacked on a bunch of blurred pngs in a column and called it a day.
>>14459 >Did Sega okay this? Lol. Lmao even! It's more a case of them not wanting the negative PR of bullying an old man that's just releasing a small print run of comics he worked on. Sega of America only step in when fans try to charge money for fangames. He's lucky he's not in Europe, since Sega of Europe would've already shut this down >Justice League Those are all great picks, I'm changing my pick for J'onn to Drakon! Animal Man should be Sonic Man though >>14460 >Shadow x Lanolin >Silver x Whisper >Rough x Tangle Why are all of my favorite IDW ships straight? Aside from Rough x Tumble of course >>14462 lmao >>14464 I was just about to post that! >>14467 Yeah, vgbutts (the lewd artist) was way better since they used the older artstyle. Scott's current style just does not go well with smut >>14469 I've been storytiming a sprite comic here: >>>/co/456731 (I really need to get around to finishing it) >>14470 Each redesign's been worse than the last >>14575 Controversial take, but in terms of aesthetics: Bi flag > Gay flag > Classic rainbow flag > powergap > everything else Straight flag's the secret best because it's just prison stripes and that's hilarious
>>14592 >Iizuka likes him some Sonic/Longclaw. >>14590 >Tower/Shadow What's next, Westwood & Madonna?! >>14588 >There's only one law: Sally will get some action
>>14578 >I've been storytiming a sprite comic here Oh, i remember watching you guys post the links to the doom mod, i do want to note that the one that was posted wasn't part of the webcomic, that one is actually posted on the zdoom forums and from what i've gathered it died from being too ambitious.
Knuckles and the Chaotix Issue 3 Page 4
Archimedes just might be the only real ally Julie-Su has at this point. He sees the full picture and doesn’t have emotions clouding his judgment. These fragmented love birds need to figure this out themselves, preferably without an invading army getting in the way. And what about Knuckles mentioning his mother? You’ll find out next issue!
>>14603 Knuckles really is that type who has a hard time forgiving people for betrayal. Even with the help, it would take a while to be on his good side again.
Image:173909058753.jpg(1.68MB, 1988x3056)Sonic idw cover, but slightly less awful.jpg
>>14603 Archimedes is such a sassy shit, and that dumptruck ass gets me every time! Nice to see that they've got a plan in place >✨poof✨ lmao, I can almost hear Thrash making comments that'd get him canceled! >>14608 >>14609 It's so bad. Pic related took me literally 20 seconds
>>14604 Knuckles is a proper Archie character with a lot of trauma and suffering piling on him! >>14605 Someone on /co/ has been really rubbing it in that Sonic 3 losing to Mufasa in the box office. >>14610 >Archimedes is such a sassy shit Them kids are too serious about everything.
>>14612 Amy's great in Boom and Fleetway, fine in the games aside from her psycho tendencies in Heroes and Battle (and Sonic X), but I just can't stand her characterization under Flynn in Frontiers and Sonadow Generations For Sonic, I absolutely love all of his incarnations aside from Prime. He's legitimately special needs and has zero emotional intelligence. In almost every other version Sonic's a capable biplane pilot/mechanic that's naturally charismatic and capable of understanding what makes others tick. Even the movie version, despite being younger and with no pilot/mechanic skills, is shown to be much more resourceful and able to relate to others. It's maddening! >>14614 iPad Tails? >>14616 >Someone on /co/ has been really rubbing it in that Sonic 3 losing to Mufasa in the box office. It's kinda funny how people talk up how rabid Sonic fans are when Disney's literally a cult where you can purchase a house in one of their compounds and live out the rest of your days there >Them kids are too serious about everything. It's nice to see Archimedes going the cool uncle (that's really more of a father figure) route
>>14621 For me suppose I love Rouge most of the time she's shows up but all her versions in Prime are either bland or just oddly unlikeable with none of her personality she's meant to have despite the VA trying her best.
Knuckles is tired. >>14621 >It's nice to see Archimedes going the cool uncle (that's really more of a father figure) route Good to see his reception on DA is all positive. I was thinking people would be against him telling Knuckles to eventually forgive Julie-Su.
lmao >>14622 Yeah, she wasn't anywhere near flirty and duplicitous as she should be (and has little to no jiggle physics). I agree about the VA trying her best, but a lot of it is down to the voice director. Mike Pollock's fantastic but he sounds so much better in Boom than X due to the competent voice direction >>14623 He just needs to replenish his electrolytes after all that fun with Lien-Da! >Good to see his reception on DA is all positive. I was thinking people would be against him telling Knuckles to eventually forgive Julie-Su. Well he's a shipper too so they can probably relate to him! Seriously though, you're getting some great comments. They're really engaged!
>>14612 Metal Sonic, in Heroes, and he has some good moments in IDW as well. But in most of the games he's just kind of a mook who dies to Sonic, not counting Shard since he's a former Metal and I'm not counting the Brotherhood of Metallix since I haven't read fleetway.
>>14627 That would require: >IDW to write Shadow well >IDW to write Surge well >IDW to write anything well >IDW to focus on characters other than Sonic, Starline, or the Crying Lesbians
None of that has happened so far in this comic, and I'm not holding my breath waiting for them to start.
>>14628 >>14627 They did the bare minimum by having Surge and Metal interact, but really she needs to talk to Shadow and Gemerl as well. All of them having been through something similar and her conflicting with them is so obvious I would be surprised if Ian and Evan hadn't thought of it. Even now they're having Surge interact with Amy and Tails, which is ??? I guess those two are also obsessed with Sonic their experiences are way less applicable, even Knuckles with his enemies-to-friends dynamic with Sonic. Although I guess since this is game Amy she has also tried to squash Sonic so I can see her and Surge talking about that. But aside from Sonic I don't think the two would have any personal connection.
>>14632 With Amy, there is nothing, but with Tails it has some potential seeing how Kit is a bootleg Tails. Maybe make her tsundere towards him, since she could secretly like working with him.
>>14634 I was going to make a joke about Android 18 and Krillian, lets ignore the Bulma connection with Tails for now, he isn't made for Shadow. But 18 and Krillian are rather forward with their affection for each other whenever 18 isn't throwing a fit. I think it would be nice to see Surge's feelings on Tails, although it being romantic feels a bit off since she already has Kit as a pseudo brother and it's like, pseudo-incest removed by a degree since she'd then be interested in someone who's like her adoptive little brother. But I suppose /ss/ has it's own appeal.
>>14110 The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 2-45 I know it's supposed to be a touching moment, but those thigh-highs on Sonic are very distracting 43 pages since Rough and Tumble
>>14626 I think not having Metal talk really holds him back. You're seriously missing out not reading Fleetway's take on Metal, it's the only CD adaption that actually makes use of time travel shenanigans in the plot. Art's also fantastic, I even have some of the original pages. Fun fact: the art in Fleetway's all done in large format watercolor and the speechbubbles are inked on a transparent sheet that's placed on top >>14628 It'd also require them to use Shadow and Flynn/Stanley don't like how Sega wants him written >>14632 They could've done a whole arc with Surge and Kit traveling the world, trying to find their place as heroes/villains/etc and running into Metal, Shadow and Gemeral, each providing them with a different perspective on living as artificial creations >>14635 >spoiler Agree to disagree! >>14639 Easily one of my favorite artists, they characters are always so passionate looking!
>after 6 months of patiently waiting the sonknux comic i've been reading finally gets to the lewd bit >it's hot and funny >knux is anatomically correct Happy early Valentine's to me! for anyone interested
>>14641 Penders is so shameless and Sega is so spineless this is annoying to see. If there's anyone that deserves to get sued for so much as sneezing, it's Penders.
>>14646 Surge and Kit don't only need a perspective on what they are but who they want to be. Shadow, Metal, and Gemerl have all chosen their own paths in life, and that could provide Kit and Surge the perspective they need as well, also Ian and Evan to not cuck out on their past. If their past wasn't that important or wasn't brought up, like with 17 and 18, I wouldn't care. But Surge keeps whining about her past and she needs some sort of closure on that as a character, even if the closure is 'lol I don't care wanna fuck/kill sonic' Gemerl and Omega even had a little arc together and Gemerl could have angested about not being able to save the people he held close. He and Surge could have a great dynamic, he's the closest to what we have to a reformed Surge, who's not only not a villain, but not a hero, entirely retired. I still think that Ian could give Shadow some respect he's due in IDW if he gave it a real try, it feels like he too often is willing to give up and contrive a situation into a situation he wants them to be in, instead of working with what he has to get them into that situation. I'll check out fleetway, I'm a bit busy at the moment with college and writing so it might be hard to squeeze it in but I'm sure I'll be able too.
>>14657 So? Then they can make a story about that, or handwave it if they wanted to. Point is it's obvious and I can't believe Evan and Ian didn't try to include him.
>>14648 I've got the last 3 pages of issue 68, which is actually the followup story to their Sonic CD adaption. That one's drawn by Richard Elson, who is my favorite Fleetway artist. The colors are way more vibrant than the online scan >>14649 Yeah, he genuinely frustrates me with this nonsense and I kinda wish Sega would send him a letter telling him to tone it down >>14651 He really does put himself in his work, even the title's crooked and uncentered! >>14654 Once this issue's done, I'm making a Sonknux collage out of it! >>14656 Yeah, that's what I meant. They get to see how others dealt with their situations, we get to see more of those characters, and the comic finally gets to do actual character studies. It's win-win-win! >Shadow Yeah, he and Evan need to go with the flow more and try writing him into situations Sega will approve >Fleetway It's a great little comic, and there's way less to read than Archie since half the issues are reprints and most of the stories are from other Sega properties. Well, except for the Sparkster comics, they published two of those before realizing it was a Konami property >>14657 He's based off of Emerl, who was himself reprogrammed to be good by Gerald. If anything Tails restored Gemerl to that personality. Really it was just a way for the writers to say that Emerl's back, but in a new robot body. Oh and fun fact: according to Sonic Battle, both Shadow and Emerl were imbued with a copy of Maria's "heart"/personality/soul so that even though they were built to be weapons, they would always be able to choose not to destroy. I think there's a lot they could work with here when it comes to Surge and Kit, since they had the reverse of this process, where their "hearts" were suppressed when they were turned into weapons
>>14656 >Fleetway The first few issues are pretty basic stuff, and it's crazily different from the other Sonic media: >Sonic's a dick >Tails is from a dimension of goblins >comic ended before SA2 came out, so there's none of the modern cast
Other than that, it's a lot of fun. The focus is on adventure, so you don't get the crazy slow-paced melodrama of IDW or Archie's dark age.
