Thread stats: 73 posts, 29 files (29 image(s))
This thread's all about discussing the most obscure facets of Sonic lore from the games, comics, cartoons and anything in-between. Just who is the real ultimate lifeform, and who were the four great civilizations? Is Metal Sonic a temporal anomaly powered by pseudoscience? Did Blaze achieve apotheosis when she mantled Ibis in Sonic 06? Is Archie Sonic's world the actual Prime Zone or is Zonic hiding something? All these and more are what this thread is for!
Answers (that are probably wrong): It's Sonic. The Owl civilization, Knuckles tribe, Nocturnus Clan, and the Babylonians. Metal Sonic is powered by an Orgone (i.e., esoteric sex energy) engine. She did, but used it up creating the Sol Dimension. The true Prime Zone is probably the games, and Zonic's using the "Prime" zone as bait for multiversal threats
Obligatory Tailstube link:
Released in physical format as part of Sonadow Generations (and scanned by yours truly), we'll kick off this thread with Gerald Robotnik's Journal! Written by Ian Flynn and illustrated by Evan Stanley, this journal confirms a number of fan-theories and fills in the blanks of some until-know unknown aspects of Shadow and the Robotnik's past. This isn't the first time we've seen extracts from Gerald's journal though, as some were alluded to in SA2, several entries were shown in Sonic Battle, and a few more were quoted in Sonic Rivals. Oh, and how did Eggman first get a hold of this journal, here's Eggman's own journal entry from SA2:
>I'm Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius of the world!* By accident, I found my grandfather's diary. In it, he described a mysterious top-secret weapon he was working on called "Project Shadow."
>The diary looked like it was sealed inside the military research facility when it was shut down over 50 years ago.
>What a waste of good research!
>The legacy of the greatest scientific mind in the history of the world, Professor Gerald. That's my grandpa!
>I might as well get some use out of it!
Oh, and if you're wondering what the barcode says, it's "they don't know"
You actually bought this just to scan? Based
>they don't know
They don’t know what?!
Your request for tangible evidence of the ARK incident fifty years ago produced very little results. Your predecessor was quite thorough in erasing the cover-up operation. However, Prof. Gerald Robotnik's personal diary managed to survive. Ironically, we have Dr. Eggman to thank for finding it at all. This journal was recovered during the investigation of Dr. Eggman's stronghold following the latest incident with the ARK.
Unfortunately, time and tragedy have not been kind to the journal. What you're holding now is all that remains of the original book. I'm afraid there is no way of recovering the missing pages, nor can I restore the damaged or redacted elements. It's a pity, as I would have very much liked to have greater insight into Gerald and Maria's lives too.
The "T" here is Tory/Tori in the Japanese version, and Professor Tori (translates to bird) is written next to the mystery woman we've seen in the Sonic 3 trailer and Tailstube drawings of humans. It's pretty clear that this is Maria's sister. She looks a lot like Merlina, who is SatBK's Maria stand-in, the note to Tower is written by someone close enough to the Robotniks to refer to Gerald on a first-name basis and a relative of Maria would be the only person that could be in lawful possession of the journal after it was recovered from Eggman's base.
Entry #42
I take great pride in my research and discoveries. Few men are labeled a "genius" in their own time. But nothing compares to the pride in my boys, [Eggman's dad] and [Maria's Dad]. They both graduated summa cum laude, and in record time no less! They'll have their doctorates in no time. It seems my passions for archeology and robotics are split between them, but I guess that's what makes them "chips" off the old block - ho ho! I cannot wait to see what boons they bring to the world.
Entry #162
I can't believe how much time has passed. It feels like yesterday I was celebrating my boys becoming men, and now I'm a grandfather! Her name is [Maria], and she is perfect in every way. She brings a smile to everyone's face and everyone falls in love with her the moment they lay eyes on her. If nothing else, she is my legacy. Everything I do from this day forward, I do for her.
Based on hair color genetics, Gerald's wife was almost certainly a natural blonde, and passed that trait down to Maria's dad (the guy on the right). Eggman's dad (the guy on the left) inherited Gerald's brown hair and passed that on to Eggman.
>You actually bought this just to scan?
Even worse. I ordered a second copy in case I had to rip this one apart to scan it, and then realized I could just scan it whole ;_;
>They don’t know what?!
It's a GUN barcode, which only raises further questions!
Entry #170
I deciphered the engravings on an ancient ring I found on a previous dig in the [Mystic Ruins] Jungle and calculated the location of a fabled flying paradise. I went alone to verify my findings and was rewarded with the spectacle of an angelic island.
The land was vast, lush, and hosted a number of biomes in close proximity to each other. I believe I could see an entire floating city at one point. Most majestic of all was a shrine devoted to what appeared to be a massive [chaos emerald]! Could this be the legendary [Master Emerald]?
I dared not approach or overstay my welcome. As much as I wanted to explore every inch of the island, I felt it was a sacred land; just setting foot on its soil felt taboo. I don't know if any civilization remains - the land is vast and my stay was brief. But the majesty of that emerald and shrine will stay with me for the rest of my life.
We've got some clarification on the timeline here. Gerald was interested in ancient civilizations way before Maria got sick
Entry #185
I am about to embark on the most ambitious project of my life. The Earth's first orbital space colony will be the ninth wonder of the world! It will be a place of science, researching all manner of ways to improve our home below. Seeing as it is a vessel meant to preserve life amid the harshness of space, I have christened it the "ARK." It shall be a vessel to pass on the value of life and peace to the next generation. (And while most of the megastructure will be hidden within the base planetoid, I may have gone a little self-indulgent in the design, ho-ho!)
The only real concern is the source of the funding. While the United Federation supports us, most of the financing is coming from [GUN]. I have no illusions about what they'll want, but I'm building the ARK to preserve life, not end it. While I have my concerns, I am a genius, so I'm sure I'll figure something out when the time comes.
It looks like the depiction of Angel Island in the IDW comics (with the Master Emerald shrine in the lake) is how they want the island to look now. Also, that's clearly Dr Wiley on the right and another of the scientists looks like Dr. Tenma from Astro Boy. No wonder GUN was worried! Again more timeline clarifications. Gerald started working with GUN before Maria got sick, and wasn't specifically investigating cures to diseases. This tracks with our understanding that Gerald was primarily a Scientist with an interest in ancient civilizations that later got caught up in the military and the quest for the ultimate lifeform. We're also starting to see the Robotnik ego show through here as well
Huh. I love the art that's apparently Lightning Lynx and Joe Musashi's(from Shinobi) ancestors fighting. I'm assuming the Lynx lost.
