Weekly Storytimes Every Friday at 7pm EST Today we have a couple starts to comics! The first is pretty short and serves a pilot to a third storybook comic. This time, Sonic has been whisked away to the land of the Greek gods! This is Sonic and the Olympus Heroes!
>>13690 Hopefully Sonic doesn't meet GoW Zeus. Or Marvel Zeus. Or--you know what, let's keep it Sega, with Zeus from Altered Beast. He doesn't seem to be a dick.
>>13706 I really hope there's more to this >>13707 Hermes had wings on his feet whereas Nike had big wings on her back and was more associated with sports/victory than Hermes, who was the messenger of the gods >>13708 Cute art! >>13709 >nitpickers As if that'll stop me! >>13710 Mercury was the Roman equivalent of Hermes
>>13723 Is that who's causing this shit? >>13722 >Or a royal family. Sadly I think a classic comic like this would stay as close to the games as possible. Archie Classic would be good to see.
>>13713 He looks so cheeky! >>13718 Fun fact: according to the Japanese manual, Sonic 1 isn't the first time Sonic's battled Robotnik >>13719 Everyone always forgets that Eggman's a master juggler!
>>13732 Unexpected resistance! >>13726 >Fun fact: according to the Japanese manual, Sonic 1 isn't the first time Sonic's battled Robotnik So Sonic's stalking poor Ivo!
>>13733 Fun fact: The very first section of GHZ's layout is deliberately identical to World 1-1, up until the first slope >>13734 >So Sonic's stalking poor Ivo! Jameson was right, Sonic's a menace!
>>13735 Huh, I never expected someone to analyze Sonic's juggling but that's really cool! >>13738 I just don't get that. Comics should be made free after a reasonable delay, especially if they're fancomics >>13741 >This isn't a chili dog! It's a suppository!
>>13697 Sonic really needs to stop getting summoned to other worlds by beautiful maidens it's making Sally and Amy jealous. Nest thing you know Blaze will have the same idea...
>>13698 Art is nice but some of the paneling and framing is shoddy like the top right panel here.
>>13701 >I respect you freedom yo die to freaky snake Sonic killing his enemies, you love to see it.
>>13743 >Good introduction. I'm pretty sure that's from his big announcement speech in SA2 >>13744 I thought he was cool >>13745 >small scientist Ivo, you're built like a beachball!
>>13758 And that's the end of the first part! That's it for this week! Next week I might do some twitter stuff. Kind of building up comics from that. >>13751 >It's a suppository! Good news! >>13754 >Nest thing you know Blaze will have the same idea... I know Sonaze shippers would love that. >>13756 >I'm pretty sure that's from his big announcement speech in SA2 GET DOWN MRS. MOON!
>>13754 >Still isn't the dumbest Sonic moment lol. Eggman was so close to calling him a retard when he threw the conch away in Lost World, and he was genuinely special needs in Prime >>13758 >It would be funny being able to run on the wrecking ball and jumping off of it. A correctly timed instashield allowing you to bounce off the wrecking ball and get some air would be so cool
>>13760 Thanks Conductor. >>13759 >Fleetway & AoSTH Sonic draw a penis head on Eggman's bald head on a Egg Legion Propaganda poster "TOP DICKHEAD IN CHARGE"
>>13760 What a fun comic! Thanks Konductor! >GET DOWN MRS. MOON! lmao >>13761 He totally would. Fun fact, in one of the American releases they moved his finger over and cut the scene where Tails accidentally gropes Sara >>13762 Not to worry, I'll post a bunch of the ongoing ones in the main thread
>>13709 I love big sloppy kitchen sinks that combine everything, they're my favorite! Unfortunately this isn't that but I love them nonetheless.
>>13717 I always wondered what was the difference between the animals, these cutsey animals that Eggman uses, and the mobian type anthros that live on islands.
>>13763 Sonic is like rainman, but instead of math he's really really fast and has an iq comparable to dbs Goku.
>>13719 You know someday I wish somebody actually does what classic did and didn't have a specific set of chaos emerald. Up until the adventure games codified The Chaos Emerald there were multiple sets and were basically just a magic mineral.