>>14662 >Sonic's a dick Reee! He's sarky, which is what was considered cool by the Bri'ish in the 90s. No one ever really gets offended by it except for when he took it too far with Porker after he was traumatized by the Metallix, but Sonic felt enormously guilty about it and did apologize, and Tails has a whole thing going where he pretends not to get that Sonic's insulting him, and does eventually start banting back
As for why he's like this, while it was unintentional, Sonic was directly responsible more than once ;_; for transforming his closest friend/father figure into Robotnik and he never forgives himself for this. There's a reason this is the only Sonic that has absolutely no romantic attachments or inclinations, and only ever focuses on saving the world. It also doesn't help that if he gets too emotional, he transforms into a demon that would gladly kill all of his friends
One thing I don't see mentioned often is that he also experiences consciousness faster than others. To him, it looks like everyone's moving and talking in slow motion, which leaves him frustrated and inpatient when he's not fighting
>Other than that, it's a lot of fun. The art's also really nice (except for that one guy who was absolutely terrible). It's also pretty unique in that it's all done in watercolors
I was thinking we hadn't done my favorite depressed Sonic comic in a while and it turns out they've been updating! Webtoon took down their comic due to copyright infringement (even though Sega's fine with fancomics) but it's up on tapas now:
There's so many pages it might be worth making a thread just for that comic. I've uploaded it to the mega
>>14661 I wish Archie Shadow met Surge & Kit because he would actually try to help move on from what Starline did to them. Look how he tried to get Netal Sonic to be more than a weapon.
>>14667 I'd say there's enough for two threads at this point. I fell off a while back. Speaking of comics that have a lot of pages that haven't posted in a while, Sonic Now has quite a bit but was on a hiatus for a bit. And TGT put out some pages and went on hiatus.
>>14663 >Reee! He's sarky, which is what was considered cool by the Bri'ish in the 90s. Fair enough, I was just saying that he's a lot less outwardly pleasant than the others. I actually like Fleetwaynic a lot, I think his dickish side gives him some personality.
>>14676 I don't know about all of you but I plan on maining Gerald >>14686 Just Sonic and friends, although it'll have Sonic Prime characters too. It'll also have air gear, but probably won't have the cool physics that made the Rider games fun
>>14668 Yeah, they'd have some great interactions >>14669 Not canon! We all know Sonic's got a fetish for human women >>14670 I guess I'll have to do Idol!Amy then! Sonic Now was great but I just got board of TGT >>14671 Yeah, I get overly defensive about Fleetwaynic since some anons on 4/co/ used to deliberately misinterpret him as a malicious dick for (you)s. It really grinded my gears! >>14675 If it was just Smermnic and Eggmy without the text, I think you could probably get away with it >>14677 Night Palace and the pirate level were so cool. The two storybooks really nailed the aesthetic >>14681 lmao, Sonic's riding Knux >>14688 He wouldn't have tried to blow up the Earth if Prison Island had a Go-Kart track
>>14689 I do love the inexplicable dinosaur level In Arabian nights but that stage was rad regardless and had some nice Dino designs, Skeleton Done is also pretty rad since it initially looks snowy but it's actually bone ash
If it were Rouge, Sonic and Chip, this would be absolutely perfect >>14694 That one really came out of nowhere, but was so good! SatBK kept things much closer to Arthurian legend, which was a bit of a shame >>14695 What's really frustrating is they genuinely made a better Mario Kart (and a better Diddy Kong Racing) with Transformed. Literally all they had to do was add more characters and tracks with each new version. Sega truly are the masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
>>14697 >Video United Federation Tax Dollars at work! And yeah, I also wanted another Transformed. In fact instead of Mario Kart 9, we get Sega All-Star vs. Mario Kart that takes the best of MK, Transformed, DKR & Outrun with the music by the Mario Kart band & Mitsuyoshi, the Daytona USA dude.
Since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, I want to ask two shipping related questions: 1. What are your top 5 Sonic ships? 2. What are your “Guilty Pleasure/Rarepair” ships?
>>14711 Be casual, be confident, don't talk too much, don't talk bad about your past jobs, only be positive, make it known that you intend to work for them long term, even if you aren't expecting to do so.
>>14711 Try to research the company that you want to work for a bit. They may ask what you know about them and showing interest will show that you want to work for them long-term. You should also try to learn a thing or two about the dress code, and maybe dress a level above it. Button-down shirt and slacks for a casual dress code situation, and maybe a full suit for an office job.
Additionally, ask a few questions at the end of the interview. Ask them "What does a typical day on the job look like?" or "What is the workplace atmosphere like? Is it friendly and relaxed, or more officious and professional?" You might also want to ask about the dress code, and when you can expect to hear back from them.
It might also be good to bring a couple copies of your resume, so that you can show them to the interviewer(s) and highlight specific accomplishments.
>>14700 1. Sonally, Sonaze, Sonouge, Vector x Vanilla, Antoine x Bunnie and an honourable mention to Tails x Zooey 2. Mordred Hood x Sally of course and Shadow x Tikal has kinda grown on me, admittedly was trying to think of any Wave or Longclaw pairings I have but got nothing for them yet despite liking them a fair bit.
>>14701 it's interesting how this didn't set in as violent to me until that second panel which sells it superhard, also to be honest I feel bad for the elephant guy since it's clear that it was just a straw camels back impulse and the guilt kicked in instantly
>>14699 That'd be so cool! Now that we're no longer getting Olympic games, that'd be a nice way to continue the collaboration >>14700 1. Me x Remington, Sonknux, Sleengo (Sleet x Dingo), Knuxouge, Sonally 2. Manourge (Manic x Scourge), Max x Locke, Shadow x (older) Tails, Regina x Snively, Stripes x Silver, (older) Tails x (older) Charmy, Sonic x (older) Tails, Geoffrey x Elias >>14701 At least Drago's safe from the virus now, hew hew! >>14702 Absolutely patrician taste! >>14709 I wonder how much Sonic told them about his adventures >>14711 Congrats, and good luck! Honestly, most of the work is in getting to that stage. My field's kinda niche, but when I'm on the panel we've generally narrowed 100's of applications to around 50 not terrible resumes, down to around 4 actual interviews. The others have given some excellent advice so I'll add that it's really a case of supply and demand. One time we hired a guy in sweatpants because he was literally the only one that was actually qualified for the role and another time we had two really strong candidates and invited the second one back a few months later after we'd secured the budget for another role. Another thing I'll add is about "cultural fit." What this really means is do the people you'll be working with think they'll be able to get along with you. You need to keep in mind that these people could be spending around 40 hours a week with you for several years so their goal is to hire someone that won't slack off and give them more work, and someone that they can get along with. I've gotten jobs where other candidates were at least as qualified but was hired because I come across as helpful and friendly in interviews (I mean I genuinely am, but it's vital that the interviewers can see that). Oh, and if you're buying new clothes for the interview, bring along a woman or homo you trust. More importantly, wear the clothes several times before the interview so you feel comfortable in them (obviously wash them before the interview). This is especially true for dress shoes, those things are very uncomfortable until they're broken in. Oh man, it is super weird writing all that in the same post where I rank which pairs of Sonic characters should plap >>14714 I wonder who could be behind this post! All great ships,, but Shadow x Tikal is one I'd really like to see more of. It works surprisingly well >>14715 In cartoons when someone gets hit on the head by a safe, the door opens to reveal their head with a big bump and birds flying around it so we're conditioned to see it as a joke >>14716 Very nice! I'm a little surprised that everyone's chosen Sonally. Really like those rarepairs though
>>14717 Well, Thank you TP! I take your, conductor's, and the other anon's advice. But you're here for my ships! To preface, I'm not much of a shipper, so my tastes are either a bit basic or a little out there. 1. Silvaze, Metamy, Knuxouge, Shadouge, a little bit of Sonadow, Vanila x Vector, and Sonamy (Cut me some slack, when I was younger, I thought they were canon) 2. Preboot Rouge x Locke, Rouge x Tails (Mainly due to lewds), Sonic x (Female) Tails, Preboot Rouge x Geoffrey, Chris x Sage (Mainly due to this guy:, Sonic x Tails, Tails x Barby
>>14717 Aye yeah my shipping taste is very obvious and worn extremely on my skin like tattoos. I was slapping myself on the head when forgot to mention Knuckles X Relic since I like that pair of his potential relationships the most plus think it's very conceptually and am planning to use it in AU. Also yeah essentially good point, we're trained to see getting hit by safes as a punchline instead of its realistic consequences.
>>14718 No worries! Job hunting's a skill, and it does get easier the more interviews you do. Back when I hadn't done many interviews, I'd have friends do a mock interview with me >Metamy With the Origins animations, (and Hanging Out), it's a ship I think could really work >Sonamy It's definitely canon in Boom and canon (sort of, it's complicated) in X, Unleashed and SatBK thanks to Yoshimura (Maekawa's lore partner in crime) >Preboot Rouge x Locke That was mostly Penders torpedoing Knuxouge, but I think it could work with a good writer >Rouge x Tails KrazyELF has done some great stuff with this ship, especially the non-lewd art >Tails x Barby Easily my favorite het ship for Archie Tails, but definitely one that was a victim of the artstyle and Flynn really not liking it. They're supposed to be around the same age, but the comic's always been vague about that since they didn't want to let on to Sega that they'd been aging up the characters. Sonic and Sally were close to 20 by the end and even the wiki gets this wrong >>14719 >Knuckles X Relic That's why we need more reboot fancomics, we never got to see enough of them together! >we're trained to see getting hit by safes as a punchline instead of its realistic consequences Exactly! When Amy chases Sonic with her giant hammer, by don't think "oh shit, she's gonna cave his skull in and then get life in prison," we just think it's funny >>14720 >Finida It's such a pity that one happened during the timeskip, because it would have been a glorious dumpster fire! >spoiler lmao, they really did seem not to be interested in their wives
>>14721 Again, thanks for the advice! As I said in my preface, I've never been much of a shipper either I go with the canon or most popular ship, or just off of vibes because there other ships I haven't mentioned that I like purely because of the vibe it gives like Sonade (Espcially RoseDuelist's version), or Sonurge. Like I thought Sonamy was canon because when I was younger, I was more into Mario, so, I thought, "Mario has Peach, so Sonic must have Amy." also the amount of shipping AMV's set to "Everytime We Touch" or "Girlfriend" didn't help. (As for Rouge/Tails & Barby/Tails, I kinda have a thing for Mature Women on Younger Men because it's HAWT!)