Entry #389
Life and work aboard the ARK has been exciting, for good and for ill. As a positive, we've acquired one of the legendary [chaos emeralds] for our research! They're said to hold unlimited power, and preliminary tests suggest some effect on space-time. Bending reality to one's will... imagine the possibilities!
Sadly, [GUN] is doing just that, but in all the wrong ways. Their desire for weapons research is becoming increasingly overt and decreasingly polite. I used my clout to get a direct line to the president to ask for him to intervene. He said he would, but then he asked me for something equally obscene.
He wants me to discover a means of immortality! I aim to improve life, not pervert it. Everything gives way to entropy. The concept is laughable; as intangible as a shadow. I refused him outright. In retrospect, perhaps I could've been more diplomatic about it.
I find myself on edge. Political pressures aside, I'm told [Maria] is sick with no clear diagnosis. I wish I could look into it myself, but I'm needed aboard the ARK. Hopefully this will pass and she'll recover soon. She is too precious to be left to suffer.
More clarification on the timeline here. It was initially GUN that wanted Gerald to research immortality, and he refused until Maria got sick. Seems awfully fortunate for GUN that she got sick...
Entry ■: THE ALL-POWERFUL [Ifrit]...
So according to, this page is from Sonic Rivals 2. I've not played the Rivals games so I can't confirm the un-redactions here.
And one's on a system I don't even own!
>Wily & Tenma working together.
I call bullshit. They would probably kill each other especially after Tobio dies. But that's a nice nod to the crossover. A shame that will never be re-released as special addition to the Capcom Vs. Series.
Out of all the entries, that right page is the most shoehorned in. It didn’t make much sense then and doesn't now.
Entry #402
I have uncovered a most interesting specimen from the warehouse. It was first recovered by my son, [Maria's dad], who became quite the archeologist. I believe it to be some sort of puppet or robot made by an ancient people. At first, I didn't think anything of it, but when I was experimenting on the [chaos emeralds], it began to move. This suggests the possibility that even the ancient civilizations could harness the power of the [chaos emeralds]. When I was researching various papers related to the [chaos emeralds] and this robot, I discovered that there was a possibility that this robot was something incredible. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but this robot may be the cause of the destruction of the Fourth Great Civilization. I'm not sure I believe it just yet, though.
Entry #407
I am no longer able to ignore the possibility that this robot did in fact destroy the Fourth Great Civilization. I have discovered a stone tablet that explains as much. According to the tablet, "When the figure falls from the heavens, and the Stone of the Gods is joined, all that exists will become one again." Though it is difficult to believe, this robot has been watching my movements, and mimicking all that I do. I was amazed by my scans of this being. Surprisingly, reams and reams of data scrolled and caused my most powerful computer to crash. More intriguing was that the data was all about melee combat and weapons of that age. Eventually, if this being is ever restored to its former state, it will put all that data to use, and recreate all the weaponry and combat abilities that it once had... And that's not all. If my guesses are correct, it will also have the ability to absorb modern weaponry as well. What have I done? I have uncovered a horrible weapon...
These are actually from Sonic Battle, and I'll post the originals below. For those that don't know, the fourth great civilization is the Nocturnus Clan. Also note that the line about his son finding Emerl has been added from the original.
Journal 1
I have uncovered a most interesting specimen from the warehouse. I believe it to be some sort of puppet or robot made by an ancient people. At first, I didn't think anything of it, but when I was experimenting on "Chaos Emeralds," it began to move. This suggests the possibility that even the ancient civilizations could harness the power of the "Chaos Emeralds." When I was researching various papers related to the "Chaos Emeralds" and this robot, I discovered that there was a possibility that this robot was something incredible. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but this robot may be the cause of the destruction of the Fourth Great Civilization. I'm not sure I believe it just yet, though.
Journal 2
I am no longer able to ignore the possibility that this robot did in fact destroy the Fourth Great Civilization. I have discovered a stone tablet that explains as much. According to the tablet, "When the figure falls from the heavens, and the Stone of the Gods is joined, all that exists will become one again." Though it is difficult to believe, this robot has been watching my movements, and mimicking all that I do. I was amazed by my scans of this being. Surprisingly, reams and reams of data scrolled and caused my most powerful computer to crash. More intriguing was that the data was all about melee combat and weapons of that age. Eventually, if this being is ever restored to its former state, it will put all that data to use, and recreate all the weaponry and combat abilities that it once had... And that's not all. If my guesses are correct, it will also have the ability to absorb modern weaponry as well. What have I done? I have uncovered a horrible weapon...
Entry #428
It has been a...trying time, to say the least. [Maria] was diagnosed with neuro-immuno deficiency syndrome. There is no cure. Yet. I pulled some strings and had her brought aboard the ARK for treatment and assessment. The low gravity environment should help keep her symptoms manageable. Her family has been...less than enthusiastic with my decision.
Despite everything, she remains the most positive person in the room. Most of the staff here left their families back on Earth, so I worried she'd feel lonely. Instead, she's become the adoptive daughter of every researcher on the ARK! Moreover, she's become like a big sister to little [Commander Tower], the ARK's "happy little accident" over the past few years.
The president keeps prompting me with his request to unlock the mysteries of life. Perhaps with his funding and clout, I can find a means to cure [Maria] while chasing that shadow.
Isn't Tower adorable! Also lmao, he was born on the ARK because two of the scientists got frisky! We've also got confirmation that Maria was born on Earth, but lived on the ARK for several years before Project Shadow was even started.
>to unlock the mysteries of life
I am the Egg Man, I've got the master plan! Bravo Flynn!
Yeah I wanted something cool but academic for the opening image and JoeAdok always delivers!
>I'm assuming the Lynx lost.
lmao, as is tradition!
He did! It's always been my assumption since it looks like the Death Egg, even down to the mustache-based super-laser. I actually think most of Eggman's designs are based off of Gerald's, which I'll mention in a few pages.
They 100% would, those two are like magnets for bad decisions
Yeah, I think they just wanted to include it for the sake of completeness (and to head off my complaint that they didn't reference the journal entry in Rivals). It does let us know that Gerald was researching interdimensional travel, which is tech Eggman and Eggman N*ga later use
Entry #515
[GUN] has dropped all pretense and is demanding weapons research in exchange for continued funding. I promised the president I'd begin work on "Project: Shadow," but even he can't get them to back down. It appears I have a "gun" to my head on the matter - ho-ho.