>>13765 >Tails accidentally gropes Sara That scoundrel, no wonder people keep shipping him with older women(Rouge, Surge, Cream's mom, Sara)
>>13767 And I'm finished! >>13777 >I love big sloppy kitchen sinks that combine everything, they're my favorite! It's a difficult balance to get right but I think the Konductor's comic does it well since it's got things from all the various continuities but hangs it all off Archie >Sonic is like rainman, but instead of math he's really really fast and has an iq comparable to dbs Goku. He's quick thinking, can maintain and fly airplanes, and has a high emotional IQ but all that living in the moment means he rarely (never?) considers the consequences of his actions. Now that I think of it, he's probably one of the best depictions of ADHD in mainstream media >Up until the adventure games codified The Chaos Emerald there were multiple sets and were basically just a magic mineral. I'm still not sure what's going on with that. There's one (incomplete) set on South Island but they disappear at the end of the game. The new classic collection animations have clarified/retconned that those emeralds flew off to Westside Island, which I guess makes sense, and we know those are the same set seen on Angel Island >That scoundrel, no wonder people keep shipping him with older women(Rouge, Surge, Cream's mom, Sara) Like Sonic, Tails is also a menace!
Remember Stressed Out, that handdrawn comic with Schizo Sonic where the artist didn't have a scanner? The bad news is the artist deleted it, so the website's the only place to read it now. But don't despair, they've got a new comic that just finished its first part! This is Hazard Horizon AU
From the artist: >The corruption doesn't leave entirely after the last battle. It accidentally gets trapped in the emeralds after Sonic goes all out. Along with... something else?
>Sonic will soon realize that he has to travel the globe to find the unstable gems, and release the tainted energy now being cross contaminated with the Chaos Emeralds. Along the way he'll meet familiar faces and have to reface the trail of the corruption, now juiced with something villainous which slowly breaks him down in all new ways.
>>13914 >The bad news is the artist deleted it, And that's why I won't bother with this comic, artists who pull that shit are more likely to do it again. At least have the fucking balls to tell your watchers why you don't want to continue your comic.
>>13916 Fun fact: the reason The End takes the form of the moon in the final battle is because it's a representation of death in Japanese culture Flynn had no idea why it was a moon
>>13918 Sonic's friends (and boyfriend) have escaped their cum jars! >>13917 Yeah, I wasn't going to do this one because of that. Thought I'd do it anyway, mostly to test out my script for resizing pngs and converting them to high quality jpegs. These were all originally around 16mb!
>>13926 >sorry master king! but it looks like I'm going all out after all lmao! Fun fact: that's actually in the game, but reminds me of this: https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1247296-katana
>>13934 >Not telling your friends about your extremely relevant power induced trauma/after effect and hoping it just goes away. >When one of said friends is a mad scientist Wow! How could this go wrong?
>>13941 >Children of the corn.maze Yep, no idea how this would go wrong!
>>13935 I wonder how Tails makes his money, maybe he runs a company? Actually you know what he probably just builds a lot of stuff/makes inventions and owns patents. I wouldn't be surprised if GUN ever commissioned him to make stuff.
>>13690 The Master Emerald has been stolen! Again. Eggman has a new robot he plans on using to take over the world! Again. Sonic’s not really in this chapter, it’s all Knuckles! So I’m sure he’ll be able to handle this threat. R-right? This is Sonic: Absolute Metal!
>>14156 >second panel Looks like Knuckles has huge breasts like Rouge. >>14155 >Eggman's clearly been watching The Thing! It is a rather unsettling reveal.
>>14153 Fun fact: it takes around 10 minutes for the island to fall into the ocean after the ME's been stolen. If you wait around too long in the battle between Knuckles and Mecha Sonic in S3&K, it'll game over you >>14154 >spoiler ;_;
>>14156 >hidden egg base >it's a giant eggman face lmao >>14157 >Looks like Knuckles has huge breasts like Rouge. lmao >>14158 >It's not often we get just Orbot with no Cubot in sight. Technically he was on his own in Unleashed, although he wasn't called Orbot yet
>>14166 TAKA TAKA TAKA >>14164 >Technically he was on his own in Unleashed, although he wasn't called Orbot yet Makes me wonder what an Orbot only timeline would be like. Less annoying for starters.
>>14168 >eggman only uses Model M IBM keyboards What a hipster! >Makes me wonder what an Orbot only timeline would be like. Less annoying for starters. It's good having two henchmen so they can irritate each other, but Cubot's just too obnoxious >>14169 >They also obviously like Dragon Ball. Just like Sonic Team!