>>14717 >Absolutely patrician taste! Thanks! Kicking myself for forgetting BunniexAntoine, though. Now that I think about it, my Top 5 would be SoKnux, Sonally, Buntoine, Knuxouge, then Vector x Vanilla. Shadouge is pretty good, but you don't get as much of Rouge's teasing as you do with Knuxouge.
>I'm a little surprised that everyone's chosen Sonally They're really cute together when Sally's not being written badly. Those "Princess and Rogue" pairings are always great, whether it's Sonally, or Han Solo and Leia, or Bogart and Hepburn in "The African Queen."
>>14721 Oh yeah, Finitevusn and Lien-Da is also a fun pair, honestly evil villain couples are super underrated and should be more a thing, Marvel has a few that they don't really use or remember sadly
>>14722 More employed Sonic fans means more people commissioning Sonic art, which means more fancomics for me! Yeah, I could list the reasons I like various shipt, but it's ultimately a vibes thing. Sonade's mega-underrated, but then Shade herself is sadly underrated too. It's kinda funny that Sonic was designed as a subversion of Mario (cool, has an attitude, saves the world because he wants to and not to save his girlfriend) but Amy's always been treated as the Peach/Minnie Mouse in the wider franchise. She's actually supposed to be a subversion of those characters, where she's the one pursuing Sonic. You actually have to shake her off of Sonic in her first appearance in CD, and while Sonic does save her, he gently places her on the ground at the end and runs away. Obviously they become closer later on, but the dynamic was always intended to be different than main character plus pink girlfriend. If they were to end up together, I think Boom is the way to do it, since they're older and now that Amy doesn't actively pursue him, Sonic's realized that he enjoyed it >Everytime We Touch Easily the best shipping AMV song of all time! Tamers has used it a lot and even now sneaks in piano renditions of it to the more emotional scenes >spoiler Yeah, it's a pretty popular shipping dynamic, and I can't exactly judge when I have a thing for DILFs! >>14723 >Bunnie x Antoine Yeah, those two are great. I love how they went from carrot farmer and anxious mess to cyborg powerhouse and brave swordsman. Antoine was always an especially tragic character, since he was the adult of the group being 18 to Sonic's 15, but wasn't able to lead like Sally or fight like Sonic. You realize all his bossiness was just him trying to exert some control over a situation where he had none and trying to woo Sally was his way of trying to step up and be a man >Shadouge I like them as best friends (with benefits), but could see a straight up romance if we ever got to see them go on missions together. Actually most ships are hampered by so few characters interacting >Those "Princess and Rogue" pairings are always great 100% this >>14724 It's something sorely lacking from IDW (outside of Rough and Tumble, hew hew), and something that Sega would actually be fine with. Even in Boom the most interesting non-Eggman villains were that bickering couple
>>14701 Oh and for those that don't know, Infested's got its own website now. Much easier to download the comic pages now!
>>14109 STC 23-15 Personally I prefer my Goblin Kings to be played by David Bowie Oh, and issue 25 is up on Okida's Patreon now
Did we storytime Beyond the Garden yet? I'm sure I've read it and there's a heap of pages so far:
Image:173955040161.jpg(676kB, 3426x1422)you just know this was animated one-handed.jpg
>>14733 Huh. Maybe I jut looked at it myself then. I think it could've really done with some color >>14734 Lien-Da's nothing if not thorough! >>14735 That scene in the first film where Robotnik makes a 3d model of Sonic's foot from a footprint was just the worst. They had to know what they were doing ;_; Hilariously, they keep the grippers out of frame when he changes shoes
Happy Valentine’s Day, Everyone! If you’re with someone, REALLY show them how much you love ‘em! And if you’re single (like most people here), use this day to show your family, your friends, and most importantly, yourself some love!
>>14741 This is probably more appropriate at the horny thread but I’ll say it here. I always liked the idea that Rouge dominates Tails when he’s younger but when he gets older, let’s just say he “repays the favor” if you catch my drift. Remember Teaching of Fear? The retelling on Sonic Forces that was actually pretty good and even had a side series giving Blaze a backstory before it all just stopped updating because the artist was done with Sonic in general? Well they're back! Kind of. No actual comics but some art here and there and a text only chapter serving as a sequel to Teaching of Fear. Shame that the comic itself remains unfinished. >>14736 Considering there are a lot of people that got into Sonic because of the movies, that means that they headcanon all mobians having five toe human shaped feet.
This one comic I'm planning on storytiming today is supposed to put out the last page today but it hasn't dropped yet. Bro come on, don't leave me hanging. >>14746 It's easier to completely quit making comics for many of them. Some really do just stop making any Sonic content but every once in a while an artist does make a return. This is from December last year.
>>14700 Might be late but eh who cares. 1. Sonic x Catty Carlisle, Tails x Rocket the Sloth,Sleengo, Sonia x Mindy, Manic X Knuckles, and Amy x Tekno 2. Sonally , Tails x Amy, Sonamy , Knuckles x Porker Lewis, Sonic x Johnny Lightfoot, Bardonic, Sonic x Antoine, and Aleena x Bernadette
>>14737 Happy Valentine's Day! >And if you’re single (like most people here) It's not fair, why do all the men leave when I bring out the Remington costume ;_; >>14738 >Huh. You can select your next route similar to Outrun(pic related) And Shadow the Hedgehog! >>14739 >Elias/the wolf twins They were so into him >Sonic/Bartleby The only true ship! >>14742 Congrats! I've got my fingers crossed for you! >>14745 Wow, I was not expecting any more Sonic art from them, especially after a 3 year gap >Considering there are a lot of people that got into Sonic because of the movies, that means that they headcanon all mobians having five toe human shaped feet. Another nail in the coffin of the dreaded blobfeet! >>14747 Oh MeanBean, you can check out but you can never leave! >>14836 >Sonic x Catty Carlisle, Tails x Rocket the Sloth Now there's some rare ships! >Sleengo Best Robotnik henchmen, best at bickering, and best couple! >Manic X Knuckles Now there's an interesting pairing. They had some good interactions in the few scenes they shared original SU, but there were going to be more Knuckles episodes in the second season if it hadn't been canceled. There's definitely some sexual tension between them in the Tamersverse >Knuckles x Porker Lewis They had a real roommates with benefits vibe in the comic >Sonic x Johnny Lightfoot That Sonic never really expresses himself romantically, but considering how devastated he was by Johnny's death, you could easily read into it as Sonic regretting never telling him how he felt
>>14837 Onlt now do I notice that Sonic can't help Shadow turn good, Amy, Rouge, and Knuckles can. But Sonic can't or won't try anymore past the first stage, which is kind of funny. Kind of makes me want to see more Shadow and Knuckles interactions.
>>14838 If you just follow Sonic or take the neutral path you get all three of the Sonic interactions and the most good ending, literally and figuratively Sonadow coded! Personally, the path I like to think Shadow took was Westopolis, Glyphic Canyon, Circus Park, Sky Troops, Space Gadget, and then Final Haunt. Shadow gains memories with each chaos emerald so he's initially neutral, helps out Knuckles because he vaguely remembers him and doesn't want to side with the aliens, sides with Eggman because he hates G.U.N (who are trying to kill him), gets to revisit the ruins from Glyphic Canyon in their true form in Sky Troops where he again sides with Eggman because he hates the aliens. Once he reaches Space gadget he's retained enough of his memories to side with Sonic for the rest of the game and saves the world. >Sonic can't help Shadow turn good, Amy, Rouge, and Knuckles can Yeah, it makes sense that they, along with Maria and Tails can knock him off the evil path
Image:173960174120.jpg(139kB, 1122x970)twitter_@enclosed_meihua_20231216 but your boobs.jpg
>>14838 Actually, I think I can squeeze more theorycrafting out of the level chart >Sonic can't or won't try anymore past the first stage This is something that could've been handled better in the game, but I think the idea is that while Shadow can pick different outcomes, the other characters will generally be doing the same thing based on their own priorities. Eggman shows up either to his castle or circus to meet/gaslight Shadow, and then works on defending his air fleet and bullying G.U.N. Sonic sticks around Westopolis before making his way to the ARK and finally the Black Comet, whereas Knuckles starts in Glyphic Canyon since investigating ancient ruins are his thing before moving on to Central City (since Sonic's already protecting Westopolis, and 6 cities have been hit by the Black Arms), but gets ends up heading to the Black Comet as well. In that way, I don't think it's so much Sonic not wanting to help Shadow, but not actively pursuing him as he's busy trying to save the world >Kind of makes me want to see more Shadow and Knuckles interactions. Same! >>14839 I don't really see it personally, but they get some great banter towards the end of the preboot and in the reboot. Them constantly trying to get under each other's skin in the early comics I guess could form the basis of a rivals to friends ship, where they both realize they like the fighting with each other over Sally more than they do Sally herself. Definitely a crackship outside of smut though
>>14601 Sonic Frenzy 10-13 Hey, that design looks familiar! It's a wall relief of the Ancients, last seen in Team Sonic Racing
>>14846 Oh that Eggman! >But at what cost... Clearly the only way to right this wrong is to put RoseDuelistBBSHM in charge of art direction! And while we're replacing Evan, we can replace Ian with JoeAdok to bring about the glorious new omnicanon era of Sonic
>>14838 >>14841 >Kind of makes me want to see more Shadow and Knuckles interactions. I liked their portrayal in the Archie postboot Naugus Arc where they disliked each other but could work together and be professional. At one point they're bickering about Angel Island's security, but then Naugus shows up pretending to be an echidna and they drop the argument and start working together.