Years ago, I discovered records of an ancient god of destruction called "Chaos." It was said to command the fury and force of the ocean - or something to that effect. I've begun developing a basic A.I.-driven apparatus that can generate cohesion in water and produce controlled shapes for basic actions.
I've told the top brass these can turn any body of water into an autonomous weapon. Deep down, I'm hoping it can be used as easily deployed search-and-rescue units. Imagine: a flood turned back on itself to aid those in the rubble!
Gerald's obviously talking about the Artificial Chaos here, but what's interesting is their design is in-part based on the Gizoid. If we're to assume that GUN's and Eggman's robots are at least in-part based on Gerald's designs, then all of modern robotics is can trace its root back to that one Gizoid Gerald's son dug up.
Entry #530
Research into "Project: Shadow" is in full swing. The first step has been learning how to siphon [Chaos] Emerald energy and apply it to living tissue. To that end, I've developed the "Chaos Drives." Direct application seems too harsh. Any organism that could directly interface with an emerald would be fearsome indeed!
The initial tests were promising, so we're now moving on to the next stage in trials. I will be using salamanders for their regenerative abilities and manageable size. We will begin applying Chaos Drives to the test subject and see how its vitals respond.
And to keep [GUN] from breathing down my neck, I'm supplying them with Chaos Drives as batteries for their mechanized division. I loathe powering engines of war, but sacrifices have to be made if I'm to save [Maria]. I'll figure something out in the long run. I am a genius after all.
And we finally have confirmation that Gerald also designed the Chaos Drives, and based them off of the Chaos Emeralds. Also note that the Biolizard is based on a salamander, which are native to the region the Mayan's lived in (and whose architecture the Mystic Ruins is based on). We're also beginning to see Gerald's megalomania become more prominent.
Yeah, my theory is their numbers were wiped severely reduced by Perfect Chaos and slowly declined until Knuckles was the last born Echidna. It's likely his parents died when he was very young. Probably 4 or 5, which would give him enough to learn language and the basics of how to read and write, but wouldn't remember much about his parents.
I wonder what will be the origin for Emerl now since Chronicles got removed. No doubt Ian would find a way to bring back the Nocturnus if he could. I think they still own them but just haven’t brought them back.
Entry #568
"Project: Shadow" has reached an impasse. The subject exhibits accelerated cellular growth, to the point it cannot support its own biological systems. I've developed an external life-support system to compensate, but it will need to be upgraded and redesigned as the subject continues to grow. The way it thrashes and roars... it is uncontrollable.
Furthermore it is generating unexplained energetic reactions. Is this an expression of the [chaos emerald's] power? Can a living thing produce such energy? Can it be controlled? There are too many questions, and unfortunately, the answers lie in this "biolizard's" life. I will keep it alive and as comfortable as I can until I have the answers I need.
I've found a region in the ARK that should be able to safely house it while we continue our experiments. I'm...not sure what I will tell [Maria]. I do not want to lie to her, but I think the truth is too cruel.
The photo is from the Shadow animation made to promote Sonadow Generations. Also fun fact: the Biolazard's roar is a distorted mix of Sonic and Shadow's Japanese VAs screaming.
Entry #589
[Maria] is growing into a lovely young woman. It breaks my heart that someone as bright and energetic as her is diminished by disease. There are no visible effects, and I've caught my fellow researchers muttering to each other, doubting her illness. It is infuriating. I find all my reason and restraint vanishes when she's slighted.
And yet she remains an unending font of positivity. Even on her worst days, when the fear and the pain take hold, she tells me she endures for the day when she can return home. She has total faith in me, and that "Project: Shadow" will cure her.
Her family back on Earth has no such faith. It's been so long...some of the researchers actually think she was born here. Her family either wants her better or wants her home. I can do neither. Somehow their scorn is harsher than the government or the military's increasing pressure for more weapons research.
See, I told you all Sonic's world is called Earth! Fun fact: Eggman refers to it as Earth in SA2, and Chip refers to "the Earth beneath (Sonic's) feet" in Unleashed. It's only called Sonic's world when they need to distinguish it from other franchises (Mario, Megaman, etc). I wonder if our Earth is called Danica Patrick's Earth by Sonic? Oh, and that photo's a redraw of the one in SA2, Sonic X and StH. Also note the growing friction between Gerald and his kids
Entry #616
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I am a desperate man.
The Black Comet returned to Earth on its fifty-year orbit. I had no idea it actually harbored [aliens/the Black Arms]. Aboard it was [Black Doom]. Somehow he knew about the [Chaos Emeralds] and seemed impressed with my work. He offered me a Faustian deal. I accepted.
Using his DNA, I was able to overcome every hurdle "Project: Shadow" had put before me. The small, sturdy biped I developed can perfectly interact with [Chaos] energy.
[Black Doom] wanted me to craft a herald for his future invasion. [GUN] wants "Project: Shadow" to generate undying soldiers for them. I will play them both for fools.
We see here that GUN specifically wanted immortal soldiers, which was something we only speculated before.
>Faustian deal
>616 (the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation)
Bravo Flynn!
Entry #620
When I launched "Project: Shadow" initially, I named it with scorn and mockery. I was trying to grab hold of an intangible goal. Later it sounded appropriately villainous as I was toying with the fundamentals of life itself.
But then [Maria] looked upon the unfinished specimen and put things into a whole new perspective. "A shadow tells you which way to go to find the light." In an instant, she cut through all my pessimism and doubt and filled me with hope.
"[Shadow]," as she's come to call him, will not be some dark creature but a champion of light and hope. I would not have seen that if not for [Maria]. She is truly a remarkable person who can do great and wondrous things for the world.
I must save her - no matter the cost.
It's interesting seeing Evan's take on the Sonic Channel-style humans. We also see that Maria's the one keeping Gerald's meglomania and contempt for in check
It's still part of the canon, even being referenced in the Encyclo-speed-ia, so I'm still holding out hope. Yeah, I think Flynn's pushing for this too, and I hope he succeeds!
Entry #633
I now understand why this being was named "Gizoid." In the ancient tongue, it means "everything." According to the stone tablet, if the Gizoid establishes a "Link" with someone, the Gizoid will swear loyalty to that person. Perhaps it still lacks [Chaos] energy, but it has been saying the word "Link" to me in broken tones. It went on to explain: "Show me your true strength, and I shall obey. I am all things, and all shall belong to me." So, as it suggested, I brought before it my collection of model guns, and fired them all. Then, suddenly, it said, "I shall follow your every command, and never leave your side." And since then, it refuses to listen to anyone but me. While it still is a fearsome weapon of destruction, while it remains under my control, at least it won't be used for evil. However, if someone with evil intention ever forms a "Link" with the Gizoid... I don't even want to think about what will happen. I must research how one can re-establish a "Link" with the Gizoid...
