Since there hasn't been a whole lot to watch this Summer, I gave Duncanville a try. And I love it. I never fell for the "every show on FOX is just a Family Guy clone" stereotype, but after a while I stopped tuning in on Sundays/Mondays. Now it's a weekly tradition. Not more I can say other than Kim's freakin adorable and Duncan's friends suck.
No.420761 Yet another webcomic thread because bump limitAnonymous
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Lackadaisy updates once a month with 2 pages technically, which is not that bad. Latest one is perfect to read out of context, because all the context is provided anyway:
>>437288 I mean its a character speaking not a perfectly written letter, someone might well say "there has" especially if they speak in a gruffer and less genteel fashion.
>My, anon, you're looking worn. Not to worry; I've got just the remedy for that. Well, think of it as more of a consolation prize. Of course, I think you can agree when I say we'll both enjoy this...
Old one reached the bump limit. I still maintain threads older than a month should be deleted (except on /coc/, but that's just me.
Let's start with something interesting. /co/ Prime found a weird edgy comic which..... needs to be seen by everyone. Storytimed here:
>>437093 Maybe they moved up in the world as they grew older, went from trailertrash sluts to filthy whores that got a sugardaddy to buy them some fake tits.
The hype for this show is killing me. Opening: // Ending: // The hype threads are already full of shiposters and contrarians. The only worthwhile thought at the moment is that Star is Disney's answer to Steven Universe but we still have to wait to see the comparasion.
>>436778 This was only suppose to be a free question for the anons thinking on who should eat the giant ice cream sundae, commenting about it with an image
Previous one stopped bumping. Link here: Starting this off with The Donkey King, shared the english rip with Kimcartoon and they uploaded it recently.
>>243614 The general thread is still open over there. But I'm fine with avatar threads back on +/co/. It's not like there is really enough to talk about theses days.
>>243615 Are you saying you condone underage orgies, Mr. Twist? 'cause I think that is what I'm reading here.
As it was mentioned, this is the backup /co/ board, so it's not as fast as normal 4chan. Most people check the place a few times a day, more like a traditional forum.