YouTube’s 20 today! So, I like to ask y’all this: “What Sonic or Sonic-adjacent content did you watch back in the day?” And here’s a challenge (If you take it): You can’t say any of the more “Well Known” Sonic content from back in the day, I want some deep cuts!
>>14848 Nixus is so handsome, I don't even care that he's a literal troll >>14849 That just makes me think Infinite would've been a perfect villain for a SatBK sequel >>14850 Yeah, they were definitely some of my favorites. Knuckles in particular had a great run in the postboot >>14853 I've been watching Tamers' Sonic Underground for over a decade at this point so I'll pick that. It's currently down from YouTube thanks to mass-flagging but the archive's got everything if anyone's interested in checking out the one true Sonic canon. We've also got a thread here: >>8926 >>14856 Yeah, that one was great. They had to take down the original because of the Linkin Park music, but I was able to add it back so that it synced up with the original video >>14858 That channel is... certainly something
>>14586 Sonic Desolation 4-24 >Sonic is out of service for a good long while. That's an Amy Rose Guarantee! Yeah, because you just mindbroke him by taking his jacket!
Knuckles and the Chaotix Issue 3 Page 5
Parents are gone so you know what that means! Kit sat out issue 2 so he’s making up for it. And I’m sure Mighty and Surge will only be watching a movie!
>>14859 OK! I guess it's my turn. As said earlier in the thread, I was more into Mario than Sonic when I was younger, so I watched more Sonic-adjacent content than direct Sonic content. But for direct Sonic content, I know I watched people's gameplays of Sonic.EXE and Sonic Zombies, but I know my younger brother watched Ask the Sonic Heroes and Rosytherascal15. I mainly watched Youtubers that did Sonic-Adjacent content like Cobimani456, Sonic99rae, Animebromii, etc. And of course the MANY AMV's that I watched when I was younger, mostly Mario-based ones, but I did watch some Sonic based ones and some miscellaneous AMV's (For VenturianTale, Pokemon, and Total Drama Island)
>>14877 I almost forgot! I watched the Super Mario Bros. Z reboot when it was first uploaded. Sorry for that. I kinda keep drawing blanks on what Sonic/Sonic-adjacent content me and my younger brother watched back in the day. Probably because I was more into Mario and didn't really get into Sonic until high school.
>>14742 I didn't get the job. But I'm not gonna let this get me down! I've made some more applications to other places. Now I see if I get an interview, let alone a job.
>>14880 A power fantasy story where he gets ALL the bitches! I'm joking of course, but if I were to write a story for Tails, I would want a simple solo story where he's allowed to shine on his own. I know asking for this is like asking for a non-corrupt president in Venezuela, but hey, a man can dream.
>>14880 The most grimdark, depressing and relentlessly violent story I can think of but at least I would give it a happy ending. TBH I would probably straight up try to adapt Eternal Tails and try to get the author to write a Tails Adventure adaptation where Miles goes full 'Nam on them birds So which do you prefer? Left is 2021 and right is 2024. I swapped the order from the original post.
>>14878 Man I haven't watched Super Mario Bros. Z in ages. It and that Nazo movie were a lot of fun, although I think I originally watched them on Newgrounds >>14879 Sorry to hear that. Still, every interview builds experience and it's ultimately a numbers game. I still 𝒸𝓇𝒾𝓃ℊℯ when I think back to the first one I did >>14880 A SoL to see what he does when not adventuring with Sonic. I figure he's a lot more involved in the local community near his workshop. The problem with most of the SoL stories in IDW is that they're focused on the OCs, when readers are obviously going to be more invested in the game characters. Also, I'd like a story set 10+ years in the future where he and Charmy start dating Now that I think of it, I'd love to see a story about Eggman bootstrapping a new base from nothing but his egomobile (and Orbot and Cubot). Dude goes from zero resources to a world superpower in a matter of months, there's gotta be an interesting story in there somewhere >>14885 Great comic! The artstyle and coloring's very comfy and the humor works well >>14886 They're so cute together! lmao, neither of them noticed >>14894 They solved the case! >>14901 I still haven't played it yet, but Ariem 100% wanted that Echidna >>14902 Left looks better (except for the eye shape), but it's clearly a fanart style. Right's technically more on model, but looks stiff and the quills make no sense. The expression also reads as non-genuine to me. Also, there's no way Sonic would wuss out on those heels. Either go full Cuban or just wear flats! >>14903 Katana-bros keep winning! >>14904 This
>>14625 The Heart of a Monster 10-07 >that Knuckles Wew! From the artist: >yeah he spite fire, hes a dragon dinosaur thing, don't question it.
>>14192 Sonic's Prank Wars Page 29 Now that Knuckles is free, Sonic is soon not to be! Looking at the fanfic this is based on, Sonic is finally about to get his comeuppance, but the fetish stuff is about to be dialed up to 11 ;_;
>>14862 From the artist behind Sonic Frenzy, it's Tekno in a Riders outfit! >>14907 >that smile >that hair >that outfit >those armpits Older Charmy is so underrated >>14909 It's a good excuse to get rid of the dorky helmet (and jacket). Honestly, his modern redesign is the only one of the Chaotix that's an actual downgrade. I get that they wanted to make him more juvenile, but he lost that Sparkster-esque vibe
Oh and in case anyone's wondering what's officially under the helmet. Technically there's no geometry rendered, this is just a joke by the artist that did a few Archie cover renders and official renders for Sega
>>14918 It's pixelart so it's supposed to be tiny. Here's an upscaled version. I did nearest-neighbor for the vertical and linear for the horizontal, which I think is a good compromise between complex CRT shaders and simple upscaling
>>14643 Hazard Horizon 2-27 >so where exactly have I seen you before? Here I'd usually directly link to The Great Corn Maze Competition, but since Tamers' channel is currently down, here's some archive links: Can't believe I didn't see the connection until now but the Superman TAS Leslie threads have so many similarities to Surge being obsessed with Sonic. >punk girls >electric powers >absolutely obsessed with the hero that they're supposed to hate >sexual tension up the wazoo
Sonic Fanarchy - 76 - 78 Hey remember Sonic Fanarchy, the comic that last updated in September 2023 where Shadow had to go undercover as a Sonic OC? Well it's back! In case anyone wants to read our original storytime:
>>14929 Lmao she pretty much is Surge! Livewire had such a cool design, then again Bruce Timm really knows what he's doing when it comes to drawing the ladies. She kinda reminds me of Annie Lennox from the Eurythmics
Hands up for curvy Sally! >>14931 Livewire even turned good in the tie-in comics for the show and recently become good-ish as she started cooperating with Lois in order to have her story told through interviews.
>>14932 Livewire even switched to the good guys side right before the New 52. Clark gave her an Electric Blue Superman containment suit to regulate her powers.
>>14932 Huh. I'm really only familiar with the DCAU shows. Cool that they're doing more stuff with her, she was a lot of fun in the cartoons >>14933 >Electric Blue Superman containment suit Noooo, I'm getting flashbacks to Superman Red/Superman Blue!
>>14933 >>14934 Just like Surge, she doesn't have it in her to be a long term villain. She just wants attention. Also Jimmy is dating Silver Banshee and they're a cute couple.
>>14935 Yeah, I'm hoping they have her be a legitimate (if bratty) hero in IDW. She should stick with her Riders outfit though, it's way more stylish. Now that I think of it, one thing they could easily capitalize on without Sega getting fussy is having the OCs regularly change their outfits >Also Jimmy is dating Silver Banshee and they're a cute couple. Aww, that's nice. Jimmy's such an underrated character, even (especially?) in those Silver Age comics. Of course, I think we all know who I'd ship him with!
Rewatched the first Sonic film, still really liked it. Longclaw could've been in it a bit more but that's my autistic liking of the character speaking though was interesting recalling how lovely a voice she had....also sometimes should re-watch Owls of Gahoole. Anyway the comedy still held up pretty well and Sonic n Robotnik were still characterised and acted incredibly well. Will have to re-watch 2 sometime if can find it on streaming without the having to pay to rent it BS.
>>14951 Apparently it's not as good as the books plus takes some liberties, messes the pacing but I like the acting, the artistry is top notch and the characters are likeable enough, I remember thinking the lead should've gotten with the womanlet owl and that his brother was being groomed in both meanings by the evil matriarch lady. On a less turgid note there are genuinely some great scenes here and there like when they talk about what war is, the creative way they have the owls fight convincingly and of course the utterly gorgeous flying scenes speak for themselves....frankly I wouldn't be surprised if people drew influence from them for either Longclaw redesigns or how the owl people in the films are interpreted.
>>14952 Their weapons and armor being made to accommodate them is creative. Longclaw and her people probably did the same but on a bigger scale. >the lead should've gotten with the womanlet owl and that his brother was being groomed in both meanings by the evil matriarch lady lmao
>>14953 Funny enough found the whole film in 1080p on daily motion, has foreign subtitles on screen annoyingly but hoping to watch it with mate who's not seen it, will let know if my memory of lead having chemistry with his short gal pal owl and his brother simping for evil racial supremacist lady are accurate. Also honestly I'm hoping once Longclaw comm gets done can do sid work on her bio for my au, some character moments and details plus cover my ideas across, even though I know no one really reads it on the posts but it makes me get my ideas down concretely.
>>14942 I shouldn't make light of the situation but pic related. We lost a colleague at work a while back and it really puts into perspective just how fucked up lying about this sort of thing is >>14951 I have absolutely no recollection of the plot but did like the cool owls doing cool things visuals
>>14955 The plot is some very basic rushed fantasy adventure with owl Nazi's obsessed with purity and lots of aussieness here n there but I have a soft spot for the film warts and all, it's the only work of Zack Snyder I'll give any props to him for. Also I once had a friend who lied about dying due to heart stuff, was in tears processing it since was back in 2019 much younger and then she comes back and just says she had a special heart transplant that solved the problem. Though not even the worst friend knew/know in all honesty.