Entry #640
The upper echelon is going crazy. Perhaps they aim to freeze "Project: Shadow." Soon, the ultimate life form, "[Shadow]" will be completed... The application to my granddaughter is also imminent. I cannot just let them stop my study at this point, because I am the only one who can save my granddaughter's life.
These are also from Sonic Battle, and I'll post the originals below, which are identical save for the redactions.
Journal 3
I now understand why this being was named "Gizoid". In the ancient tongue, it means "everything." According to the stone tablet, if the Gizoid establishes a "Link" with someone, the Gizoid will swear loyalty to that person. Perhaps it still lacks "Chaos Emerald" energy, but it has been saying the word "Link" to me in broken tones. It went on to explain: "Show me your true strength, and I shall obey. I am all things, and all shall belong to me." So, as it suggested, I brought before it my collection of model guns, and fired them all. Then, suddenly, it said, "I shall follow your every command, and never leave your side." And since then, it refuses to listen to anyone but me. While it still is a fearsome weapon of destruction, while it remains under my control, at least it won't be used for evil. However, if someone with evil intention ever forms a "Link" with the Gizoid... I don't even want to think about what will happen. I must research how one can re-establish a "Link" with the Gizoid...
Journal 4
The upper echelon is going crazy. Perhaps, they aim to freeze Project "Shadow". Soon, the ultimate life form, "Shadow" will be completed... The application to my granddaughter is also imminent. I cannot just let them stop my study at this point. Because I am the only one who can save my granddaughter's life.
Entry #642
The higher ups are threatening to shut down this research facility. I had no choice but to hand them the Gizoid to buy more time for my research. I tried to be careful and commanded it to never absorb any dangerous technologies. However, I have heard that other researchers have been making the Gizoid absorb weapons. Apparently, the way to cause the Gizoid to form a new "Link" is to show it power that surpasses that of its former master. While this poses immense danger, I cannot risk losing [Maria].
Entry #650
The top brass still aren't satisfied. The Gizoid isn't big enough or flashy enough for them.
I've developed a weapon I'm calling the "[Eclipse Cannon]." It taps directly into the ARK's central reactor to produce an unethical degree of firepower. They'll love it. However, to use it on any target on Earth would destroy the world. They'll never be able to fire it. Checkmate.
It will, however, be the perfect tool to deal with the [Black Arms] when they return. Eclipse means "shadow." This is [Shadow]'s cannon. My gift to him in a battle he never asked for.
I'm so sorry.
It's interesting that the Eclipse Cannon doesn't seem to need the Chaos Emeralds here. It was pretty clear that all 7 were needed to fully charge the cannon. This diagram's based off the SA2 world map. Oh and again, one of these entries is from Sonic Battle.
Journal 5
The higher ups are threatening to shut down this research facility. I had no choice but to hand them the Gizoid to buy more time for my research. I tried to be careful and commanded it to never absorb any dangerous technologies. However, I have heard that other researchers have been making the Gizoid absorb weapons. Apparently, the way to cause the Gizoid to form a new "Link" is to show it power that surpasses that of its former master. While this poses immense danger, I cannot risk losing Maria.
Yeah I like the name too. Honestly I'd be fine with the humans calling it Earth but the animal people calling it Mobius. That way we we can have Humans and Mobians again!
>even being referenced in the Encyclo-speed-ia
It said it was a non canon adventure though
>Yeah, I think Flynn's pushing for this too, and I hope he succeeds!
Me too. With him working on bigger projects, his voice could do some convincing
My headcanon is that the eclipse cannon’s specs served the basis for Eggman’s in Battle. It’s even more powerful for destroying a star cluster.
>TFW Eclipse from the Post-Reboot was also a nod to the cannon made to fight the Dark Arms.
Entry #651
[Maria] doesn't know the full scope of what [Shadow] has been designed for, but she understands he will be under tremendous strain. She's helped me conceptualize a number of accessories that will help focus his power and aid in his mobility.
I'm also researching "Chaos Control" to see if I can gain an understanding of it before [Shadow] awakens. The power to stop time and space is incredible, and I don't want him to have to try to learn its intricacies on his own.
Deep down, I know this progress is superficial; tangential at best. The larger issues remain - [GUN], the president, the [Black Arms]... my family. I've gleaned there's a growing rift between my sons. My love for them shouldn't be a divisive issue.
I'm running out of time.
Awww, Maria designed Shadow's bling! Oh, and these pedestals were in the Last Story of SA2. If you touch them, they'll temporarily freeze time for everything but your character. Interestingly, it looks like his kids had a falling out. I wonder if Eggman's dad ended up as villainous as Eggman?
>It said it was a non canon adventure though
Just looked it up and they mention that the game was dropped from the official canon at the bottom of page 143, meaning his origins are a mystery. They do have a spread on the game from pages 206 -209, meaning they still have the rights to use it if they want. My guess is they made it non-canon since Bioware got bought by Microsoft and won't ever be making a sequel. Still, they could always re-introduce Shade and the Nocturnus Clan if they wanted
>Me too. With him working on bigger projects, his voice could do some convincing
I think that's exactly why he's taken on a bigger role with Sega
Entry #670
It has been a whirlwind of events as of late!
"Project: Shadow" is complete, and [Shadow] has awakened. I pre-programmed a great deal of data into his mind, but his ability to parse it out and apply it to his situation is remarkable. All of his vitals are strong and there seems to be no signs of instability or mutation. He stands in stark contrast to the monster we have sealed below decks.
But all successes of the physical and mental prowess comes second to his relationship to [Maria]. I had hoped they'd get along, but it's far better than that. She is his guide to the world, and he is her stalwart companion. Never have I seen such instant, mutual friendship and trust between two beings. I am truly moved. They remind me why I've been working so hard. They bring me hope.
Back on Earth, my son and [Maria]'s parents have been blessed with another little girl. They've already run tests and she has none of the genetic markers linked to [Maria]'s condition. While this was welcomed news, the unspoken commentary was received loud and clear.
I must save [Maria]. I must get my family back.
So Maria's sister was born a year or two before the incident on the ARK, placing her in her early 50s. Given her father is the Archeologist, it's likely Professor Tori is one too. Her outfit does have a style and colorscheme that would work well with that. Oh, and the art here is based off the Sonic Channel art.
