>>242832 ........ aaaaaaaaand we been lied to. It was just a picture of Aku in the background of a shitty stream. Fuck those people. Not even bothering to post the image, it was a generic face.
>>242919 I should have played the game before so I could have a better understanding of the slingshot scene. Then I could have been all "wait, where was the triple birds that you tap on after launching to split up?" and then all "ohhhhhh"
This is a thing I had on a "watch later" list for years, after discovering it on the Internet, which I finally got one day (and it was amazing). Apparently a really good composer wrote the score, as well as really quality songs. That was good enough to remember.
So I watched it, and I liked it. Yes it's dated, but in a way I like. It came from a mind of a visual genius and a lover or classical music, and a man very much stuck in the 60s/70s, Mike Jupp. He put together a team and somehow managed to get funding tow make 2 seasons, and lucky enough to get commissioned for 2 more. Oh, and it's a show from Britain.
The premise is that on a planet (just a planet) one half is the Land of Dreams (see: utopia) with little to no conflict and the residents getting pleasant dreams at night from a wizard, and the other side being the Land of Nightmares (clever name) with a population being more-or-less parody of working class british men ruled over by lord of all nightmares. Pretty much every episode the lord of nightmares sends his very british minions to the other side of the planet to steal the Dreamstone, a dream transmitter or close to it, to send everyone constant nightmares. The underlings frequently succeed, but thwarted at the end by various means.
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>>242284 The wizard feels VERY british to me. Maybe it's because I consumed enough british media, but I think if americans were writing the show the Dream Maker would talk completely differently, and have different dialogue.
Channels on video sharing sites dedicated to showcasing new animated works, such as shorts, tests, experiments, and music videos. Let's tell each other about them!
An animation company from Denmark: https://www.youtube.com/user/viborganimation/videos
>>241332 Wait, I'm not recommending using a formula. I meant this thread to poke fun at the repetitive nature of most cartoons/comics we enjoy. I didn't mean comics you made yourself (however, that would be fine too).
>>241337 Oh, well that is a very different topic. Well in that case, the general pattern in a show I watch is: 1. Character engadges in cuts but midly unsettling or immature interest. 2. This leads too or is interrupted by an equally strange threat of mundane to catostrophic consequences. 3. In either case, the threat is handled violently while characters use is as a vehichle to discuss mundane things. 4. The threat is handled in spectacular confrontation and the main characters of the episode celebrate victory.
These logs were alright, though I wonder why they weren't in minisode format. Was expecting Garnet to eventually reach that solution to Peridot's discomfort around her. Peridot's love of shipping I didn't, but should have given how I already thought that she's basically 4chan.
Did all of KC Green's comics go down, or is it just me? Either my connection is having very specific issues, a webhost is having issues, or KC is having issues. http://kcgreendotcom.com/ http://www.gunshowcomic.com/ http://backcomic.com/ http://hiagb.com/
A 720p torrent of Kerub's Bazaar just came up on t411. Not fully seeded yet but I don't think it's an upscale, so might be worth keeping an eye on it (you'll need an account to download it). Includes French CC.
I had the chance to watch the movie last night (no spoilers although you're clearly asking for it) and damn, that shit was good. It has some flaws, like a little too much humor mixed in with parts that I feel should have been more serious (one scene made me shed a couple tears and laugh all at once, and while they might have wanted to lighten up the mood, I feel it just made it weird and cut short to the emotion), but I'd recommend it anytime to a Wakfu or Dofus fan. Solid animation, generally good humor, very nice eye candy (fight scenes), PLOT TWISTS I never saw coming, and lots of silly innuendo like panty throwing and crotch shots.
I'd be hard pressed to put a content rating on it with all the violence and innuendo, but it's absolutely more mature than Kerub's Bazaar and Wakfu. I don't feel like they made the movie all that approachable to outsiders unfortunately, but that's hard to gauge when I've known the franchise for years. The humor got across well judging by the audience's reaction, but I can only assume that some parts (and especially words or names) left people confused. They quickly start throwing around names like Bonta, Brakmar and Ecaflip, and things like Boufbowl and Huppermages, with little to no explanation. It's not immediately obvious why there's eyes in the walls of Joris's room, and while you soon realize the house is alive, they never mention the fact that it's actually a demon.
I thought the pacing was a bit off the mark although the story in general I have no complaints about. I felt like they packed a lot of scenes into those 100 minutes (not filler, just enough development that they could have made two slightly shorter films) and by the time they actually set out for the Ivory Dofus I was wondering how much of the story would be kept for the rest of the hypothetical trilogy. But the movie turned out to completely wrap the story so that it wouldn't matter if they don't make another, which is good since they apparently didn't do great in France.
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>>240372 Keep it simple, maybe we'll see something that they had a nice chat about things and decided they need to work together towards her best interests.