>>14956 Yeah, that's sounding more familiar. I'll have to give it another watch a some point. Man, that's rough. Sometimes people are just super messed up in the head >>14958 Nooo! Not best DILF! The copy-pasted clumps of grass are genuinely distracting me >>14959 Eggman sure knows when it's time to make an exit. Also, it looks like migrating to the Archieverse has robbed Surge of her pants And this time it's a different clump of grass, but it's including a few stray pixels from the speech bubble above
>>14955 Since we’re talking about Guardians of Ga’Hoole, I remember watching it in theaters when I was younger and I have vague memories of certain scenes, but I should really rewatch it sometime (WHEN I get the time) If I was Kludd and this baddie was indulging my darker impulses, Shit, I would have folded Kidding!
>>14960 C. Viper doesn't have the appeal that Juri has to hold a permanent roster spot on Feet Fighter. >>14961 Well bottomless females is one of the themes for A Sly Encounter. And honestly it's more fitting with how Archie handled female characters in the early days.
>>14963 >Well bottomless females is one of the themes for A Sly Encounter. It's genuinely endearing how the ladies are always standing in ways to highlight their butts and legs but the guys are just standing around normally >And honestly it's more fitting with how Archie handled female characters in the early days. I still can't believe just how far Butler was able to get with Sally >>14962 It was a pretty cool film, and it's surprising they didn't do more considering there were more books to adapt >spoiler Oh that Helen Mirren!
>>14042 Nectar: The World Before 111 Knuckles and Sonic are finally in the same room together, that means they're married!
>>14963 I've always found C. Viper to be cooler and being a MILF in a suit helps. But if anyone who plays fighting games knows she's just Capcom's answer to Vanessa from Kimg of Fighters. She's just a CIA bitch who's high execution compared to rush down cool/friendly boxer. Plus her moves & equipment envokes Captain Commando
>>14959 >>14958 Surge looks pretty odd pantsless, but who am I to judge the author's taste, I love Surge as well and seeing her get beat up is great. Also robot Sally looks surprisingly good in that Eggman uniform.
>>14951 >>14952 >>14954 >>14964 >>14962 >Guardians of Ga'Hoole Pretty standard fantasy story (young hero joins a gallant knightly order to battle his evil brother and a Dark Lord), but the great visuals help and the montage to the Owl City song is gorgeous. Worth a watch.
The main problem is that the dialogue takes some getting used to. Characters often say odd fantasy shit like "Oh no, they moon-blinked her!" to refer to one of the owls getting hypnotized, or "Follow your gizzard!" instead of "Follow your heart!" because owls navigate with their gizzards.
I don't envy the actors who have to deliver crazy fantasy dialogue like that. Alec Guinness complained about the "fairy tale mumbo-jumbo" from the Star Wars OT, I can only imagine how he'd react if you asked him to talk about "midichlorians" or "moon-blinking."
One thing I'll give the Sonic films is that they manage to sell dialogue about the Master Emerald and Chaos Energy without sounding totally ridiculous.
>>14964 >I still can't believe just how far Butler was able to get with Sally I swear I made an image comparing early Archie girls to girls from the games. Sally, Fiona's early look, Barby, etc. were wearing the bare minimum. Even Bunnie is technically only wearing a leotard and that was retconned on because she was completely naked when she was half-roboticized in her first appearance. But Amy, who debuted around the same time as Sally, was fully clothed, Rouge showed a lot of cleavage but she was still wearing more clothes than the Archie girls, and Blaze was also fully clothed. It's curious to see how Sega and Archie were so different in their approach to what female mobians should wear. Of course over time Archie followed suit and started covering up their girls more. Conversely I can't help but think about Rouge wearing just an open jacket but her tits are covered in fur so there's no nipples but she's busty and it's all out there.
>>14975 The USA used to be waaaaaaaay more open-minded about sex and stuff. The busty hot chick in a leotard was practically a requirement on every superhero team.
>>14962 genuinely don't blame him, honestly I'd thought it woulda been cool if Metalbeak in the film " instead of making it to the final battle got killed by and replaced by Kludd at the halfway point perhaps with him stealing his mantle though how the film does it wasn't a bad idea even if no sequel got made to follow up on it." >It's Wednesday!! >The folks on the newly formed ASR team wanted to offer a sneak-peak at some of their progress. Their first release will be coming very soon!! >Check out these previews from Archie Sonic Restored #291 and Sonic Universe Restored #97 >Sonic & The Olympus Heroes - Concept art: Good guys >By @Babillustration and myself! >Sonic getting Hermes' shoes was a no-brainer. He'd already mastered fire and wind in the Storybook series. Now it's Zeus’ lightning, with wings to match. His shoes mix metals from antiquity. >As for Athena, we followed the style of Shahra and Merlina: same lady as always, just with a different Greek twist. >The owl model was made after the last page, which is why it might look different—it didn’t look "owl" enough initially, so we decided to improve it!
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 7 Page 23
I’ve always wondered what a Sally vs Sally situation would be like. Not so much an actual fight (so far) but rather a battle of wits. And resources. AI Sally has more at her disposal but her attention is divided and she’s about to be hit in her now-exposed blind spot!
>>14977 I think it's more some forms of nudity just weren't considered back then. If you watch the Thundercats pilot, they're all naked for most of the episode, even Cheetara. They did try to draw them like action figures though, down to the visible hip joints >>14981 Hilariously long thick eyelashes are technically a male trait, since male hair grows thicker due to testosterone >>14982 It certainly makes her more relatable! >>14984 >𝓡𝓲𝓼𝓺𝓾𝓮 lmao, I love 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓬𝔂 𝓫𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽 so much Same! >>14985 Nice! It's really great we're getting some closure to postboot Archie >>14986 😍 >>14989 Great designs! Not a fan of the paywalling, but I can't complain if they eventually make it public >>14990 Merlina is probably my favorite, since it raises questions about whether her and the Camelot folk are human-human, anthro-human or something else
>>14991 Awww, look at how much fun the Digimon are having! >I’ve always wondered what a Sally vs Sally situation would be like. A battle of wits between her and Anti-Sally would've been so cool. It's kinda weird Ian replaced her with Fiona >>14992 lmao, it'll always be sonic-ray for me! Well, that and that one account that always requests Amy having her head shaved >>14994 He's gotta look good for his waifu!
>>15004 And I can't even hate on it! Yeah, it's a bit weird that people find that scene from The Incredibles hot, but hey, they're not really hurting anyone, are they?
>>14997 lmao, my true OTP is the Sonic franchise and extremely niche fetishes >>14998 Yeah, he's a Cambion in some myths, where his mother was human and his father was an incubus. lmao, Gerald/Merlin's mom banged Black Doom Others have him being of mixed human and fae ancestry, which is pretty cool >>15002 Fun fact: most of the goo and liquids in those weird 3d cgi fetish videos are done using nurbs, which are actually pretty dun to mess around with in blender >>15006 Here's a fun game, you can sort by negative ratings on e621 remove the rating:s for some real fun:
>>15009 >nazi Tails is considered worse than horrifying living toilet Sonic >the first page has that creepy pixelart of Tails with all the extra feet that I love posting lmao >>15010 Honestly, I find all these fetishes absolutely fascinating. The artists can get so imaginative! >girls Gross!
>>15011 Same. Especially after watching Saberspark's video about Totally Spies back in the day, especially his example of a guy who developed a doorknob fetish because he would often hide in a closet to do his business. It kinda shows the psychology of fetishes, that you develop a fetish either based on something you see a whole lot and your mind going places or doing something seemingly normal so much that it BECOMES a fetish. (There was supposed to be a Sonic/Totally Spies! image here, but I couldn't find any)
Video:174006784621.mp4(11.71MB / 0:01:46 / avc1, 720x480)Spoiler video
>>15013 Totally Spies was such a fun show, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't watching it to guess what the current writer's fetish was. Yeah, I mostly agree with that but will add that the circumstances of your sexual awakening can definitely influence what you find hot. TMI: I joke about nearly naked himbos, boots and manipulative villains but it all actually stems from watching Journey to the Center of the Earth back when I was a kid. I still remember being utterly transfixed by these two. Fun fact, that hunk is prominent anti-gay rights campaigner Pat Boone and I still have a crush on him. It's actually a really good film and I highly recommend it for anyone who likes classic adventure flicks >Saberspark I've not watched his videos but he did help Tamers get in touch with YouTube by signalboosting his tweets so he's a standup guy in my book >>15014 Yes please! I'd make Sam a fox, Clover a rabbit and Alex a cat. Others might have better suggestions
>>15015 >spoiler See, that's why it's so foolish to try to control people's sexuality. You never know what's going to turn someone on. >Action/adventure movies have sweaty macho men doing tough jobs, people getting bound & gagged, gay-coded villains with sexual tension with the hero >Kung-fu movies, Sports/boxing movies, and Sword & Sorcery movies often have buff shirtless heroes (pic related) >media with lots of sexy women could equally appeal to gay/bisexual women >media about talking cartoon animals gave us furries >people sexualize weird shit like feet or getting eaten (vore)
There's basically no way to stop that kind of thing.
>>15016 *sigh* that's what I get for praising a big name youtuber while knowing almost nothing about him. No doubt he's actually the Zodiac killer or something equally awful lmao, you just posted my favorite Soul Eater ship! Also, I don't care what anyone says, those Excalibur episodes were great >>15017 The amount of tail hole cleavage that's appropriate to show would 100% be a discussion in anthro settings. Some would be dressing modestly, with overlapping layers or almost a third pant leg for the tail to ensure nothing shows whereas others would be pretty much wearing jockstraps for "free movement" and "comfort" >>15018 Well said! Without getting too PC, I'm glad modern media will at least show the occasional same-sex couple because growing up I certainly had a lot of questions about why I enjoyed the scenes with sweaty muscular heroes captured by well dressed articulate villains more than the ones where the hero kisses the girl >feet Apparently the regions of the brain that deal with sensation of the feet and genitals are right next to each other >vore I still have no idea how they're supposed to enjoy that outside of art and fiction. I mean, I can easily pick up a pair of tall boots but I doubt they're constructing giant animatronic monsters with habitable digestive systems. Then again, with how rich some furries are, maybe they are
>>15020 I did not expect this to go that hard, but I'm conflicted. If Sonic actually just died for real, wouldn't he just accept it? The other ones already did. Last life Sonic is not giving up as he usually would, but also seems like he's coping.