>>14178 And here's a preview of the next chapter. I look forward to see Sonic not get his ass beat until he does. That's it for this week! >>14177 >It's good having two henchmen so they can irritate each other, but Cubot's just too obnoxious Makes me wonder what his personality should've been like.
>>14171 Knux ryona time! >>14172 Metal kinda looks like he's wearing shorts >Back then he was smart enough to not fight it while powered up and keep dodging until it powered down. I'm guessing this version doesn't have that flaw ;_;
>>14179 Thanks Konductor! >Makes me wonder what his personality should've been like. Maybe more of a meathead that recommends more violent and explosive plans. If Orbot's the sassy one that suggests caution and keeps Eggman's ego in check, then Cubot should be the one encouraging him to go bigger and more destructive >>14181 They're very Edward Elric!
>>14181 No problem. >>14182 >Maybe more of a meathead that recommends more violent and explosive plans. If Orbot's the sassy one that suggests caution and keeps Eggman's ego in check, then Cubot should be the one encouraging him to go bigger and more destructive Oooh I like that!
>>14183 >Oooh I like that! Feel free to steal it! My thinking was that since he usually works alone, the audience needs a way to see what's going on in his head without constant monologues. In a way, Orbot and Cubot should be extensions of Eggman, where Orbot's the angel (Super Ego) on his shoulder and Cubot's the devil (Id). Of course since Eggman's already an egomaniac villain, it's cautious and sassy instead of good, and rash and violent instead of evil
>>13690 It’s been a while since we’ve done a fanzine and this one is based on AUs! There are some familiar comics and artists in here so it’s kind of a trip down memory lane with new content! This is the Sonic Shatterverse Fanzine!
>>14477 Chaos should come back and do more kaiju fights for the good guys. He can be the Godzilla of Mobius. >>14476 My favorite is still the fashion one of all things.
>>14480 Ooooh, I really like this Shadow and this Black Doom as well. I wonder if there is a Tikal here, a sea!monster Tikal would make for a nice wife for this bad boy pirate Shadow.
>>14486 Evan Stanley talking about her contribution was how I found out about this. >>14484 And Sally is very likely to rip her dress off and jump out a window to join the action.
>>14497 Metal and Amy are pretty cute, espically since they do have some canon materiel with Amy being the one to return Metal to Eggman after the events of Sonic CD. Kind of dumb on her part, but it was cute nonetheless, also it's kind of an odd retcon but does explain his absences for several games.
>>14519 Amy in the lead and Sonic asking Shadow if he can take up his rear! >>14509 That's just Sega wanting Sonic to have as little attachments as possible.
>>14539 Is that a Metal/Amy child following in Eggman's footsteps, or is it supposed to be Sonic becoming the next Eggman. Like we see Amy and Metal in the left panel, followed by a Hedhehog wearing robotnik fit but being a Robotnik in the top panel, then we see the same hedhog sitting on Eggman's grave with his coat and Sonic's shoes.
>>14542 >How weird would it feel to know you're in a timeline that shouldn't be? >Cut to Rip Hunter getting held back by Booster Gold, Silver, Rachel Summers & Inuyasha ftom jumping in the time stream to kick Shadow & Sonic's ass.
>>14475 If nothing else, I hope Sonic Prime inspires more fancomices to do pirate adventures >>14476 Some excellent leads for finding new fancomics >>14478 Same, but for Knux >>14480 >Chaos should come back and do more kaiju fights for the good guys. He can be the Godzilla of Mobius. That would be so cool >My favorite is still the fashion one of all things. Same >>14482 >And that's the start of an adventure that we'll never see more of! ;_;
>>14553 Aw cute, now get a job Tails Sonic refuses to hold one down and you need money somehow. Then Sonic will become financially dependent of his son/younger brother as he's always fated to be.