Yeah, I think a lot of Eggman's (and GUN's!) designs are based off of Gerald's, but only Eggman (and Tails) are smart enough to improve on them
I never noticed that!
Sonic: Imagine needing jewelry from daddy to keep yourself from exploding. Couldn’t be me!
Entry #670? #706?
My worst fears have come true. The Gizoid has absorbed enough weaponry and technology that it has started to go out of control. The resulting rampage resulted in the destruction of most of the ARK.
I have deciphered the rest of the stone tablet. It says, "When the Gizoid had learned all that it could, it became a god of wrath, and all was destroyed."
The researchers somehow managed to subdue the Gizoid and sealed it away. Luckily, it only had one [Chaos Emerald] installed. If it were to have all seven [Emeralds] installed, it might destroy the whole planet. The Gizoid is too much of a liability. I tried destroying its core, but nothing I did worked. I understand too little of the technology that built him. My best hope is to try and reprogram its AI into a free-willed, emotions-based AI...
Again, this entry is from Sonic Battle
Journal 6
My worst fears have come true. The Gizoid has absorbed enough weaponry and technology that it has started to go out of control. The resulting rampage resulted in the destruction of most of the "Ark." ... I have deciphered the rest of the stone tablet. It says, "When the Gizoid had learned all that it could, it became a god of wrath, and all was destroyed." The researchers somehow managed to subdue the Gizoid and sealed it away. Luckily, it only had one "Chaos Emerald" installed. If it were to have all 7 Emeralds installed, it might destroy the whole planet. The Gizoid is too much of a liability. I tried destroying its core, but nothing I did worked. I understand too little of the technology that built him. My best hope is to try and reprogram its AI into a free-willed, emotions-based AI...
Entry #...
I've...lost track of the days. Not very scientific of me. I'm...strained. Something has to give.
The Gizoid's rampage caused the "Artificial Chaos" to behave erratically. I attempted to regain network control by inverting the polarity of the (text smears, illegible) so instead, they became violent. [Shadow] raced across the ARK, pacifying them quite expertly...but the damage is done.
An S.O.S. was sent to [GUN] automatically. I dread the litigious reprimanding I'll have to endure next.
This was covered in the Shadow animations made to promote Sonadow Generations and was also depicted in the Lost Impact level from StH, although the Gizoid is never mentioned in that game.
A heritage of the past I dug out, "Gizoid..."
And the ultimate life form I created by my own hand, [Shadow]...
I equipped both weapons with a "heart."
If all powers are not what is to be obtained for oneself, but what is to be born from hearts that yearn for someone, I believe all conflicts should cease to exist.
Please... If there is anyone listening to my prayers... Bring hope to humanity.
ENTER CRAZY GERALD! Again, this entry is from Sonic Battle. However, there's a previous one that was skipped so I'll include it here for completeness
Journal 7
I have heard there was an accident at the research facility. ... ... ... Everything... Everything is gone. My own Maria's name was among the list of casualties. My beloved granddaughter... They tell me her parting words were, "Bring hope to humanity." I have decided that the keyword to activate the Gizoid's free-willed emotions-based AI program will be those very words. "Bring hope to humanity." My poor, poor Maria...
Journal 8
A heritage of the past I dug out, "Gizoid"... And the ultimate life form I created by my own hands, Shadow... I equipped both weapons with "heart." If all powers are not what is to be obtained for oneself, but what is to be born from hearts that yearn for someone, I believe all conflicts should cease to exist. Please... If there is anyone listening to my prayers... Bring hope to humanity.
Right Page:
I don't quite know what happened or what went wrong. Was it a mistake to create the ultimate life form? I thought it would be something that would benefit mankind. But then the military guards landed on the colony that day. They were sent to destroy the research project that I had been working on. My colleagues at the research facility, my granddaughter, [Maria]. I hope you are all safe.
The colony was completely shut down, probably to keep the prototype from falling into the wrong hands. The ARK was shut down under the premise that there had been an accident.
This is from Gerald's Diary in SA2. In the final story Gerald's just sent the ARK on a collision course with the Earth and Rouge is handed a disk by Eggman to play on the computer containing this entry.
I found [Maria]'s name among those who died when the ARK was shut down. She meant everything to me and I couldn't bear the thought that she died because of my research. I lost everything. I had nothing more to live for... I went insane. All I could think about was to avenge her... somehow, someway. I got scared as I was no longer able to control my thoughts. All I could think about was that I wanted it all to end.
Based on my original projections, I was able to complete my project, [Shadow]. I designed its mind to be perfect, pure. I will leave everything to him. If you wish, release and awaken it, to the world. If you wish to fill the world with destruction...
This is the second half of the entry from SA2
Another thing about, Wily if he's on the ARK. It's honestly kinda terrifying with him around Gerald: he's 150% fucking with the Gizoid or hijacking something from there. And he would probably be willing to work with GUN
And we'll finish off with the concept art for the journal. Feel free to use this thread to discuss Sonic lore, otherwise it'll just be my schizo ramblings!
This anon gets it!
Yeah, the stakes would be even higher. Light's too moral to ever harm Wily but Gerald would have no issue shoving him out an airlock (at least the Gerald post-Black Doom dealings would)
>he's 150% fucking with the Gizoid
And 200% fucking Gerald's grandson!
I would the entire Secret FFs!
>Aboard it was [Black Doom]. Somehow he knew about the [Chaos Emeralds]
Which I don’t think they explained much even when he came back. So much emphasis is always given to Sonic as being able to use it naturally but never Black Doom. The alien who mastered the powers for who knows how long. Wish we knew more on that.
The Chaos Emeralds aren't originally from Earth, but were created by the Ancients back on their homeworld to power their technology thousands of years ago. It's a stretch, but I guess Black Doom could've heard rumors about them. We don't know how old Black Doom is, but my guess is he's around as old as the Ancients considering he hid the Glyphic Canyon ruins/flying fortress on Earth thousands of years ago. He likely had a lot more time to learn how to manipulate the Emeralds, even if it didn't come naturally
And stencil a "W" on his head, taking full credit for the design!
My ideas of Shared Mobius Main Villains
>Eggman: Wants to conquer Mobius with his forces and do HIS way. Even if it comes off as childish.
>Mogul: Is OLD and has gotten to the point he's going to wait it out. He's got Immortality, Eggman & Sonic? They can and WILL die at some point. And that's when he'll take over.