>>15019 Well, the last part of your statement depends on how you feel about my reasons why I don’t exactly like saber much anymore: 1. In a video released after Kyle A. Carrozza was arrested for having CP, he basically said that him and someone that he got BLACKLISTED from the animation industry for drawing some questionable content featuring the cast of Invader Zim were “both bad” as if anyone with a brain can’t see that one is WAY less bad than the other. 2. He basically defended an (alleged) groomer. You’ve heard of Black Gryph0n? He’s a musician known in the Brony community (That I first heard of from someone I follow on Twitter retweeting a quote retweet reacting negatively to a song that the man made and pitched to Paramount as a possible ending song before “Run It” was used) that has some pretty alarming accusations against him. Basically from what I heard, he’s being accused of GROOMING Sweetiebelle’s actress while she’s was underage and he was an adult. What does Saberspark have to do with this? You ask, well, when Black Gryph0n and SweetieBelle’s actress became an item, her father had some objections towards it that Saberspark CHASTISED him for. And yes, I know that these are accusations and they haven’t been proven true nor false, but knowing how SOME people within the brony community have been exposed for some pretty heinous shit, I’m more inclined to believe he IS a groomer. And 3. His content frankly gives second hand embarrassment these days.
>>15020 Fun fact: that's actually a physics thought experiment >>15023 The afterlife was actually pretty stylish. IMO, the only death Sonic would accept is one where his friends aren't in immediate danger. He was pretty accepting of his death in SA2 since he knew Tails could handle saving Amy from Eggman, but that could've been down to him not wanting to give Eggman the satisfaction and prioritizing encouraging Tails >>15024 Yeah, whatever one's opinions on the more questionable lewd art are (personally I don't care what people draw so long as they don't use real references), there's a clear line delinting objective evil when it comes to anything from the real world. I'm still learning about the brony community but I get the feeling that like the Sonic community, it's lots of talented and kind people mixed in with utter degenerates
>>15025 Same! Your view is my view towards questionable/problematic stuff, but what really irks me what Saber said is that knowing that Carrozza was going on a whole CRUSADE against this woman for drawing some questionable ZADR smut WHILE looking at (and possibly getting off to) REAL Child Pornagraphy makes Saber’s whole “oh, they’re BOTH bad” statements look like FENCESITTING. That’s basically what someone I follow on twitter was saying about the man, he’s trying too hard to be a people pleaser and say the “correct” opinion that he frankly, comes off as fake.
>>15026 Yeah, it does reek of mealy-mouthed platitudes. If your job is to be the guy with opinions on YouTube then you should actually take some hard lines. I much prefer talking to people who are confident and articulate in their opinions, even if I don't necessarily agree with them
>>15025 As for your comment about the brony community, coming from someone who dips his toes into pony shit here and there, you’re right on the money, same with furries. There are GENUINELY good, talented people here who unfortunately have to be lumped in with degenerates, scumbags, wingnuts and dingbats of the highest order when they just want to find some community to enjoy this magic horse show/anthropomorphic animals
>>15028 Same, I’m usually someone who relatively neutral towards things so I can usually see both sides of an issue, weed out the more extreme views, and get my own views from it. But as you said, I can at least articulate my views, even if they are “middle of the road”
>>15029 I think most fandoms are like this, with mostly great people unfairly stuck with some of the worst people. What's interesting about Sonic and MLP is that we end up with more extremes. For every Sonic Mania we're burdened with a Kuta to balance things out, and it's no different for MLP >>15030 Yeah, a lot of people don't seem to accept that "I don't know/care much about the issue or am still forming a view on it" is as valid as taking a strong stance. It really irks me when someone just has to know what my stance is on some political issue so I can be classified as one of the good guys or bad guys. A few years back I was talking with some acquaintances and apparently I'm a weirdo for not caring about politics when it comes to dating, as if someone having different views on economic policy makes them more or less attractive >>15031 Censorship's such a tricky one since people interpret it in weird ways. I'm all for free speech, but only when the speech is meaningful, from a human, and appropriate to the venue. I also don't believe ads, spam, scams, etc should be allowed anywhere in society, but I don't see any of that stopping anytime soon >>15032 lmao, our special friend's still around (and still malding) >>15034 He's always so energetic! I really liked his work on crushing 30s: Sonic 30th Anniversary Song: CRUSHING THIRTIES ■ feat. Johnny Gioeli of CRUSH 40 ■ ANIMATION >>15035 Honestly, Sonic or Shadow would have no problem killing him
>>15057 Sonic villains are the opposite of fighting game villains. Geese is back, Bison is back, Heiachi is back, but Infinite's still fucking DEEEEEEEEAD!
>>15154 >Bison won't die because Capcom still hasn't got over the failure of the New Generation/Most Popular Capcom bad guy >Heihachi is one of Namco's most popular characters. Tekken wasn't keeping him dead. Kazuya cane back in T4 remember? Besides others came back after Ogre "killed" them. >Mortal Kombat: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Thry brought back Johnny Cage in Ultimate MK3 after killing him off! Plus magical bullshit involving soul's and rasing the dead. And that was before the reboots. >King of Fighters: did kill off people, not counting Dream Match games, but Ash's time fuckery brought back Rugal, Goenitz & The New Faces plus few others hinted at. Also Real Bout 1 didn't happen so Geese is alive. >Fatal Fury: Geese is dead but Nightmare Geese can be the in lore out to have appear without being truly back. Krauser killed himself after losing to Terry. Now let's see how Virtua Fighter 6 handles it's time skip/if they kill off people.
>>15039 Now there's an interesting ship! >>15040 >spoiler If that fancomic's anything to go by, Rock's for Sonic >>15042 >Mobian The PC term is Islanders you bigot! >>15043 Kit just playing on a Switch instead of helping would be a great contrast to Tails and his iPad >>15154 >Bison is back Literally too stylish to die >>15057 It's so frustrating! Just let us have reoccurring villains that aren't Eggman (or Iizuka's husbando Zavok) >>15158 lmao, sometimes I think I go too far with my takes on Flynn but at least I don't want to murder and/or eat the guy
>>15164 I think people often conflate enthusiasm and strong opinions with taking something too seriously. I definitely post the occasional strong opinion, but I like to think it comes more from a place of enthusiasm than considering the blue rat serious business. Even in-universe Sonic doesn't take himself seriously, and that's something we should aspire to! >>15166 We did it! We finally tracked down both of Sonic's Japanese fans! Coincidentally, I came across this video discussing why Sonic never got popular in Japan. I don't agree with all of it, but it did make some good arguments, especially about NiGHTS, the Saturn, and the NGE elements present in Frontiers: Why Sonic is HATED in Japan?
>>15170 Exactly! That's what I was saying earlier in the thread (when I was kinda talking to myself) That purists often lack that sense of enthusiasm and levity when talking about the series that you have.
>>15166 Decided to watch the whole thing >they call Boom!Knuckles Muscles Wait, do they think he's a separate character? >Ken Penders The way they pronounce his name like he's an anime villain is hilarious >Akuma Supa Soniku Now that's a cool way to refer to Fleetway's Super Sonic! >they think Fleetway's Super Sonic looks like the Shogakukan manga's Sonic Huh >they said Mobian Well so much for Japan's two Sonic fans, Iizuka's probably narrowing down on their location as we speak >Sally-chan lmao >they really like Scourge Well at least they've got good taste! >even the Japanese fans like the minor characters getting more screentime, romance, and classic characters getting modern designs Take notes Iizuka! >they don't just recommend pirating the Archie series Boo! >>15171 Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing. I actually slightly prefer the games canon to Archie and genuinely dislike Prime and X, but there's interesting things to talk about in all continuities Sonic Underground is of course the one true canon. It's not like the existence of continuities I dislike lessens the ones I do
>>15172 And that's fine! I don't have any strong feelings towards any continuity (mainly because I need to actually read the comics, watch the shows, and play the games and get my own opinions) but how you express your opinions compared to RandomFox and his ilk is: A. You actually like continuities BESIDES the games and you don't put down or demean anyone for liking anything else (And you acknowledge the Western side's influence of the Japanese side of things) B. You actually criticize Sega of Japan for their MANY fuckups instead of acting like they can do ABSOLUTELY no wrong and it's ALWAYS the westerners fault for anything bad related to the series and C. You don't sound like a miserable fuck most of the time, even when you're supposedly being non-serious or happy
>>15172 >>15173 >continuity wars What gets me are the chucklefucks who seem to think that plots/characters/etc. from one canon are inherently bad and will RUIN something else if introduced.
It's like Boco and his obsessive need to hate on Sally and call her "not canon." (She IS canon, to Archie, but that's beside the point.) Even if she were introduced in the very next Sonic game, it doesn't necessarily mean that Sonic will be at her beck and call, or that shit like THE SLAP will suddenly be canon. She'd be whatever the game devs write her to be, which could be good or could be shit.
Or take Whisper. I don't like the character at all in IDW, and I think that she doesn't fulfill much of a purpose, but that doesn't 100% mean that she'd suck if she were used in one of the games. Hell, you couldn't just have her sit around crying in one of the games, so she'd probably be better than she is in IDW.
>>15174 I agree! Just because something is not good in one continuity, doesn’t automatically mean it’ll be bad in another. I’m a firm believer in “There are no bad ideas, just bad executions”. Look at Archie, especially under Penders. MOST of his ideas sound good on paper but in execution were poorly written/handled. But knowing that someone else (Flynn) could take his ideas and make them good through better execution. So saying that something bad in Archie can NEVER work in the mainline games, is frankly to me, a bit insulting towards the writers because you’re not really giving them the chance to turn something from shit to gold.
>>15172 I genuinely think as a very open Sonic fan in regards to the adaptions, media and even with my strong bias and volatile takes you guys know me for that in every movie, show or comic there has been something at least to like or consider of value wether it be a unique character, setting, location or characterisations. Like X has the obvious problems but it also has cool additions like the Metarex, Dark Sonic, Helen and Vector eating out Vanilla. Underground is a bit tougher to give kudos but the idea of Robotnik having to leech of the upper class to fund his evil is interesting and I like Knuckles pet dinosaur Chomps I guess. I won't list every continuity and what I like in them but that's just an example of how such a giant franchise doesn't just have to be one singular vision.
