>>10929 >>10932 the funniest part about this vid was Tails starting out a Forces-style sonic asskisser, then when Trump becomes the coolest he is the first one of them to switch sides
>>10942 So we saw how IDW Sonic dealt with this, now there's Fleetway Sonic. I feel like Archie Sonic would tell her he doesn't have time to fight her and if she has a problem with the doctors then she should help him take them down but he won't condone killing them. Unless she pisses him off, he's the one most likely to run from a fight he feels isn't worth it to focus on the real problem but he is the easiest to piss off and goad into a fight. Fleetway Sonic gets mad a lot but it's more annoyance than real anger.
>>9952 The legal process is a serious matter, Miss Acorn. The American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.8(j) prohibits sexual relationships with those you provide legal counsel to. Young Mr Prower may still choose to represent himself but Dr Cowell’s rights would be at stake if Mr Prower’s evidence were filtered through his lover.
In my case I took all the frustration I felt with Sonic's broken worldbuilding and lackluster storytelling and channeled it into my own better version.
>>8883 >>8885 One day, Tails will build/invent alloy/limbs that's both super tough and very lightweight then Bunnie can sit in Antoine's lap! >Note: 'Twan will still sit in Bunnie's lap.
For all the lewd thoughts and posts. This thread is mainly cheesecake and "nudity" as in the kind of casual nudity you can expect from mobians. Some rules. >No NSFW! That means no nipples, no genitals, no sex. If you're unsure then at least put an NSFW spoiler on it. >First rule only applies to images. You can still post links to fapfics. >Fetish stuff that doesn't break the first rule is fine. I don't kinkshame but I know that the Sonic fandom has some... interesting tastes. >Keep posting moderate. Posting several or a dozen at a time is fine but not dozens. We don't need every piece of naughty fanart here, just post ones you want to share. >If possible, please provide source of some kind. Even the artist name is fine. If you can't then that's fine.
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>>6689 Joeadok is from South Africa. >>6691 If you're into Sonic but don't have a fetish then you're the odd one out. >>6692 The faces are good and the Eggman logo with a top hat is nice.
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No.4424 After Dark Storytime: TLSCthirstposter ## VIP
Image:171970222762.jpg(1.60MB, 1942x2954)We have such sights to show you.jpg
Greetings /co/cksluts, it's time for our darkest ~after dark~ storytime! Picking up from Mobius 25 years later (Archie Sonic #131–144), which finished in 2004, Penders initially planned on releasing The Lara-Su Chronicles back in 2012. 12 years later, and 20 years after the original story concluded, it's finally here! Send help!
I'm not going to storytime the whole M25YL, but I will revisit the last issue since the final page has been changed. Don't worry, I'll be providing a summary for each issue in case you haven't read it.
After scouring the Internet for a copy of this, I finally found one uploaded by Kiwi Farms user MerriedxReldnahc, who was brave enough to not only purchase, but to read and scan this abomination. Thanks to them! They've done a great job scanning this one so all I had to do was convert the pages into jpegs.
>>7493 For completeness, here's THE LOST ONES (movie? tv series? web original? fever dream?) trailer. From it we can at least work out our full cast: Particle - Can control electrons to mess with electronics and human nervous systems Particle's sister - Can breathe underwater. Maybe turns into a mermaid? Older guy - Can fly by manifesting Ray the Flying Squirrel-esque arm flaps, but only in front of stock sci-fi backgrounds Cute guy - I don't think he has any powers? Possibly standing in Penders' study. Might be the FBI agent working with Particle
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>>7483 His ego is probably all that stands in his way, he sees himself as a comic artist/writer, not as a novelist. He could have written his entire "K'nox" story as novels even before the lawsuits and by the time anyone would have catched up... statute of limitations would have been long due.
>>7487 >Would you really want to read a novel by him?
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This thread is for the IDW Sonic comics. So if that's all you want to talk about then you can do so here (you can still talk about IDW in the general thread). Let's start with Fang the Hunter #3. Why that? Because it just came out and I don't feel like posting the previous issues! But don't worry, here's links to the first two.
Fang the Hunter #1 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/141741723
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