Ho ho HO, motherfuckers! Since some people of questionable moral character have decided to cancel Christmas, and make Amazon wishlist posting illegal on /co/ Prime, this is where all the wishlists and updates to the pastebin will be posted. If you recently gifted someone, post the list and declare that anon gifted. If you had your gift delivered, ask for your list to be removed from the unglfted collection. You should also post a photo as proof (to avoid trolls) This thread is for list stuff only, discussion and streaming and storytimes will still be happening on /co/ Prime.
Ungifted lists for 2024: https://pastebin.com/CkR1CvK3 ALL lists: https://pastebin.com/ymMUMGHN
I strongly suggest not doing ANYTHING until the event organizers (Elusive, Sane-ish Cat Lady, etc) post ITT and confirm the ungifted pastebin is up-to-date.
And last but not least, remember to NEVER SURRENDER!
Already removed from the UNGIFTED list on the 11th, but 2NADHY2OEXZFL, in case you see this, your gift arrived yesterday (14 December) in a wrapped gift bag, so you should open the box Please confirm here or reply to the post on 4chan that you received the gift. I referred to you as Anon in Ohio at the cheer thread.
>>472901 people use to post their lists once per thread, that was always allowed, I'd suggest you post a short storytime on the main thread and say something nonsensical but that tells people your list is HERE and you are ungifted, but be careful how you worded since some janitor is currently even deleting posts that make reference to ghost posting in the archive so you should be VERY OBLIQUE if you want to do this.
Hello /co/mrads, I wont be posting a Wishlist but I will wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all I trust you've been watching your favorite holiday specials and Christmas comics.
>>472905 yeah it to me a minute to figure it out and I am surprised that they haven't removed THAT post because they removed a post where I said that people could also GHOST post, which many people suggest and it's never a problem, and I didn't mention wish list or Crapazon or anything like that, and then when I made a follow-up after being away for a few hours running errands, and just mentioning that my post was deleted and complaining jokingly that I had wasted four minutes to find the fan art that was posted with that deleted post, and I got a warning telling me that 'complaining about moderation' is a violation.
Merry Christmas, in the name of 8chan, /co/mrades. I heard what 4chan mods did to your Secret Santa event and it's horrible, but I'm glad you found greener pastures here and you won't give up. We are currently hosting an interboard event on 8chan and your friends from /r9k/'s Secret Santa found refuge on our /christmas/ board and they are currently hosting their event there: https://8chan.moe/christmas/res/3778.html You can drop by to say hello and wish them a merry Christmas, it would mean a lot, specially on these trying times
You genuinely can posted that someone is gifted, just need a nickname for each list, rather than the list's code like /a/ has. Next year or whatever, post an email that everyone sends codes to. You can even post instructions on 4chan on how to get the code and then send the email. Posters that want to gift can say "FA from Florida" or the nickname is gifted in the thread without problem. Pictures and thanks can be posted in the thread without issue. Just don't post codes/links directly on 4chan, don't post the pastebin with the codes on 4chan. Could post how to get to the pastebin with the codes with the instructions. Amazon is fine for security, just not posted directly to 4chan.
So how "updated" are the pastebins? I'm asking because I accidentally double-dipped during Nygmapalooza because apparently whoever announced them being updated was allergic to anything other than .com
>>472916 NTA but you are being pedantic, and for someone with OCD, you are being the worse sort of autist in your insistence that this is NOT a solution when numerous people have told you that it is, and YOU are the only person bitching, moaning and frankly shitting up the /co cheer thread with your constant "solutions"
>>472922 You can post the full entire Wish List number here, which is what you should do - since that's the point.
Apparently there are two people who are updating the wish list and they will come here and check to update it, but I am not sure they are going to whom exactly you mean by "#64" - if you meant LINE #64, meaning "QP5WQECVFGGF" - be more clear about that HERE, on +4chan.
>>472923 >I accidentally double-dipped If you mean you got gifted twice, that happens, because even the person who traditionally was doing the list up until this year, elusive, was not 100% on top. Last year, I and someone else gifted the same person, and they got gifted twice. This year, it was caught and someone cancelled one and gifted someone else but another person decided to just let it slide - that must be you?
But yes, they have updated the gift list since this disaster. See here >>472899
This WL hasn't been removed yet >>472922, so that should be the only one, I believe.
