/sssr/ - Супер Специалист Cоник Pиде

Board stats: 14511 posts, 31 threads

Posting a new thread on /sssr/
General Chat and Updates #1Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
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This thread and the proceeding ones will be the main hub for general chat and any updates. Feel free to make threads of more specific topics, preferably ones with a substantial amount of content. Link them here as well as any updates to get more eyes on it.

Storytimes will be in a separate thread. Smaller fancomics will be in a general fancomic thread. Larger fancomics (50+ pages) can have their own thread. You can still post comics in this thread if it's in the single digits.

IDW comics can have their own threads but you can post previews of any kind in these threads as well as in the IDW threads.
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Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
So I can do the permalink thing:
Or I can just add >>>/co/463958 to the typed out start I used for the previous threads on /co/.
Just need to refresh my memory.
Unofficial Conductor ## VIP
Unofficial Threads #1: >>>/co/441769 #2: >>>/co/442938 #3: >>>/co/444299 #4: >>>/co/445531 #5: >>>/co/446501 #6: >>>/co/447788 #7: >>>/co/448671 #8: >>>/co/449430 #9: >>>/co/450408 #10: >>>/co/451275 #11: >>>/co/452685 #12: >>>/co/453667 #13: >>>/co/454689 #14: >>>/co/455816 #15: >>>/co/456799 #16: >>>/co/457858 #17: >>>/co/458726 #18: >>>/co/459491 #19: >>>/co/460180 #20: >>>/co/460965 #21: >>>/co/461775 #22: >>>/co/462591 #23 >>>/co/463958 #24: >>38
Sonic Future: >>>/co/442673
Sonic Genesis: >>>/co/440714
A Sly Encounter: >>>/co/440121
ASO #253: >>>/co/458897
Mobius Legends #3: >>>/co/458978
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Unofficial Conductor ## VIP