>>245399 Disney television series, not a Disney movie. As long as the writing is good, passable animation is fine in my books. And plus, it's a preview. I don't know the workflow of western cartoons but maybe it's just the earliest complete parts they could show. Or maybe they aren't in the groove of making it. Only time can tell.
>>245399 >BUT........ I seen independent animation, sometimes made FOR FREE, look BETTER than that. I completely agree, but it's not a good comparison to make.
Independent hobbyist animation is a completely different ballgame, especially in this decade. They're often much shorter, don't require an entire series to be made, and lack deadlines. Plus, professional televised animation tends to lack the passion of hobbyist animation. A passionate artist will go back and fix mistakes, for art's sake. A professional animator often has deadlines up their ass, and a preset, economical end result they are told to make. Artistic flair will be inconsistent with the rest of the animation, and we can't have that!
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>>245413 Is reminds me of some anon a few years ago who was explaining how Nicole was born into Russian aristocracy. yes she has a British VA, but the thought was that she and Gumball are Russian Blue cats.
Seems the previous thread stopped bumping= http://boards.plus4chan.net/co/t240623.html#p240623
As before, any cartoon/comic/videogame anthro character is welcome here (unless they have their own threads already). Porn goes to /PCO
Hecate is from Devil Survivor, or this anthro iteration of the Triple Goddess of the Moon, Witchcraft and Crossroads is from Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine, an MMO.
>>244863 Considering they held the past rights to one version of TMNT and the current rights to Sonic, you could say they did. ;) But yeah, Mad House was one of the last of the old-time funnybooks and they did the occasional furry story or gag. I was looking for scans of a couple from an old Mad House digest I've got and found that instead. Here's another oddity:
>come here from real 4chan because /co/ might get merged with /tv/ and /lit/ >no catalog >multiple adventure time threads >mlp isn't quarantined >can't start a thread with a jpg
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>>244546 Well, if I recall correctly (and if it is indeed the origin of this stupidity), that incident as Cho told it, was Rucka abusing his position due the terms of his contract giving him absolute power over the book's content, not simply the publisher mandating policy. Of course, considering that now it is clear Cho is a bit of an asshat, I think it's quite possible that his version leaves a LOT of details on what caused the issue.
I think one important part to this is to remember Cho had to get dicked around a lot since he started in newspaper comics, not regular comics. The folks that he had to deal with there were a lot less free with what he could do and were wont to just trash anything they didn't like without having to pay for his work.
Now that totally doesn't excuse him, but it makes sense to watch his reaction considering what his editors used to do to his work.
During the early days of Mainframe they had some insanely talented people, especially the writers. Beast Wars, Reboot, and Shadow Raiders are still some of the best written cartoons ever.
>>244270 It got good by Season2. Most of Season1 was pretty mediocre, with Terrorsaur being a poor man's Starscream, and some truly atrocious episodes to boot (like the bean incident). Even later on in season 3 there were some stinkers like those stupid cavemen children... brrr. I rate BW high on the list, but I feel Animated has a much better rewatch value.
Sorry. Seems the site is having problems, when posting a comment it just keeps on loading without ever stopping, and reloading and reposting results in a duplicate.
Previously on Spider-Man, Jameson rented the Iron Man Mk. I amour re-purposed into a robot as a means to reveal Spider-Man's identity on live TV, but failing that, decided to re-purpose the robot into a suit of armour for his own use, but then the armour malfunctioned almost leading to Jameson's death until he was saved at the last moment by Iron Man and Robertson. Also I guess Spider-Man did something, too?
>>243717 Likely talked into it by someone that hasn't been anywhere successful in peddling his nonsense and has been taken more as a joke. Bet he thinks Archie is sabotaging him.
For what it's worth the next issue of Squirrel Girl has a guest artist who sticks to the same general style of the main artist, including Doreen's "nonconventional" looks, but it it's enough to make it look miles better.
Feels like Marvel wants to do similar with Peter and Miles as DC has tried to setup between Ted and Jaime and just fade Peter into a more mentor role. Problem with that it doesn't matter how fond you are of your new pet people still know Spider-Man as Peter Parker. Not Miles.
They've pushed that kid into so many places and I've not see much a response other than "oh its Miles."
In the Ms.Marvel comics they looked to give him a more SCIENCE bent that they usually only touch with peter every one in a blue moon. That could be his thing if he'd ever be written well and consistently.
All those communication issues. >Bismuth didn't get to learn about Lapis Peridot defecting when that could have taught her the value of mercy. >If the Rubies weren't misdirected they'd have taken Jasper off-planet before she could get corrupted. >Steven knowing what happened to Pink Diamon would have changd how he handled both encounters.
>>242856 Yea. I'm pleased with the last bit of stuff that he did. I knew there would be a new guy for the Ducktales stuff coming up. Just wondering whom. I don't want them to ape Young in doing it. Find their own voice in Scrooge.