>Finitevus: He wants everything to burn. Mobius is too rotted. Sonic & Knuckles are idealistic fools, Eggman will eventually botch it up Mogul is too old and needs to die. Sure billions will perish but he's saving them from the eventual disappointment of this world.
>Kukku: The greatest Air Armada in history is under his control.....but they are without a home. So he searches for the Babylon Garden, for his people are the true rulers of the sky! And eventually, the land beneath them as well.
>Nagus: Master Ixis mage and manipulator, a thorn in everyone's side but he knows he doesn't have the resources yet. So he'll bid his time and maybe the Quickster & Robotnik will end each other!
>Lyric: The Ancient One. Was there when the Echindas started to screw up now returning to remind them of ANOTHER sin/mess Knuckles has to clean up. But he sees Mobius in need of a makeover. Not as drastic as Finitevus no but Eggman had the right idea with the Roboticizer. Maybe it just needed the right mind behind it......
>Starline: Let's say he survived getting humbled to oblivion by Eggman. Back to square one. I'd have hom lay low, reassess, may have an upgrade or two before becoming a better player of the GAME. Believes Mobius needs Order. Not a cold, sterile order like Lyric but Order, nonetheless. Under his rule of course.
>Zachary: Pure Chaos. He'll work with others as long as it suits his purpose of making life miserable for everyone. A wild card in every sense.
Now for the Good(& not so) Guys
>Sonic & the FF/Knuckles & the Chaotix: The Heroes of Mobius. Msybe a little too idealistic but firmly believe to win everyone needs to work together. Sonic is like the wind while Knuckles doesn't want to repeat the MANY mistakes of his ancestors.
>GUN & Team Dark: While the past isn't great, Tower has done an excellent job of cleaning up the organization. Still, as basically SHIELD for Mobius, there's still lines to cross to save people. And there's still the Westwood's within GUN to deal with.
>Lanolin's Restoration: A group that broke off after few failures(real & perceived) of the main good guys. Some are just tired of the same back & forth. While they'll be eternally appreciative of Sonic & the others, they feel a new way needs to combat the bad guys. No Sonic, No Acorns/FF, No GUN(distrust due to Eggman). Maybe they need to be a little harder. A little rougher.
>Desert Raiders: One of the FF Teams fighting the fight, they too don't really care for the back & forth....but play the VERY dangerous game of playing both sides along with Egg Boss, Nephtys. No one side gaining a real advantage. So far, the duplicity is working but how long til someone starts questioning the lack of major victory on either side?
>Sand Blasters: The other desert based FF Team and Jack's crew is more like Warlords than actual heroes. Sure, they're against Eggmam but how they treat enemies and former Robians can at times make him seem like the better choice. They're the group Lanolin DOESN'T want to fall into the trap of becoming.
I bet Willy was the reason the Gizoid acted up, he probably pushed Light to do something and they ended up pissing it off somehow.
Going on the whole Megaman and Sonic are part of the same multiverse thing, I like to think the creation of the ARC is the reason Megaman and the Robot Masters are never born in the Sonic timelines as Wily and Light end up dying either to the Gizoid or later GUN.
While in the Megaman timelines Maria and Gerald die early somehow without creating Shadow or inspiring Eggman, thus Sonic and Tails never becomes heroes either.
Although Megaman's world doesn't have any Mobians so it's not like this makes sense anyways.
He's so mean ;_;
Agree with all of this but thought I'd talk about the differences between Robotnik and Lyric. They both have similar origins: genius scientist that became twisted and bitter over his peers not respecting/listening to him, mostly due to his creepy demeanor and unethical mind control experiments, got banished to live with the Mobians/to the distant future, starts taking over the world after being given asylum/set free.
Where I see their main difference is that Lyric's "betrayal" is still raw, meaning he wants to mind-control the world as an act of revenge, whereas Robotnik's really just into control for control's sake. I'd argue that Flynn writes him as more vindictive than his SatAM counterpart, showing him relishing harming others, but then he was trying to add some of Eggman's persona to the character.
Desert Raiders and the Sand Blasters is such an interesting contrast, and it's a shame we never got to see them interact. The Sand Blasters are amoral thugs pretending to be heroes (much like Rough and Tumble in early IDW) whereas the Desert Raiders are disillusioned heroes that are trying to minimize bloodshed pretending to be Sonic-style heroes. I really loved that Spike pretended to be (and probably was) a massive Sonic fanboy, but actually disagrees with his methods.
As for Lanolin worrying about becoming like the Sand Blasters, that would be a great plot point if she were to end up realizing the real danger is becoming like the Desert Raiders. Now that I think about it, you could rank all teams based on whether they're pro/anti-status quo and pro-Freedom/pro-Tyranny.
Pro-Freedom, pro-status quo:
Sonic & FFs, Knuckles & Chaotix, GUN, Team Dark. They all believe if they keep doing what they're doing, eventually they'll defeat Eggman and usher in a utopia
Pro-Freedom, status quo-neutral:
Desert Raiders, Clove. They don't think anything is going to change long-term so they just want to minimize casualties and not draw the attention of Sonic and Eggman.
Pro-Freedom, anti-status quo:
Lanolin and her FFs. They believe things will get better, but don't think anything will change so long as they follow what Sonic and co are doing
Freedom-neutral, pro-status quo:
I can't think of anyone that would fit here. Maybe Big? He doesn't really think about abstract concepts and is happy in his jungle so long as he has Froggy.
Freedom-neutral, status quo-neutral:
The Zone cops, Ancient Walkers, the Brotherhood. They simply do not give a shit! Also Breezie. She's got enough fingers in enough pies that she'll come out on top no matter what happens
Freedom-neutral, anti-status quo:
Finivitus. Doesn't care about what others want or do, just wants the planet cleansed so things can start over. Starline, evil future Shadow. Wants to overthrow Eggman and rule the world, but doesn't view themselves as a tyrant. Mobius will be an orderly utopia and the people will have freedom (up until they "cause trouble")
Pro-tyranny, pro-status quo:
Eggman, obviously. Things are going great under his rule, at least they are according to him! Also the Sand Blasters and Rough & Tumble, they're happy with things the way they are.
Pro-tyranny, status quo-neutral:
Mogul. He's happy to wait out the eventual deaths of Sonic and Eggman so he can rule the world without effort.
Pro-tyranny, anti-status quo:
Naugus, Zachary, Lyric, Snively (sometimes), the Dark Legion. Happy with Mobius being a dictatorship, the only problem is it should be them on top!