>>15188 Well said! There’s a lack of open mindedness in terms of adaptations especially from purists who only want the oh-so-precious Japanese canon to be the ONLY canon. When frankly, the many adaptations and different canons allowed the series to reach more people. Like I personally don’t have any strong opinions towards any specific canon, but I see things that are interesting there and give props when needed.
>>15197 They have simple but unconventional designs with demon influence that each let you know what they're about. I wish the unconventionality would've gone more through with the Lost Hex. It looks unique from a glance, but it is plagued by the most cookie cutter aesthetics.
>>15202 That's fair actually, honestly I don't even hate their designs besides Zoom and Zoe, I think their race is also pretty cool as an idea of being space oni/Japanese demons but I do wish they were given a lot more to flesh them out of they are to stick around
>>15173 Aww, thanks! Yeah, I do at least try to add some positive takes to my catty comments >>15174 >and will RUIN something else if introduced It's so thought terminating and lame. Sure, they'll probably never introduce Sally to the games, but it's interesting to think how they could. It goes both ways too, as thinking how game things could be introduced can make for some interesting discussion. I'd love to see how Infinite could fit into Archie, and whether he'd end up allies with Eclipse. There's also some interesting stuff that could be done with The End and The Source of All >>15182 And people say Iizuka doesn't post in these threads >>15186 He was admittedly very handsome in the Bad Guys arc >>15188 >Underground is a bit tougher to give kudos BLASPHEMER! It is perfect in every way! >>15191 Hilariously, a lot of his mannerisms (even down to liking chili-dogs) is from the Western side of the franchise >>15199 lmao, we all know that's your account! >>15200 Thrash is probably my favorite character in this comic, he's just the worst! >>15204 It'd be nice if Iizuka could settle on whether they're alive or not >>15205 Instead of a super transformation, Thrash gets an unbanable Twitter account
>>15209 my dumbass phone corrected Zomom and Zor to Zoom and Zoe lmao.
Also yeah Sega for the 2010's onwards seemed to introduce elements and concepts but also not flesh them out.
Also man, Infinite would've been a fun villain in Archie since they could have the development of him before he gets the ruby/mask plus could perhaps have him be shown as a more defined threat by killing named characters.
Also sorry for my blasphemy, also I still don't get the whole japanese purism when so much of Sonic is built on the western side and so much of a japanese audience barely exists for Sonic, it's odd even if I can get a preference for Japanese cast/localisation and all that jazz.
Ever wondered just how much work Penders put into the covers he worked on with Spaz and Harvo? Well here's the layouts for KtE #3, with the one on the right being the one Spaz finished
>>15213 >finish up Kravok Fuck, I meant Kragok! I can't believe I messed up my future father in law's name ;_; >>15210 >my dumbass phone corrected Zomom and Zor to Zoom and Zoe lmao. And here I thought you were making a joke about their names being so forgettable! >Also yeah Sega for the 2010's onwards seemed to introduce elements and concepts but also not flesh them out. Yeah, the Time Eater could've easily been tied with Mephiles and we never got to see Light and Dark Gaia merge into their original single entity (this was never been explicit, but we did have (Lumina + Void = Illumina, Black Doom + Doom's Eye = Devil Doom, and Iblis + Mephiles = Solaris) >Infinite There's so much they could do with a corrupted mercenary that was given unlimited power, only to lose it all. I'd love to see him trying to fill the void with increasingly dangerous artifacts just to get his revenge on Shadow >Also sorry for my blasphemy SU is the one true canon after all! Yeah, the Japanese VAs are fantastic, and the scripts are usually tighter than what we get in the west
>>15213 One last Penderspost (for now). Here's some art he did at age 15. He really has always been a Bond fan, and even picked best Bond to draw! Brosnan's actually my favorite, but he hadn't played Bond at the time this was drawn
>>15210 Exactly! I'll never get how there are westerners that give more of a shit about the Japanese canon than the Japanese do themselves. Hell, I'll never get how this series in general can get some of the most uptight, pernickety, people around. (Yeah I know something something autism something, but still) Also I kinda want to make a political compass chart but for Japanese purists and see how they react to it (IF they react to it, that is)
>>15216 But now that I think about it, I think the reason why purists have started to come up more these days, is mainly because of the meta era. The lighter scripts, less characters, and the series taking itself less seriously (Especially in the west), probably soured how some view the Western side of the series and turned them more to the Japanese side of things.
>>15207 Looks like Sonic is having some fun. Still really enjoying this comic.
>>15209 Bad Guys was a pretty good arc for him honestly, I really liked him in it. Especially his friendship with Starline, Zavok really believed in him and was probably Starline's only true friend. Sad that things turned out the way they did, I hope when Zavok shows up again he make a comment about Starline.
>>15158 Randomfox is the worst person in this community and you can't convince me otherwise . His family should make him get mental help. Wonder how bad he acts IRL? >someone: Why is Sonic barefoot and why do they look disgusting? >artist: thats the joke,look it up on concernedspiderman intagram the name is linked in the description Right... "joke"
>>15235 Sally, stop making the New Mobotroplis Security System blush/overheat with your flirting. >>15178 >Skies of Arcadia & Beyond Oasis are manga tead on Mobius I'll allow it!
Did Archie Sonic Forever die because of the breakup controversy? This was posted April 1st last year and since then they've only reposted other people's stuff, all of which were in 2024.
>>15233 Sonic x Rouge is the true forbidden ship, with that level of cuntiness they could bully Eggman to death >>15216 Yeah, even the Star Trek nerds aren't this uptight >political compass chart I actually made my own for the various characters in the comics here: >>12137 >>15217 Colors, Generations and Lost World are easily the weakest games in terms of writing and plot. Forces may have been a mess with significant last-minute plot changes but at least it was trying to do something dramatic and interesting >>15227 lmao >>15228 >Looks like Sonic is having some fun. Still really enjoying this comic. Yeah, it's got my favorite Sonic x OC ship and easily the best depiction of waku waku Sonic >Bad Guys Yeah, I'd have been nice seeing them hang out together instead of gay duck being straight up executed and Zavok being Poochie'd back to his home planet, never to be seen again >>15229 He mostly just gets cranky on the Internet, Kuta's way worse >>15238 Stop posting my secret commissions Konductor! Now I'm wondering if Optimus is barefoot or if those are robot boots >>15241 Well shit. I really hope they continue, even if I wasn't a fan of them axing Sonally
>>15242 >Well shit. I really hope they continue, even if I wasn't a fan of them axing Sonally It is a shame. They were probably going to do Sallicole. The funny thing is that breaking up Sonic and Sally is a very Archie thing to do. Fascinating to see a ship someone supports get dropped. Other time I remember that happening was Silvaze in Ghosts of the Future.
>>15243 I honestly really hate it when fancomics (and comics) break up the established ships because they want to write the drama fallout and them eventually getting back together, mostly because they rarely last long enough to get that far which sadly mirrors Ian's preboot run. I think your approach where they're an established couple that has occasional fights is a better approach, since we get the ship that never got put back together and can get our drama fix on new ships like Mighty and Surge >Silvaze in Ghosts of the Future That was such a disappointment. Even the Sonadow plus Tikal thing seemed to go nowhere. I really do need to watch (and summarize) that video Evan did explaining how GotF would've ended
>>15244 >I think your approach where they're an established couple that has occasional fights is a better approach Originally Sonic and Sally were going to be just be friends but would get closer with them confessing to each other after Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I just skipped it because yeah it's better they're together from the start because having them be a permacouple is something that never happened in Archie. >Mighty and Surge That also had a lot of different variations I was mulling over. Definitely more conflicting but seeing Surge mellow out in IDW and realizing she was better that way than being a villain with no real reason being one had me change my mind. >Ghosts of the Future I think if the IDW job didn't derail things then it would've come together more. And Silvaze might've stayed on track as initially intended. As for the triple, there was more romance in the ever-so-platonic Heart of a Monster.
>>15242 I wish Sonic x Rouge was most popular both in fanart and nsfw stuff, shame as I think their personalities work well and they'd make a fun duo but the games don't let them interact much though at least there was the IDW panel.
Also I think Zavok has grown on me recently, enough to where I might consider putting him in my AU, though still need to get more designs done of actually important characters and not just ones I have stray ideas for.
>>15243 My ginormous bias aside, it is odd that GOTF is one of the most prominent Silvaze fanworks yet also guts that ship and sinks it quick. Also Archie Sonic Forever's real crime was not having Mordred beat Silver with his superior serpentine skill
>>15245 >Sonally Yeah I could see that working, but it's oddly refreshing to have a comic where we're through all the relationship drama from the get go. We've done so many angsty ones where they either remain broken up or get abandoned before the resolution I just want to see one where they're happy (well as happy as they can be fighting a genocidal dictator) >Mighty and Surge It's one that could go in a lot of directions. I'm a huge fan of Ryuko from Kill La Kill so delinquent tomboy that slightly mellows out after making connections and accepting responsibilities is a huge plus in my book >Ghosts of the Future Like Ian, becoming an official writer left no time for their old fancomics and at this point, they've changed so much that I doubt they'd be able to give GotF and Other M a fitting conclusion. Still, it would've been nice to get a proper sendoff for both of those comics. Yeah, the thruple was so tepid it had to be pointed out. It was pretty much Rotor and Cobar-tier >there was more romance in the ever-so-platonic Heart of a Monster. Speaking of! >>15248 I like Sonic and Rouge as besties that may or may not be willing to share a certain Echidna, but I can see why others would like them as a more explicitly romantic thing. It really is a shame they barely interact, and really only get to see them compared in Knuckles' songs in SA2. I actually see them as very similar, since they're both confident, highly emotionally intelligent, have laid back and flirty personalities that contrast with extremely competence in their respective fields, are two of the few people Shadow respects and trusts, and most importantly experts at getting under Knuckles' skin >Zavok He's a lot of fun once he's removed from leading the Zeti or being an Eggman henchman. It'd be cool to see more of Zeti society works, even Iizuka said there's more than just those six >>15249 It's kinda depressing how Evan went from Silvaze and Sonadow (plus Tikal as her self-insert) to only wanting to write milquetoast lesbian romances Nite and Don don't count since their relationship is completely sexless, they don't even have photos of them standing next to each other >Also Archie Sonic Forever's real crime was not having Mordred beat Silver with his superior serpentine skill Slithery hands typed this post
>>15252 >It's one that could go in a lot of directions. I'm a huge fan of Ryuko from Kill La Kill so delinquent tomboy that slightly mellows out after making connections and accepting responsibilities is a huge plus in my book Yeah, tomboys that soften up over time but never lose their tomboy streak are good, bonus points if they get put in dresses. Also Surge really needs to keep her hair down, the ponytail things isn't that good of a look for her.
