Nnnnnnnope. You should just use IMDB or Wikipedia, to search for all animated series produced before a certain year. It might take you a month to dig through all of them, but you should be able to find it.
Ho ho HO, motherfuckers! Since some people of questionable moral character have decided to cancel Christmas, and make Amazon wishlist posting illegal on /co/ Prime, this is where all the wishlists and updates to the pastebin will be posted. If you recently gifted someone, post the list and declare that anon gifted. If you had your gift delivered, ask for your list to be removed from the unglfted collection. You should also post a photo as proof (to avoid trolls) This thread is for list stuff only, discussion and streaming and storytimes will still be happening on /co/ Prime.
Ungifted lists for 2024: https://pastebin.com/CkR1CvK3 ALL lists: https://pastebin.com/ymMUMGHN
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So why doesn't Chikn just go out with Slushi? He keeps complaining about not having a girlfriend, all while Slushi is literally right there and doesn't have anyone pining for her. >Dur... she a lesbian. No Slushi is bi. >Dur... her best relationship is with Sodypop. Listen I know we live in a society, but no dumb fuck is going to promote a MAP in a YouTube Shorts series for children.
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>>473356 Yeah, but in Yugo's defense, nobody, not even Quilby knew that is something that could happen. (I mean Quilby also used the Dofus in S4, and I don't think this happened then...) Yugo was feeling pretty horrified when he learned about this. Certainly, he played with great power, at a cost, but he did it for a good cause. It does explain though why Adamai broke with him for a while. (That and how Yugo fought him for the Dofus).
>>473358 >Yeah, but in Yugo's defense, nobody, not even Quilby knew that is something that could happen. Adamai knew, and warned him several times of the consequences, and even fought him to prevent it.
Mostly digging The Loud House, but with people liking shows like Harvey Beaks and Miraculous Ladybug, The Jungle Movie for Hey Arnold finally being made, and those Nick Animation Podcasts episodes, I thought it'd be appropriate.
>>473271 No that’s suppose to be red after fusing with the metal creator adamantine. A actual cluster analog would be the GunKube which basically just a giant sentient cube comprised of thousands of dead metals and their guns, who’s only only goal is to make the rest of existence as equally miserable as it
>>473130 Frida's marra is named Kelly, David's Marra is nameless, people from the crew referred to her as Twintails, but that's a nickname, she doesn't have a proper name.
Anybody here wanna share fanfiction they've made of cartoons/animations they like? I wanna see what some of you might be cooking up. I've made a few Ongezellig fics over the past few months, and I plan to put out a forth very soon. https://archiveofourown.org/users/FrankHasslesSon
i'm working on an X-Men fanfic. my OCs have their own OCs and I think I'm in too deep. this is also the best thing I've drawn since 2021 so I'm posting it everywhere. (technically, the character on the right is an OC created by a canon character.)
>>472897 The first episode honestly was Rick and Morty tier humor and the pitch was humorously pathetic, pretending it's the only webshow for edgy teenagers ignoring the literal two decades of webshows for edgy teenagers. Also W4k fanbase is obnoxious, at the same level of undertale fans.