>>Lanolin's Restoration: A group that broke off after few failures(real & perceived) of the main good guys. Some are just tired of the same back & forth. While they'll be eternally appreciative of Sonic & the others, they feel a new way needs to combat the bad guys. No Sonic, No Acorns/FF, No GUN(distrust due to Eggman). Maybe they need to be a little harder. A little rougher.
I'd love to see the other Diamond Cutter follow Lanolin, especially since Whisper would have sympathies with her cause, and it might cause some (meaningful) drama between her and Tangle.
Meaning they don't have to be hitched together anymore and can find their real sweethearts instead of dragging each other down.
The End is the major focal factor in why Aliens play such a prominent part in Mobius/Earth's history ever since the Ancients landed with the Chaos Emeralds which in turn drew other races scattered by The End's eradication of their worlds since the planet essentially turned into a galactic magnet for space refugees seeking residence due to the Chaos Emeralds being a beacon of sorts with it's unique energy ignature. This mostly happened While the planet is in it's infancy but eventually the discovery of The End being sealed in the Starfall islands plus the power of the Chaos Emeralds being to much for the races to safely habndle, most promptly leave except the Babylons who's ancestry led to the Bird Mobians but had the contingency incase it awakened with the Ark of the Cosmos/Babylon Garden and the Black Arms more so were arrogant enough to think they could manipulate it's power if it was unleashed to regrow their cosmic empire it wiped in an instant.
You disguised Uncle Chuck's chili dogs as your own cooking? Sounds devilish. Delightfully, even.
>Pro-Freedom, anti-status quo:
>Lanolin and her FFs. They believe things will get better, but don't think anything will change so long as they follow what Sonic and co are doing
I like the idea of them eventually drifting to pro-tyranny, wanting to form an actual government in order to protect/govern the nameless archipelago that the IDW comics take place in.
For a good cause of course.
Rouge The Bat
>Current field leader of Team Dark & GUN Agent
>Was/Is professional thief. Such skills help in infiltration work.
>Combat akills are close to or at least on par with the current Guardian of Angel Island. Won a share of Underground Fighting Tournaments.
>She's at least good/strong enough to fight with Bunnie Rabbot, the #2 combatant of the Freedom Fighters
>As owner of her own club she has a separate income besides her own escapades. It also allows her to connect with the criminal underworld in ways others can't.
>Rumors are abound about just how close her relationship are with the Guardian, with fellow agents, Topaz & Shadow.
> Professor Tori
From her one poster in Sonic 3 she still looks pretty good for a woman in her fifties.
Although who know she could look like a palette swapped Eggman in the games, I know I've seen a Maria like that before.
So I've been hyperfixated on on the geography of Sonic's world and finally extracted the map textures from Prof Pickle's lab in Unleashed (this took me stringing together 4 separate programs ;_;). For context, here's my simplified extract of the actual globe:
But, did you know this is actually based on a real map? I've reduced the filesize, but you can find the full one here:
Some "interesting" things to note about this map:
>predates the discovery of Antarctica
>California's still an island since they didn't go that far north yet
>There's some four-breasted lesbians in the bottom left
>The women are Michelangelo-tier (i.e., the artist has almost certainly never seen a naked lady)
Anyway, the Sonic Unleashed artist directly used this map to make their own one, meaning that four-breasted lesbians are technically canon in Unleashed!
I've mentioned it before, but Sonic Team actually had a different layout of the world back in Shadow the Hedgehog. Here's a map in Tower's command center. The red dots are five of the six major cities being attacked by the black arms.
And here's my first pass at cleaning up the map and upscaling it
I'll write up more when I've finished extracting the map textures from Sonic 06, but here's an older image I made. Background map's Unleashed, green map's from Shadow the Hedgehog, cartoon map's from Sonic Channel and the blue maps are from Sonic 06
Nice work. What layout you prefer Sonic's World/Mobius: Archie, Unleashed or Shadow?
Nice work, personally I've always imaged that between the asian and american continent there was a string of islands, forming the nameless archapelago that the Mobian's of Sonic's World live on.
Suprised this hasn't been posted yet
TailsTube #10 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Tori, aka Professor Victoria can be seen in the background on a book titled, "The Mystery of Ancient History"
So it seems like she is an archaeologist.
>What layout you prefer Sonic's World/Mobius: Archie, Unleashed or Shadow?
Trick question, the correct answer is the one from the OVA! Seriously though, it's a unique setting, has a post-apocalyptic peaceful utopia in the land of the sky for cute SoL adventures and a post apocalyptic ruin in the land of darkness filled with Robotnik's bases, monsters and the ruins of ancient civilizations for cool adventures. It's easily the most versatile setting.
The Archie setting is great in the actual comics, although the map is terribly executed (which is no surprise considering Penders drew it). I attempted to attach it to a globe a while back ( and it just doesn't fit right. I'm gonna have another go and warp it so that it better fits the proportions of our Earth
I'd do some tweaking to it, but the Shadow map is actually nicer and better proportioned than Unleashed. One of Unleashed's big problems is it doesn't include any inland seas or big lakes. Our Earth would just look weird if you didn't draw in the Mediterranean, Black, Red, Baltic or Caspian seas. I do like the overall shapes of the Unleashed continents though. I'll probably do another post on this later, but one thing that is superior in the Unleashed map is it splits everything into six main continents (plus the north pole). Oh, and while you have to dig deep to find it, but most of these continents do have official names:
Top-left: Middle East (not officially named yet)
Bottom-left: America(s) (not officially named yet)
Top-middle: Europe (officially named in Unleashed's files, and even has its own version of the UK)
Bottom-middle: Africa (officially named in Unleashed's files)
Top-right: Asia (officially named by Sonic Channel)
Bottom-right: South-East Asia (officially named by Unleashed's files, and is even perfectly south-east of Asia!)
I should also mention the locations on the Unleashed map aren't countries, but cities/villages. Chun-nan isn't a country, it's a remote village in China. It's not clear if the flags are city flags or country flags though. Oh, and that vertical island between Asia and South-East Asia? That's almost certainly Japan. We've seen it in various Sonic Channel art and the President of the United Federation mentions Japan directly in StH.
Now there's an idea! It would make my headcanon that South, Westside and Angel islands were all originally part of the same large island. If we put Westside island closest to America/United Federation, it'd be the most western island and explain its name. It'd also mean there could be an over-water train from Station Square to Westside island, so Tails' workshop and the Mystic Ruins could be where Tails grew up. South island moves around, but we see it next to Station Square in SA2 so it probably loops around the sea archipelago, in a pattern that is somehow similar to the one Angel island traces through the sky.