>>14492 The one true canon! >>14493 I hope the artist on the right finally makes his Riders-inspired AU comic >>14496 It stopped just when all three delinquent hedgehogs were about to team up ;_; >>14497 >Maybe after Sonic 4 there will be more Amy and Metal Sonic shipping. It's such an underrated ship >>14499 He's doing the Akira motorbike slide! >>14502 Yeah, there's definitely something to build on here, even if it's just left for fans to do
>>14514 >that knux Damn! >>14518 >Wait is the robotnik girl >>14482 here also supposed to be fatria? Yeah, that artist likes to make her look more like Eggman, hence the big nose and the chonk >>14519 Dark Enerjak is easily the most stylish outfit to come out of Archie
>>14523 >Dreamcast 2 They actually did make a Dreamcast 2, but only for arcades https://segaretro.org/Sega_NAOMI_2 >>14524 He looks so menacing! >>14532 >Just one page of this. Not sure what the deal is here. Some sexy tribal/feudal Japan vamipre AU?
>>14536 That's the closeup of >>14513 >>14537 Zines have historically been a large part of LGB-etc culture so it tracks that fanzines are way gayer than fancomics >>14539 >Christmas Sonic. I want Krampus Knuckles! >>14541 If only he'd mentioned this on the tumblr! >>14542 >How weird would it feel to know you're in a timeline that shouldn't be? But enough about real life! Not specifically a political comment, more of an observation that everything seems off >>14547 I need more older Tails! >>14548 There it is, handsome Squidward Shadow!
>>14551 I'm sure I saw this comic on xitter a while back >>14553 >ywn grab the miles electric and chuck it in the ocean lmao >>14554 >Fanart of Hangin Out. Man I miss that comic. Same ;_; >>14559 Thanks Konductor! >There you are! I fell asleep and forgot to set an alarm again ;_; >>14564 The prophecy must be fulfilled! >>14570 Stylish whores!
>>13690 The best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day is to do the latest chapter of Clash of Two Worlds! It’s the Sonic Boom and TMNT 2012 crossover comic! If you forgot what has happened so far, I’ll fill you in real quick. Eggman collected all the chaos emeralds but was transported along with Sonic to the TMNT world. Eggman teamed up with Shredder and Sonic teamed up with the turtles. The good guys lost and Sonic and Leo got sent back to Sonic’s World. Now Sonic and his crew are back with Leo to the TMNT world to put a stop to Eggman and Shredder’s collaboration. But the bad guys have all but one of the chaos emeralds. Amy and Sticks are watching over a badly beaten April and Casey while the boys go out to save both worlds!
>>14754 They seem to have moved from using Google Earth 3d screenshots to full-on 3d models now. It's interesting seeing the 3d models with traditional 2d characters on top
>>14764 The time for laughing is over. >>14763 Nickelodeon may hate most of its properties but it loves TMNT. We'll probably get a new one in a few years.
>>14766 >Nickelodeon may hate most of its properties but it loves TMNT Which is so funny since they didn't create it. Fuck, I think it's older than Nickelodeon itself.
>>14760 Threadly reminder that Raph is best turtle >>14763 Yeah, I've only seen the original and the early 00s one. Really liked them both >>14764 >He got weebed up. He's probably got an entire room filled with anime figs
>>14775 CLING CLANG CLING CLANG >>14774 >Threadly reminder that Raph is best turtle For me it's Mikey. Battle Nexus Champion whose love interest in the 2012 show as the time girl with big tits.
>>14766 Kniux is so handsome in this ❤️ >>14768 >Good for those who hate drawing backgrounds, which is most artists. They'd fit right in at IDW then, hew hew! I get that they've got unreasonable deadlines to meet and are getting paid almost nothing, but I do miss the more detailed Archie backgrounds
>>14772 >Keep them bara boys big. Exactly! >>14776 >For me it's Mikey. Mikey's great, and vital for a group that's constantly encountering horrifying/hilarious stuff. Really all four are great >Battle Nexus Champion whose love interest in the 2012 show as the time girl with big tits. lmao >>14777 Yeah, the movies were great, and even had Vanilla Ice! I spent way too much time on those arcade games ;_;
>>14791 Interrupted! >>14789 >Mikey's great, and vital for a group that's constantly encountering horrifying/hilarious stuff. Really all four are great I like when the comedy relief character is also a badass.
>>14779 I suppose it does get us to the standard twink x bara couple >>14781 TMNT's great because it's a pretty even split between everyone's favorite. FWIW, Donatello's more relatable for me, but Raph's the one I had the hots for >Cyclops I mean, he does get best girl >>14782 >Sonic's got an idea! *shudder*
>>14800 Another one down. >>14799 >I suppose it does get us to the standard twink x bara couple The majority of gay male couples I've seen are bara and bara or twink and twink. Very rare to see one of each as a couple.