>It's kinda depressing how Evan went from Silvaze and Sonadow (plus Tikal as her self-insert) to only wanting to write milquetoast lesbian romances Nite and Don don't count since their relationship is completely sexless, they don't even have photos of them standing next to each other Well she's moved onto having Surge be her self insert, why else would Surge have metaphorical fight sex with Sonic.
>>15253 ah but Mordred could simply hypnotize Silver to defeat himself plus his ring symbols are on his head unlike Silver's being on his hands so he has less effort to activate it.Not being fully serious on this obviously
>>15242 Y'know, with your mentions of Kuta, I've been thinking about him again recently. (No, this has NOTHING to do with TC) Maybe it has something to do with being on AlexHedgefox's twitter recently and seeing him retweet things from Kuta when from Kuta's Kiwi Farms page, supposedly, Alex wants NOTHING to do with him. So that makes me think, "Have they buried the hatchet?" also, I always see that Sally4All account on Twitter and today I looked into the account and saw that Kuta operates the account when I thought, "Didn't he gets kicked out of the Rally4Sally movement or something?" Frankly all this goes down to that DAMN VIDEO. My Heart of Hearts wants to believe that Kuta has truly changed and that we should let the past be the past and call it naive or overly optimistic, but I believe that for some, change comes a lot slower than for others. Kuta is one of those people. To me, that whole Sonic Villians controversy is a fuckup, yes, but a stumbling block in him trying to better himself and he hasn't fucked up too badly since. Don't misinterpret this as me going, "LEAVE KUTA ALONE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" or something like that. All of you have FAIR REASON to dislike the man, ESPECIALLY you, TP. Frankly, I don't know how to feel about the man. I'm just tired, man. I'm tired of thinking about some motherfucker that I may truly never know about. Frankly, your mentions of the man are just making me uncomfortable.
>>15253 lmao, posting this again >>15254 Yeah, as an OC they've got way more leeway and should show her with her hair down more often. Also, they should make her Riders outfit the default because it's way more stylish >Well she's moved onto having Surge be her self insert At least it's not Belle! >>15255 Joke's on you, Silver doesn't have a brain so he's immune to hypnosis! >>15259 As much as I love gossiping, I really don't like talking about him so I'll just say that while anyone's capable of change, this is a man in his 40s that's been a blight on the Sonic community since at least 2002. Sure, some people mellow out with age, but I just don't see it happening here
To put things in perspective, 2002 was (IMO) the lowest point for the Sonic fandom, with the release of SA2 the previous year, only for Sega to exit the console market and port it to the console of their main rival. People genuinely thought Nintendo would buy Sega and get rid of everything that made Sonic unique. It wasn't until 2003 with the multi-platform release of Heroes that people could see Sonic having a future. Most people would say 2006 was the lowest point, but that game sold well (although Shadow the Hedgehog sold slightly better) and that's all Sega cares about
>>14644 The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 2-46 And away we go! 44 pages since Rough and Tumble
>>15262 Frankly, all I ask is for you to watch the video about him from Dylan the Night Owl I linked last thread (once you get the time) with as unbiased a view as possible, and then come back and tell us that either Rich is bullshiting and that EVERYONE Dylan included has had the wool pulled over their eyes OR that people in the comments and Dylan have FAIR REASON to be more sympathetic. Because frankly, I haven't watched that video since that thread and never will. So, I rather get YOUR view of it, TC.
>>15262 >Joke's on you, Silver doesn't have a brain so he's immune to hypnosis! Sonic's a himbo, Knuckles grew up under the Master Emerald, Shadow's a stubborn angry lunatic, Eggman's a blowhard, Vector's a boob, and Silver's even dumber than they all are.
Are Rouge and Tails seriously the only people in this franchise with any brains?
>>15264 I'll check it out, but that thing's like 5 hours long so it might be a little while >>15265 It's a shame we didn't get many Sonic and Nicole stories. She totally had a thing for him and seeing him be oblivious to it was adorable >>15266 lmao, it's true! >>15268 Guntz is so cool >>15269 Don't forget Blaze, she has to deal with Silver and Marine >>15270 Oh my, these were 100% designed one-handed! I like that they've all got unique muzzles, tails, hands, feet and crotch fur patterns >>15271 I wouldn't have minded seeing their take on Rouge >>15272 Yeah, that one's mega-rare despite the twink x hunk pairing
>>15276 >I wouldn't have minded seeing their take on Rouge It is interesting that they chose Breezie for their booba character. Hopefully they'll get around to Rouge and even Sally.
>>15252 >and most importantly experts at getting under Knuckles' skin >Relic keeps a count on how many times Knuckles has thrown Rouge and Sonic off the island because annoying/flirting/stealing the M.E. >Julie-Su & Vector have standing bet who can get thrown off the most in a month. >>15254 >There's audio of a Sonic vs. Surge fight. It's filed under "For a Late Night" >>15276 Yeah, Nicole called him handsome after her temp body swap with Sally so seeds were planted. I do like the SatAM dynamic of her explaining complicated plans to Sonic. It reminds of the Thing & Reed Richards. "Now say it in Twenty Words or Less, Strecho!"
>>15281 >Yeah, Nicole called him handsome after her temp body swap with Sally so seeds were planted. Sonic and Nicole have the most development throughout the comics as the early comics he didn't have any patience for her and even shook her like she was a malfunctioning device. Then he taught her slang like in SatAM. After the body swap she really enjoyed Sonic's compliment on her new look. Pairing her up with Shard was obvious when the Secret FF was formed. Shame it never happened.
>>15280 Gotta catch 'em all! >>15281 It's probably the one thing Julie-Su and Vector could bond over >It reminds of the Thing & Reed Richards That's a good way to put it >>15282 It's such a shame we never got to see her and Shard get together and go on a weird double date with their fleshy counterparts. Now that I think about it, it's kinda weird that Sally x Nicole took off when there's absolutely no Sonic x Shard. Sure there were some tender moments between Sally and Nicole, but Sonic and Shard trying to kill each other is pretty much proto-Sonadow >>15284 Sonic and Sally are 100% the type to pick out a playmate to take home for the night. It's probably the only reason Sally can get Sonic to attend parties. I could totally see them having fun with Nicole
>>15282 For as much as Nicole got, she still has/had unexplored stories & potential >Relationship with Shard & how it would affect her & Sonic >The whole Secret FF thing >Her creator Dr. Ellidy in the reboot >Her growing rivalry with Phage >The fact she never interacted with Mega Man! >>15285 Of course Nicole is usually invited. Who else is keeping Sally's fuck chart in pristine order? >>15292 The Natural Order >Rob'O>>>Mordred>>>Everyone Else
>>15276 funny enough I almost had a phase of Sonic x Nicole and was gonna consider doing a story set in the games but lost interest and focused on my AU autism
>>15292 Who then immediately gets arrested by Remington! Don't believe me? Then let's run through the stats: >always carries a set of handcuffs (oh my!) >legs don't require batteries and Robotnik's permission to work >immune to hypnosis after all that time listening to the council of secret grandpas droning on >as one of the five (5) non-racist Echidnas, won't underestimate our slithering friend >backed up by a team of hot cops that won't betray him at the last minute >>15293 >Of course Nicole is usually invited. Who else is keeping Sally's fuck chart in pristine order? You just know they're both into organization and stationery >>15296 It's got a surprising amount of potential. I could totally see them getting together if they both got beamed to the other side of the galaxy instead of just Sonic >>15304 Wew! And now I'm tempted to post DILF Bowser pics >>15306 Man, IDW/Sega are sleeping on some real talent not letting ABT draw characters in his own style
>>15307 >Man, IDW/Sega are sleeping on some real talent not letting ABT draw characters in his own style IDW is the exact opposite of Archie aside from Yardley. Everything in IDW looks good and consistent but the heart... where's the heart? Then again I'd take IDW over Ron Lim and that one artist that draws everyone weird and Antoine as always emotionless. >>15308 Cheeky
>>15310 Couldn't agree more. IDW is perfectly on model (aside from Silver's eyes) but there's no personal touch. Even Ron Lim's Sonic had a certain how-to-draw-manga charm, but most IDW panels just look like cutscene screenshots. I honestly think Rough and Tumble are the only ones that get to have interesting expressions and poses, and that's only because they're comic relief OC villains >>15311 I'm horrified that I immediately knew who that was. Archie Sonic occupies like 40% of my brain, to the point where I can list off more of Knuckles' family tree than my own ;_; >>15312 So many of the characters he drew had that uncanny stuffed animal look to them. Reminds me of Toy Story when they'd freeze whenever the humans were looking
>>15307 aye funny enough the story idea was gonna have exploration of Cyber Space but the one from Shadow the Hedgehog with Nicole's origin being tied there, some Black Arms still living there but having gained unique personalities from the separation from the hive/exposure to the internet and a corporate villain type who was a Horseshoe crab named Trojan. Other then that only overall concrete idea's was just Sonic and Nicole having a growing dynamic but maybe should reuse some of the ideas/concepts in current AU minus the Sonicole stuff obviously.
Reminton could probably beat Mordred, would be pretty funny to see out respective pet Archie C-Listers have a scuffle.
Also to be honest I think IDW's biggest issue isn't the artists as much as the character designs wether main or in the background aren't as interesting as Archies 160 onwards visuals which blended very out of place characters to look right at home in the sega style or having a lot more diversity to it's animal species and bodytypes.
>>15317 Designing characters is hard, and having bland mobians for crowds is because of it. They did at least give us stocky women guards with the racing thing, which leads me to think that the girls should get more of that diversity too.