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I think I finally understand why I am afraid to watch every new episode. I know this show has to be dumbed down for its """target audience""", and since it relies on a moral lesson at the end, I am scared that they present a lesson that is entirely unrealistic and utopian, something that will not work in real life.
Well, with each new episodes I am yet to see a lesson that flat out does not work in reality. Good on you, DHX and all the writers.
>>418698 I kinda only buy stuff I need for reference art - but only if I like the character in particular. Like, I bought some cheap Catwoman comics for Cyber-C.A.T. only, really - and also 'cause some guy was selling them locally, aka no shipping costs.
Think they're going to have Vehicle Voltron when they get back to Earth? I know it wasn't nearly as popular but I think there's a chance they'll throw it a bone. One of the Galra Commanders is named Throk and that's a reference.
Time for a new one, old one stopped bumping (here: So, we got the origin story of Cooch! Censored by default by the show... ;)
Topic stopped bumping, time to make a July topic. >>418349 Sorry but I have to ask, HOW did you find this episode? I can find nothing beyond 23 and I looked on Kimcartoon, Kametsu, torrents, Sharemania...
Dumped by his girlfriend, fired from his job, and newly homeless, hapless everyman Donald Duck's fortunes appear to flip when he inherits the dilapidated, but antique-engorged estate of his great-grandfather, Clinton Coot. Along with his fellow heirs, Donald wastes no time in trying to profit from the horde of priceless artefacts, only to be dragged kicking and screaming into an immense and deadly cosmic war.
>>418159 Because it’s more exclusive and underground this way. You don’t want to end up on Disney’s radar when they come around to nuke anyone leaking their secret show, now do you?
This current decade was like the 90s. They tried revamping all their characters, but with the keyword being diversity while in the 90s they just made everything "extreme". Then they found out they failed miserably and reverted everything to be more closer to their classical status quo (x-men went back to being a school, avengers went back to... existing, I guess, etc).
The current stupid trends are already blowing over slowly, and they are only being held up by the political climate. I'm hoping by the 2020s we'll get back to having good comics.
I spotted two duplicate entries in the Dog List. Dotty Dog from the Get Along Gang, and the Hawaiian Fox Women has an extra entry as Hula Girls. The Canine List needs Dogaressa from Undertale and Momma Mutt from Samurai Pizza Cats.
>>417462 How about an alien lady in a sexy nurse's Uniform?
I almost included the Kiwi kid's mom from The Adventures Of The Galaxy Rangers (this isn't her) but thought better of it since they're only superficially rabbit-like. Could probably go under Other Species. Maybe a furalien heading? I'd forgotten how many furry-esque races there were on that show.
The old thread stopped bumping, so time for a new one. Old thread here: Anyone heard about this movie? Wolves (2014): - a kid finds out he is a werewolf, but instead of the usual "Oh I have to live with this curse" shit, he rather tries to find his real parents and gets to a town of werewolves to find himself in the middle of a conflict. I liked the costumes (noses are nice and wolf-like) and the whole difference between born and afflicted werewolves - the latter being not nearly as powerful, as well as the otherwise rarely seen thing that they can change at will.
>>248110 Sorry totally forgot, as the episodes are released totally out of order on Kimcartoon >>248128 I knew about the shark dude, main villain, but the female fishies are non,anthro sadly. What episodes had any others?
>>248279 Am I the only one who actively avoids a book now when Bendis gets a hold of it? I stopped giving a shit about X-Men at that time, I stopped caring about Guardians of the Galaxy when it was rebooted with Bendis at helm, and now Superman will be another book I won't ever bother checking.
I mean circa 2005 or so with the New Avengers, his style was okay as it was fresh, but it became just poor by the end of the decade. And even then I only liked it because I wasn't reading Avengers before that to begin with (he axed a lot of the cast on purpose, ignoring entire storylines).
>>247691 I already made another thread but we can use this when 2018 comes. What is the source of this manga? Link to where I can check it online please?