>>14783 >I miss caring about what happens in Sonic comics. Same. Now it's just a chore unless Rough and Tumble or Surge are being gremlins. The airship crashing into the restoration was a big "so what?" for me
>>14784 So cool! >>14788 So handsome! >>14790 More crossovers than with Mario! >>14792 >I like when the comedy relief character is also a badass. Yeah, they all had their own traits and interests, but they could all kick ass. I liked that Power Rangers went in the same direction >>14794 >Hey, that worked! His plans are so dumb they loop back around to being smart
>>14815 That's another L for the heroes. >>14810 >More crossovers than with Mario! That reminds me, I have a new Sonic and Mario comic that I'll do in the future.
>>14801 >The majority of gay male couples I've seen are bara and bara or twink and twink. Very rare to see one of each as a couple. Hey, I'm still holding out hope for my own Boom!Knuckles! Unfortunately, it seems the secret to successful gay dating is cloning ;_;
>>14804 >That arc should've ended a few issues ago. You could say that for most of the arcs, especially the Metal Virus one >>14806 It's fortunate these are robots, otherwise that'd be mega gruesome!
>>14821 And... there's one more page of this but it hasn't been posted yet. Should be up sometime today. Hopefully. For now that's it. This series is still going, chapter 5 has a handful of pages posted on the artist's Kofi page. Until next time and I'll post the last page when I can!
>>14808 Bro's is Shredder more popular than the TMNT? ;_; >>14811 >Tails isn't fucking around. He should've had a massive laser blaster in the show >>14813 They really should stop coating the emeralds in butter >>14816 On the plus side, they'll make a killing at the metal recycling facility! >That reminds me, I have a new Sonic and Mario comic that I'll do in the future. I'm surprised how few of those we've done
>>14818 >baxter stockman He's so gross looking ;_; >>14821 >A note for those that played the game. I'm sure the dozens that did get this. It was actually more fun than Lost World, not that that's saying much! >I remember that comic! lmao, and now you know why I bothered storytiming it!
>>14781 Leo's one of my mains in Shredder's Revenge, he's just also a solid character. Actually on the topic of IW how you guys feel about their run on TMNT
>>14833 my fave character was Bludgeon, even in the weakest parts of the writing he somehow stays the best original character and just being a badass monk while also a Hammerhead is just neat on top of his likeable personality and never having drama. I'd be cool with him popping up in adaptions honestly.
Hey, remember Ziggyfin, the artist that did that incomplete SA2 comic and now works at IDW? Well, here's a short comic of theirs from 2020 called: 🌳🐸FROG FOREST🐸🌳 https://x.com/Ziggyfin/status/1223317167363411968
>>14872 It's not shown in this comic, but this level has the Sonic Heroes equivalent of the Orca and G.U.N truck chase scenes in SA1&2, but this time it's giant alligators and you're swinging on vines to get away
>>14874 And that's it! Some great action, humor and coloring here. If you want to find out next, you'll just have to play Sonic Heroes! I'm sure you can all work out the real reason I posted this comic
>>13690 Time for another fanzine! Can a robot truly be a living thing? That’s a question that Metal Sonic will be asking himself many times through this fanzine. Plenty of continuities and characters come together for this journey of self-discovery. This is Born to Fail!
>>15076 >Now I'm really curious about that third eye. Metal Overlord had one so maybe that's why? Eggman did build his chassis after Heroes >>15077 Awww, they can bond over how shit the movie was!
>>15080 Growing up in space nerd city he probably listened to a lot of classical music, and musicals were popular in the 50s >>15081 lmao, Larry continues to be best boy
>>15112 Maybe Metal won't try to kill Amy that much next time they fight. >>15109 >This is why you have no friends Eggman! He can just build new friends that will eventually turn on him. Eggman hasn't figured out why that keeps happening.
>>15105 >Sagesisters... is Eggman not a good father? He's the best father he knows how to be, which is pretty terrible! >>15110 >I wish I could find a deadly robot to repair. Preferably a sexy lady one. I'd be 100% fine with his one!
>>15111 >Garak from DS9 Easily my favorite Star Trek character. Everything he says is just fascinating >>15114 >He can just build new friends that will eventually turn on him. Eggman hasn't figured out why that keeps happening. That and he keeps trying to play Pokémon Master with eldritch horrors. They're not gonna be your pals either Eggman! >>15115 Oh shit, you're totally right!