You know what, I genuinely consider this 100% canon now and am going to edit the Unleashed map to prove that it works!
I feel so vindicated knowing she's an archaeologist! The name's a great choice. Both Tori (which means bird in Japanese) and Victoria work well as a first or last name, and we get the egg/bird link for the Japanese names and a royalty/criminal contrast with the English names (sort of, badnik/nogoodnik is a term for someone that is up to no good)
Okay, strap yourselves in because this is about to get mega schizo:
Expanding on the archipelago idea, a string of islands between the two continents would mean that you'd only need a small plane (like Sonic and his biplane) to get to most of the world. It also makes the game progression make a lot more sense. Sonic is born on Christmas Island (which would be near the Asia side of the archipelago if we assume it corresponds to its real world location) and spends most of his time going between islands looking for adventure in his biplane, meets and fights Robotnik a number of times. In Sonic 1, he hears rumors that Robotnik's up to no good on South Island and looks visits it. Sonic actually ends up spending a lot of time on South Island, with Green Hill becoming his favorite place. He then explores another of the islands, which happens to have a tiny planet chained above a lake, kicking off the events of Sonic CD.
Since South Island loops around the other islands after it originally broke off from Westside Island it's natural Sonic would eventually visit Westside Island for an adventure, (i.e., Sonic 2). Angel Island also loops around Westside Island (since it originally broke off from the Mystic Ruins), so it wouldn't be hard for Tails' emerald radar to find it while looking for energy readings coming from the crashed Death Egg. With Sonic Adventure, Tails is in his workshop on Westside Island testing his new Chaos Emerald-powered Tornado, and since the train to Station Square on the mainland has finally been completed, Sonic decides to take it to explore, kicking off his own plot. Amy was also able to move to an apartment in Station Square thanks to the train. For SA2, Central City is just across the bay from Station Square, and being the largest human settlement, it's only natural that Sonic would be exploring it before being captured by GUN.
Heroes is interesting since it's not clear if the levels are in human or islander settlements. Grand Metropolis is powered by HEXAeco, which is a reference to the real world company Texaco, so my guess is it's mostly remote areas in the United Federation. Shadow takes place in the United Federation again, visiting Central City but also the western end of the continent, since Westopolis is the other city Shadow visits. Sonic 06 takes place in Soleanna, which would be in Europe since it's based on Venice. We also see maps placing levels on the big peninsula and just south of Spagonia. Unleashed of course takes place all over the world.
Colors, Generations and Lost World don't really count since they're 99% in space/in a white void/on a floating continent. Forces gets interesting though. We know it's got the original Green Hill (meaning it's on South Island) and (probably) the original Chemical Plant (meaning it's on Westside Island), but the island they show is much bigger. Obviously they've increased the size to make the map readable, since the Death Egg's now way larger than the moon. My guess is South and Westside islands have re-combined, thanks to the Chaos Emeralds no longer being present on South Island.
As for Frontiers, the Starfall Islands are actually their own archipelago and are said to be extremely remote. The closest Earth equivalent would be Tristan da Cunha, which is a group of remote volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean. I haven't given much thought to the Riders games, but the Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog is probably on the archipelago, the idea being the train line has now connected up more islands.
>most of these continents do have official names
Forgot to add, I was referring to this map for the continents: >>12753
So I finally got around to overlaying a map of our Earth with the Unleashed one. I've also labeled the Unleashed continents. This took way too long and I still need to add the tectonic plates ;_;
On the plus side, we can now determine the actual coordinates for all of the cities, which is clearly something the Sonic community is in dire need of!
Thanks for all the work you put in Thirtsy, although I'm pretty sure Sonic's earth is bigger than our own earth. I saw some calculations about that a while back in a versus debate...
But then again I don't know how 'canon' that is lmao.
No worries, I've become hyperfixated and literally can't stop. Send help! Sonic's earth being larger is an interesting idea I hadn't really considered. It's already got two moons so it wouldn't be that strange if it were different to ours in other ways. Got a link to the versus debate? I'd love to see their approach
Sure here are the blog posts on the VSB Wiki,,
Although I'm biased towards Sonic's earth being larger already as it would make an aforementioned large pacific archipelago even easier to fit on the planet.
Thanks! Oh man, they've even got calculation posts for determining the size of the islands which is going to save me a heap of time! They even got 22km for Angel Island which was around what I arrived at when I tried the calculations. Fun fact: that's around the width of the real Christmas Island, although the real Angel Island (which is next to San Fransisco) is only 1/10 that size
As for the size of Sonic's world, it being larger means we can fit in more islands, but there's already a lot of space. Assuming each island is 25km wide and 4km high, for them not to be visible to each other they'd need to be at least 225km apart. It's around 5000km from where Unleashed's Japan is to the nearest point on the American continent so there's room for at least 20 islands. Considering some islands would be visible from each other there's probably even more
Once I get the tectonic plates imported, I'll use them to work out where the islands should go. They're all probably volcanic so they'll be along a plate boundary
He's a Badnik squirrel from the Fleetway comics.
He understandably hates Robotnik and he is indestructible.
Glad you find those sources helpful Thirstposter, I've been thinking of the same variations of this game lore of a while now but I couldn't do the math myself and am shit at making maps so thanks for the help big time.
Because this thread reminded me of this thread.
>IDW sonic = post-genesis wave sonic
>sonic is reduced to a pacifist who always lets eggman get away with shit no matter how evil or disruptive he is (metal virus)
>sally and the rest of the freedom fighters disappear forever, replaced with a pathetic counterpart that falls apart in a few volumes (restoration)
>clutch is a stand-in for mammoth mogul, allowing eggman to get "revenge" for being overpowered by him
>starline is a stand-in for dr finitevus, allowing eggman to get "revenge" for being outsmarted by him
>surge is a stand-in for scourge, allowing eggman to get "revenge" for being humiliated by him
>shadow is reduced to a retard and has no maria in his life. G.U.N. does not exist so he has no place to call home anymore
>humans don't exist, since they betrayed eggman and treated him like an outcast
>metal sonic is no longer independent and ultimately sucks his dick no matter what, to prevent another shard from happening
>the only person who could threaten this plan somehow (silver) is turned into a weak willed pushover and neutered
>eggman is constantly portrayed as overly intimidating in IDW despite just being a sore loser who needed to rewrite the universe to beat a blue spiny animal with shoes
>Robotnik won. He rewrote the universe to be his own fanfiction where he always wins.
Would be funny if one of you made this thread.