I'm tasked to write a script with a deadline and i need help. I have a story, i got the plot, synopsis, beginning and end, but i just can't get the middle to tie it all together. It feels weird honestly, i know what i would like to put in the middle but i don't know how to write it. Pretty much a bad case of writers block i guess. Heh, i just realized that i have the same problem as SpongeBob when he's writing his essay.
>>440403 With how long it's been since it was announced, and the trailer showing halloween town and everyone trick or treating I fully expect it to not be out until Halloween this year. If it's not out by then I don't think I'll be able to wait another year.
The Unofficial Ride continues here! You'll find various Sonic fancomics and you can talk about it all here. Updates for comics can be posted here as well and anyone can contribute.
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>>441053 Yeah, very old comic. If I do return to it, I'll debate on whether or not to redo it since there are a lot of things I've learned since then. Thanks for the feedback everyone both positive and negative :3
>>439993 Huh, that I did not know about. Probably as I never watched this show. Is this the whole transvestite superhero show where the guy turns into a female hero?
>>439643 I had a fine Christmas, and will have a fine New Year. Online? I guess I will try to join/have streams more. Always more fun to watch stuff with people you know and like. 4chan-wise, I had a successful SS (Secret Santa).
>>439454 The videogame development workers in America have finally begun unionising, because conditions have gotten so fucking ridiculous the anti-union pro-corporate propaganda can't forestall it any longer.
Another year has passed and we do not forgot about making our christmas card. From /ac/ólito (hispachan's /co/) we desire a merry christmas and a happy new year!
>>439576 >>439579 As fas as I know the american Ips are allowed, I'm not sure about other foreign IPs, thought. Tell me what you wanted to post and I'll do it for you. >>439573 If you are interested on this, the guys from PLW, smuglo and anoncafe organized a global christmas crosspoting event
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I've read Plunge lately, turns out it's also by Joe Hill, with art by Stuart Immonen (probably what got me interested). It's about a salvage operation of a direlect ship, where they find intelligent alien bugs with a hivemind who took over the crews bodies, driving them like zombies, they want the salvage crew to open the hatch under the derelict where there's a giant egg for the bugs to mate with. So far. The book is not yet complete.
But it adds just another layer of creepy with every single new issue, solving part of the mystery but making it deeper and worse. I really like the timing of each issue; it gives you what you want and also makes you want to have more.
Are the rest of Joe Hill's comics like that too? I might have to start checking them out, which one would you recommend?
>>423120 Not that OP is still here to read this, but Basketful of Heads got a sequel. It's titled... Refrigerator Full of Heads. Anyway, it's a continuation of the same story, with now even more Norse artifacts, and even more chopped down but still living heads, starting with a great white shark.