>>15122 Takes a while undo all those years of being a killer robot. >>15120 He unintentionally allows his creations to betray him, something he'd do to anyone he worked with and didn't have control over.
>>15120 He really is the worst >>15121 Zero maybe? >>15122 >I guess Ferns liked seeing Neo Metal wearing that dress and thought he'd look good wearing one again. It's certainly a look
>>15136 Or do the robot equivalent of having an emotional breakdown. >>15134 Funny how that design choice from the movies given how Sonic's first design for it was the worst.
>>15138 >Funny how that design choice from the movies given how Sonic's first design for it was the worst. Yeah, they never fully got the individual quill look quite right in Boom, and Ugly Sonic was an absolute nightmare. I'm just glad Hesse was able to salvage things >>15140 lmao
>>15146 And that's it! I have more fanzines but I'll do something else next week to shake things up a bit. >>15144 >Hesse He deserves a huge paycheck because the movies would've stopped at the first without it. He hopefully gets some royalty check for it.
>>15148 >Uncle Chuck & Amadeus drinks some wine Armand gave them. >They liss on the grave for fallen comrades and Jules who's a robot who doesn't need to piss.
>>15146 >congratulations, shinji lmao >>15147 Thunderbolt would leave panties! >>15150 Thanks Konductor! >He deserves a huge paycheck because the movies would've stopped at the first without it. He hopefully gets some royalty check for it. I think he gets some royalties, but he deserves way more. If the first film had bombed it may have actually taken down the entire franchise, or at least massively slashed Sonic Team's budget and canceled things like Prime
>>15152 No problem! >>15153 >I think he gets some royalties, but he deserves way more. If the first film had bombed it may have actually taken down the entire franchise, or at least massively slashed Sonic Team's budget and canceled things like Prime And Fowler deserves a lot of credit. I'm sure he really pushed for it. I don't know if the exec who first made the decision backed down or another came in to override them. Either way, mistakes were made and unmade.
>>15092 Not like how I like to write Metal and the events of Sonic Heroes and post Sonic Heroes, but this type of ending always had some potential for nice drama.
>>15086 I like Omega and Gemerl, wish they had more going on in IDW since I like their interactions in that canon.
>>15100 I feel like Omega's line here doesn't go as hard at it could have, but it's okay. Just doesn't feel dramatic enough for some reason.
>>15105 >>15117 Yeah, Eggman's showing some twisted fatherlyness towards Metal here, just the way it should be. It's like he's proud of Metal in his own sort of way.
>>15110 >>15112 >>15114 It's funny how close to canon this is, Amy just can't get enough of her bad boys and tries to help everyone. Sonic'd confused look when she returned Metal back to Eggman will always be funny. Anyways I really like Amy's style here, close to her classic look but more modern and human to take into account a more anthro-esq design, has just the right amount of boyishness.
>>15118 Laaaamee! I like Sage being evil! She should be proud to be a villain, or at least proud to take after her father. But her and Belle are cute here, shame Sage had to suffer from IDW-ification for it to happen.
>>15146 I just noticed that Metal had such girly eyelashes here. But it is neat how he basically goes in the opposite direction of his IDW self.
Image:174079459227.jpg(564kB, 2063x3131)if scourge was in boom 1 by arrow_marrow.jpg
>>13690 Today I'm going to run through a bunch of Twix comics that has been built up for a while. Just a random bunch. Let's start with a comic I was hoping would be continued... but hasn't past a handful. This is If Scourge Was in Boom!
>>15458 >Ah the lovely citizens of Hedgehog Village. Fun fact: they ended up getting more screentime because Sega was too restrictive on what they could do with the game cast. In a lot of episodes you can tell they had someone else in mind when writing them
>>15482 What's that? We haven't done a fancomic with a Sonic OC that's a female hedgehog being romanced by a popular character? Well, let's fix that. This is That's How I Met Him!
>>15479 >It's like a giant squid thing. Pretty cool looking. It being the old Mobotropolis palace but turned into a dystopian technological nightmare is so cool >>15480 >If only Lanolin was written like Sally. It wouldn't be that hard. If only anyone who isn't Rough and Tumble were written interestingly!
