>>234382 might be useful in all those shitty super tangential threads on /co/ where comics are only vaguely noticeable in the OP pic, then it devolve to feminism/ecelebs/sexuality shit.
>>233560 It turned out rocky for the first few years, with some good books. Then DC mostly got its shit together (I don't think it had a controversy in almost two years) and released more decent books. Of course there's still shit (The Earth 2 line, current Wonder Woman), but the good/bad ratio definitely increased over the years, at least in my opinion.
I totally get why New52 is still disliked, but, IIRC, it has yet reach the terribleness of Identity Crisis, Cry for Justice and Rise of Arsenal.
I for one really like TeenTitansGo! I was with the hater at first but then I saw an episode where they all died horribly trying to stop BeastBoy from jumping into a volcano because he thought he was dead. Thats zero fucks giving I can get behind! Did Johnny Test end with everyone dead? I think not! But to be fair it had ONE funny joke about him burying a robot friend in the backyard and his parents freak the fuck out becaust they think he killed a guy. That funny and twin science red heads are nice but the rest sucks dog dick.
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Dan DiDio and Jim Lee interview: http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/lee-didio-call-june-launches-first-of-many-steps-in-building-the-new-dc-comics
It really seems like a genuine turnaround for DC, so consider me optimistic.
>>233112 Anyone can say anything on 4chan. The moment you stop treating posts as declaration of actual facts, but as 99% opinions and bait, will be the moment your imageboard browsing experience will become much more pleasant.
Well, that was awesome! ...And Surprisingly violent!
Kudos to them in the first two episodes actively tying off some dangling threads from the previous season (not necessarily plot things, but stuff dealing with chacter interactions).
>>232768 It seems unlikely that Peridot will have anything to do with the crystal gems, but your thesis might still be on point if Lapis returns. While she's friendly to Steven personally, she doesn't have the same approach to him as the crystal gems do.
>>232539 No, that was a chat Ken held 10 or 15 years ago, where he revealed Remington was Kragok's son. Now he's apparently forgotten that. Or he's saying he might not be able to legally use that anymore if Ian was the one who established it in the comic. One of the two.
>>231384 The problem is that when you give hateful bigots a door into your groups by making it seem as if you oppose the general concepts that they do--for example demonizing "social justice warriors"--they will take it as the opportunity to take control of the narrative of your peer group. They will always be the loudest and most obnoxious people in the room, and the loudest and most obnoxious people in a group are the ones that everyone--often even the other members of that group, including the ones who disagree--will assume is the majority opinion of that group.
By allowing them to think their opinions are tolerated, you allow them to take over. Vocally opposing feminism is almost always going to lead to your group being taken over by hard-line MRAs and misogynists, not just the background-noise level misogyny that exists in any group. Vocally opposing social justice is going to attract racists and homophobes to your cause and convince them that they are welcome in your group.
These are the realities of the situation. The things you say have consequences, and among them are changing the tide and the perceived social acceptability of your peer groups. It is why GamerGate is and always will be a hate group no matter how badly the genuinely innocent people who genuinely care only about "Journalistic Integrity" try to convince themselves their group is salvageable.
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>>231384 Social Revenge Warrior is a pretty apt way to describe the latter and is harder to shoehorn people into. It doesn't cover the kinds of self-righteous people who invent windmills to get upset over, but they exist in literally every ideology ever. No need for a name besides "oversensitive". Mature people can deal with that on an individual basis.