Elusive used to put a time and date stamp at the bottom of the UNGIFTED pastebin - see this one from 2023: https://pastebin.com/UqFj18Se - that's ANOTHER thing that has fallen by the wayside this year.
>>472930 Riddler will still gift you, but I know he has not responded to a few people who gifted that day who are still left, if that's what you mean. Always remember you can cancel a gift before it was shipped - I know that was suggested to one person and they did not, so if that is you, I don't know what to tell you.
However, if you want to be nice about it, you can clear someone else, since that was the point of what Riddler does this every year that he has, but I know not everyone can afford that.
>>472921 You're being called a beggar because all you did was complain in addition to your initial "trauma" post. You have been doing the same thing for years now and now that you have been called out, you act like the victim.
Just for clarification purposes, why don't we just use this thread for posting the wishlists and to say whenever someone was gifted and that's it? Every other piece of discussion is in the main thread on /co/ so we have this thread as a way better method of checking the status of the pastebins. At least it would have helped me when I was trying to update the pastebin the other day.
>>472932 Years? I was in it last year for sure but don't recall being and perhaps the year before that. I got the gifts people gave and made no complaints of any worth, if any at all.
It hurts to have hopes for some nice things to give to other people be taken away because someone decided to be an ass.
I've since shut the fuck up about it and gifted someone a nice, fun gift from their list.
I've always, always had a problem with being lead to believe one thing and then having it taken off or changed, so excuse me.
All that said, I did my part and shared the wealth. I could give a rat's ass what happens now.
>>472932 And besides that besides a few actually "cheery" posts and the storytimes/stream reminders, half of the threads are people bitching or trying to poke the mods.
>>472934 I for one don't understand the complaint when your gift list is still intact. You were making a huge deal about it despite your list not being empty like other anons. This is why the guy from the main thread was reacting the way he did. You going the reverse psychology route by repeating the rat's ass comment while pointing out you shared the wealth really doesn't help. But I guess not arguing about it anymore is the best possible option.
>>472924 People are NOT coming here though. The whole thing is stifled. Posts linking to plus4chan get banned
The post of email instructions is still up and will stay up I'm told by a mod. And now we don't need codes, urls would be fine simplifying the process.
Why do YOU demand EVERYONE uses another website so you don't have to change what you've done?
>>472938 >I'm told by a mod So all of a sudden, you're in direct contact with a mod or what?
>And now we don't need codes, urls would be fine simplifying the process Are you from r9k or why are you insisting on everyone posting URLs when codes are shorter and when it's literally a non-issue?
>>472939 This is /co/, not /r9k/. You should check with r9k people who are setting up a similar method
>>472941 >The step to find your code is no longer needed It never was "needed". It was decided to do it this way to keep in neat and clean since it's the only part of the url that is actually unique. Also it helps to filter out list-droppers that wouldn't even bother to read the OP. If using it is somehow too complicated for you, it's a (You) problem, and I've got literally a decade's worth of precedent to prove it.
>>472942 Yeah basically this. Judging from some posts on here it is really clear most people who are adamant about using the e-mails are r9k people who want to join in but don't want to conform to the ruleset which has been in place for almost a decade
>>472938 It's great that mommy and daddy love you very much and they aren't going to delete your posts, or threaten to ban you, or warn you because they love you so much. That's truly FABULOUS, son.
But since no one wants to do your shit your particular way, give it a fucking rest, you're as annoying as anyone else.
The cheer threads are as much about hanging out, exchanging memories and making new memories, which is a lot of what people like about it. Nothing you are wasting all this time and energy on is contributing in any real positive way, not when the vast majority of the other kids in the playground could give two fucks about you and your great relationship with Mommy and Daddy.
>>472948 Everyone is using them, codes are just simplified links to the list. A step that isn't nessessary if the links are offsite, still allowed but an extra unnecessary step.
>>472952 Yeah, I can imagine it's a pain, I wonder if there's an embed code you can simply insert like in an MS Word document, or other word processing, that works with pastebins?
Makes you appreciate all the work elusive has been doing all these years, in addition to holding down an actual job at the same time!
>>472949 They're not going to delete anyone's posts as long as amazon links aren't posted on 4chan. Meanwhile you can't even answer where Secret Santa is supposedly happening on 4chan.
Lol, they've deleted my post after all. Dunno if I got banned yet, since I can't phonepost from work on vanilla 4chan anyhow (like I am now). At the very least, people will be able to check desu for a clue now.