>>15485 Hey isn't that the pink girl from naruto? I guess love interests sometimes choose each other instead of the mc or the brooding rival.
>>15493 OCxAmyxShadow Hmmm >You're not a real fan if you don't have an OC that you ship with a character! Yep, that's the mark of a true OC! Just wait until I marry Surge in OC, and don't worry Thirstposter can have Knuckles!
>>15492 >pink OC girl wants to fuck Shadow Oh no, it's Sonic Future all over again! >>15493 >You're not a real fan if you don't have an OC that you ship with a character! Fact check: True! >>15496 Sisko was a lot of fun, but Janeway's the best captain because she's a genocidal maniac. Ain't no Federation law in the Delta quadrant!
>>15499 I rarely see a fanwork that doesn't include ABT's Lanolin stuff even if it isn't canon to IDW. Characters just don't have relationships or do stuff outside of Sonic so Lanolin gets some friends and by pretending she's been in the Restoration since it's found x weeks/months ago her personality seems more justified. Also the insanity and paranoid delusions are fun, although very Surge coded. I guess they'll have to fight over who has the worst mental health.
>>15503 Love me some Sonic and Sally. Eespecially here, but did Sonic give birth to the girl?
>>15505 Eggman and Tails should be allowed to scrap more, both using inventions and just hitting each other.
Image:174079601524.jpg(509kB, 1000x2890)tails eggman fight 4 by BlueSpheres07.jpg
>>15507 Tails, no! >>15504 >Oh no, it's Sonic Future all over again! These filthy shippers need to get their shit together and put out a substantial comic and stick to it!
Image:174079612294.jpg(411kB, 1000x2250)temptress by RoseRaptorArt.jpg
>>15513 And we end with Sonaze! That's it for this week! Next week (hopefully at the right time) we'll do more comics! I have so much backed up. I might consider doing two days a week. We'll see.
>>15513 I would have liked Eggman to be proud of Tails instead, they've known each other since Tails was nine, they should be pretty close even if they're enemies. Bur close in like a fucked up father-son sorta way, Eggman just keeps collecting fucked up war criminal children with Sage, Metal, and Tails.
>>15502 That artstyle works great with humans and mobians >>15503 Awww! >>15505 So cool! >>15506 One day Konductor, one day! >>15508 He's actually pretty smart, but defers to Tails for plans because he's a genius
>>15508 I've seen someone say that Sonic can be pretty smart, mainly with his math. And don't forget his deep philosophical approach when it comes to life and freedom! >>15509 >I rarely see a fanwork that doesn't include ABT's Lanolin stuff even if it isn't canon to IDW. I do wonder why ABT hasn't done a Lanolin story. He obviously wants to and shown he can be a good writer. Maybe he doesn't want to deal with Sega mandates cramping his style.
>>15510 >These filthy shippers need to get their shit together and put out a substantial comic and stick to it! And stop spinning out into AUs within AUs ;_; >>15513 Plot twist: Tails missed but is a quick thinker >>15514 Thanks Konductor! >>15520 >I've seen someone say that Sonic can be pretty smart, mainly with his math. And don't forget his deep philosophical approach when it comes to life and freedom! He's got a high degree of emotional intelligence, thinks quickly in battle, and can fly and repair aircraft. I'd say he's above average, but Tails is the second smartest character in the setting (after Gerald) so he leaves the gadgets and strategies to him
>>13690 >>10620 Today we have some random ass stuff! Let’s start with a continuation of A Maelstrom's Mobius Misadventure, that Naruto crossover comic where the only Sonic character we saw (aside from Sally on the cover) was Robotnik. In case you forgot, this is Naruto before the Chuunin exam, which was pretty early in the series, and Naruto was sent to Mobius along with an OC ramen lady. After fighting some of Robotnik’s forces, they managed to escape. Let’s see what happens next!
>>15722 Personally I don't like random people that can't help get sucked into stories like this because you just know they're only going to be a hindrance to the heroes.
>>15729 And that's it for now. I guess this will be continued later on. >>15728 The funny thing about Sonic fancomics is that random crossovers are the norm. Nothing will outdo the Kamen Rider one.
>>15727 You can tell it's Sally because of the butt! >>15732 >I have a couple Deviantart artists that push Shadamy so expect a lot of that. It does clear up Sonic's dating calendar for Knuckles at least!